本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2016-10-7 23:01 编辑

2011亲子日记是什么意思哈哈 是说2011年宝宝的日记嘛 攀攀是2011年4月的男宝一枚 很切题嘛哈



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  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-24 16:16:31 使用道具

    其实已经给攀攀记录了1年半的日记 每天都记录 不过是私人日记 爸妈网的老会员没发过帖子有点不合适哈哈 凑凑热闹罢 希望结识更多的用心的爸爸妈妈 能给孩子坚持写日记的爸妈 毅力都不赖哈
  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-24 16:20:17 使用道具

    整理下攀攀满4岁之后这个月编的小故事 后面希望继续记录攀攀的学习过程

    Biff and the pirate. By peter
    Biff has a magic key, and the magic key can take them to a lot of places. the magic key glowed and take them into the magic little house. they see a pirate and the pirate sees them. the pirate said we have a party but no one wants to come. they come to the party and eat a lot of food. the key glowed and take them back, the end

    Frog in Italy, by Peter
    Once upon a time. There is a red frog. He lived on a shiny and bright river. One day a people come. It's a girl crocodile. And the frog ran away. He went all the way to luoyang. But luoyang said: go away go away. Then he went ti Beijing. But Beijing said:go away go away. He turned into a plane and fly to the moon. He ate the moom. It tastes yucky. He watched his watch. Oh it's getting late i must go home. He fly home and had a big breakfast. The end.

    Dinosaurs every where, by Peter
    once upon a time, there is a little boat. He floated to a river and sank to the bottom of the river. He met a river-saur. then he went to the moon and he met a moon-saur. Then he went to another planet and met a planet-saur. Then he went to Radiator Spring and met lightening Mcqueen-saur. He said oh it's late i must go home, then he went home. The end

    Ultraman and his friends. By Peter
    Once upon a time. There is an ultraman. He lives with his friend, spiderman. One day Ultraman said, i will fight with you. And they fight and fight and fight. Spider man leave. He went to a river and sank to the bottom of the sea and he died.Ultraman went to find spiderman.he looked in the he looked in the cant find spiderman anywhere. he thought maybe spiderman has died.he is very lonely.but he has a good idea. He will find another friend. He found an apple. And they lived together ever after. The end. Do you like this story. I like it too. Because there are so many ultramans spidermans and apples in the story.

    Bug story. By Peter
    Once there is a bug, its name is George bug. he is very enormous. one day George bug feels very hungry and it eat a lot of leaves, an apple, a piece of moon.  it grows very big and start to transform. it transform into a pig! a George pig!How can it be. it hangs on a stick and the stick breaks and it fall onto the ground.  and it turned into a bug again! hahaha.

    Ghost's tale. By Peter.
    Once upon a time. There is a ghost. It's a real ghost. He lives in a ghost forest. One day. Three little bears came to camp in the ghost forest and they were scared to see the ghost. They tiptoed tiptoed go away. But the ghost eat all of the things up and find them. They quickly run home and shut the door. The end

    Trick or treat. By peter
    Today i am going to read you a story. The title is trick or treat. It's a very scary story.Once upon a time. There is a pumpkin. It is a giant pumpkin and it can walk. Yes a walking pumpkin. It said hello, i am very friendly, i am not  scary, i am not too bad. One day he met an orga doing yoga. The orga eat the pumpkin. The pumpkin began to fight in the orga's tummy, and he do cartwheels. That hurts the orga and he said, Who is it? fight in my tummy. The pumpkin hop out of his mouth and throw him into the forest And he never came back again. The end
  • anianina

    2015-4-24 16:51:58 使用道具

  • polly

    2015-4-24 16:53:13 使用道具

  • Shizuku

    2015-4-24 16:54:14 使用道具

  • yhyy

    2015-4-24 16:57:38 使用道具

  • 含宝妈

    2015-4-24 16:57:45 使用道具

  • 晴耕雨读95

    2015-4-24 21:39:56 使用道具

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-24 22:10:53 使用道具

    anianina 发表于 2015-4-24 16:51

    哈 谢谢捧场 没盖过这样的楼呢 忐忑哈
  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-24 22:15:54 使用道具

    谢谢各位楼上的爸妈 故事都是孩子编的 从二岁八个月开始 我俩有个攀攀讲故事哄妈妈睡觉环节 坚持了这么久 慢慢从我讲到他瞎叨叨 再到有头有尾有笑点的小故事 更值得珍惜的是睡觉前这几分钟编故事带来的温馨的亲子时光哈
  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-24 22:46:52 使用道具

    本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2015-4-25 19:49 编辑


    1.早上例行十五分钟早读 做了一百数珠 然后攀攀给我读we are going on a bear hunt 和廖单第一遍不同 以前读的时候 都是我讲述加音频 另外设计小游戏互动 这次从四岁开始的复习 因为他能力的提高 我要求他一字不落的读出来 包括形容词和一些不常见的动词

    2.上学路上 和他一起背读了 foggy foggy forest 我问what can this be in the foggy foggy forest 他答剩下的部分 每答完一句 他都饶有兴趣的挑出来押韵词 比如 unicorn and  horn. They rhyme 乐此不疲

    3.晚上讲了一本无字的凯奖的lion and  mouse. 因为没有字 可以任意发挥 讲完攀攀拿过去复述了一遍 记录如下:

    Lion and  mouse
    The mouse met  an owl. The owl says i want to eat the little mouse. The mouse ran from the log. The owl fly away. He met another animal. The lion said i  want to eat you little mouse. The mouse said pls Mr lion, donot eat me. I promise oneday i can help you. And the lion let him go. The mouse sees his family. They are called mice.the lion walked around and around. These men want to catch the lion. The monkey said be careful mr lion. But the lion thought i am the king. He be catch. The little mouse came. He bite and bite and bite. The lion thanks the mouse


    4.睡前他表示困了 简单讲了object 讨论了object的属性 heavy light small round 句型只有一个 an object can be **. 让他猜了一个riddle. An object that is round and can bounce high. 呵呵 自然是球了

  • seraphzhp

    2015-4-25 05:52:54 使用道具

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-25 06:28:53 使用道具

    seraphzhp 发表于 2015-4-25 05:52

    谢谢哈 有空搬运些过来交流
  • xiaodecanlan

    2015-4-25 06:59:26 使用道具

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-25 07:04:30 使用道具

    xiaodecanlan 发表于 2015-4-25 06:59

    呃 被发现了 四岁移个地方 原来那里应用不稳定 动不动无法链接 我还担心应用突然倒闭了哈哈
  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-25 22:47:59 使用道具

    本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2015-4-26 19:24 编辑


    1.早读时间 自己选择要拼图 脑袋秀逗的我 买了太多48的拼图 攀拼了这么久都没拼完 太简单了 什么时候再去采购64和100

    2.攀读foggy foggy forest给我听 然后做了what makes a family 的复述 问 what special things do you like to do with your family答 i like to read books with my granny. I like to fix things with my grandpa. I like to play cars with my daddy. I like to sleep with my mummy. 呃~~ 上次说我的时候是fight 这么看喜欢我陪睡算不错的了

    3.小朋友生日趴 专业组织做的 热闹 有小丑和魔术师 攀晚上给我简单叙述了这件事 today we went to dogyixuan's birthday party. We went there by cars and taxis. I take muhao's car. It's in a 乐高中心. We eat pizza we eat cakes we eat everything. We  played blocks.  The magician turned his magic stick into flower. And he can make the table fly. Muhao and me fight all the way home 说的不太好我觉得 明天把这段再扣一扣
  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-26 19:23:52 使用道具

    本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2015-4-26 22:30 编辑


    1 早读时间 画了thinking map 帮助他梳理了昨天生日聚会的讲述 让他画个蛋糕 他给蜡烛画了好多的烟 占了一大片地方 搞得我图都画不下了 之后他给我重新讲了一遍生日会的过程 记录如下:

    one day, it's Dongyixuan's birthday, we watch a show. A magician came, he made the table fly and he turned his magic wand into a flower. The magician go. the clawn came and the clawn gave every people a balloon. he juggles balls and he had red nose. me and my classmates went to the party. i went there by my classmate's's Muhao. we played blocks and cars, and bubble. i ate cakes and pizza and some watermelon. i drunk water and lemonaid. i sing a birthday song to Dongyixuan. i had a good time. the end.

    2. 读了两本牛五的magic key 一本是priate 一本是 village in the 都是以前读过的内容 攀攀说等他高兴的时候给我复述这两本

    3. 下午睡了3小时 起来给我复述了family one and all 主要是每个部分的main idea和内容描述 这个之前做过一遍 叙述流畅

    4. 廖单复习计划进行到第5本 hop on pop 今天读了一遍 听了两遍音频 这个小时候可以读下来 不过这么久了 忘掉不少 我念着他就接接词 下周要自己再读出来

    5. 数学今天是 more than 和 less than。 还做了对block的sort sort 按照哈考特教参 解释是 sort means putting things into groups 要求他sort the blocks according to shape/color

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-27 06:08:17 使用道具

    本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2015-4-27 14:58 编辑


    本周哈考特开始Lesson 2 主题是school 廖单复习计划进行到第五本hop on top 牛津由我继续带着进行牛五阅读和牛一到牛三的网课精讲复述看图说话  

    1.昨天网课 是一位新老师lorjar 俩人高高兴兴的讲满25分钟 攀攀跟人家讲了几种恐龙 可惜我记不住 老师给他讲了t-rex  发了图片给他 精讲了一本牛一无字书look out 课后老师对攀的评价不错

    2.早上6点40他就爬起来了 我俩讲了半本小小牛 短元音复习a e i o u 然后攀攀自己拼读了35页的hop on pop 愉快的出门了

    3.今儿和朋友们谈英语启蒙的事情 我说到觉得现在大家都认可听说读写的顺序 在资源爆炸的今天 听读写都不是什么问题 唯独说 靠家里的一点互动却远远落后 所以启蒙多久就看到什么什么级别书的 大多说这个环节跳过的有点快

  • gamandady

    2015-4-27 06:48:56 使用道具

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-29 05:32:07 使用道具

    本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2015-4-29 08:38 编辑

    1.早上继续短元音 at ap am 拼拼念念蛮开心 读了一本caps for sale

    2.晚上告诉我今天是玩玩日 可以不学习 我说好呀 学跑男玩撕名签 一人背上粘一个 追着撕 做了好多关的小红汽车

    3.做了几页阶梯数学 画了两页学乐phonics 是首字母音l和m

    4.这两天终于肯看卡由 因为在我启发他卡由也是四岁 卡由和攀攀长的好像之后 终于有了点兴趣 我不喜欢杂看动画片 粉猪看了一年 看到最后整集整集的背 觉得对他听力和表达是很好的 卡由是另一部我希望能看一年的片子 就是内容没那么活泼 略闷

    5.分享jamie的教学方法 jamie很会四两拨千金 跟他上课轻松而有益 一本简单的in the bin 很多老师就是读读算了
    jamie 首先问什么是rubbish 攀攀答trash 老师拿了一张纸问 这个是不是rubbish 又写了一团乱麻问 最后揉成团问 然后告诉攀攀 你不需要的或者你不用的就是rubbish 让攀自己找了张纸玩了一遍 再强调一遍你不需要的或者你不用的是rubbish
    再来说bin问 你把垃圾扔哪儿 攀说扔地上 老师说 你这下可麻烦了 your mum will yell at you 老师说我要扔到厨房 攀攀高兴的说 那你可麻烦了 妈妈会吵你 老师总结说 应该扔到bin里
    再说一个neighbor 老师问攀住哪儿 攀说某城市某某街 老师瞪着大眼睛说 天啦 我也住那儿 我昨儿还见你了 我是你的neighbor 让攀猜他是upstairs neighbor 还是downstairs neighbor 还是next door neighbor
    轻松幽默 值得借鉴

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-29 22:20:05 使用道具


    1.早上继续短元音 然后自己读了一遍hop on pop 遇到想不起来的 知道去拼拼词 提醒一下自己 问他下一本读什么 选择了 papa  pls get the moon for me

    2.网课是牛三的road burner. Jesus这几次看他兴致不高 一直劝他用早点的时段 今儿特意换了个简单点的题材 在jesus喋喋不休的时候 攀都会说 next page please. 老师讲有个老头带个耳机遮住耳朵听不见 攀奇怪的问 But you wear an ear phone too. Why can you hear me

    3.Lee's birthday, by Peter
    Lee has an old car. It can run fast. It's very very very old so Lee buy a new car. It can go fast too. But the new car go to another place. Lee took a taxi and go to the place. Oh a river. How can we get through it. Lee swim and swim and swim through the river. He found the new car and ride it to the beach. He swim. He played beach ball and he played sand. Then he rode the car back home and had a birthday party. He ate birthday cake. The end

  • 馨馨相识

    2015-4-30 10:48:01 使用道具

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-4-30 13:51:23 使用道具

    馨馨相识 发表于 2015-4-30 10:48
    我也想叫宝宝给我讲睡前故事,但他每次都说妈妈讲。有 ...

  • kentmom

    2015-5-4 18:03:43 使用道具

    太佩服了,这位妈妈真用心啊。从每天的作息就能看出生活安排地很有条理啊。而且妈妈带动孩子的方法很巧妙。很多值得学习的地方。感觉攀攀很爱学习啊。我家儿子和攀攀年纪相仿,我还是全职妈妈,但我们还是以玩儿为主,真是太轻松了。看到你们的成绩,难免有紧迫感,淡定不起来啊。来自: iPhone客户端
  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-5-5 11:18:07 使用道具

    本帖最后由 babyyoho 于 2015-5-5 11:28 编辑

    1. 五一节跑到外地玩去了 路上的小插曲是发生了追尾 儿子的表现出乎我的意料 他先是一愣 继而跑下去愤怒的吵架 都怪你们 不是我们的事儿 是你们撞我们的 要让警察抓你们 然后摸出一个小本子跪在那里画 我一看是事故现场图 上面写的天书 他嘴里念着 都赖他们 不赖我们 他们撞的我们 附上好笑的事故现场图 上面的乱码是文字。。。

    2. 上周耽误一周,Lesson2正式开始 先是请jesus和jamie分别讲这课的big book:how do dinosaurs go to school. 两位老师各有千秋,一位善于看图细节,一位善于用肢体释词,我不着急的嘱咐二位take time所以俩人第一节课都讲到第13页。朋友打趣说你这一本绘本花钱好多啊。哈哈,其实我不在乎讲的内容,在乎孩子的全程参与和互动,所以书只是提供的讨论材料罢了,讲什么都可以。这本书的知识点非常多,不常见的词和短语很多。但是攀迅速掌握新词,他甚至背出了老师的释词,所以在jamie做复习的这堂课,老师被他镇住了,因为老师不知道他已经听过一遍了,还以为他自己释词这么好哈哈。记录攀的释词:
    car pool-means one family all sit in a car
    Interrupt-you are talkimg with me and mummy talks to you. Mummy interrupts
    show and tell: you show sth. and then talk about it
    make a fuss:make a lot of noise
    punch:my mummy is really a bully, she punches me
    jamie 给了份超高的课后评价哈哈 好笑

    3. 睡前故事
    Where can the apple pie be? By Peter
    One day there is an apple pie. It is made of apples , Lots of apples. One day there comes a wolf. It is a friendly wolf. He smells the pie. One day the apple pie had gone. Who took the apple pie? Is it the wolf?but one day it came back. Maybe it fly away. One day a fish came. It got the pie and take it to the classroom. It eat the pie and there is no apple pie anymore

    4. 5.5
    早上一起念了一首儿歌 换着词唱了几遍 改成 we've got the whole family here today. we've got the whole alphabet here today
    了四个教参上的首字母练习 认了单词like,进行了释词,做了word web,things that you like。问why do you like running? 答: because it makes me fit。问攀why do you like your grandma?答:because she likes me 孩子的回答简单而生动,不像我总是想点俗气的答案

    5. 攀上学路上突然愣住 指着各种树说,look, this tree is crooked, that one is crooked too. all the trees are crooked.
  • 狮子座的小老虎

    2015-5-7 00:04:28 使用道具

  • 狮子座的小老虎

    2015-5-7 00:06:11 使用道具

  • 水边客

    2015-5-7 11:36:43 使用道具

  • babyyoho

    楼主 2015-5-8 11:50:16 使用道具

    水边客 发表于 2015-5-7 11:36
