high5 发表于 2011-3-30 08:12:34

【桥梁书 亲子共读】4月份 Arthur和I can read level2 阅读交流贴

桥梁书 亲子共读 还延续2月份和3月份的 I can read 这个系列的阅读。 这个月我们开始level 2的阅读, 用Frog and Toad 这个经典系列, 以及该作者写的书籍。
Frog and toad 青蛙与蟾蜍20本精编版
Arnold Lobel Audio Collection CD
Mouse Tales(老鼠故事) / Arnold Lobel(艾诺.洛贝尔)作品 / I can read系列

另外, 和初级章节书的阅读相呼应, 有能力的孩子, 还可以阅读Arthur 的一些桥梁书。
Arthur的16本Flash书+音频;2本图片版书+1音频;1本Chapter Book+新增4音频;115盘
清晰版自扫书 ---ARTHUR,litter bear等...(3/17更新)
首发arthur's birthday surprise本人自己制作的pdf书
arthur 自制小书,喜欢的爸妈们去收吧
绘本 Arthur's Computer Disaster
绘本 Arthur (3个故事)

大家可以根据自己孩子的情况定, 读那些书。 前面没有读完的还可以继续。 有能力的孩子还可以多读。 不必拘泥这里列出来的书籍。 只要坚持每天都有读就好了。

tinasu 发表于 2011-3-30 08:16:39


亲爱的小安德鲁 发表于 2011-3-30 08:20:28


2003pcy 发表于 2011-3-30 08:27:16


peterloh 发表于 2011-3-30 08:28:12

喜欢Arthur,喜欢I can read . 继续前进.

Angelbaba 发表于 2011-3-30 08:40:33

【全网首发】An I Can Read book之Arthur's系列9本

aniu_fan_shnws 发表于 2011-3-30 08:46:19


宝宝贝贝2000 发表于 2011-3-30 09:00:39


pangxinger 发表于 2011-3-30 09:05:51


goubao1107 发表于 2011-3-30 09:07:42


霹雳火 发表于 2011-3-30 09:34:33

我们目前正读frog and toad,然后进行老鼠故事及 Arnold Lobel .

ykuaiji 发表于 2011-3-30 09:43:34


猴妈 发表于 2011-3-30 11:25:37

arthur的书小猴基本不太喜欢:L,但是Frog and Toad小猴是非常喜欢的,而且他喜欢的是看故事书。

Frog and Toad的文字非常简练,故事基本从孩子的思维角度出发,非常有趣,插图也很可爱

比如,A Swim的故事里,toad穿着泳衣的样子非常可爱,可是别的小动物只是觉得好笑,因为他们都不穿泳衣的——toad游好后为了不被别人嘲笑而再三再四的躲在水里,最后居然连frog都笑话他了


hanfeng2004 发表于 2011-3-30 12:32:52

3月份看到贴子晚了,只读了一本LITTLE BEAR的。4月份要紧跟版主脚步。

小妖1999 发表于 2011-3-30 13:33:30


high5 发表于 2011-3-30 14:14:00

Frog and Toad Are Friends
by Arnold Lobel
Frog and Toad Are Friends
by Arnold Lobel                           

1. In "Spring," Frog played a trick on Toad. What trick did he play? Why did he do it?
Frog tricked Toad into thinking it was May by changing the calendar pages. Frog did not want to wait a month to play with Toad. He did not want to be lonely. It was a selfish thing for Frog to do.

2. In "The Story," Toad could not think of a story. How did Frog think of a story?
Frog told Toad all the things that Toad did to try to think of a story.

3. In "A Lost Button," did Toad find his button? Where was it? What did he do with all the buttons he found?
Toad's lost button was in his house. Toad sewed all the buttons he and Frog had found on his jacket, and he gave the jacket to Frog.

4. In "A Swim," what did Toad ask others not to do? Did they obey him?
Toad asked others not to look at him because he didn't want them to laugh at his funny swimsuit. The others did not obey him. They all looked at him and laughed at his funny swimsuit.

5. In "The Letter," what did Frog do? Was Toad surprised?
Frog wrote Toad a letter to surprise him. Toad was not surprised, because Frog gave the letter to a snail to deliver. The snail took four days to deliver it.

6. Frog wrote Toad a letter. Frog's letter to Toad was the first letter Toad received. Help make Toad even happier by writing him a letter. Tell him about your day and let him know that you've written a letter so he will no longer feel sad at mail time.

high5 发表于 2011-3-30 14:18:47

Frog and Toad Together
by Arnold Lobel

A List
1. Why did Toad make a list?
Toad made a list to help him remember all the things he had to do that day.

2. What made Toad unsure of what he had to do?
Toad had a list to remind him what to do, but the wind blew it away. Toad could not run after and catch the list because that action was not one of the items on his list.

3. How was Toad able to go to sleep?
Toad could do nothing else that day because he did not have his list. As it grew dark, Toad remembered that the last task on his list was to go to sleep. He wrote those words in the dirt, crossed them out, and fell asleep.

The Garden
1. What did Frog tell Toad to do to make his own garden?
Frog told Toad to plant seeds, give the seeds quiet, and let the sun warm and the rain nourish them.

2. What did Toad do for his flower seeds?
Toad planted the seeds, put out candles for them at night, sang songs, read poems, played music, and fell asleep.

3. Toad thought his seeds were no longer afraid. Why did he think this?
Toad thought his flower seeds were no longer afraid because they started to grow.

1. Toad made cookies. What was good and what was bad about them?
The cookies were so tasty (good) that Toad and Frog could not stop eating them (bad).

2. What did Frog say will power was?
Frog said that will power was when someone attempted to not do something that he or she really wanted to do.

3. Frog and Toad did not eat all the cookies. What did Frog do with them?
Frog put the cookies in a box, tied a string around it, and placed the box on a high shelf. Then he took them down, opened the box, and gave them to the birds to eat.

Dragons and Giants
1. What did Frog and Toad wonder?
Frog and Toad wondered if they were brave.

2. What did Frog and Toad think would prove they were brave?
Frog and Toad thought they could prove they were brave by climbing a mountain.

3. What hardships did they face on their climb?
Frog and Toad escaped a large snake, an avalanche, and a hawk.

4. Do you think Frog and Toad were brave? Frog and Toad did many brave things, but they hid under covers and in a closet when they returned home.
Discuss how courage is doing something of value, usually to serve someone else, even if you are scared. Frog and Toad were scared, but they climbed the mountain anyway. So in that sense, they were brave; but there was no purpose behind what they did, so what they did was more foolish than brave. They put themselves at risk for no reason.

The Dream
1. Toad had a dream. Who was the main person in his dream?
Toad was onstage and in a costume. He was introduced as being the greatest Toad ever. Toad had all the attention.

2. What was Frog's role in Toad's dream?
Frog was in the audience and was a friend. He cheered for Toad and admitted that he couldn't do amazing things—play the piano, be on the high wire, or dance—like Toad did.

3. What did Toad's dream teach him?
Toad learned that if he only thought about how great he was, there would be no room in his life for a good friend like Frog. Toad chose to be a friend to Frog, and not be so selfish.

Write a paragraph: Frog and Toad spend many days together. They help each other, eat with each other, go on adventures together, and treat each other well. Pretend you have a good friend like Frog is to Toad. Write a story about something you did together and how the day turned out.

细数阳光 发表于 2011-3-30 16:05:23


苹果无色 发表于 2011-3-30 20:38:55


monica100 发表于 2011-3-31 00:08:32


zhuer320 发表于 2011-3-31 08:24:12

lei_shen 发表于 2011-3-31 09:05:07

我们刚刚听了Frog and Toad,4月份开读Frog and Toad

hbsyapple 发表于 2011-3-31 10:38:03

好东西。前一阵我们刚刚听读完了Frog and Toad,刚好用这些阅读理解问题来问问他。谢谢!

cherryxufang 发表于 2011-3-31 14:33:48

我们从days with the frog and toad开始,今天听了tomorrow,按照先读后听的顺序重复两至三遍,提问,了解对课文的理解程度,掌握后再往后进行。
开局不错,生词不多,只有scrub和down in the dump不太理解,用英文解释一遍后可以掌握。晚上准备进行第二章,复习第一章。

wangchenyu2006 发表于 2011-3-31 14:43:18

我们最早开始进入桥梁书的故事就是‘The story', 最初还担心字多了他不好接受,哪里知道有趣的故事一下抓住了他,在床上起劲的学那几个动作:倒立,把水倒在头上什么的,现在我印象还很深刻!另外The list也是大爱,那一段每天都要自己列一张LIST,晚上再看都做完了没有。书是好书啊,故事有趣画面温馨,字体超大,音频也很棒,后来还作为朗读的材料,真是完美的一套书!

harry 发表于 2011-4-2 14:30:33


harry 发表于 2011-4-2 14:44:09


hanyhany 发表于 2011-4-6 01:28:31


bowman 发表于 2011-4-6 07:32:46

本帖最后由 bowman 于 2011-4-6 09:02 编辑

过来学习   ,多谢版版整理,要不然对于我这个英语盲妈妈,在众多的资源面前无从下手                              

泥泥护花 发表于 2011-4-6 11:22:00

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