kevinsuperb 发表于 2015-4-15 16:03:53

加州Little Treasure 教材学习(与外教共同上课)

本帖最后由 kevinsuperb 于 2015-4-15 17:45 编辑

我家大宝4岁4个月了,1岁左右开始英语启蒙,一直家庭亲子,喜欢看wild Kratts,Andy's Dianosaurs Adventure这样的动画片,输出也有一点了,可以和外教简单交流对话,感觉是时候系统学习原版教材了。




ps. 刚写了一堂课。如果觉得还可以的话,还请不惜吝啬点个赞,谢谢!:$

Maria2014 发表于 2015-4-15 16:17:35

支持一个!! 希望楼主能坚持记录。 向你们学习!!

luckycat 发表于 2015-4-15 16:23:11


Pink52505 发表于 2015-4-15 16:35:05


kevinsuperb 发表于 2015-4-15 16:48:37

Pink52505 发表于 2015-4-15 16:35 static/image/common/back.gif

wonder 没有PRE-K

皮皮妈妈 发表于 2015-4-15 16:49:35


m2meteor 发表于 2015-4-15 17:10:37


kevinsuperb 发表于 2015-4-15 17:36:43

本帖最后由 kevinsuperb 于 2015-4-15 18:01 编辑

第一次课 主题colors
目标:能用英语说出常见的颜色(红黄蓝绿橙紫黑白灰),掌握句子what color is it? It is red.what color do you like best? I like Red. )
2. 开始上课了,一年级到五年级的小朋友都有,加上我们家的凯文(幼儿园小班)一共8人,首先当然是相互认识并牢记自己的英文名字了上课的RULES. 因为大部分孩子小学里已经开始学英语,所以简单的词汇和句子还是能听懂,比如"what's your name? waht color is it? waht color you like best? "所以我和外教直接省略了第一步呈现,直接进入确认环节。
3.进入主题。各色颜料挤好放颜料盘里准备好,外教首先指着各色颜料问孩子们“what color is it?”大部分孩子能说出来(我提前给每个孩子关于颜色的动画短片,他们已经在家看过多遍了)。然后外教依次问每个孩子“what color is it?” 确认每一个孩子都能说得上来。
4.然后进入动手画环节。每个小朋友拿到一张纸和画笔,要求画自己的爸爸妈妈和自己。先看外教画,外教一边画,一遍说“this is my mum,her hair is red,her dress is orange.....” 小朋友等不及外教画完早就开始动手了,搞笑的是有2个小朋友家里有3个兄弟姐妹的,没有有规划好五个家庭成员完全画不下。外教和我在大家画的时候分别取问每一个孩子:Who is he? who is she? Is that you? what color is your pants? what color is your dad's hair? what color is your mum's dress? 如果孩子们听不懂pants, hair,dress这些名词则用手去点相应部位,尽量避免使用中文。

5. 因为课程结束前有一个环节是presentation,目的是锻炼孩子们当众演讲的胆量和真实场景运用语言的能力,每一个小朋友能够用简单的英语描述自己的作品,“Hello,I am Kevin. This is my family painting. This is my mum.this is my dad and this is me. my mum's hair is red. my dad's shoes are blue. my dress is yellow.... i love my family. ”因此外教在这里先做一个example, 我特意做了用手机做了录像,方便还不是很熟练的小朋友回去后观看演练。

(凯文画的家庭成员:L妈妈的绿色头发在飞,妹妹那天的确穿紫色衣服,他自己是bumble bee,爸爸是 ghost)

6. break time (看了penelope动画片)
7. action song环节 head shoulders knees and toes (预热,同时也为第二节课做铺垫) 首先外教指认自己的body parts, 熟悉歌里面身体部位单词,然后外教一边唱一边做动作(没要求小朋友做,但很多小朋友已近跟着做了),再一遍,这次要求小朋友一起做,如果能一起唱就一起唱。(没要求必须会唱,因为第二次课会作为主题来教)做了3遍。
8. story time. 一本关于7 pigs and colors的书,读了3遍,问了孩子们一些问题,孩子们都很喜欢这本书。

9. presentation time. 到了强调输出的环节,每一个小朋友要做,拿着自己的画,一个一个的说(比较花时间,但我认为值得,毕竟这就是和学校教学最本质区别的地方,一定要让孩子们客服心理恐惧,最后能大方的输出。我深信输入和输出绝不是水到渠成的过程,还是需要做一些强化和技巧的指导的)
10.最后结束唱if you are happy and you know it. 跟唱,能在拍手、跺脚和say hurray的时候踩到节拍上就行,不要求会完全跟唱。以后每次课都会唱,慢慢的就会了。
1. 凃蜡笔复习颜色
2. word cards里的bodyparts凃颜色并剪下来
3. 动画片 something special中的颜色和身体两集

Maria2014 发表于 2015-4-17 22:28:36

kevinsuperb 发表于 2015-4-15 17:36 static/image/common/back.gif
第一次课 主题colors
目标:能用英语说出常见的颜色(红黄蓝绿橙紫黑白灰),掌握句子what color ...


kevinsuperb 发表于 2015-4-17 22:34:09

Maria2014 发表于 2015-4-17 22:28 static/image/common/back.gif


kevinsuperb 发表于 2015-4-20 17:03:43

Sunday class plan for little kids
10.10am to 11.40am
1.5 hours with 10 minute rest
19th April 2015 topic: body parts
10.00 to10.10 (before class)         Background music( I am a little teapot. )
10.10 to 10.15
Circle time on the carpet       
1.Warm up, body movement song.
super simplesong—hello,how are you
10.15 to 10.40         Period 1
1.Checking homewok (crayon paper ) Encourage students to point and say each colour, give a lot of encouragement here.
2.Game: what is in the box? (Revise colors and learn some new words. )
Put some toys in a bag/box and ask kids to touch and guess: a yellow rubber duck, a blue ball, a red ..
ART Corner----Finger painting--- a snail
3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue
Teacher encourage them mix 2 colors together and say what color they can get.
New sentence: yellow and blue makes green; red and yellow makes orange. Then Give them white and black
Teacher show how to finger paint a snail and the kids follow.
Presentation: this is a snail. It’s body is orange and the shell is green. The eyes are white and black. I lovemy little snail.
10.50 to 11.00        Break time for 10 minutes.
Teacher should use this time to prepare for next the video - maisy eggs
11.00 to 11.35
Circle time on the carpet        Period 2
Repeat song from warm up at the start of lesson. are you
2.the action song: Head shoulders knees and toes(play the video and ask the students watch and follow)
"Today we will learn body parts, can anyone tell me any body parts. Hands up, no shouting out."
Make sure that every kids are familiar with the new words (Teacher says the lyric,pointingto own body parts andasks students to copy “head、shoulders、knees and toes, eyes, ears mouth and nose”) Do song twice, ask the students follow and sing(without showing the video)
1.I say and you touch
2.One kid says and others touch
3. Place students in a line. Show body part card. Student should tap the card with the same body part.
4.Pair work, touch each other with the same parts
5. Draw around each student hands and feet, write hands and feet. Encouraging students to colour and with crayons and then cut down
Break here for short time.(depends on time, games or activities can be adjusted)
Settle students then read them a story, (go away monster) Read the book twice.
Cook time: make a monster face with the food and then eat it.
(I will prepare stuff ready) First teacher show and say
Presentation: this is a monster. He has green hair, two big eyes. A long orange nose….. I am not scared; I am going to eat you.
11.35 to 11.40
Circle time on the carpet        End of class.
Sing a song to end class
Make sure to use the same words each week to end class

cy9q 发表于 2019-3-21 16:39:26


byegood 发表于 2020-10-20 18:07:07


songyang521521 发表于 2020-11-1 12:03:17


蕾8882 发表于 2021-2-21 17:00:07

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查看完整版本: 加州Little Treasure 教材学习(与外教共同上课)