阿里克斯·莱德(Alex Rider),著名小说家、剧作家安东尼·赫洛维兹 Anthony Horowitz 笔下少年007系列小说的主人公
14岁的孤儿阿里克斯,在监护人叔叔伊恩死于一场可疑的车祸后,他的世界被彻底改变了;阿里克斯被英国最高特工部门军情六处(MI6)强行征招,开始了一名少年间谍冒险生涯。他接受了空军特种兵的非人训练;他潜入过阿尔卑斯山与世隔绝的峰顶;他阻止了邪恶的核计划;他破解了人权卫士光环背后的隐秘……在惊险神秘的间谍世界,他做到了成人无法做到的事情,一次又一次地拯救了世界。Anthony Horowitz
这个人是靠写儿童读物起家的,最出名的主要有两个系列:Alex Rider系列和Diamond Brother系列。前者讲的是少年特工的冒险故事,情节和007类似,可是主人公是一个十几岁的孩子;后者属于少年侦探故事,一对兄弟屡破奇案,风格是幽默风趣和悬疑。


Eagle Strike was published in 2003. Damian Cray, a world-famous pop star, hopes to destroy the world's drug-making countries by hijacking the United States' nuclear arsenal. Suspicious of him, Alex takes Cray on without the help of the sceptical MI6. Cray releases a state-of-the-art games console called the 'Gameslayer'. Its first game, 'Feathered Serpent', is much more than it seems. It is up to Alex to discover the connection between the pop star, the video game, and the bombing of his vacation home. In the end, he will uncover a much larger plot, one involving the US government and the world's security. Alex got caught spying and was forced into a real life version of 'Feathered Serpent' and manages to escape by cheating the way only a real human can unlike an avatar. He leaves Damian Cray's mansion but not before stealing a vital piece of equipment that Damian needs to make his plan work. He is then forced to give it up because Damian had kidnapped Sabina who is his love interest.


本书为该系列第四部Eagle Strike
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