翩若惊鸿 发表于 2012-7-21 11:42:29

向Zada家的Lomy 鸣谢:在姐姐的英语作文刺激之下,令人喷饭的典范体复述故事问世

孩子这几天跟着我看论坛,今看到了Lomy 的大作和拥有珍珠的数量,羡慕嫉妒之下,立刻拿起了最近正看的典范英语2b,翻至 17课,要复述出来让我帮她记录再发上来。该课的学习背景是上个学期曾自己翻阅过图画,非同步地听过本册书的音频,放假后开始基本连续先听音频(四到五课为单位),拿出书本指读句子,是否复述看她的心情。小妞不曾学习写单词,所以代录下来,供大家娱乐一下。带颜色的词是不太会读的或原句,段落是我给分的,。
Lesson 17 spaceshipFloppy dream in study room. “Wow!” Said Kipper. “A really spaceship!”An alien came out. And he had a dog.
“Hi!”Said the alien, “My name is Sarlina. This is my dog. She is a girl. She’s name is Karlina. Let’s go into the space.” Floppy barked, but he don’t want to go into the space. Floppy barked and barked, he don’t want to fly into the space. But they fly into the space.
“What’s this?” said Kipper. And Floppy see. Karlina said:“Oh no! Fireballs!” “Oh no!” They said, “The fireballs come!” They was frightened. Bang! The fireballs bumped in the spaceship.
Karlina and Kipper bump head. “Oh my head!” Said Kipper. “Oh my head!” said Sarlina. Floppy saw a big fireball and he barked and barked. “See this!”said Floppy, “I can fly into the space. I want the fireball go!”
Zoom! He fly into the space! What a good dog! Said Sarlina, Kipper and Karlina. Floppy was so happy. “What a good dream!” Floppy said. And he ran away.

Zada 发表于 2012-7-21 12:30:22



lxq9918 发表于 2012-7-21 12:36:50


初夏 发表于 2012-7-21 12:51:00


wwwchem 发表于 2012-7-21 12:58:59


yangjieqong 发表于 2012-7-21 13:45:19


yuqinghuaz 发表于 2012-7-21 19:58:15

不错   有动力就好了

wuxinzhuizhu 发表于 2012-8-10 21:57:47


ttnaottnao 发表于 2013-2-5 05:24:49

Thanks for sharing.
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