桥梁书 亲子共读 , 2月份安排阅读I can read level Myfirst, 和Level I 的书籍。

汇总论坛里相关的I can read 资源

前一阵子的团购, 大家手里也买了一些这方面的书, 希望参加这个阶段阅读的家庭, 能将这些书籍利用起来。
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  • lootata

    2011-2-2 03:41:58 使用道具

  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 03:57:22 使用道具

    Danny and the Dinosaur  阅读理解

    1. Danny found a dinosaur. Where did he find it?
    Danny found a dinosaur at the museum.
    2. Danny and his new friend walked around town. What was the dinosaur good at doing?
    The dinosaur was good at giving rides to Danny, Danny's friends, a woman with many packages, and people waiting at the bus stop. He was a good bridge for people to walk over instead of crossing a busy street and a fun merry-go-round for the kids to ride. The only thing he wasn't  good at was playing hide-and-seek.
    3. The zookeeper asked Danny to leave. Why did he ask Danny to leave?
    The zookeeper asked Danny to leave because all the people at the zoo wanted to see the dinosaur, and no one looked at the other animals.
    4. Danny found a dinosaur at the museum. Write a paragraph about something you may have seen at the museum, how it came  to life, and what you did with it.                           

  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 03:59:40 使用道具

    Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp

    1. Kids bring many things to camp. What did Danny bring?
    Danny brought a dinosaur to camp.

    2. The children rowed boats. How did Danny do this, but not in the same way?
    Danny rowed his dinosaur when the kids rowed boats.

    3. How did the hike change at camp?
    When the kids, Lana, and the dinosaur hiked, Danny grew tired. He asked the dinosaur for a ride. When the other kids saw Danny getting a ride, they wanted one, too. Even Lana wanted a ride on the dinosaur.

    4. Danny brought a dinosaur to camp. Write about one crazy thing that you would like to bring to camp. It can be real or imaginary. Tell how this thing would change the whole camping experience.
  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 04:00:33 使用道具

    Fancy Nancy and the Boy From Paris

    1. Nancy made a mistake. What was her big mistake?
    Nancy did not know that Robert was from Paris, Texas. She thought he was from Paris, France.

    2. What helped Nancy think that Robert was from France?
    Robert's grandfather’s horse was named Belle, which is a French name, and there was an Eiffel Tower in his town in Texas, which was different from the one in France, but called the same name.

    3. Nancy was late to school. She did not hear that Robert was from Texas. What would have helped Nancy realize her mistake sooner?
    If Nancy had been a little quicker to listen to what Robert said and did, perhaps she would have saved herself some embarrassment.

    4. Fancy Nancy thinks that France is a beautiful city, although she has never seen it in person. Write a paragraph. Describe a place that you have never seen in person but can imagine. This can be a real or pretend place.
  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 04:02:10 使用道具

    Happy Birthday, Danny and the Dinosaur!

    1. Who came to Danny's party?
    Danny invited many kids and the dinosaur from the museum. His parents were there, too.

    2. How did the dinosaur help?
    The dinosaur became the ride to the party for all the kids and helped them hang party decorations.

    3. Who blew out the candles? What was the wish?
    Both Danny and the dinosaur blew out the candles. They wished to be together the following year for their birthdays.

    4. Danny invited a dinosaur to his birthday party. What would you do if you had a friendly dinosaur at your next birthday party? Write about the things you would do and the things that would happen because the dinosaur was there
  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 04:03:37 使用道具

    Oliver by Syd Hoff

    1. The circus man did not take Oliver. He left Oliver. What did Oliver do?
    Oliver was disappointed, but he made the best of a bad situation and figured out what else he could do.

    2. What work did Oliver try to do?
    Oliver tried to be an elephant in the zoo, but the zoo didn't need him. He tried to be someone's dog, but he did not want to eat a bone. He tried to be a horse, but he could not jump like other horses.

    3. What did Oliver do at the playground?
    Oliver found a new way to swing children, was able to play on the seesaw, and let children climb up on him and slide down his trunk. When they all rested, they talked about what they wanted to be when they grew up. Oliver wanted to be a circus elephant, so he showed them one of his dances.

    4. What did the circus man say to Oliver?
    The circus man saw Oliver dance. He wanted Oliver to be in the circus, because Oliver was the best dancing elephant he had ever seen. The circus owner apologized to Oliver—he said he should have taken Oliver, the eleventh elephant, instead of only the first ten.

    5. Oliver tried to live in a zoo, be a dog, and be a horse. Write a paragraph about what else Oliver could have tried to do and then explain how he would have succeeded or failed.
  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 04:04:32 使用道具

    Sammy the Seal

    1. What made Sammy sad? How did the zookeeper make him happy?
    Sammy was sad because he wanted to see the world outside o the zoo. The zookeeper let him go on a field trip to see how people lived.

    2. Why did Sammy look for a place to swim?
    Sammy was hot and tired. He wanted to swim to cool off.

    3. Where did Sammy want to or try to swim?
    Sammy wanted to swim in a puddle, goldfish bowl, and fountain but they were too small or he was not allowed. He ended up in a bathtub.

    4. What did Sammy do at school?
    Sammy learned to read and write. He also sang and played games.

    5. School was over. What did Sammy want to do?
    Sammy wanted to go home. He had many exciting experiences, but he knew that his home in the zoo was the best place for him.

    6. If you were a seal, what is one thing you would want to do before going back to the zoo? Write a paragraph describing what you would do and how you would do it.
  • high5

    楼主 2011-2-2 04:05:57 使用道具

    以上是非常好的一些阅读理解题目, 希望大家能利用起来。
  • 闪电小子

    2011-2-2 07:25:31 使用道具

  • 封疆大吏041010

    2011-2-2 07:44:48 使用道具



    参与人数 1 贝壳 +20 理由 收起
    high5 + 20 同快乐

    2011-2-2 08:19:04 使用道具

  • boysam2002

    2011-2-2 10:23:32 使用道具

  • peterloh

    2011-2-2 15:34:05 使用道具

    今天刚在论坛下了I can read L0, L1 的书和一些音频,有空整理一下. 过节后开始读.
  • 亲爱的小安德鲁

    2011-2-3 03:18:31 使用道具

  • 苹果无色

    2011-2-3 10:25:12 使用道具

  • 鼻涕娃

    2011-2-23 22:42:43 使用道具

  • 书香四溢

    2011-2-24 06:52:36 使用道具

  • 猴妈

    2011-2-24 07:43:25 使用道具

    Danny and the Dinosaur Go to Camp

    Frog and Toad小猴是很喜欢的,以前读过的,前两天应他要求,又一个故事 A Swim
  • 欣赏

    2011-10-8 23:31:07 使用道具

  • 欣赏

    2011-10-8 23:32:06 使用道具

    本帖最后由 欣赏 于 2011-10-8 23:32 编辑

  • vivian_chh

    2011-11-18 13:21:49 使用道具

  • yuanzi81

    2011-11-18 15:08:14 使用道具

  • 栩栩如生

    2011-12-11 20:23:41 使用道具

  • linlilisa

    2011-12-26 13:59:35 使用道具

    欣赏 发表于 2011-10-8 23:31

  • blanket

    2011-12-27 12:23:20 使用道具

  • rainmanfu

    2011-12-27 12:53:09 使用道具

  • 宅居氏

    2011-12-28 15:34:15 使用道具

  • 金凤凰

    2012-1-25 23:04:22 使用道具

  • 小土豆大王

    2012-1-29 11:02:40 使用道具
