受益于爸妈网,孩子很小我开始陆续英语启蒙,开始是用廖的书单,之后发现孩子对情感类的绘本不感兴趣,但是对有故事情节或者能带唱歌旋律的绘本很中意,于是开始找寻类似的原本绘本. 启蒙到今天已经一年多了.列一些我觉得初级入门还不错的,故事情节也比较有趣的绘本.有兴趣的家长可以关注一下.


1. Rosenthal, Amy Krouse 的绘本有趣的很多. 最著名的是duck! rabbit!. 其他我们看过得有friendshape,the OK book

2. Keiko Kaszo作品.国内好多中文版本的.My Lucky Day,The Wolf's chicken stew,Badger's Fancy Meal

3. Duck系列的.Duck on the truck, duck to the rescue. captain duck;fix it duck;have you seen my duckling?

3. Mouse系列: Mouse Went Out to Get A Snack;who stole the cookies from the cookie jar;If you give a mouse a cookie;The little mouse, the red ripe strawberry, and the big hungry bear;Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake;Mouse Paint

4. Pete the Cat系列. Pete the cat and his four groovy bottons是可以说唱读的,其他系列也可以关注.

5.David系列最著名的No David,No! David goes to school!David Smells! David gets in trouble其他的搜索作者David Shannon就能找到

6. Llama,llama系列,最著名的Llama,llama red pajama可以说唱着读

7. Froggy系列,我们喜欢Froggy gets dressed.

8. 男孩子的车子系列.I am a backhoe, Truck, Goodnight Goodnight Construction Site, Truck Stuck, Fire Engine No 9; Freight Train;The Journey Home from Grandpa's.Steam Train Dream Train;supertruck

9. 廖书单里的wl baby, Back George, Caps for sale, the secret birthday message,Draw me a star,Little cloud;noisy Nora; Knuffle Bunny;We are going on a bear hunt;Silly Sallyapa, please got the moon for me;Where is the Green Sheep ;Goodnight Gorilla;Rosie's Walk;Sheep in a Jeep;The very hungry caterpillar;Color Zoo;Dear Zoo;

10. 其他:the wind blew, The crocodile and the dentist;Big Fat Hen;Nighty night Little Green Monster;Animals Should Definitely Not Wear Clothing;Kitten's First Full Moon;Who's Next Door;The Odd Egg; Who done it?;More Caps for Sale;A sick day for amos McGee;Once upon a potty;To Market, To market;Alphabet City;This Is Not My Hat;Where's Walrus?;The chick and the duckling;Oink-a-doodle-moo;Mushroom in the rain;The cow that went Oink;One Fine Day

11. Willems, Mo 作品.比如There is a bird on your head


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