本帖最后由 菲林 于 2012-3-18 16:36 编辑


32.let's hold hands, penelope
I am going out to a walk.
Penelope is going out for a walk with her mum and dad.
Are you ready to go?
Wait, penelope.
What is it, mum?
Let's leave max at home.
You might leave it somewhere.
But, I will be careful. I won't forget max.
But you will be upset if you lose him.
I want to take max with me.
He is always with me when I sleep and when I eat meals.
Oh, wait a minute. I've got an idea.
Oh, dear penelope, I wander what idea she has. Can you guess?
If I put max in my hat, mum and dad won't know.
Shall I hide max in my jumper? I can tell mum and dad my tummy is big because I ate too much.
Maybe it's a good idea to put to my trousers pocket. Then my bottom won't hurt too and I get on the swings.
That's what I'll do.
Well, let's go penelope.
Oh, mum. Yes.
Be careful, darling.
Yes, mum.
A puddle.
Wow! It's fun.
Oh, dear penelope.
You shoes will get all muddy.
Look, let's hold hands.
With me too.
Oh, I want to get muddy.
What is it, penelope.
I cann't claim she holding hands.
It's no fun.
Yes, I've got an idea.
Oh, dear, penelope has another idea. I wander what it is this time.
If max takes my place, I bet mum and dad won't notice and nothing that is me. Then I can have lots of fun.
Splash! Splash!
It's my--.
Now I wipe my trousers and shoes with my scarf. And they will be all clean.
And mum and dad won't notice. It's so good.
What's the matter, penelope.
I have a very good, wonderful idea!
wonderful idea?
Will you share it?
It's a secret.
You have a lot of funny idea today, haven't you penelope?


参与人数 1 贝壳 +50 理由 收起
小团团 + 50 非常感谢!
2082 查看 10 收藏帖子 (1)


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  • 漫步的云

    2012-3-18 16:35:23 使用道具

  • baozimm

    2012-3-18 16:51:32 使用道具

  • TEDDY33

    2012-3-18 17:19:30 使用道具

    小米妈妈辛苦了。很不错呵~^o^   我改一点点小地方呵。大家一起讨论呵。
    I am going out for a walk.

    Oh, dear penelope, I wonder what idea she has. Can you guess?
    Shall I hide max in my jumper? I can tell mum and dad my tummy is too big because I ate too much.
    Maybe it's a good idea to put it to my trousers pocket. Then my bottom won't hurt too and I get on the swings.
    Oh, dear, penelope has another idea. I wonder what it is this time.
    It's my feet. (听着好象是这个词,但是没听到t的音。)

  • 心情小雨

    2012-3-18 17:39:03 使用道具

    本帖最后由 心情小雨 于 2012-3-18 17:42 编辑

    初步改了一下 大家继续改良呀

    32.let's hold hands, Penelope
    I am going out to a walk.
    Penelope is going out for a walk with her mum and dad.
    Are you ready to go?
    Oh, wait, Penelope.
    What is it, mum?
    Let's leave max at home.
    You might leave it hide somewhere.(不确定 但听到有个词在里边)
    But, I will be careful. I won't forget max.
    But you will be upset if you lose him.
    I want to take max with me.
    He is always with me when I sleep and when I eat meals.
    Oh, wait a minute. I've got an idea.
    Oh, dear Penelope, I wonder what idea she has. Can you guess?
    If I put max in my hat, mum and dad won't know.
    Or shall I hide max in my jumper? I can tell mum and dad my tummy is too big because I ate too much.
    Maybe it's a good idea to put it in my trousers pocket. Then my bottom won't hurt when I get on the swings.
    That's what I'll do.
    Well, let's go penelope.
    Oh, mum. Yes.
    Be careful, darling.
    Yes, mum.
    A puddle.
    Wow! It's fun.
    Oh, dear penelope.
    Your shoes will get all muddy.
    Look, let's hold hands.
    With me too.
    Oh, I want to get muddy.
    What is it, penelope?
    I cann't climb a tree holding hands.
    It's no fun.
    Yes, I've got an idea.
    Oh, dear, Penelope has another idea. I wonder what it is this time.
    If max takes my place, I bet mum and dad won't notice and now think that is me. Then I can have lots of fun.(听到有个now,但 感觉有点怪吧)
    Splash! Splash!
    It's muddy!
    Now I wipe my trousers and shoes with my scarf. And they will be all clean.
    And mum and dad won't notice. It's so good.
    What's the matter, Penelope.
    I have a very good, wonderful idea!
    wonderful idea?
    Will you share it?
    It's a secret.
    You have a lot of funny ideas today, haven't you Penelope?


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +50 理由 收起
    小团团 + 50 真是辛苦了!
  • math123

    2012-3-18 18:03:44 使用道具

  • dragon1978

    2012-3-19 12:35:01 使用道具

    Then my bottom won't hurt when I get on the swings.
    这句我听得是Then my bottom won't touch when I get on the swings.

    If max takes my place, I bet mum and dad won't notice and now think that is me.
    我同意是now think
  • unite

    2012-3-19 16:28:03 使用道具

    now think 应为 all think
    climb a tree 觉得不通,但也听不出
  • lovelygirl00

    2012-3-20 12:13:21 使用道具

  • wja-tj

    2012-5-8 12:54:17 使用道具

  • yanziok

    2012-5-15 09:56:36 使用道具
