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  • kiele1955

    楼主 2017-2-9 16:11:57 使用道具

    body parts color five senses
    Day1        1.color each crayon the correct color
    如 find the red crayon and color the color red
    娃自行根据首字母音找到了对应的crayon 并涂色

            2.Math and music:fast slow up down red听playtime my car
    This is my car, my car is special, my car is red. My car can go fast, my car can go very slow. My car can go up the hill. My car can go car is little.最后,还加了一句 my car can fly.

            3.Mix the color
    读了white rabbit’color book

    Day2 the paint and mix the color娃要求再玩一次混色,玩的时候虽然能记住,但是过后还是蒙圈,接着再次读了white rabbit’color book
            2.retell little blue and little yellow,自行讲的,不得不说幼儿园老师还是教的好,家里没有这本书,居然不卡壳讲了一些
            3.math :heavy and light tall and short
    How do you think the elephant and mouse who is heavy.who is light
    How do you think you and mommy who is taller,who is shorter?
    要求 answer the question with whole sentence
    Day3        1、social study: make chinese flag
    This is Chinese Flag, we also call it “Five-star red Flag”. It is red and yellow. It has a red field and five golden stars. One star is big and other four stars are small. It is a symbol of People’s republic of China.
            2、math 车子按大小排列\
    妈妈和宝宝 who is taller?who is shorter
    Who is light?who is heavy?
            3.alphabet recongnition
    WRITE UPPERCASE A B C and lowercase a b c

            4、book time and picture time
    Freight train

    Day4        1.研究名字首字母 配合starfall J

            2.Exercise&outdoor play
    Play with hopscotch
    Slowly stretch up and down
    室外滑梯 运动 游泳
            3.draw the rainbow
    Day1        1.color dora’s clothes
            2.Math and music:按从大到小排列peppa’s family
    Head shoulder knees and toes

            3.body part lapbook

    Day2        1.retell mary had a little lamb
    Once up a time, there was a little lamb , he got lost.
    one day , Dora and boots came to visit him. They helped the lamb all the way home.
    First,they go (went)to the bridge, they saw the waterfall, they helped the insy binsy spider climb the water. then they jumped over the moon. And then they saw a car, they got on the car. They all got muddy. They clean in the tub and rode the tub home.DING-DONG, Mary came out. They hugged each other.then they sing the song.mary had a little lamb
            2.讲解inside the body.骨头。这块感觉挺难得,所以主要是中文讲的
            3.math :补充上周的color pattern
    按规律排,排完后我问题can you draw a caterpillar’s head.
    他说。No, it is a silly game.
    Day3        1、math, 比较三岁和快四岁的脚印大小。
    熟悉 heel ankle finger and footprints, handprints.
    用蒲公英拼读学了A B C三个字母

   time:1)from head to toes
    Day4        1.Game: bunny hop
    Let peppa pretend to be a bunny. When you ring the bell, peppa keeps hopping around. When you stop ringing and say a body part, peppa stops hopping and point to the body part as you said.
    用peppa玩偶玩得很开心,娃操作按铃铛,他说了head eyes stomach back leg foot

            2.print awareness
    Day1        1.retell three little pigs and a big bad wolf
    Once upon a time,there are three little pigs, they want to build  houses, one pig build(builds) a straw house, the second pig build(builds)  a stick house, the third pig build(builds)  a brick house, it is very strong. One day, a big bad wolf came to the straw house, “let me in”,the pig said”no”,then I will huff and puff and blow your house down, and he did. The pig ran into his brother’s stick house,and the wolf said “let me in”,the pig(pigs) said”no”,then I will huff and puff and blow your house down, and he did.then the pigs ran into the brick house, the wolf said “let me in”,the pig(pigs) said”no”,then I will huff and puff and blow your house down, but he couldn,t. then the wolf saw a chimney, then he climed up and up and down and down and go into the fire.ouch, he hurt his bottom and ran away, and 3 little pigs live happily ever after.中间偶有提醒,这个故事原来给讲过,整个故事过程还算了解。
            Math:娃喜欢玩卷纸就躺着让娃用手纸量妈妈人高,然后妈妈又量宝宝身高,Taller and shorter

    学习字母ABC并学习其letter sounds 让娃试着书写

    Day2        sound game
    cover your eyes and what do you hear.
    I can hear feet stomping, hand clapping
            five senses
    了解five senses
    通过阅读书籍,找出其中的five senses

            math :sort the sticks by color and length

    Day3        how to brush your teeth

   time :your amazing body

    Day4        1.“We Should” rules and  We Should Not” rules
    What should you do when you ride a car?We should wear a seat belt.• We should wear a life jacket in a boat.• We should eat fruits and vegetables.
    And there are something w “We Should Not” do: We should not put objects in our mouths.• We should not touch the stove or heat vent.• We should not leave the yard without permission.■ Post the chart in the classroom.
    配合raz一个关于讲get lost怎么办的故事。
            Make pepperoni pizza
    然后还说 now it is a half of a pizza

  • kiele1955

    楼主 2017-11-24 15:06:06 使用道具
