
本和霍利剧本 13 Nanny Plum's Lesson

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《本和霍利的小王国》动画介绍 + 资料

Nanny Plum's Lesson

Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.

Everyone who lives here is very, very small.

BEN: I’m Ben Elf. *boo*

HOLLY: And I’m Princess Holly. Come on, let’s play!

BEN: Wait for us!

Ben and Holly’s little Kingdom.

Today’s adventure starts at the little castle.

Nanny Plum's Lesson

NANNY PLUM: Holly, Violet and Strawberry, are you ready for today’s Fairy lesson?

ALL: Yes, Nanny Plum.

NANNY PLUM: coughToday’s lesson is about…


NANNY PLUM: Who can that be? Oh, Ben Elf!

BEN: Hello, Nanny Plum. It is Holly in?

NANNY PLUM: I’m afraid Princess Holly is too busy to play with elves or insects. *Gaston barks*

HOLLY: Hi, Ben. Hi, Gaston.

BEN: Hi, Holly.     

VIOLET:  Nanny Plum is giving us a lesson.

STRAWBERRY: Do you want to join in?

BEN: Yes, please.

NANNY PLUM: Actually, it’s a Fairy lesson.

HOLLY: Please, Nanny, let Ben stay.

NANNY PLUM: But Ben’s missed the beginning. And I don’t want to repeat everything I’ve said.

STRAWBERRY: But all you’ve said is, *cough* ‘Today’s lesson is about..’ 

Please let Ben stay. 

CHILDREN: Please, Nanny Plum.

NANNY PLUM: OK. As long as Ben just sit quietly and watches. I suppose even an Elf 

might learn something.

BEN: Thanks, Nanny.

NANNY PLUM: Oh So you’re joining us too, are you? *Gaston barks*

Now, where was I?

STRAWBERRY: *cough* Today’s lesson is about..

NANNY PLUM: Thank you, Strawberry. 

Today’s lesson is about some important fairy rules. 

Rule one – fairies must look nice. Hair lovely, clothes, stylish. Skin, beautifully clean. Elves and ladybirds, of course, need not worry about such things.

Rule two – fairies should never, ever be without their wands. Who knows why?

BEN: Without wands fairies can’t do magic tricks.

NANNY PLUM: Yes, Ben. We need wands to do magic. A fairy without her wand is like.. like a ladybird without her spots. *Gaston barks*

HOLLY: Nanny, Gaston is the a BOY ladybird.

NANNY PLUM: Whatever. The important thing is, fairies must look after their wands.

GIRLS: Yes, Nanny Plum.

NANNY PLUM: Rule thee – if it’s windy like today, fairies should be careful about flying. As long as I fly low, I’ll be fine. But on a day like today, no-one should fly above the  castle walls. It’s very windy up here.

CHILDREN:  Yes Nanny Plum.

NANNY PLUM: So what have we learnt?

HOLLY:  Fairies should always look nice.  

STRAWBERRY: Fairies must never, ever be without their wand.

VIOLET:  Fairies mustn’t fly in strong winds.

NANNY PLUM: Very good. You see? Even I find it difficult, when the wind is so……

STRAWBERRY:  Oh, Nanny Plum’s gone.

BEN: Was that meant to happen?

HOLLY: I don’t think so.

Nanny’s left her wand behind.

VIOLET:  And a fairy without a wand..

STRAWBERRY: like a ladybird without his spots.

HOLLY: Poor Nanny! What can we do?

BEN: I’ve got a simple plan, we find Nanny, we rescue her, then we give Nanny her wand.

HOLLY: But we don’t know how to find her.

VIOLET:  And we don’t know how to rescue her.

STRAWBERRY: And we’re not allowed to touch Nanny Plum’s wand.

BEN: Then it’s a good thing I’m here. I can do all those things because I’m an Elf. *boo* Gaston, find Nanny Plum.* Gaston sniffs*  Gaston will sniff her out in no time. 

ALL: Hooray for Gaston. 

BEN: There’s Nanny Plum. Stage one, completed.

NANNY PLUM: Hello. How did you find me so quickly?

BEN: Gaston followed your smell.

NANNY PLUM: My smell? For your information, I do not smell.

HOLLY: Nanny, we’ve got your wand.

NANNY PLUM: Holly, you’re know you not allowed to touch my wand? It could be very dangerous.

HOLLY: But we just wanted to help you.

STRAWBERRY: And you said, ‘A fairy, should never be without her wand.’

VIOLET:  So we’re here to rescue you and give you back your wand.

NANNY PLUM: Well. That’s very nice of you all, but..

BEN:  Stage two: the rescuing bit. Keep still, Nanny Plum. I’m going to throw this lasso around your waist.

NANNY PLUM: Uhh.That sounds dangerous. I think I’ll just wait for the wind to drop, and then I’ll fly down.

HOLLY: Are you sure you don’t want to be rescued, Nanny?

NANNY PLUM: Quite sure. This isn’t quite what I had planned. But now we’re all together again, let’s resume the lesson.

BEN:  Nanny Plum, are you sure that leaf can take your weight?

NANNY PLUM: My weight? Young men, I’ll have you know I’m as light as a feather.

Now where was I?

STRAWBERRY: The last thing you said was..

’Even I find it difficult to fly when the wind be so..*woooh

That’s the sound you made when the wind blew you away. *woooh

NANNY PLUM: Oh, yes. Thank you, Strawberry.

Even I find it difficult to..wooahooahwoo

HOLLY: Nanny, are you OK?

NANNY PLUM: Yes. At least I’m dry. *wooh.

VIOLET: Nanny’s wings are soaking wet.

HOLLY: She can’t fly.

STRAWBERRY: So she’s stuck on that little island.

BEN:  Nanny Plum, are you ready to be rescued?

NANNY PLUM: Err. No, I’ll wait for my wings to dry and then I’ll fly over to you.

BEN:  I think the bird’s looking for worms.

NANNY PLUM: I hope Mrs. Bird doesn’t mistake me for a worm. *screams*

STRAWBERRY: Nanny Plum’s in a bird’s nest.

NANNY PLUM: I’ll be all right as long as the eggs don’t hatch.

Oh, dear!

STRAWBERRY: Those baby birds look hungry.

NANNY PLUM: Oh, bother. My wings are still wet. *screams* *fall*

CHILDREN: Nanny Plum~

NANNY PLUM: It’s not pleasant, but it’s only mud.

BEN:  I think it’s quicksand.

STRAWBERRY: Nanny Plum is sinking into the ground.

NANNY PLUM: Ben, I’m ready to be rescued now.

BEN:  Fantastic! Giddy up, Gaston. Giddy up, giddy up. Keep still, Nanny Plum, I’m going to throw this lasso around your waist. She’s too heavy. Gaston, pull harder!


HOLLY: Oh. Nanny Plum, you smell horrible.

NANNY PLUM: Well, at least no-one else was here to see all that.

QUEEN THISTLE: My goodness, is that you, Nanny Plum?

NANNY PLUM: Err..Yes, Queen Thistle.

I’m just teaching the children of few fairy rules.

KING THISTLE: Excellent! And what fairy rules are you teaching?

HOLLY: Rule one: fairies must always look nice. Hair lovely, clothes stylish, skin beautifully clean.

NANNY PLUM: Err.Yes. I’ve been showing the children what not to do.

STRAWBERRY: Rule two: fairies must never, ever be without their wands.

NANNY PLUM: Yes, yes, Strawberry. King Thistle doesn’t want to know all the little details.

KING THISTLE: Quite right. You seem to have everything under control, Nanny Plum.

Please carry on.   

NANNY PLUM: Thank you, Your Royalness.

QUEEN THISTLE: Did you notice that Nanny Plum seemed a bit..smelly?

KING THISTLE: I thought it was the ladybird.

NANNY PLUM: Now, where was I?

STRAWBERRY: You had just shouted, ‘Wooo! Oof!’ That’s the sound you made as 

you landed in the mud. ‘Oof!’

NANNY PLUM: Thank you, Strawberry. Actually, that brings today’s lesson to a close.

BEN:  That was a brilliant lesson especially the adventure bits.

NANNY PLUM: I’m pleased you enjoyed it, Ben. And thank you for rescuing me.

uuh. It’s nice to have you back. Hair be lovely, clothes have style, skin beautifully clean.

STRAWBERRY: Nanny Plum, you look lovely and pretty again.

NANNY PLUM: Thank you, Strawberry. Now, children, what do you think I’ve learnt today?

STRAWBERRY: Hm. What to shout when you fall out of trees and stuff?

NANNY PLUM: No, I’ve learnt it’s good to have friends around when you need them 

whether they are fairies or elves. *Gaston barks* Oh, yes. Sorry, Gaston. Or ladybirds.

———————————————THE END —————————————————





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