Caddie Woodlawn is a real adventurer. She'd rather hunt than sew and plow than bake, and tries to beat her brother's dares every chance she gets. Caddie is friends with Indians, who scare most of the neighbors -- neighbors who, like her mother and sisters, don't understand her at all.
Caddie is brave, and her story is special because it's based on the life and memories of Carol Ryrie Brink's grandmother, the real Caddie Woodlawn. Her spirit and sense of fun have made this book a classic that readers have taken to their hearts for more than seventy years.
Rick Riordan是当今世界最畅销童书作家之一。早年是一位英文老师及小提琴演奏者,从事教职达15年之久,非常了解青少年的心理现实和生活现实,也很有教育经验。他同时是两个男孩的父亲。他将神话角色巧妙地融入冒险故事框架中,创作出的小说,深受全球广大青少年读者喜爱,占据各大畅销书排行榜,并获得诸多重要奖项。
Camp Half-Blood Confidential (An Official Rick Riordan Companion Book): Your Real Guide to the Demigod Training Camp (Trials of Apollo) Hardcover – May 2, 2017
3. Demigods and Magicians crossover collection (原名Percy Jackson and Kane Chronicles Crossover系列分3本单本,2016年把原来的3个单本合并出成合集命名为Demigods and Magicians crossover collection )
The 39Clues是美国Scholastic出版社在2008年提出的颇具野心的多媒体出版计画,共发行十本小说,以大约每三个月出版一集的速度发行。他们将小说阅读与线上互动游戏及游戏卡等结合,让读者一起收集线索破解谜题,同时找来Rick Riordan一起合作,替这套小说设计雏形,并且由他本人执笔本系列第一集The Maze of Bones《骨头迷宫》。至于系列中其他小说都由不同的作者负责,由Scholastic出版社一个专门的编辑团队统筹整合,维持统一小说的调性。
The Hidden Oracle (2016)
The Dark Prophecy(2017)
The Burning Maze(Scheduled for May 1, 2018)
​百度云盘链接: 密码:5tyu
7. TresNavarre
• 《Big Red Tequila》-出版日期:1997年6月
• 《Widower's Two-Step》-出版日期:1998年6月
• 《The Last King of Texas》-出版日期:2000年1月
• 《The Devil Went Down to Austin》-出版日期:2001年6月
1. The Madman’s Daughter (英国悬疑小说)
2. Junonia (获奖作家)
3. Olive’s Ocean (获奖小说)
4. The Song of Achilles (获奖小说)
5. Echo (获奖小说)
6. Birdwing (获奖作家)
7. A Corner of the Universe (获奖小说)
8. The Zebra Wall (获奖作家)
9. Bridge Terabithia (曾多次被改编成电影)
10. The Dreamer (获奖小说)