andyandjasmine 发表于 2015-7-11 11:23:31

新小2 learning writing--welocme comments and suggestions

My Unicorn

My unicorn has a white body and a purple horn. I'm riding on it's back, it runs very fast. I like my unicorn.


I'm riding on it's back, it runs very fast. One or two sentences? I'm riding on it's back. It runs very fast.

andyandjasmine 发表于 2015-7-14 00:00:24

20150713 Petrobras: the day of reckoning

How much did politicians pilfer from Petrobras? Today Brazil’s state-controlled oil giant is at last expected to give an answer, when it publishes its results for 2014. These were delayed while the company and its auditor. PwC, scrambled to pin down the cost of a scam in which big Petrobras suppliers allegedly funneled 3% of the value of some contracts to political slush funds;34 congressmen are under investigation. Early estimates of the write-down lay between 4 billion reais($1,3 billion) and 89 billlion reais. Today’s figure is likely to be somewhere in that wide range. Last week the prospect of audited books unlocked 19 billion reais in loans to tide the company over for this year; it had already slashed its annual investments by 30%, to $31 billion-33 billion. But with production flat and oil prices low, Petrobras need more than accurate accounting to recover.
reckoning :计算,估计也有账单;算账;
pilfer=steal 偷窃,盗窃 Scramble to 争夺,爬行,攀爬
Pin down:阻止,约束,减小allegedlty依其申述;据说,据称
write down: 减低帐面价值 recover : 恢复 tide over=conqure

andyandjasmine 发表于 2015-7-14 00:07:08

At supermarket

Last Friday, Mom took me to the supermarket. We bought a big fat sweet potato, 4 cucumbers, a long yam, some long beans, a small bundle of spinach and 2 taomatos first. Then we bought some meat, clams, rice and fruits.Finallywe bought some duck eggs.

Today's dinner is very yummy.
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