flora602 发表于 2012-3-8 10:11:05

The Potty Books for boys (已入目錄)

本帖最后由 flora602 于 2012-3-9 10:07 编辑

好像每个家长都会买一本Potty book来训练宝宝如厕,妮子团也团过好几个版本了。。这次在betterworldbooks上淘的是一本可爱的小书,
内容简介Every little boy's graduation from diapers to the potty is always a very important momentaand one to make both parents and toddlers proud In The Potty Book, Henry needs to have his diapers changed so he can go out and play. Then mom and dad bring home a big box, and Henry is anxious to open it up and see what's inside. Is it a rocking chair? A bed for Teddy? No, it's a pottyawhich means that it's time for Henry to graduate from his diapers. This gentle and humorous little story is charmingly illustrated and told in verse. Little boys will enjoy looking at the pictures and having the story read to them. Meanwhile, they'll start getting the idea that it's time for them to grow up, exactly like Henry. So that at last, they'll be able to saya"I'm off the potty "

媒体推荐From School Library Journal
PreSchool-New entries in an already crowded field of books. These two are almost exact duplicates, both in text and illustration. The only differences are the names, Henry/Hannah; the addition or subtraction of a ponytail on the child's head; and the colors used-blue or pink, of course. A cutesy, rhymed text in the child's voice tells toddlers how Henry/Hannah receives his/her very own potty "to use when I am ready." Then the narrator goes on to relate how he/she sits on it, has success, and is rewarded with new underwear, not to mention the praise and applause of Mommy and Daddy. This is virtually the same plot as any other potty-training book aimed at this audience and their parents. Some have a tad more humor and imagination, like Wendy Lewison's The Princess & the Potty (S & S, 1994). Others are a bit more straightforward, such as Alona Frankel's Once Upon a Potty (Barron's, 1980). These two add nothing new or noteworthy or imaginative. Serviceable additions to satisfy demand.
Jane Marino, Scarsdale Public Library, NY
Copyright 2000 Reed Business Information, Inc.

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