windymotto 发表于 2014-4-6 22:37:04


2014 Medal Winner & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures, written by Kate DiCamillo and published by Candlewick PressComic book fan and natural-born cynic Flora Belle Buckman and Ulysses, a flying, superhero, poetry-writing squirrel, join forces to overcome Ulysses’ arch-nemesis, Flora’s mother and encounter a quirky cast of characters. Through poignant, laugh-out-loud episodes, this homage to comic books is a testament to the power of love.

“Our dedicated committee of 15 considered hundreds and hundreds of titles in our quest for the best books for children, and I am delighted with our selections,” said Newbery Medal Committee Chair Elizabeth C. Orsburn.

2014 Honor Books Bones, written by Holly Black and published by Margaret K. McElderry Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children’s Publishing DivisionIn this distinctive coming-of-age tale, best friends Zach, Poppy and Alice set out on a life-altering quest driven by the presence of a sinister bone china doll who haunts their dreams and waking hours. Black explores complex questions of sto-rytelling, imagination and changing friendships in this superbly haunting narrative. Year of Billy Miller, written by Kevin Henkes and published by Greenwillow Books, an imprint of HarperCollins PublishersSeven-year-old Billy Miller starts second grade with a bump on his head and a lot of worries, but during the year he develops better relationships with his teacher, his little sister, and his parents, and celebrates a quiet triumph of his own. Came Home, written by Amy Timberlake and published by Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc.In 1871 Wisconsin, love, betrayal, grief and violence spur 13-year-old Georgie on a gripping adventure full of hardship, heartbreak and terror. As she tries to solve the mystery of her sister’s disappearance, Georgie and her brash, humorous voice pull readers along on her journey of self-discovery., written by Vince Vawter and published by Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House Children’s Books, a division of Random House, Inc.Little Man, a sensitive and resilient 11-year-old boy who stutters, ventures beyond the familiar and finds his voice while taking over his best friend’s paper route. Set in the summer heat of 1959 Memphis, “Paperboy” is a moving coming-of-age novel.

yangran 发表于 2014-4-6 23:14:08


yangran于2014-4-6 23:14补充以下内容:

xypexy 发表于 2014-4-6 23:27:26


elamelam 发表于 2014-4-7 00:53:12

本帖最后由 elamelam 于 2014-4-7 00:57 编辑

还没有读过这些新书,但是金奖得主的另一本经典之作 Because of Winn-Dixie 我的儿子很喜欢。这本书也拍成了电影 都是黛西惹的祸。

另外,银奖得主 Holly Black 写的 Spiderwick Chronicles 也是很好看。

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-4-7 04:00:05

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2014-4-14 13:51 编辑

上周孩子刚好读了Flora & Ulysses。把在那个阅读楼里的记录贴过来,和大家分享。

读了2014年纽奖金奖作品Flora & Ulysses。因为这本书作者Kate Dicamillo(凯特•迪卡米洛)和插图画家K.G.Campbell都是屡获大奖的知名作者,所以我本对这本书很有期待的。

先介绍一下Kate Dicamillo,一位优秀的美国儿童文学作家,她的作品包括
Because of Winn-Dixie 《傻狗温迪克》 Newbery Honor 2000 (2000年纽伯瑞银奖),2005年改编成同名电影。
The Tale of Despereaux: 《浪漫鼠德佩罗》 Newbery Medal 2004(2004年纽伯瑞金奖),08年同名动画片上映。
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 《爱德华的奇妙之旅》 (2006)   都教授枕边的心灵鸡汤
Flora & Ulysses: The Illuminated Adventures Newbery Medal 2014 (2014年纽伯瑞金奖)
还有很有名的初级章节书Mercy Watson series(《小猪梅西》系列)等等。

之前读过Because of Winn-Dixie,讲述一位10岁小女孩跟随做牧师的单身父亲新搬到一个美国小镇(母亲在其3岁时离开了这个家)。她捡到一只流浪狗,在这条狗的陪伴和“帮助”下,更好地融入到了新的环境和生活。很温馨的一个小故事,杨杨和我都挺喜欢的。打算读完这本新鲜出炉的纽奖金奖书之后,再看The tale of Despereaux和The miraculous journey of Edward Tulane。

杨杨在读这本书时,并没有像读The 13,26-storey treehouse那两本书时,投入地一气儿读完,而是每天规定页数读完,就放下了。他给我的反馈是,开始时觉得这本书a bit weird, 后来觉得有点儿意思了,读完后说,这本书让他学会的是,不能总认为自己是对的,也要考虑别人的立场和想法。(打分给3.5。)

然后我也读了一下这本书。书中讲了一位喜欢漫画,“天生悲观者”(natural-born cynic)的10岁小女孩Flora在父母离异后,跟写言情小说的母亲一起生活。她救活了一只被邻居Tootie的强力吸尘器吸进去的松鼠Ulysses,并发现这只松鼠具有了超能力,力气很大,能听懂人话,会飞,还会用打字机写诗。(其实虽然开头松鼠的超能力有的莫名其妙,但还是一个挺吸引人的开头,但接下来的情节发展,我个人觉得松散拖沓,梗有点硬。)总之Flora的妈妈不喜欢女儿有这样一个超能力的松鼠,要把它除掉,而Flora在Tootie和其侄孙William Spiver(一位敏感早熟,因心灵受创而暂时失明的男孩) 的帮助下,找到了小松鼠,改变了母亲的态度,也意识到母亲其实有多关心和爱她。我对这本书的插图很喜欢,有加分。Goodreads网站的评论和打分。

windymotto 发表于 2014-4-7 13:47:46


windymotto 发表于 2014-4-7 13:51:24

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-4-7 04:00 static/image/common/back.gif
上周孩子刚好读了Flora & Ulysses。把在那个阅读楼里的记录贴过来,和大家分享。

读了2014年纽奖金奖作品 ...



drben 发表于 2014-4-7 14:00:58


洋洋妈 发表于 2014-4-7 14:11:07

windymotto 发表于 2014-4-7 13:51 static/image/common/back.gif
我今天早上刚从图书馆借到这五本书。我把得金奖的那本书翻了翻:说句实话,我不大喜欢那本书,写得比较啰 ...

说实话,我对这本金奖书本来也期望值很高的,但看完后略有些失望。还有这本书的词汇对孩子来说,肯定会有些吃力。作者特意用了一些Fancy words,或者说很书面话的词来衬托人物性格或表达一种幽默,从好的方面说,可以扩大孩子的词汇,但里面那个小男孩老是这样文绉绉或特深沉的说话,也让人觉得有点矫情。

redalert777 发表于 2014-4-8 10:27:22


妮妮之妈妈 发表于 2014-4-8 11:54:54


windymotto 发表于 2014-4-14 13:00:00

洋洋妈 发表于 2014-4-7 14:11 static/image/common/back.gif
说实话,我对这本金奖书本来也期望值很高的,但看完后略有些失望。还有这 ...


windymotto 发表于 2014-4-14 13:00:53

妮妮之妈妈 发表于 2014-4-8 11:54 static/image/common/back.gif

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