171460283 发表于 2015-9-26 22:05:00


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UNIT 1 Present continuous (I am doing)第1单元 现在进行时(本单元配套练习在55楼)a Study this example situation:学习这个例子:

    Ann is in her car. She is on her way to work.   安在她的车里,她正在去上班的路上。   She is driving to work.   她开车去上班。   This means: She is driving now, at the time of speaking.   这表示:她正在说话的这一刻开车。   This is the present continuous tense:   这就是现在进行时:    I am (= I’m) drivinghe/she/(it) is (= he’s, etc.) drivingwe/they/you are (= we’re, etc.) driving   

We use the present continuous when we talk about something that is happening at the time of speaking:我们用现在进行时来表达发生在我们说话时的事情。■ Please don’t make so much noise. I’m studying. (not I study)请不要发出这么大的噪音,我正在学习。■ “Where’s Peggy?” “She’s taking a bath.” (not she takes)“佩吉在哪里?”“她在洗澡。”■ Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining anymore.我们现在出去吧,外面不下雨了。■ (at a party) Hello, Ann. Are you enjoying the party? (not do you enjoy)(在一次聚会中)你好,安。你喜欢这次聚会吗?b We also use the present continuous when we talk about something that is happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily exactly at the time of speaking. Study this example situation:我们想表达说话前后发生的事情,并不准确在说话的时候,也会用现在进行时。看看下面的例子:■ Tom and Ann are talking and having coffee in a café.Tom says: “I’m reading an interesting book at the moment. I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it.”汤姆和安正在咖啡店里边谈话边喝咖啡。汤姆说:“我最近在读一本很有意思的书,我读完后把这本书借给你看看。”Tom is not reading the book at the time of speaking. He means that he has begun the book and hasn’t finished it yet. He is in the middle of reading it. Here are some more examples:汤姆在说话时没有读书,他的意思是他已经开始读书了,还没有读完。他最近在读这本书。下面还有更多的例子:■ Maria is studying English at a language school. (not studies)玛利亚在一所语言学校学习英语。■ Have you heard about Brian? He is building his own house. (not builds)你听到了关于布莱恩的消息吗?他在建造自己的房子。But perhaps Maria and Brian are not doing these things exactly at the time of speaking.也许玛利亚和布莱恩在说话时并没有做这些事情。 c We often use the present continuous when we talk about a period around the present. For example: today, this week, this season, etc.:我们经常用现在进行时来表示在最近一段时间内发生的事。比如:今天、这周、这学期等:■ “You’re working hard today.” “Yes, I have a lot to do.”“你今天工作很努力。”“是的,我有很多事要做。”■ Tom isn’t playing football this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies.汤姆这学期不踢足球了,他想专心学习。 d We use the present continuous when we talk about changing situations:我们用现在进行时来表示正在变化的状况:■ The population of the world is rising very fast. (not rises)世界人口在急剧增高。■ Is your English getting better? (not does…get)你的英语进步了吗?

171460283 发表于 2015-9-26 22:12:18

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《Grammar in Use》(剑桥英语语法)是剑桥大学出版社出版的的原版语法书,共124个单元。每个单元一个语法知识点。我逐步翻译,大家可以比较一下原版的语法书和我们中国编的语法书的差别。

迦叶行 发表于 2015-9-26 22:45:54


迦叶行 发表于 2015-9-27 10:38:32


171460283 发表于 2015-9-27 10:44:29

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-27 21:24 编辑

UNIT 2 Simple present (I do)第2单元 一般现在时(本单元配套练习在57楼)a Study this example situation:学习这个例子:Alex is a bus driver. But now he is asleep in bed.艾拉克斯是个公交车司机,但他现在正在睡觉。So: He is not driving a bus (he is asleep).所以:他现在没有开公交车(他睡着了)。But: He drives a bus.但是:他常开公交车。This is the simple present tense:这就是一般现在时:I/we/you/theydrivehe/she/(it)       drivesWe use the simple present to talk about things in general. We are not thinking only about the present. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general. It is not important whether the action is happening at the time of speaking:我们用一般现在时来表示持续性的事情。我们没有只想现在,我们用一般现在时表达一直发生、重复发生、或者持续发生的事情。我们说话时究竟这件事情有没有发生并不重要。■      The earth goes around the sun.地球围着太阳转。■      Nurses take care of patients in hospitals.护士们在医院里照顾病人。■      In Canada, most stores close at 6:00 p.m.加拿大大多数商店都在下午六点关门。Remember that we say he/she/it-s. Don’t forget the s:记住我们说他/她/它时,不要忘掉动词后面的s。■      I work in a bank. Barry works in a department store.我在银行工作,巴里在商店工作。
b We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:我们用do/does来表示疑问和否定。do I/we/you/theywork?   he/she/it doesn’t   workdoes he/she/it      work?      I/we/you/they don’twork■      Excuse me, do you speak English?打扰一下,您会说英语吗?■      “Would you like a cigarette?” “No, thanks. I don’t smoke.”“您想要一根香烟吗?”“不了,谢谢,我不抽烟。”■      What does this word mean? (not What means this word?)这个单词是什么意思? ■      Rice doesn’t grow in Alaska.水稻不在阿拉斯加州生长。
c We use the simple present when we say how often we do things:我们用一般现在时表示多次做的事情:■      I get up at 8:00 every morning. (not am getting)我每天早上都在8:00起床。■      How often do you go to the dentist?你每过多久要去看牙医?■      Ann doesn’t go out very often.安很少外出。■      In the summer, Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.夏天,汤姆通常一周打两次网球。
d Note that we say “Where do you come from?” (= Where are you from?):注意我们说“你来自哪里?”的时候:■      Where do you come from? (not Where are you coming from?)你来自哪里?(不能说“你正在来自哪里?”)■      He comes from Japan. (not He is coming from Japan.)他来自日本。(不能说“他正在来自日本。”)

迦叶行 发表于 2015-9-28 08:54:08


迦叶行 发表于 2015-9-28 09:05:22


171460283 发表于 2015-9-28 10:37:14

qiansiyan2007 发表于 2015-9-28 10:47:37


迦叶行 发表于 2015-9-28 16:07:32


171460283 发表于 2015-9-28 20:35:06

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 04:28 编辑

UNIT 3 Present continuous (I am doing) or simple present (I do)第3单元 该用现在进行时还是一般现在时(本单元配套练习在59楼)Before you study this unit, study units 1 and 2.
a Study this explanation and compare the examples:学习下面这些解释,对比一下例子:
Present continuous (I amdoing)Use the present continuous to talk about something that is happening at or close to the time of speaking:现在进行时(我正在做)用现在进行时表示在说话(前后)时发生的事情:I am doingSimple present (I do)Use the simple present totalk about things in general or things that happen repeatedly:一般现在时(我做)用一般现在时表示重复发生的事情:I do
past       now      futureThe water is boiling. Could you turn it off please?正在烧水,你能帮我把火关掉吗?Listen to those people. What language are they speaking?听那些人谈话,他们在什么语言说话?“Where’s Tom?” “He is playing tennis.”“汤姆在哪里?”“他在打网球。”(you find a stranger in your room) What are you doing here?(你在房间里发现了一位陌生人)你在这里做什么?Maria is in Canada for three months. She is learning English.玛利亚在加拿大呆了三周,她在学习英语。
Use the present continuous for a temporary situation: 用现在进行时表示一个暂时的情况:
I’m living with some friends until I can find an apartment.在我找到一家可住的公寓之前,我都会和朋友们住在一起。Mary usually has a summerjob, but she isn’t working this summer.玛丽通常有一份暑假工作,但她这个暑假不准备打工。past       now   futureWater boils at 100 degrees Celcius.水在100℃会被烧开。 Excuse me, do you speak English?打扰一下,您会说英语吗? Tom plays tennis every Saturday.汤姆每个星期六都要打网球。What do you usually do on the weekend?你常在周末做什么事?What do you do? (= What’syour job?)你的工作是什么?Most children learn to swim when they are children.大多数孩子都在小时候学会了游泳。 Use the simple present for a permanent situation:用一般现在时表示一个长期的情况:My parents live in Boston. They have beenthere for 20 years.我的父母住在波斯顿,他们在那里住了20年了。Jack doesn’t work duringthe summer. He always takes a long vacation.杰克不在暑假打工,他总要度过一段漫长的假期。
b Some verbs are used only in simple tenses. For example, you cannot say “I am knowing.” You can only say “I know.” Here is a list of verbs that are not normally used in continuous tenses (but there are exceptions):有些单词只能用一般时。比如,你不能说“我正在知道。”你只能说“我知道。”下面是一些一般不会使用进行时的动词(但会有特殊情况):wantlikebelongknowsupposerememberneedloveseerealizemeanforgetpreferhatehearbelieveunderstandseemhave (meaning “possess”)think (meaning “believe”/have an opinion”)■      Do you like Rome? (not are you liking)你喜欢罗马吗?(不是“你正在喜欢”)■      He doesn’t understand the problem. (not he isn’t understanding)他不明白这个问题。(不是“他正在不明白”)■      These shoes belong to me. (not are belonging)这些鞋子属于我。(不是“正在属于”)■      What do you think Tom will do? (= What do you believe he will do?)你认为汤姆会做什么?■      Do you have a car? (not are you having)你有车吗?(不是“你正有”)but: ■What are you thinking about? (= What is going on in your mind?)但是:你正在想什么?

hopeybw 发表于 2015-9-28 20:46:39


171460283 发表于 2015-9-29 19:38:07

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 04:42 编辑

UNIT 4 Present tenses (I am doing/I do) with a future meaning第4单元 现在时怎样表示将来a Present continuous with a future meaning现在进行时怎样表示将来Study this example situation:看下面的这些例子:
This isTom’s schedule for next week.这是汤姆给下周制定的计划。He isplaying tennis on Monday afternoon.星期一下午他要打网球。He isgoing to the dentist on Tuesday morning.星期二早上他要去看牙医。He isgoing to have dinner with Ann on Friday.星期五晚上他要和安共进晚餐。In allthese examples, Tom has already decided and arranged to do these things.上面的所有例子里,这些事情汤姆都已经决定了要去做。
When you are talking about what you have already arranged to do, use the present continuous (I am doing). Do not use the simple present (I do).当你在表达你准备好了要做的事情,用现在进行时,不要用一般现在时。■A: What are you doing tomorrow evening? (not what do you do)你明天晚上要做什么?B: I’m going to the theatre. (not I go)我要去电影院。■A: Are you playing tennis tomorrow?你明天打网球吗?B: Yes, but Tom isn’t playing. He hurt his leg.是的,但汤姆不打,他的腿受伤了。■A: Ann is coming tomorrow.安明天要来。B: Oh, is she? What time is she arriving?真的吗?她什么时候到?A: At 10:15.10点15分.B: Are you meeting her at the station?你要去车站接她么?A: I can’t. I’m working tomorrow morning.不去,我明天早上要上班。It is also possible to use going to (do) in these sentences:上面这些句子里还可以用going to (do):(译者注:上面的句式确定性更强一些)■      What are you going to do tomorrow evening?你明天晚上要做什么?■      Tom is going to play tennis on Monday afternoon.汤姆星期一下午要打网球。But the present continuous is usally more natural when you are talking about arrangements.但当你谈论安排要做的事,用现在进行时更自然。Do not use will to talk about what you have already arranged to do:不要用will来讨论你已经决定好要做的事情:■      What are you doing this evening? (not what will you do)你今天晚上要做什么?■      Alex is getting married nextmonth. (not Alex will get)下个月艾拉克斯要结婚了。 b Simple present with a future meaning一般现在时怎样表示将来We use the simple present when we are talking about timetables, schedules, etc. (for example, public transportation, movies):我们用一般现在时来谈论时间表、计划表等(比如:交通工具、电影等):■      What time does the movie begin?电影什么时候开始?■      The train leaves Boston at 7:25 a.m. and arrives in Washington, D.C., at 3.41 p.m.火车早上7:25离开波斯顿,下午3:41到达华盛顿。■      The football game starts at 2:00足球比赛两点开始。■      Tomorrow is Wednesday.明天是星期三。But we do not usually use the simple present for personal arrangements:在一般情况下,表明个人计划我们不会使用一般现在时:■What time are you meeting with Ann? (not do you meet)你和安打算什么时间见面?

迦叶行 发表于 2015-9-30 09:36:33


171460283 发表于 2015-9-30 21:03:03

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 04:54 编辑

UNIT 5 Going to (I am going to do)第5单元 going to的用法a We use going to (do) when we say what we have already decided to do, or what we intend to do in the future:
我们用going to (do)来表达已经决定要做的事,或者将想做的事:
■A: There’s a movie on television tonight. Are you going to watch it?
B: No, I’m too tired. I’m going to make it an early night.
■A: I heard Ann has won a lot of money. What is she going to do with it?
B: I’ve heard she’s going to travel around the world.
b We prefer to use the present continuous (I am doing) when we say that someone has arranged to do – for example, arranged to meet someone, arranged to travel somewhere. Going to is also possible:
我们表示打算要做的事——比如,打算与某人见面,打算参观某地——更习惯于用现在进行时,也能用going to:
■What time are you meeting Ann? (or are you going to meet)
■I’m leaving for Europe on Monday. (or I’m going to leave)
c We use was/were going to do say what someone intended to do in the past (but didn’t do):
我们用was/were going to来表达某人以前打算要做的事情(但最后并没有这样做):
■We were going to take the train, but then we decided to go by car.
■A: Did Tom take the exam?
B: No, he was going to take it, but then he changed his mind.
d Going to also has another meaning. Study this example situation:
going to 还有另外一个意思,看看下面这个例子:

The man can’tsee where he is going. There is a hole in front of him.He is going tofall into the hole.那个人看不到前面的路,他前面有个洞。他要掉到洞里了。Here thespeaker is saying what he thinks will really happen. Of course he doesn’tmean that the man intends to fall into the hole.这里,说话者在说他认为会发生的事情,当然他不认为那个人打算掉进洞里。
We use going to in this way when we say what we think will happen. Usually there is something in the present situation (the man walking toward the whole) that makes the speaker sure about what will happen.
我们用going to来表达我们认为会发生的事情。通常句子里有一部分是现在时(那个人正在朝洞走去),让说话者能够判定会发生什么事。
■Look at those black clouds! It’s going to rain. (the clouds are there now)
■Oh, I feel terrible. I think I’m going to be sick. (I feel terrible now)

gracewwj 发表于 2015-10-1 11:27:52


171460283 发表于 2015-10-1 22:11:10

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-27 05:43 编辑

UNIT 6 Will (1)第6单元 will的用法(一)a We use will (’ll) when we decided to do something at the time of speaking:
■Oh, I left the door open. I’ll go and shut it.
■“What would you like to drink?” “I’ll have some coffee please.”
■“Did you call Ann?” “Oh no, I forgot. I’ll do it now.”
■I’m too tired to walk home. I think I’ll take a taxi.
You cannot use the simple present (I do) in these sentences.
■I’ll go and shut it. (not I go and shut it)
我去把它关上。(不要用I go and shut it)
Do not use will to say what someone has already decided to do or arranged to do:
■I can’t meet you tomorrow because my parents are coming to see me. (not my parents will come)
The negative of will is won’t (or will not):
will的过去时是won’t(或者will not):
■Receptionist: I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4:00.
You: Oh, In that case I won’t wait.
We often use I think I’ll…or I don’t think I’ll…when we decide to do something:
我们经常用I think I’ll…或者I don’t think I’ll…来表达我们决定做某事:
■I think I’ll stay home this evening.
■I don’t think I’ll go out tonight. I’m too tired.
b We often use will in these situations:
Offering to do something:
■That bag looks heavy. I’ll help you with it. (not I help)
■“I need some money.” “Don’t worry, I’ll send you some.”
Agreeing or refusing to do something:
■ A: You know that book I lent you? Can I have it back?
B: Of course, I’ll bring it back this afternoon. (not I bring)
■I’ve asked John to help me, but he won’t.
■The car won’t start. (= the car “refuses” to start)
Promising to do something:
■Thank you for lending me the money. I’ll pay you back on Friday. (not I pay)
■I won’t tell Tom what you said. I promise.
■I promise I’ll call you as soon as I arrive.
Asking someone to do something (Will you…?):
■Will you shut the door, please?
■Will you please be quiet? I’m trying to concentrate.

171460283 发表于 2015-10-2 22:33:00

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 05:00 编辑

UNIT 7 Will (2)第7单元 Will的用法(二)a When we talk about the future, we often say what someone has arranged to do or intends to do. Do not use will in this situation:
■Tom is playing tennis on Monday. (not Tom will play)
汤姆在星期一打网球。(不能用Tom will play)
■Are you going to watch television this evening? (not will you watch)
你今天晚上要看电视吗?(不能用will you watch)
But often when we are talking about the future, we are not talking about arrangements or intentions. Study this example:

Tom: I’m reallyworried about my exam next week.汤姆:我真的很担心我下周的测试。Ann: Don’tworry, Tom. You’ll pass.安:别担心,汤姆。你会过关的。 “You’ll pass”is not an arrangement or an intention. Ann is just staying what will happenor what she thinks will happen; she is predicting the future. When we predicta future happening or a future situation, we use will/won’t.“你会过关的”这句话不是预定,也不是计划。安只是在说将会发生的事情或者她认为将会发生的事情;她在预测未来。当我们预测将来发生的事或者将来的情况时,我们用will或者won’t。
■When you return home, you’ll notice a lot of changes.
■This time next year I’ll be in Japan. Where will you be?
■When will you find out your exam results?
■Tom won’t pass his exam. He hasn’t done any work for it.
We often use will with these words and expressions:

probablyI’ll probably be a little late thisevening.可能   我今天晚上可能会迟到。(I’m) sure Youmust meet Ann. I’m sure you’ll like her.(我)肯定你必须与安见面,我肯定你会喜欢她的。(I) bet    I bet Carol will get the job.(我)打赌我打赌卡罗尔会得到这份工作。(I) thinkDo you think we’ll win the match?(我)认为你认为我们会赢这场比赛吗?(I) suppose Isuppose we’ll see John at the party.(我)估计我估计我们在聚会时会见到约翰的。(I) guessI guess I’ll see you next week.(我)想    我想我还是下周见你吧。
b Will and shall
You can say I will or I shall (I’ll), we will or we shall (we’ll).
你可以说I will或者I shall (I’ll),we will或者we shall (we’ll)。
■I will (or I shall) probably go to Europe this summer.
■We will (or we shall) probably go to Europe this summer.
Will is more common than shall. In speech we normally use the short forms I’ll and we’ll:
■I’ll probably go to Europe.
Do not use shall with he/she/it/they/you.
■John will help you. (not shall help you)
约翰会帮助你的。(不能用shall help you)
We use shall (not will) in the questions Shall I…? and Shall we…? (for offers, suggestions, etc.):
■Shall I open the window? (= Do you want me to open the window?)
■Where shall we go this evening?

171460283 发表于 2015-10-5 22:51:22

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 05:06 编辑

UNIT 8 Will or going to?第8单元 用will还是用going toa Talking about future actions
We use both will and going to to talk about our future actions, but there is a clear difference. Study this example situation:
我们用will和going to来说明将来的行动,但两者之间有明显的差距,看看下面这个例子:

Helen’sbicycle has a flat tire. She tells her father.海伦的自行车有一只轮胎没气了,她告诉了爸爸。Helen: Mybicycle has a flat tire. Can you fix it for me?海伦:我的自行车有个轮胎没气了,你能帮我修一下吗?Father: Okay,but I can’t do it now. I’ll fix it tomorrow.爸爸:好的,但是我现在不能修,我明天再修。will: we usewill when we decide to do something at the time of speaking. The speaker hasnot decided before. Before Helen told her father, he didn’t know about theflat tire.will:我们用will来表达说话时要决定做的事,说话者以前没有做决定。海伦告诉她爸爸之前,爸爸不知道“轮胎没气了”这件事。
Later, Helen’smother speaks to her husband.过了一会儿,海伦的妈妈告诉她的丈夫。Mother: Canyou fix Helen’s bicycle? It has a flat tire.妈妈:你能修一修海伦的自行车吗?一只轮胎没气了。Father: Yes, Iknow. She told me. I’m going to fix it tomorrow.爸爸:是的,我知道,她告诉我了,我明天修好它。going to: Weuse going to when we have already decided to do something. Helen’s father hadalready decided to fix the bicycle before his wife spoke to him.going to:我们事前已经决定好要做某事时用going to。在妻子对他说话之前,海伦的爸爸已经决定好了要修自行车。
Here is another example:
■Tom is cooking when he suddenly discovers that there isn’t any salt:
Tom: Ann, we don’t have any salt.
Ann: Oh, we don’t? I’ll get some from the store. (she decides at the time of speaking)
Before going out, Ann says to Jim:
Ann: I’m going to get some salt from the store. (she has already decided) Can I get you anything, Jim?
b Saying what will happen (predicting future happenings)
We use both will and going to to say what we think will happen in the future:
我们用will和going to来说明我们认为将来会发生什么:
■Do you think Laura will get the job?
■Oh no! It’s already 4:00. We’re going to be late.
We use going to (not will) when there is something in the present situation that shows what will happen in the future (especially the near future). The speaker feels sure about what will happen because of the situation now:
我们用going to(不是will)来表达“现在的情况能显示出将来发生的结果(特别是离现在近的将来)”。说话者会根据现在的情况确定将来会发生的事:
■Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain. (the clouds are there now)
■I feel terrible, I think I’m going to be sick. (I fell terrible now)
Do not use will in situations like these.
In other situations, use will:
■Sue will probably arrive at about 8 o’clock.
■I think George will like the present you bought for him.

171460283 发表于 2015-10-6 18:56:25

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-27 06:11 编辑

UNIT 9 When and If sentences (When I do…/If I do…)第9单元 时间和条件从句a Study this example:学习这个例子:
A: What time will you call me tonight?
B: I’ll call you when I get home from work.
“I’ll call you when I get home from work” is asentence with two parts: “I’ll call you” (the main part) and “when I get homefrom work” (the when part). The sentence is future (tonight), but you cannotuse will or going to in the when part of the sentence. Instead we use apresent tense, usually simple present (I do).
“我一下班就给你打电话”是一个复句:“给你打电话”(主句)和“我一下班”(从句),整个句子表达的是将来时(今晚),但在从句里不能用will或者going to。而是用现在时,一般情况下用一般现在时。

■I can’t talk toyou now. I’ll talk to you later when I have more time. ( not when I’ll have) 我现在不能与你谈话,当我有空闲时,我再跟你谈。(不能用“whenI will have”)
■When the rainstops, we’ll go out. (not when the rain will stop)雨停了以后,我们再出去。(不能用“whenthe rain will stop”)The same thing happens after:下面的词后面也应该用一般现在时:whileafterbefore   until/tillas soon as■Can you take care of the children while I am out?(not will be)你能在我出去的这段时间里照顾好孩子们吗?(不能用“will be”)■Before you leave, you must visit the museum. (notwill leave) 在你离开之前,你必须参观这个博物馆。(不能用“will leave”)
■Wait here until I come back. (not will come)在这里等我回来。(不能用“will come”)

b You can also use the present perfect ( I havedone) after when/after/until, etc., to show that the first action will befinished before the second:也可以在when/after/will后面用现在完成时,这样表示先完成第一个动作,才能进行第二个动作:
■After I’ve read this book, you can have it.我读完这本书后,就把它送给你。
■Don’t say anything while Tom is here. Wait untilhe has gone. 当汤姆在这里时不要说任何事情,等他走了再说。
It is often possible to use either the simplepresent or the present perfect:有时既可以用一般现在时,也可以用现在完成时:
■I’ll come as soon as I finish.orI’llcome as soon as I’ve finished.我做完这件事就来。
■You’ll feel better when you have something toeat.orYou’ll feel better when you’ve had somethingto eat.当你有东西吃,你会感到更好。c After if we also use the simple present (I do)for the future: 在if后面我们也用一般现在时表达将来:
■It’s raining. We’ll get wet if we go out. (not ifwe will go)正在下雨,我们要是出去就会淋湿。(不能用“if we will go”)
■Hurry up! If we don’t hurry, we’ll be late. (notif we won’t hurry) 快点!要不然我们就会迟到。(不能用“if we won’tworry”)
Be careful not to confuse when and if. 记住一定要分清when和if。
Use when for things that are sure to happen: 用when来表达肯定会发生的事情:
■I’m going shopping this afternoon. When I goshopping, I’ll buy some food.我今天下午要去购物。购物时,我要买些食物。
Use if (not when) for things that will possiblyhappen:用if(不是when)来表达可能会发生的事情:
■I might go shopping this afternoon. If I goshopping, I’ll buy some food. 我今天下午可能要去购物。如果我购物,我要买些食物。
■If it rains this evening, I won’t go out. (notwhen it rains)如果今晚下雨,我就不出去了。(不能用“when it rains”)
■Don’t worry if I’m late tonight. (not when I’mlate)如果我今晚迟来一会儿,请不要担心我。(不能用“when I’m late”)

■If he doesn’t come soon, I’m not going to wait.(not when he doesn’t come)
如果他再不来,我就不等了。(不能用“when he doesn’tcome”)

171460283 发表于 2015-10-7 21:36:04

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-27 06:25 编辑

UNIT 10 Will be doing and will have done第10单元 将来进行时和将来完成时a First study this example situation:首先学习这个例子:
Tom is afootball fan, and there is a football game on television this evening. Thegame begins at 7:30 and ends at 9:15. Ann wants to go and see Tom thisevening and wants to know what time to come over:汤姆是个足球迷,今晚电视上有场足球比赛,比赛7:30开始,9:15结束。安想知道今晚该什么时候去汤姆家,因为她想见一下汤姆:Ann: Is it allright if I come over at about 8:30?安:我8:30来可以吗?
Tom: No, don’tcome then. I’ll be watching the game on TV.汤姆:不行,不要那会儿来,我要看电视球赛。
Ann: Oh. Well,what about 9:30?安:哦,那么9:30怎么样?
Tom: Yes, that’llbe fine. The game will have ended by then.汤姆:可以,那时球赛已经结束了。

b We use willbe doing (future continuous) to say that we will be middle of doing somethingat a certain time in the future. The football game begins at 7:30 and ends at9:15. So during this time, for example at 8:30, Tom will be watching thematch.
我们用will be doing(将来进行时)来表示我们在将来一段时间里正在做某事。足球比赛在7:30开始,9:15结束,所以,在这个时间段里,比如8:30,汤姆会在看球赛。
Here are somemore examples:这里还有一些例子:■You’llrecognize her when you see her. She’ll be wearing a yellow hat.当你见到她时就会认出她,她会戴一顶黄帽子。■This time nextweek I’ll be on vacation. I’ll probably be lying on a beautiful beach.下周这个时候我在度假,我可能会在一个美妙的沙滩上躺着。Compare willbe doing with the other continuous forms: 用will be doing与其它的进行时比较:
Bill worksevery morning from 9 o’clock until noon. So:比尔每天早上从9点钟到中午都会在工作,所以:
■At 10 o’clockyesterday he was working. (past continuous) 昨天10点钟他正在工作(过去进行时)。
■It’s 10 o’clocknow. He is working. (present continuous)现在10点钟了,他正在工作(现在进行时)。
■At 10 o’clocktomorrow he will be working.明天10点钟他会工作。c You can alsouse will be doing in another way: to talk about things that are alreadyplanned or decided:
你也可以这样用will be doing:说明已经计划好或者决定好的事情:
■I’ll be goingdowntown later. Can I get you anything?一会儿我要去市中心,你让我给你捎点什么吗?With thismeaning will be doing is similar to am doing (see Unit 4a): will be doing的这个意思跟am doing很相似:
■I’m goingdowntown later.一会儿我要去市中心。We often useWill (you) be -ing? to ask about people’s plans, especially when we wantsomething or want someone to do something: 我们经常用“Will (you) be -ing?”来问别人的计划,特别是我们想要某物或者想要某人帮我们做某事的时候:
■   “Will you be using your bicycle this evening?” “No,you can take it.”“你今晚用你的自行车吗?”“不用,你可以用它。”
■   “Will you be passing the post office when you goout?” “Yes, why?”“你出去时会经过邮局吗?”“会的,你干嘛问这?”
    d We use willhave done (future perfect) to say that something will already have happened beforea certain time in future. Tom’s football game ends at 9:15. So after thistime, for example 9:30, the game will have ended. Here are some moreexamples:
我们用will have done(将来完成时)来说明某事已经在未来的某个准确的时间段里发生过了。汤姆看的球赛在9:15结束,所以,在这个时间之后,比如9:30,球赛已经结束了。下面还有一些例子:■Next year isTed and Amy’s 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been married for 25years. (Now they have been married for 24 years.)明年是泰德和艾米的结婚第25周年,他们已经结婚25年了。(现在他们已经结婚了24年)
■We’re late. Iguess the movie will have already started by the time we get to the theatre.我们迟到了,估计我们到电影院时电影已经开演了。

阳光童年 发表于 2015-10-8 00:08:21

171460283 发表于 2015-10-7 21:36 static/image/common/back.gif
UNIT 10Will be doing and will have done第10单元 将来进行时和将来完成时a First studythis example situ ...


qiansiyan2007 发表于 2015-10-8 11:03:01


迦叶行 发表于 2015-10-8 11:43:45

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171460283 发表于 2015-10-8 20:10:28

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 05:21 编辑

UNIT 11 Simple past (I did)第11单元 一般过去时a Study this example:学习这个例子:
Tom: Look! It’sraining again.汤姆:看,又要下雨了。Ann: Oh no,not again. It rained all day yesterday too.安:哦,不好,不要再下雨了。昨天也一直在下雨。Rained is thesimple past tense. We use the simple past to talk about actions or situationsin the past.rained是一般过去时,我们用一般过去时来表示过去发生的动作或者情况。

■I enjoyed theparty very much.我非常喜欢这次聚会。■Mr. Brown diedten years ago.布朗先生十年前死了。■When I livedin Athens, I worked in a bank.当我住在雅典时,我在银行上班。b Very oftenthe simple past ends in –ed:一般情况下一般过去时的结尾是ed:■We invited themto our party, but they decided not to come.我们邀请他们参加我们的聚会,但他们不想来。■The policestopped me on my way home last night.昨晚我在回家的路上被警察拦住了。■She passed herexam because she studied very hard.她通过了这次考试,因为她学的很努力。But manyimportant verbs are irregular. This means that the simple past does not endin –ed:很多重要的动词都是不规则的,这些动词的过去式的结尾不是ed:leave → left   Weall left the party at 11:00.我们都在11点钟离开了聚会。go → went    Last month I went to Rome to see a friendof mine.上个月我去罗马会见我的一位朋友。Cost → cost   This house cost $75,000 in 1980.1980年,这个房子值75,000美元。The past ofthe verb be (am/is/are) is was/were:be(am/is/are)动词的过去时是was/were:
    I/he/she/it was          we/you/they were   I was angry because Tom and Ann were late.   我很生气,因为汤姆和安迟到了。   
c In simplepast questions and negatives we use did/didn’t + the base form (do/open,etc.):用一般过去时表达疑问或者否定时,我们用did/didn’t+不定式:
it rained      did it rain?   it didn’t rain
■Ann: Did yougo out last night, Tom?安:汤姆,昨天晚上你出去了吗?Tom: Yes, I went to the movies.But I didn’t enjoy it.汤姆:是的,我去看电影了,但我并不喜欢这部电影。■When did Mrs.Johnson die?约翰逊太太是什么时候去世的?■What did youdo over the weekend?你在周末做了什么?■We didn’tinvite her to the party, so she didn’t come.我们没有邀请她,所以她没参加这个聚会。■Why didn’t youcall me on Tuesday?为什么星期二你没有给我打电话?Note that wenormally use did/didn’t with have:注意我们用did/didn’t时一般也会用到have:■Did you havetime to write the letter?你有时间写信吗?■I didn’t haveenough money to buy anything to eat.我没有足够的钱买吃的。But we do notuse did with the verb be (was/were):我们用be(was/were)动词时不用did:■Why were youso angry?为什么你这么生气?■Was Mark atwork yesterday?昨天马克在工作吗?■They weren’table to come because they were very busy.他们不能来,因为他们非常忙。

晴空一鹤 发表于 2015-10-9 14:08:39


171460283 发表于 2015-10-10 18:50:51

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 05:30 编辑

UNIT12 Past Continuous第12单元 过去进行时a Study this example situation:学习这个例子:
Yesterday Dave and Jim played tennis. They beganat 10:00 and finished at 11:00.昨天戴夫和吉姆打网球了,他们10:00开始,11:00结束。What were they doing at 10:30?他们在10:30做什么?They were playing tennis (at 10:30).他们在(10:30)打网球。“They were playing” means that they were in themiddle of playing tennis. They had started playing, but they haven’tfinished.“他们在打网球”表示他们在过去某个时间正在打网球,他们已经开始打网球了,但是还没有结束。This is the past continuous tense:这就是过去进行时:I/he/she was   playingwe/they/youwere   playing

We use the past continuous to say that someonewas in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action orsituation had already started before this time but hadn’t finished.我们用过去进行时来说明某人在某时间正在做某事,这个动作或者情况已经在某时间前开始了,但那时并没有结束。■This time last year I was living in Brazil.去年这个时候我在巴西住着。■What were you doing at 10:00 last night?昨晚10:00你在干什么?b The past continuous does not tell us whether anaction was finished or it not. Perhaps it was finished, perhaps not. Compare:过去进行时不告诉我们这个动作现在有没有完成,也许它完成了,也许没有完成。比较:■Dan was cooking dinner. (past continuous) = Hewas in the middle of cooking dinner and we don’t know whether he finishedcooking it.丹在做晚餐(过去进行时)=他以前在做晚餐,我们不知道他现在有没有做好。■Dan cooked dinner. (simple past) = Hebegan and finished it.丹做了晚餐(一般过去时)=他开始做晚餐,并完成了这件事。c We often use the past continuous (I was doing)and the simple past (I did) together to say that something happened in themiddle of something else:我们经常一起用过去进行时和一般过去时来表达某事在别的事中途发生:■Dan burned his hand while he was cooking supper.丹做晚餐时烧了手。■I saw Jim in the park. He was sitting on thegrass and reading a book.我在公园见到了吉姆,他坐在草坪上看书。■It was raining when I got up.我醒来时,还在下雨。■While I was working in the garden, I hurt my back.我在花园里劳动时扭了腰。But to say that one thing happened after another,use the simple past.表示一件事情在另外一件事情后发生,用一般过去时。■Last night Sue was taking a bath when the phonerang. She got out of the bathtub and answered the phone.昨晚苏洗澡时,电话响了。她走出澡盆,接了电话。Compare:比较:■When Helen arrived, we were having dinner. (pastcontinuous) = We had already started dinner before Helen arrived.当海伦来的时候,我们正在吃晚饭。(过去进行时)=当海伦来了,我们已经开始吃晚饭了。■When Helen arrived, we had dinner. (simple past)= Helen arrived and then we had dinner.当海伦来的时候,我们吃了晚饭。(一般过去时)=海伦来了,然后我们吃了晚饭。Note: There are some verbs (for example, know)that are not normally used in continuous tenses.注意:有一些动词(比如:知道)一般情况下不用进行时。

171460283 发表于 2015-10-11 21:18:50

本帖最后由 171460283 于 2015-11-29 05:49 编辑

UNIT13 Present perfect ( I have done) (1)第13单元 现在完成时(一) a Studythis example situation:学习这个例子:
    Tom    is looking for his key. He can’t find it.   汤姆在寻找他的钥匙,他找不到钥匙。    He    has lost his key.   他丢了他的钥匙。    “He    has lost his key” means that he lost it a short time ago and he still doesn’t    have it.   “他丢了他的钥匙”表示汤姆刚刚丢了他的钥匙,还没有找到。    This    is the present prefect (simple) tense:   这就是现在完成(一般)时:I/we/they/you have (= I’ve, etc.) lost
he/she has (= he’s, etc.) lost

I (etc.) haven't lost                      have you (etc.) lost?
he/she hasn't   lost                        has he/she   lost?
Weform the present perfect with have/has + the past participle. The pastparticiple often ends in –ed (opened, decided), but many important verbs areirregular (lost, written, done, etc.).我们用have/has+过去分词来组成现在完成时,过去分词的结尾经常是-ed,但很多重要的动词是不规则的(丢失、写、做等等)。b Whenwe use the present perfect, there is a connection with the present:当我们用现在完成时的时候,那个动作经常与现在的情况有联系。■I’ve lost my key. (= I don’thave it now.)我丢了我的钥匙。(=我现在找不到钥匙。)■Jim has gone to Canada. (= Heis in Canada or on his way there now.)吉姆去了加拿大。(=他在加拿大或者他在去加拿大的路上。)c Weoften use the present perfect to give new information or to announce a recenthappening:我们经常用现在完成时让别人知道新消息或者公布最近发生的事情:■I’ve lost my key. Can you helpme look for it?我丢了钥匙,你能帮我找找吗?■Did you hear about Jim? He’sgone to Canada.你听到关于吉姆的消息了吗?他去加拿大了。Youcan use the present perfect with just (= a short time ago):你可以用现在完成时+just(=刚刚):■ “Would you like something toeat?” “No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch.”“你想吃点东西吗?”“不了,谢谢,我刚刚吃了午餐。”■Hello, have you just arrived?你好,你刚刚来的吗?Usethe present perfect with already to say something has happened sooner thanexpected:用现在完成时+already来表达某事在预测的时间之前发生了:■ “Don’t forget to mail theletter.” “I’ve already mailed it.”“不要忘记送信。”“我已经送过了。”■ “When is Tom going to start hisnew job?” “He has already started.”“汤姆什么时候要开始他的新工作?”“他已经开始了。”Note thatyou can also use the simple past (I did/I lost, etc.) in above situations.上面的句子中你也可以用一般过去时。■I lost my key. Can you help melook for it?我丢了钥匙,你能帮我找找吗?■ “Would you like something toeat?” “No thanks, I just had lunch.”“你想吃点东西吗?”“不了,谢谢,我刚刚吃了午餐。”■ “Don’t forget to mail theletter.” “I already mailed it.”“不要忘记送信。”“我已经送过了。”d Studythe difference between gone to and been to:学习gone to和been to的区别:■Beth is on vacation. She hasgone to Italy. (= She is there now or she is on her way there.)贝丝在度假,她去了意大利。(=她现在在意大利或者她正在去意大利的路上。)■Tom is back from his vacation.He has been to Italy. (= He was there, but now he has come back.汤姆度假回来了,他去了意大利。(=他去过意大利,但他现在回来了。)

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