大米妈 发表于 2012-5-7 12:38:57

2012.5.5 周六
上: whta do people do all day- everyone is a worker
晚:翻书+放音频a dark, dark tale
睡前音频: a dark, dark tale/ each peach pear plum/the very hungry caterpillar听到后面没声音了,估计睡着了。

2012.5.6 周日
晚: 大视频 wheels on the bus DVD-1
翻书+放音频a dark, dark tale
睡前音频: a dark, dark tale 放到一半,要求关掉.闹了一天,也没午睡,估计实在受不了了.

大米妈 发表于 2012-5-9 10:54:15

2012.5.7 周一
晚:视频:rosie's walk / the very hungry caterpillar/goodnight gorilla
书: 21世纪幼儿智能开发全书 我的第一本英语ABC (新) 虽说也是单词书,但因为用了迷宫,连线等形式,大米还蛮喜欢的。读了ABCD+F 6页
睡前音频: a dark dark tale

2012.5.8 周二
晚:21世纪幼儿智能开发我的第一本英语ABC 读了E-I几页
one mole digging a hole (新)

相顾无言 发表于 2012-5-9 16:57:23


大米妈 发表于 2012-5-11 11:31:14

2012.5.9 周三
早:cars galore
papa, please get the moon for me
(因为我要大米用英文讲动画片名字才给放,大米很小声的说(底气不足哈):我要看 papa, please get the moon ...   后面2个词有没有说没听清. 不过这算是大米说的较长的'句子'了.)
is your mama a llama(不知道为什么刚才papa那个放完直接跳到这一篇,大米说:就看这个吧,逃掉说英文了)
goodnight, gorilla   ( 这个名字短,他拿手的.)

2012.5.10 周四
早:what do people do all day- mailing a letter
晚:DKMy first ABC board book    (新)A-C
睡前音频:神奇的机器 听了几段大米其实就是喜欢听那些机器的声音~~

大米妈 发表于 2012-5-14 11:04:19

2012.5.11 周五
晚:视频:the snowy day/ goodnight gorilla/ one was johnny
书:the tooth book (新)

2012.5.12 周六
音频+书go dog go/no david
音频+书david goes to school/does a kangroo have a mother too?   (新)

2012.5.13 周日
晚:视频the snowy day 3遍

are you my mother
chicka chicka boom boom
dear zoo
goodnight moon
harry the dirty dog
hop on pop
one was johnny
papa, please get the moon for me 这个有点长,大米有点打结,然后自我纠正一下说对了,只是声音有点小,底气不足的说
rosie's walk
is your mama a llama
each peach pear plum (这个看过的遍数非常少,难得他说对了)
the little red hen (这个稍稍提醒了下)
a boy, a dog and a frog(一次也没看过)
a dark, dark tale (这个说的最好,会模仿里面的语气)
the snowy day
the very hungry caterpillar

大米妈 发表于 2012-5-18 11:31:58

2012.5.14 周一
视频:goodnight moon
papa,please get the moon for me
each peach pear plum
书+音频a dark, dark tale
        the very hungry caterpillar
        chicka chicka boom boom5遍不知为啥今天突然狂喜欢这个了,当时绘本是借的,现在只能翻出合辑出来。大米一边听,一边观察每幅图上树的变化(变弯了变直了等),从这个角度看,合辑上的小图也变成优势了。大米还说:最喜欢月亮出来之后的音乐,真好听!!

2012.5.15 周二
5 little monkeys wash the car

2012.5.16 周三
早:   roadwork    Busiest firefighters ever!
晚:视频:papa,please get the moon for me
chicka chicak boom boom2遍
书+音频chicka chicka boom boom 2遍
The Caterpillar and the Polliwog (新)
what the ladybird heard   (新)

2012.5.17 周四
早: what do people do all day- wood and how we use it
晚:画画时听 国地入门级song
睡前音频:the very hungry caterpillar

大米妈 发表于 2012-5-21 11:22:41

2012.5.18 周五
晚:视频:a dark, dark tale /wheels on the bus/snowy day
书+音频 chicka chicka boom boom 2遍
draw me a star(新) 我读一遍+音频一遍eric carle不多的几本以人为主角的书,细节充满了魅力,我很喜欢
兰登双语 snow
书+音频 green eggs and ham这本听的遍数多,我问大米:妈妈读的腔调象不象音频,大米点点头。
1,2,3 go (新)
what is my missing part

2012.5.19 周六
早:chipmunk's abc
晚:rubbish and recycling
the very quiet cricket (新)
睡前音频:one was johnny

2012.5.20 周日
早: what do people do all day- a voyage on a ship
晚:视频:a dark, dark tale /wheels on the bus/the very hungry caterpillar/chicka chicka boom boom
the big orange splot(新)   这本我没有看过,大米非吵着要讲(他喜欢封面鲜亮的颜色),我硬着头皮上。一上来书名splot就不认识,最后发现不认识的字不讲,书也可以读完,哈
睡前音频:one was johnny   事实证明,这种较快的节奏,听着同样能催眠~~~

大米妈 发表于 2012-5-25 10:17:42

2012.5.21 周一
视频:chicka chicka boom boom/wheels on the bus/the very hungry caterpillar
睡前音频:the wheels on the bus

2012.5.22 周二
睡前音频:the wheels on the bus

2012.5.23 周三
早:书+音频 chicka chicka boom boom/ goodnight moon/ the snowy day(看动画的时候没发现,其实大米这本书很多是听不懂的,看动画片在看热闹)
晚:toad makes a road (新)
a dark, dark tale
视频:toad makes a road 这个视频做的一般,吸引不了大米
视频:a dark, dark tale/the very hungry caterpillar/chicka chicka boom boom
书+音频:goodnight moon/papa, please get the moon for me/ a dark,dark tale
睡前音频: chicka chicka boom boom

2012.5.24 周四
晚: pat the bunny(新)
睡前音频:wheels on the bus

qqjasmineqq 发表于 2012-5-27 14:18:22


大米妈 发表于 2012-5-28 10:51:49

2012.5.25 周五
早: what do people do all day - building a new house

2012.5.26 周六
晚:书: big egg
书+音频 chicka chicka boom boom
书:the happy day   (新)

早:big machines
晚:视频: chicka chicka boom boom
the wheels on the bus
goodnight, gorilla

大米妈 发表于 2012-6-1 13:36:03

2012.5.28 周一
晚:视频:5 little monkeys jumping on the bed
one was johnny
papa, please get the moon for me看到一半的时候,大米问:她月亮拿在手里是感觉热还是冷呀?
chicka chicka boom boom
书:pancakes, pancakes(新)
look inside a farm   (新)
睡前音频:papa, please get the moon for me

2012.5.29 周二
晚: from head to toe
mouse moves house   (新)
睡前音频:wheels on the bus

2012.5.30 周三
早:can you see what I see?
晚:视频:chicka chicka boom boom/wheels on the bus/harry the dirty dog
书:goose on the loose
睡前音频:one was johnny

2012.5.31 周四
早:what do people do all day - mailing a letter
sheep in a jeep
晚:five little monkeys jumping on the bed
charlie needs a cloak (新)

大米妈 发表于 2012-6-4 10:42:58

2012.6.1 周五
早:cars and trucks and things that go 几页
晚:视频:charlie needs a cloak/papa, please get the moon for me/chicka chicka boom boom
ort 第1级 9本   (新)大米自己点读的,我问他:都懂吗? 说:都懂。 不知具体情况。
we are going on a bear hunt(新)

2012.6.2 周六
中:5 little monkeys wash the car
晚:音频:charlie needs a cloak

2012.6.3 周日
晚: 视频:快乐的森林舞会/好长好长的围巾/the flying sheep飞上天空的绵羊 (情商故事配套DVD)
睡前音频:chicka chicka boom boom

大米妈 发表于 2012-6-8 10:47:57

2012.6.4 周一
早:what do people do all day- building a new road
晚:视频 DVD-wheels on the bus
书:the very busy spider
点读:ort 9本 大米自己点,有些页有2句以上的,我发现大米没等读完,就去点下一页了
睡前音频:polar bear,what do you hear?

2012.6.5 周二
早:we're going on a bear hunt
what do people do all day- building a new road
晚:睡前音频: runaway bunny 听上一本中文的时候,大米时不时的咯咯笑,这则英文的一上来,不到一分钟,就安静了。英文音频真催眠呀

2012.6.6 周三
flying machine/ 5 little monkeys jumping on bed/let's play -face 这三则算一个配额
papa, please get the moon for me
caterpillar and polliwog为了推新的,答应这则不占额度,大米才答应
wheels on the bus
书+音频runaway bunny
书+音频 we are going on a bear hunt
睡前音频 runaway bunny

2012.6.7 周四
晚:hop on pop
leo the late bloomer(新)
ted's shed(新)
书+音频 runaway bunny
睡前音频 国地入门级song

ringringle 发表于 2012-6-9 08:05:44


大米妈 发表于 2012-6-11 11:51:50

2012.6.8 周五
晚:视频:chicka chicka boom boom /one was johnny/wheels on the bus
睡前音频:runaway bunny

2012.6.9 周六
晚:点读 9本
书+音频 a dark,dark tale /the very hungry caterpillar

2012.6.10 周日
晚:视频:papa, please get the moon for me / wheels on the bus/ the snowy day
音频DVD-wheels on the bus配套CD,很长,只听了第一集对应的内容

大米妈 发表于 2012-6-15 10:25:39

2012.6.11 周一
早:what do people do all day- wood and how we use it & where bread come from
晚:视频:rosie's walk/a dark,dark tale/wheels on the bus
睡前音频:wheels on the bus

2012.6.12 周二
早:a dark, dark tale
晚:chocolate mousse for greedy goose (新)
a day at the fire station
书+音频 a dark, dark tale

2012.6.13 周三
晚:视频:rosie's walk/ a dark, dark tale/ chicka chicka boom boom
the mixed-up chameleon(新)
大米读了dark tale,我给录了下来。他喜欢在句子中间问:什么呀。其实有时候自己能想起来,实在想不起来的我会提醒。
睡前音频:chicka chicka boom boom

2012.6.14 周四
晚:睡前音频:wheels on the bus

大米妈 发表于 2012-6-18 17:04:28

2012.6.15 周五
晚:视频: the mixed-up chameleon/chicka chicka boom boom/ wheels on the bus
音频:goodnight moon
书: friendly tales 之 7 little postmen
have youseen my cat? (新)
然后大米说:... 我规定同一字母,前一字母和后一字母都可以

2012.6.16 周六
上:The Mixed-Up Chameleon
晚: Dr.Seuss's abc (新)
点读 ort 9本
giraffe can't dance (新)

2012.6.17 周日
晚:视频:chicka chicka boom boom/wheels on the bus/one was johnny
书+音频 runaway bunny

大米妈 发表于 2012-6-25 14:23:00

2012.6.20 周三
晚:视频:wheels on the bus/ chicka chicka boom boom/goodnight, gorilla
书:Busiest firefighters ever

2012.6.21 周四
早:what do people do all day-building a new road

2012.6.22 周五
视频:wheels on the bus/ chicka chicka boom boom/ is your mama a llama
贴纸书 My First Big Machines Sticker Book(新)

2012.6.23 周六
贴纸书My First Big Machines Sticker Book

2012.6.24 周日
视频: wheels on the bus DVD-1

flyingboy 发表于 2012-6-26 10:14:39


大米妈 发表于 2012-6-29 16:29:31

2012.6.25 周一
晚:ORT 10本 (新)   
视频:chicka chicka boom boom/ wheels on the bus/ goodnight, gorilla
睡前音频:go, dog,go

2012.6.26 周二
睡前音频: dazzling diggers

2012.6.27 周三
早:Alphabatics (新) 这本书到手我就预感大米会非常喜欢,果然。早上自己翻,不懂的问我两句,我一边洗脸一边感叹着大米终于‘自主’阅读了。
晚:视频:wheels on the bus/the snowy day/goodnight,gorilla
书:whistle for willie (新)
睡前音频:a dark, dark tale /wheels on the bus

2012.6.28 周四

大米妈 发表于 2012-7-2 11:54:48

2012.6.29 周五
晚:there was an old lady who swallowed a spy (新)
视频:there was an old lady who swallowed a spy/wheels on the bus/chicka chicka boom boom/goodnight,gorilla
睡前音频:wheels on the bus/chicka chicka boom boom/ we are going on a bear hunt

2012.6.30 周六
下:音频:wheels on the bus DVD-1对应CD
晚:the caterpillar and the polliwog
睡前:we are going on a bear hunt/ one was johnny

2012.7.1 周日
视频:今天可以在电视机上看片子,我们称之为大动画片日,大米要看wheels on the bus DVD的第2集,看了几分钟,完全来懂,灰溜溜地又退回去再看第1集。
书+音:we are going on a bear hunt/ papa, please get the moon for me
睡前音频:papa, please get the moon for me

大米妈 发表于 2012-7-6 11:23:03

2012.7.2 周一
晚:视频:wheels on the bus/the very hungry caterpillar/papa, please get the moon for me
书:look inside the airport(新)
书+音频:we are going on a bear hunt/charlie needs a cloak
睡前音频:wheels on the bus/chicka chicka boom boom

2012.7.3 周二
睡前音频:goodnight moon/goodnight,gorilla/chicka chicka boom boom

2012.7.4 周三
视频:wheels on the bus/chicka chicka boom boom/goodnight,gorilla/is your mama a llama
书+音 knuffle bunny
睡前音频:wheels on the bus

2012.7.5 周四
晚:睡前音频:wheels on the bus DVD配套CD

小可爱的爸爸 发表于 2012-7-6 11:26:20


大米妈 发表于 2012-7-9 12:46:05

2012.7.6 周五
晚:视频:wheels on the bus/goodnight,gorilla/one was johnny
where is the green sheep(新)
睡前音频:where is the green sheep/runaway bunny

2012.7.7 周六
上:rubbish and recycling 半本
晚:点读ORT stage2 10本
pip and posy 2本

2012.7.8 周日
晚:动画:wheels on the bus DVD-1
书:big pig on a dig/fox on a box (新)
goose on the loose/toad makes a road/mouse moves house
睡前音频:where is the green sheep

chloe0507 发表于 2012-7-10 09:09:54

小米现在只看很低级的分级,绘本不爱看。估计还是看不懂。你家的书,不少我也有,where is the green sheep 音频你哪里找的啊,我也有这本。你音频很多,我很多书都没有音频,郁闷那。

大米妈 发表于 2012-7-13 09:59:56

2012.7.9 周一
视频:wheels on the bus/goodnight,gorilla/5 little monkeys jumping on the bed/dear zoo
后来在沙发上跳(他一兴奋就在沙发上跳),一边跳一边说:i like jumping on the sofa!

2012.7.10 周二
晚:视频:wheels on the bus/goodnight,gorilla/rosie's walk
大米指着zoo keeper的妻子带领动物们回zoo的那幅图问:为什么这条路没有路灯?
睡前音频:wheels on the bus DVD-1配套CD/where is the green sheep
听wheels on the bus的时候,大米精神还很清醒,他问:为什么男生和女生声音不同呀?

2012.7.11 周三
睡前音频:wheels on the bus DVD-1配套CD

2012.7.12 周四
早:cars and trucks and things that go 前半
睡前音频:where is the green sheep

大米妈 发表于 2012-7-16 11:24:04

2012.7.13 周五
早:cars and trucks and things that go 后半
晚:视频:wheels on the bus/harry the dirty dog/a dark, dark tale
书:I miss you mouse(新)
睡前音频:the very hungry caterpillar

2012.7.14 周六
晚:书+音 papa, please get the moon for me
we are going on a bear hunt
睡前音频:knuffle bunny

2012.7.15 周日
中:what do people do all day - where bread comes from
晚:视频:wheels on the bus dvd-1
hen's pens (新)
睡前音频:wheels on the bus DVD-1配套CD

londianxc 发表于 2012-7-16 21:20:19


estelle_369 发表于 2012-7-17 16:45:44


zitengbaoer 发表于 2012-7-17 16:53:19

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