

热度 4 已有 208 次阅读 2017-4-20 11:12 个人分类:双语养育方法 系统分类:英语学习 启蒙书单

昨天下班之前,用小花生网的app整理了一下自己家里的英文绘本读物书单,发现加上没有到货的海尼曼GK(70册),甜心英语(20册),我已经囤了有200多册书了。在亚马逊网站上找了下每本书的分级,最后发现仅有56本左右是现在1-2岁能读的,加上甜心英语20册,会有76本。从4个月到1岁这8个月的时间,约有8本书是熟读的,此外就是各种儿歌了,家里有本wee sing的书已经被宝宝撕烂了,就没有放上来。
编号 分类 书名 读过 级别(Age&Grade)
1 触摸书 Pat the Bunny 熟悉 Birth-3 |Babies & Toddlers-Pre-K
2 纸板书 Goodnight Moon 熟悉 Birth-3 |Babies & Toddlers-Pre-K
3 翻翻书 Dear Zoo 熟悉 1 - 4 years,Preschool and up
4 翻翻书 Where's Spot 熟悉 1 - 3 years
5 纸板书 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 熟悉 2-5 |Grades Pre-K-K
6 纸板书 The Going-To-Bed Book 熟悉 2-5 |Grades Pre-K-K
7 纸板书 I Am a Bunny 熟悉 Preschool and up
8 纸板书 First 100 Words 熟悉 1 - 3 years, Preschool and up
9 纸板书 Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too? 一般熟悉 1 - 3 years, Preschool and up
10 儿歌童谣 Here Comes Mother Goose 熟悉 2 - 5 years
11 儿歌童谣 My Very First Mother Goose 熟悉 2 - 5 years
12 翻翻书 Where Is Baby's Belly Button? 在读 1 - 4 years, Preschool and up
13 翻翻书 Where Is Baby's Mommy? 在读 1 - 4 years, Preschool and up
14 翻翻书 Toes, Ears, and Nose 在读 1 - 4 years, Preschool and up
15 纸板书 The Very Hungry Caterpillar 准备读 Birth-3 |Babies & Toddlers-Pre-K
16 纸板书 The Very Lonely Firefly 准备读 Birth-3 |Babies & Toddlers-Pre-K
17 纸板书 The Very Busy Spider 准备读 Birth-3 |Babies & Toddlers-Pre-K
18 纸板书 Today is Monday 一般熟悉 3 - 7 years
19 纸板书 The Mixed-Up Chameleon 以后读 4 - 7 yearsPreschool - 3
20 纸板书 My Dad 不感兴趣 4 - 7 yearsPreschool - 3
21 纸板书 London: A Book of Opposites 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
22 纸板书 San Francisco: A Book of Numbers 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
23 纸板书 New York: A Book of Colors 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
24 纸板书 Paris: A Book of Shapes 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
25 纸板书 I See 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
26 纸板书 I Hear 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
27 纸板书 I Can 不感兴趣  1 - 2 years, Preschool and up
28 绘本图画书 Dr. Suess's ABC(双语) 准备读  2 - 3 years, Preschool and up
29 绘本图画书 Mr Brown can Moo, can you? (双语) 准备读  2 - 3 years, Preschool and up
30 绘本图画书 The Foot Book(双语) 准备读  2 - 3 years, Preschool and up
31 纸板书 Llama Llama Wakey-Wake 一般熟悉 2-4 | Pre-K-0
32 纸板书 Llama Llama Nighty-Night 一般熟悉 2-4 | Pre-K-0
33 纸板书 Llama Llama Hoppity-Hop 以后读 2-4 | Pre-K-0
34 纸板书 Llama Llama Zippity-Zoom  以后读 2-4 | Pre-K-0
35 游戏书 Sing Along -Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 在读 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
36 游戏书 Sing Along - Old Macdonald Had a Farm 喜欢 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
37 游戏书 Sing Along -The Wheels on the Bus 在读 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
38 游戏书 Sing Along -Row, Row, Row Your Boat 在读 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
39 游戏书 Sing Along -Hey Diddle Diddle 在读 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
40 游戏书 Sing Along -If You're Happy and You Know it 在读 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
41 游戏书 Sing Along -Incy Wincy Spider 在读 2 - 5 years,Preschool - Kindergarten
42 翻翻书 Busy farm 以后读 2-5 years
43 翻翻书 Busy airport 以后读 2-5 years
44 翻翻书 Busy town 以后读 2-5 years
45 翻翻书 Busy building site 以后读 2-5 years
46 翻翻书 Busy zoo 以后读 2-5 years
47 翻翻书 Busy police station 以后读 2-5 years
48 儿歌童谣 Five Little Ducks 不感兴趣 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
49 儿歌童谣 Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
50 儿歌童谣 Down by the Station 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
51 儿歌童谣 The Wheels on the Bus 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
52 儿歌童谣 Dry Bones 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
53 儿歌童谣 Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
54 儿歌童谣 I am the Music Man 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
55 儿歌童谣 Down in the Jungle 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1
56 儿歌童谣 Ten Fat Sausages 准备读 2 - 6 yearsPreschool - 1

晚上Chris指着机关书要我帮她拿下来,然后把If You're Happy and You Know it这本书翻了好几遍,一边唱歌,一边拨弄上面的机关,她看的很开心。唱第二遍的时候就抓着她的手拍拍,小脚在地上跺一跺,头点一点,弄得她哈哈笑。要睡觉了,奶奶说,抱着小狗狗去睡觉吧,她就抱着毛绒小狗自己走到房间去了。然后我把小狗狗往床上一扔,让奶奶先把她弄上床去。我洗了手,把灯一关,让她躺到我身边边喝奶边睡觉。喝了一会儿,她就咿咿呀呀地开始说起话来,我就跟着她咿咿呀呀,然后说“clap your hands”, 她就拍起手来。她站起来,我就说“pat Mommy's knees”,她就在我的膝盖上一顿拍,难道她听懂了knee,还是凑巧?嘿嘿,有待验证。

昨天在亚马逊上下单了3本书,字典主要是自己看看,在亲子对话中加以运用。From Head to Toe是为了认识身体的各个部分;Time for bed看看对Chris养成睡觉的好习惯有没有帮助。








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  • hidden zdm_1227

    2017-4-20 17:01

  • hidden 暖暖123

    2017-9-5 16:14
