A Good Mystery Story
   I like reading mystery books.They are very interesting.I always think when I read mystery books.
   Good mysterys are very important.If the story has a good mystery,people will puzzle over the result.Because of this,people will pay attention to this story.
   Of course,the result must in the end of the book.If people see the begining,the must interested in the result,So they will read word by word and never miss any a part of the book until they find the end.Then,they will like this book bit by bit.
   So a good mystery story book depend on good mystery and where the result is.I love watching the Japanese cattoon-Detective Conan.Every episode of this cartoon is a very good mystery.And Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is also a very fantastic book.This is a book about Sherlock Holmes to find out what had happened in the story. I think its the best mystery book.
   Mystery books are very good.Mystery let your brain turning up and let you think.I think reading some books like this may fill you knowledge.This kind of books are involving many things,such as chemistry,physics and some mathematics problems.Or rather,they sometimes have paronomasia,so the story may become very intertsting.
   Also,a mystery book must have some doubts and suspicions.The Secret Of Grave Robber is a wonderful mystery book that have a lot of mysterys.The best thing about this story is that the writer even dont tell you the result.So if you want to know what had happened next,you must read and read until the writer tell you the end.So this story havent finish yet.
   If you let me to evaluate what makes a good mystery story.I will evaluate it in three different ways.First of all,it must have mysterys.If a mystery story even does not has mystery,why call that amysterybook.Second,if you want to see a good mystery book,I think good mysterys are necessary.In the end,let the result in the end.This makes reader think and like this book more.

   This is what I thinkwhat makes a good mystery story”.

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