  • Be patient with toileting. Many children (especially boys) will not be ready for toilet learning until after age 3. Accidents will happen for a while; treat accidents calmly and matter of factly. Avoid shaming a child. 入厕训练,坐厕已完成,蹲厕训练中
  • Encourage development of hand-eye coordination by providing large buttons or old beads to string on a shoe lace.手眼训练,大纽扣或穿鞋带练习。ok
  • Play ball - show children how to throw, catch, and kick balls of different sizes.玩球,丢接踢等。ok
  • Show children how to hop like a rabbit, tiptoe like a bird, waddle like a duck, slither like a snake, and run like a deer.动物行为模仿。还要多玩。
  • Talk frequently with children; use short sentences, ask questions, and listen. 和孩子用短句,疑问句,沟通和聆听,持续活动。中英文
  • Add new information to your children's sentences. "Yes that's a flower - it's a tall, red flower and it smells so good." 在句子中加入更多的信息。中英文
  • Teach children to memorize first and last names. 让孩子分清姓和名。中英文
  • Provide books for children to read, and read the same books to them. Read poetry and nursery rhymes. Encourage a child to repeat a story and discuss the ideas and events. Read titles and point to important words on pages, packages, and street signs.为孩子重复读同一本书,读诗和儿童。鼓励孩子复述故事,讨论。读各种标题,并指认重要文字。
  • Encourage interest in reading and writing by sharing a grocery list or note for parents. Provide paper, small notebooks, and markers for use in dramatic play.鼓励孩子读写购物清单,和孩子玩购物游戏
  • Count objects of interest; for example cookies, cups, napkins, or dolls. When possible, move one at a time as you and the children count. Measure, and have children help measure and count as you follow a recipe. 数数。
  • Explain why and how things happen with the help of a reference book. Help them do simple science activities like magnetic attraction, freezing water, planting seeds, making a terrarium, and flying kites on a windy day. 解释事物的起因和产生经过,做些简单的科学游戏。 解释过水的循环,种过向日葵。解释过风
  • Provide sets - toys and other objects that go together. Discuss similarities and differences. For example, point out sequences in cooking. Let children experiment with faucets, tools, light switches, knobs, latches, and toys that come apart. 训练孩子各种分类。没想过。。。。
  • Sing simple songs. Make simple rhythm instruments: oatmeal box or coffee can drums, rattles of dry beans in a box, etc. Encourage a variety of body movements and dance to music of many kinds. Play musical games such as "London Bridge," "Ring-around-the-Rosie," and "Farmer in the Dell." 唱儿歌,并为孩子制作乐器,玩音乐游戏等
  • Encourage free expression in art projects. Avoid asking "what" children are drawing. Three-year-olds may not know or care, but simply enjoy the process of drawing.鼓励孩子涂鸦,并询问孩子画的是什么
  • Ask parents to bring baby pictures. Talk about "When you were a baby." 谈论宝宝的婴儿期。没想过呢。。。。。
  • Draw a face on an old sock and show children how to "talk" with puppets.用袜子做木偶,并和木偶说话。ok
  • Talk about colors, numbers, and shapes in your everyday conversation. "We need ONE egg. That's a RED car. The butter is in this SQUARE box." 每天和孩子提到颜色,数字,形状。中英文
  • Ask for help with very simple household tasks such as putting the napkins by each plate, putting socks in the drawer, watering plants, or stirring the muffin batter.让孩子一起做家务。ok
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  • mable

    2013-1-9 08:04:11 使用道具

  • qqwrich0552

    2013-1-9 08:38:03 使用道具

    Ask parents to bring baby pictures. Talk about "When you were a baby." 谈论宝宝的婴儿期
  • gujiayi2012

    2013-1-9 10:46:47 使用道具

  • midi

    2013-1-9 23:48:40 使用道具

  • 小热

    2013-1-10 08:41:49 使用道具

  • ua8383

    2013-1-11 00:51:19 使用道具

    最喜欢IDEAS FOR CAREGIVERS,给了家长很大的指导!
  • again

    2013-1-13 19:05:49 使用道具

  • chouxiaoya0119

    2015-9-12 13:21:23 使用道具

  • benbenzhu

    2015-9-16 13:48:00 使用道具

  • selinda1103

    2016-9-1 16:26:02 使用道具
