

[加州语言] G1 学习记录

本帖最后由 happyyaya 于 2012-10-17 09:08 编辑

开始G1 1个多月了,目前进行到Unit 2 的Theme 1:Animal Families。
2、on_level practice
3、grammar practice
4、oral vocabulary cards
6、Visual vocabulary cards

4 是当泛读故事阅读,扩充词汇量用的。
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  • luckflay

    2012-10-17 09:06:32 使用道具

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-17 09:16:51 使用道具

    本帖最后由 happyyaya 于 2012-10-17 09:19 编辑


    on level practice book中每一个主题对应的练习有8页,包括:
    1. phonics
    2. words to know
    3. comprehension (图表)
    4. comprehension (填空)
    5. structural analysis
    6. fluency
    7. text feature
    8. phonics

    每个单元5个主题过后,会有两页练习复习,内容都是words to know。

  • luckflay

    2012-10-17 09:17:34 使用道具

  • ljp99526

    2012-10-17 09:19:30 使用道具

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-17 09:28:11 使用道具

    再来说下Grammar practice book。
    1. Nouns
    2. Nouns
    3. Mechanics
    4. Proofreading
    5. Review and Assess
    每个主题一个语法点,U1T1是句子, U1T2是词序, U1T3是陈述句, U1T4是问句和感叹句, U1T5是句子写作,而U2T1则是名词。

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-17 09:43:22 使用道具

    Oral vocabulary cards 和visual vocabulary cards:

    visual vocabulary cards一般由三部分组成:
    1. key vocabulary 通常是5个词
    2. function words and phrases 一般4到6个词或词组
    3. basic words: 一般6个词

    在我看来,这组词汇卡片很难,特别是key vocabulary部分。
    1. key vocabulary: guide, provide, protect, separate, wild
    2. function words and phrases: pick off, pick up, do a lot, like a lot
    3. basic words: parent, father, family, mother, children, baby

    之所以觉得难,主要是源于第一单元第一个主题的9个词:cheerful, genuine, interest, prefer, unique, creep past, scamper across, crounch in fear, watch in amazement。
  • luckflay

    2012-10-17 09:44:25 使用道具

  • annahjm8

    2012-10-17 09:49:12 使用道具

  • 秋天的果实

    2012-10-17 09:49:30 使用道具

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-17 10:17:36 使用道具

    Wild Animal Families

    Animals have families just like people. What do you think the members of animal families do for one another?

    From the moment a new wolf pup is born, its family works together to care for it. Newborn wolf pups are very tiny. They only weigh about a pound. The new pups snuggle up against their mother in their den. The father stands guard outside. The pups cannot see or hear yet. The dark, quiet den is a safe home for them.
    At first, the pups drink their mother's milk. Soon, they will eat meat. The father hunts to provide meat for the family. The parents chew the meat, and then spit it into the pups' mouths.
    After two months, the pups join the rest of the wolf family. Wolves live in groups called packs. Members of the pack play with the pups, bring them food, and even "babysit" while the parents hunt. At six months, the pups will be ready to hunt with the pack.

    It is a cold winter day in Antarctica. A mother emperor penguin has just laid her egg. Now she will leave and head for the sea to eat! What happens to the egg? The father penguin stays to keep it warm.
    The father protects the egg by resting it on his feet and covering it with a warm layer of feathered skin. He stands for about two months to keep the egg warm. He eats nothing this whole time!
    After the chick hatches, the mother penguin returns with food for the baby. Now it's the father's turn to head for the sea to eat and rest.
    The chick sits on its mother's feet and is covered with her warm feathers for about two months. Then the mother will leave to get food for the chick. Emperor penguins live in big groups. So when the mothers go for food, all the chicks huddle together to keep warm.
    When the chicks get older, the parent penguins guide them to the sea. They follow one another waddling, sliding, and diving off the ice into the sea to learn to fish for food.

    Thirsty and hot, a group of elephants walk to a water hole. The calves, or baby elephants, are very tired. But their mothers and aunts push them along with their trunks. They do not want the calves to be separated from the herd, or group.
    The herd is led by the oldest elephant. She is the grandmother. The adult elephants in the family take care of the little ones. They also take care of the elephants that are very old. There are no  male elephants in the herd.
    Once they reach the water hole, the elephants suck water up through their trunks and blow it into their mouths. They squirt cool water over their bodies and their babies. One mother rescues her calf that is stuck in the mud!
    Elephants say a lot by their  behavior. Two elephants may hug by wrapping their trunks together. Another elephant makes loud trumpeting noises to call for a baby who has wandered off. Still another elephant may stretch out her ears to listen and sniff the air with her trunk. Is danger near? If so, the herd will stand together, and the babies will hide behind the adults.

    Three mothers sit and watch their youngsters run, climb, and chase one another. Another mother sits holding her  baby who is too young to play. Are these youngsters children at a playground? No! They are young wild gorillas playing in a mountain forest.
    The leader of this gorilla family is a male gorilla called a silverback. Silverbacks get their name because the hair on their backs turns silvergray as they get older. The silverback protects his family from other silverbacks or people. If he is seen pounding his chest and roaring, he is angry!
    What do gorillas do all day? When they wake up in the morning, they search for food. In the afternoon, the older gorillas nap while the young ones play. Later they look for more food. Then they groom the young ones by pulling dirt and bugs from their hair.
    When the silverback says it's bedtime, each gorilla makes a nest using branches and leaves. The males sleep on the ground. The children snuggle with their mothers in the trees.
  • 爸妈上网

    2012-10-17 10:19:46 使用道具

    happyyaya 发表于 2012-10-17 09:43
    Oral vocabulary cards 和visual vocabulary cards:

  • cindy9259

    2012-10-17 11:50:49 使用道具

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-17 13:10:58 使用道具

    爸妈上网 发表于 2012-10-17 10:19
    深有同感,当初看到论坛里的这个资源,大家都说很好,可是我看了内容觉得对一年级的孩子来说太难了,感觉不知 ...

  • 爸妈上网

    2012-10-17 15:14:57 使用道具

    本帖最后由 爸妈上网 于 2012-10-17 15:15 编辑
    happyyaya 发表于 2012-10-17 13:10
    但这套资源胜在全面,基本哪个层次的需 ...

  • 秋天的果实

    2012-10-17 15:15:12 使用道具

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-17 16:21:41 使用道具

    上面贴出来的那一大段就是U2T1对应的oral vocabulary cards的内容,每个故事四页,这个故事中一种动物一页。
    蓝色标出的是visual vocabulary cards上对应的5个关键词。

    oral vocabulary cards生词:
    snuggle: to lie close to seone, or to hold soehn close for warhor protection or to show affection.
    spit: to force food, liquid, or saliva out of your mouth.
    huddle: to come together closely in a group.
    suck: to draw air or a liquid into your mouth by using your lungs, tongue, or lips.
    squirt: to force out a stream or jet of liquid.
    chase: to run after someone or somthing in order to catch them or scare them away.
    pound: to hit heavily and repetedly.
    groom: to brush and clean an animal.
  • 啦仔啦妈

    2012-10-21 10:37:22 使用道具

  • 啦仔啦妈

    2012-10-21 10:48:59 使用道具

  • 啦仔啦妈

    2012-10-21 11:42:44 使用道具

    这几天一直在研究这教程,确实很强大, 亲的经验很值得参考呢!

    2、on_level practice
    4、oral vocabulary cards
    6、Visual vocabulary cards

    在哪里可以下载呀? 亲是否方便给我发一个呀? (Q36138366) 急需呢! 感激!{:soso_e121:}

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-21 14:35:28 使用道具

    啦仔啦妈 发表于 2012-10-21 11:42
    这几天一直在研究这教程,确实很强大, 亲的经验很值得参考呢!


  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-21 14:45:22 使用道具

    本周main idea:animal moms and dads do a lot. details:feed the baby,clean the baby,play with baby,help baby get from place to place. 能总结main idea和detail,但第四个细节没总结出,因为她觉得袋鼠妈妈和狮子爸爸没有move。这个答案是看esl给出的。
  • 啦仔啦妈

    2012-10-21 16:40:14 使用道具

    happyyaya 发表于 2012-10-21 14:35

    亲,主要是我不能用115载,只能用迅雷! {:soso_e127:}
  • 啦仔啦妈

    2012-10-21 16:45:52 使用道具

    happyyaya 发表于 2012-10-21 14:35

    刚整理完全套,才发现自己之前在大家论坛下载(用迅雷可以下)的K,G1,G2版的PDF文档,教师用书与音频是不匹配的, 好痛苦啊! 亲如果方便的话给我过来你手上的这几套的电子版,我全部现在手上全部贝壳给你. 跪谢! 哈哈{:soso_e113:}
  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-22 21:10:17 使用道具

    U2T2: Helping out
    做练习: phonics short e: net cent bed leg ten dress
                  words to know: some who of no eat
  • lilianna917

    2012-10-22 22:57:52 使用道具

    2、on_level practice
    3、grammar practice

    我家是一天时间把课文通读,然后每天2张练习.ONLEVEL 一个主题4张,语法2张半,拼写2张,基本上是一天做2张的样子.我们3单元快学完了,感觉语法是越来越难了,所以2张半语法会分成2天来做.做练习时读配套阅读,配套阅读读完后,会去读其他分级,目前是牛津阅读树和哈考特GK交叉读.


  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-23 10:23:25 使用道具

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-24 11:11:42 使用道具

    contractions n't
    doesn't didn't can't isn't
    A cat can't swim.

  • happyyaya

    楼主 2012-10-24 20:43:56 使用道具

    Text Feature: Diagram
        pond, nest, den, fish
    short e, o
        dog, bell, cob, pond, vest, Kent
  • 啦仔啦妈

    2012-10-25 13:54:17 使用道具

    向你学习,坚持! 才开始第一课就因为孩子的作业太多暂停,纠结中呢!