泷泷 发表于 2013-12-24 19:10:00

cl2039996 发表于 2013-12-23 21:46 static/image/common/back.gif
楼主,我弱弱的提个建议,停掉science,开通writesource。为什么?science有点儿难,且这方面资料特别多可 ...



泷泷 发表于 2013-12-24 19:42:13

write source 的资源找到啦,最好可以团购打印 哈哈。


cl2039996 发表于 2013-12-24 20:02:41

泷泷 发表于 2013-12-24 19:42 static/image/common/back.gif
write source 的资源找到啦,最好可以团购打印 哈哈。

http://www.ebama.net/forum.php?mod=viewthread& ...

恭喜!所以你看了后,就会和我想法一致了,直接开学write source ,停掉science,write source G1 非常简单,你家娃没问题。而且说不定你家娃一看到就喜欢上了。

泷泷 发表于 2013-12-24 20:09:34

cl2039996 发表于 2013-12-24 20:02 static/image/common/back.gif
恭喜!所以你看了后,就会和我想法一致了,直接开学write source ,停掉science,write source G1 非常 ...


hahamama 发表于 2013-12-26 12:20:18


泷泷 发表于 2013-12-28 21:14:40

Hello parents! This week we start off by doing some oral practice. We use template sentences to discuss things that we like and why we like them, focusing mainly on food but then moving on to other things we like and why. Next, for math, we learn about measuring the length and height of things focusing on words such as: Measure, Height, Length, Meter, and Centimeter. Students will learn how to identify an object and say how high and how long it is. Third, we focus on action words and giving commands.The students practice telling each other what to do while focusing on the high frequency words Can, DO, and I. Finally we review members of the family and what families do together. For example: "The father CARES for the baby." and "The sister HELPS her brother."

冷心雨 发表于 2013-12-28 21:24:55


冷心雨 发表于 2013-12-29 00:05:43

冷心雨 发表于 2013-12-28 21:24 static/image/common/back.gif


泷泷 发表于 2014-1-3 19:40:11


Hello parents! I hope everybody had an amazing year and I hope we all have a great coming year. This week we warm up with some simple phonics and blending sounds then move on to sounding out words. Next we review what makes a sentence as well as focus on high frequency words such as I, Can, Do, He, Go, Like, A, Has, and You, making simple sentences as well as how to spell them. For oral practice we continue our discussion about food. After we review the foods we like we do some taste testing and talk about what different foods taste like as well as what foods would you use to make a delicious meal. Finally, for science, we learn the difference

between living and non living things, and how living things need air, water, and food to grow.

1. 本周开始会系统梳理自然拼读,并且让孩子听出单词。(听力理解能力培养)

2. 高频词组合造句。

3. 口语练习(讨论食物比如味道怎么样,气味怎么样。)

4. 科学方面会讨论生物和非生物。

fanta 发表于 2014-1-3 22:50:15


泷泷 发表于 2014-1-5 20:01:16



lanlanni 发表于 2014-1-6 14:36:06


hahamama 发表于 2014-1-7 18:12:44


泷泷 发表于 2014-1-7 19:34:37

hahamama 发表于 2014-1-7 18:12 static/image/common/back.gif


hopeybw 发表于 2014-1-7 19:45:15


老君 发表于 2014-1-7 21:37:30


泷泷 发表于 2014-1-11 08:50:48

Hello parents, today we warm up by sounding out simple words using phonics then move on to review our new vocal words for the day: Does, What, Not, and School. Then we read and discuss the story "Jack Can" about helping in the class room. Next we move on to math and learn about parts of an object versus a whole as well simple addition using their math books. For the third period we return to our first topic about helping at school and have the students try and remember to tell me the story. Then we discuss the difference between fiction and nonfiction. Then we read and discuss the story "Nat and Sam." Finally the students practice discussing what they can and can't do with each other using the words they have learned from the reading. They then will make a short book about what they can and can't do followed by a shot spelling test. Homework: Short A Handout

1. 第一课时会简单让孩子用自然拼读法听单词(比如外教老师说flip 孩子自己靠听的拼出flip)。 然后会开始学习新的高频词 Does what not school然后学习Reading workshop书本中的第一单元。

2. 第二课时我们会学习数学。数学内容为部分和整体(加法。)

3. 第三课时我们会回到第一课时中的Reading.并且讨论文章体裁(难点)。

然后我们会阅读Reading Anthology (泛读) Unit 1 week 1

4. 第四课时会然让孩子自己制作一个课本来回顾他们在Reading课堂中学到了什么。

变化太快了 发表于 2014-1-18 15:07:33


thelake 发表于 2014-1-21 13:11:36


anywaygow 发表于 2014-1-22 15:14:25


泷泷 发表于 2014-1-23 22:21:37

G1-R001 寒假复习计划For 泷泷

Week one :   2014.1.20-2014.1.26
1. 熟读精读 Unit One Week OneJack Can
带着问题:What can Jack do?
2. 作文: Our Hobbies
   作文句型:My name is______. I like to _______.
   I________everyday. I like to ________, too. I often________.
   My mother’s name is_____. She likes to_________.
   My father’s name is______. He likes to__________.

3. 读出下列单词:
Cat   bat   mattambam   am
4. 句子改错:
A. tarekis a good boy.

B. Shelikestogotoschool.

C. Does he like to swim.

D. i can touch the ground.

E. Crocodiles are scary

5. 熟读下列句子
A. He has a dog. He likes to swim. He swims fast.
B. I have a dog. I like to swim. I swim fast.
C. You have a dog. You like to swim. You swim fast.
D. She has a dog. She likes to swim. She swims fast.
E. Mary has a dog. Mary likes to swim. Mary swims fast.

6. Social Study:
Family: a. 熟读People and Places书本P14-P17 能看图片描述。

7. Science
a.        What do living things need?
b.        Why is computer not a living thing?

8. Math   用英语写出下列程式:
9-1=8 _______________________________________(minus)

Week Two: 2014.1.27-----2014.2.1
1. 熟读精读Unit 1 Week 2Six Kids
带着问题: What will six kids do?
2. Fiction and Non-Fiction
A. 自己列出五个fiction

B. 自己列出五个non fiction

3 . 读出下列单词
4.阅读泛读Unit 1 Week 1 和 Week 2

5. Social Study
阅读People and Places书本P18-21 并回答P21 Think and Write

6. Science:

Week 3 : 2014.2.3-2.9
1. 熟读精读Unit 1 Week 3
   带着任务: 看图片复述故事。

2. 作文: The Lantern Festival
   作文句型:In this lantern festival, I will_____________.
   The weather of this lantern festival will be____________.
   My parents will___________in this lantern festival.
   I __________ carry a rabbit lamp in this lantern festival.
   I __________see many beautiful lamps in this lantern festival.
   I___________be very happy.
   用will 或者参照句型写出15句左右的小作文。

3. 读出下列单词
   Clapblat   flat   glass

4. 熟读下列句子
A. I will go to school tomorrow.
B. He will go to school this Friday
C. It will be sunny tomorrow.
D. It will be smoggy this Sunday.

5. Math
各写3句True and False 的句子

蒂娜2012 发表于 2014-2-19 10:40:59


lavalise 发表于 2014-2-19 11:35:22


quatdl 发表于 2014-2-26 06:09:29


璀璨 发表于 2014-2-27 00:07:32


泷泷 发表于 2014-3-7 10:44:56


Hello parents and welcome back from break! I hope everybody had a great holiday. First we review the new vocabulary for the week which is: up, down, does, will, school, very, out, and tomorrow. Then we read the story Go Pip! focusing on the word will and things that happen in the future and ending with handwriting practice. Then we continue learning about the future and using the word "will" and use the future to discuss the weather and what the weather will be like in the future as well as focusing on the short /i/ phonics. For oral practice we talk about pets and why some animals are good pets and why others are not.We also discuss what pets do the students have or what pets they would like to have. Finally for science we discuss animals and how they have different traits. Such as mammals have hair and we are animals or that birds have feathers.



1.高频词: up , down, does , will , school, very , out , tomorrow

2.阅读精读Go Pip!




泷泷 发表于 2014-3-7 10:45:35


Today We start off by re-reading A Ping for Cliff and especially focus on the students trying to remember and tell the story before they read. Then we review the difference between a fiction and nonfiction story. We review the high frequency words Be, pull, would, and come and practice using them in simple sentences.For the next period we review important parts of a story such as the characters and the setting and discuss them using the simple future. Then we end with a spelling test. Third, we continue learning about pets focusing on what different pets can do and why you would want a specific animal as a pet. For example, "A cat can climb." or "Turtles can crawl." Finally, for science, we continue learning about different kinds of animals adding reptiles and insects to what we learned last week.We also review that animals grow and change over time as well as discuss where different animals live.


1.阅读泛读 A pig for cliff\

2.复习fiction和nonfiction 和高频词pull would come 并练习用高频词造句



泷泷 发表于 2014-3-7 10:46:16


For Friday we start off learing our new vocab which is: Make, They, too, and fun and practice using them in sentences. Next we review phonics for the short O sound. Then we read and discuss the story Toss! Kick! Hop! Then we move on to social studies and start learning about where people live. The students will hopefully be able to discuss where they live and what their house looks like as well as discuss things that are close together or far apart. We also discuss our address and the students will try to learn how to say their address in English.


1.本周学习新的高频词make, they,too,fun并练习用这些高频词造句

2.本周五阅读精读UNIT 1 Toss kick Hop

3.本周五Social Study讨论我们住在哪里,孩子们也会学习用英语来说住址

泷泷 发表于 2014-3-7 10:46:48

G1-A001 (2014.3.7)学习内容

We start out by reviewing the vocabulary for the week which is: move, jump, run, two, run, can, and use. We also practice blending L and R sounds. Next we read the book Move and Grin and discuss what the book and what happens and what they see. For the next period we discuss rules and how there are different rules in different places such as the rules in your house are different from the rules for class and then driving a car has a lot of rules too.


1.复习高频词阅读精读UNIT1 WEEK5

2.自然拼读L字母组合 和字母R的发音

3.Social Study 各种规则的讨论。

泷泷于2014-3-7 10:55补充以下内容:

长沙琴童 发表于 2014-3-31 22:34:03

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查看完整版本: Wonders is coming 开贴加油。