加菲猫 中英文剧本

- [ Ringing ] - Huh? 唔?

What the--Aw. 什么鬼东...

Oh-- 哦--

[ Groans ]

I hate Mondays. 我恨礼拜一

[ Yawning ]

Pooky. cover me. I'm goin' in. 卜姬掩护我 我要行动了.

Alley-- oop! 空中接力!

B-b-b-b-b-bah. ha! 啊~啊~啊~啊~哈!

[ Singsong ] Oh. Sleeping Beauty. wake up. 睡美人~起床啦.

You can stop dreaming about me because I'm here. 不用再梦见我了,我已经在这儿了

Now.just wake up. You've got work to do. 快醒来,你还有工作要做呢

You're not just my owner. you're my primary caregiver. 你不光是我的主人 还是我的首席保姆

- Now be a-- - Not now. Garfield. - 现在.. - 我还没睡够, 加菲尔德.

Get-- A-Ah-- just-- All right. 去..啊 好吧

cut the sweet stuff. Easy now.Just-- 把胳膊拿开些 太紧了

Trying to cuddle with me. huh? 想拥抱我是吧?

Trying to avoid your duties. huh? 想逃避责任是吧?

Well. that just ain't gonna... fly! 好吧,小样你跑不了!

It isn't gonna workwith m-- me. 这样可没法糊弄我~~

See. I'm getting my exercise. doin' myjob. 看好了,我可要开始晨练了

just one quick cannonball! 超快速肉弹!!

- Oh! - Morning. - 噢! - 早.

Garfield! 加菲尔德!

∮∮[Jon Singing]

Okay! I thinkyou're clean enough now. 好吧,你现在应该已经洗白白了.

- H-H-Hot! Hot! Hot! - Gotyourtowel right here. - 烫!烫~~ - 喂你的毛巾在这

Garfiield! No! 加菲尔德! 别介!

[ Beeps ]

- It's liver flavored. - Mm! Delicious. - 你的最爱,鹅肝口味的. - 唔真香.

[ Gags ]

Mm. Mm! 嗯嗯!

Mm! 嗯!

Oh! Oh. Iiver! 噢!鹅肝!

- [ Spitting ] - Well. actually. it's liver flavored. 看来的确是鹅肝味的.

[ Sighs ] That was a good breakfast. 早餐吃的好饱.

Now I think I'll just fall offthe "catkin's" diet... 看来我该换换我的猫食菜谱了...

and get myself a little high-fat chaser. 现在该给自己弄点高脂的东东了.

Mmm. 唔.

- Garfield. Iook. the milk truck. - Oh. attaboy. Nermal. - 看,加菲尔德,送奶的卡车 - 啊,放松,奴奴.

- The milk truck comes every day. - Yeah. but maybe not today. - 那卡车每天都来的. - 不过今天够戗.

Maybe it's changing routes. Maybe this'll be the last we'll eversee ofit. 它可能要改变行车路线 也许今天是最后一次见到它了.

come on. It's just across the street. We're cats. We like milk. 来吧,它要到街那边去了 我们是猫,我们爱牛奶

- Let's go for it. - No. - 一起去吧 - 不.

- But. you--- - But nothin'. - 但是--- - 没什么但是.

I don't leave the cul-de-sac for anything. 不管发生啥我决不离开死胡同半步.

Out there. it's a hornet's nest oftrouble. 只要离开那儿就麻烦不断.

Bad things happen out there. So I don't go out there. 去了那边肯定会发生倒霉事的 我可不去.

Besides, I've found ifyou wait long enough... 而且,我发现只要你有耐心

everything comes toyou. 最后你所想要的都能得到.

[Nermal]∮ Here come the milkman Here come the milkman ∮

- ∮ He got his shoes on. he got his m i I k pan ∮∮ - Hey. Nermal... 喂, 奴奴...

Iet's play astronaut again today. 我们来玩太空人的游戏吧.

- Yeah? - Yeah. I love that game. - 好 - 耶,我喜欢那游戏.

You're such a brave little astronaut. 你真是个勇敢的小太空人

- All right. - Prepare tojump intoyourspaceship, commander Nermal. - 嗯. - 准备坐进你的太空船,奴奴船长.

But wh-wh-what about the milk? 等等等等 牛奶的事儿怎么办?

- Who needs milk when you can be in outer space? - Ah. - 在外太空的时候谁还想着牛奶? - 明白了.

- You got a secret mission today. - Yeah? - 今天你有个特殊任务. - 唔?

- You'll be exploring the MilkyWay. - Okay. - 你的任务是探索送奶车的路线 - 遵命

I get the chills when you jump in your little spacecraft. 当你进入太空船的时候我会有点悲伤.

The nation thanks you. Prepare to blast off. 祖国感谢你 准备点火

- I'm ready to go. friend. - Three. two. one. - 准备完毕,哥们儿 - 三、二、一.

Whoa! Now I feel like it. 哇! 还真有点感觉.

Bon voyage. 再会.

Look at me go! Whoo-hoo! 看我的! 哇厚~

- [ Garfiield] Don't look down! - I'm an eagle flying! - 别向下看! - 我像只飞翔的老鹰!

[ Garfiield] come to papa, baby. 来吧宝贝

I can see everything up here. I can see my house. 从这我能看到所有的东西 我能看到我家

[ Burps ] Got m i I k? 牛奶?

I can see the whole neighborhood. 整个街区我都看的清清楚楚.

- Well. that's nice. That's very nice. - Hey, there's another milk truck. - 好极了. - 嗨,又过来一辆送奶车.

Ooh! And that is even nicer. 噢! 那更好了.

- I can see-- Whoa! - Mission accomplished. Nermal. - 我还能看见--哇! - 任务顺利完成, 奴奴.

Whoa! Whoa, Garfiield, do it again. 哇! 加菲尔德, 再来一次.

Where did everybody go? 大家都去哪儿了啥也看不见?

You're on the wrong side of the street. fat cat. Beat it! 胖猫,你来错地方了,赶紧逃走吧!

And you. Luca. the wrong side of the evolutionary curve. 没错你也是,卢克,你显然 在进化的时候投错了胎

Okay. that's it. 好吧,随你说

- You're gonna get it good today. - I make a point to get it good every day. - 你今天一定会过的不错 - 我每天过的都不错.

The real question, Luca, is how shall I outwityou this time? 说眼前的事儿吧卢克, 这次我怎么才能甩掉你?

- What? - Shall I baffle you with simple math? - 什么? - 我想用点简单的数学应该就可以了吧?

- I know how to spell. - Or should I distract you with something shiny? - 我可知道怎么写字. - 或者我应该找点小玩意儿转移你的注意力?

- Nowyou're making fun ofme. - I hope so. You're no fun to look at. - 你真有趣. - 我也希望是,不过你看起来不怎么高兴.

You'll never get the best of me! Aaah! 那是因为你还没那么有趣!啊!

- I think I just did. - Not the ducks again! - 我想我做到了 - 又是这些讨厌的鸭子!

jump back! And kiss myself. 靠边站吧! 跟我斗.

Oooh! 噢!

Ifl ever get offthis chain. you're goin' down. 等我弄掉这铁链的时候,你就死定了.

Everybody back up! I don't know how wild this thing is gonna get. 大家后退!动物凶猛!

I love the smell of cinnamon-apple in the morning. 早上就能闻见苹果肉桂的味真好.

[ Sniffs ] It smells like... victory. 闻起来好像胜利的味道.

[ Luca ] Oooh! I hate this fat cat. 啊! 我恨这肥猫.

So much time. and so little I need to do. 时间太多 无事可做

[ Squeaking ]

Mouse! 耗子!

No thanks. I'm full. 不用了谢谢,我已经吃饱了.

Get him. Garfield! 抓住他, 加菲尔德!

Get him.Jon! 你去抓,乔恩!

- [Jon Yelling] - [ Objects crashing]

Oh. it's always gotta be smashing and crashing. 家里的东西就是这样碎掉的.

Nobodypoisons anymore. 最后谁都毫发无伤

Aha! 啊!

Whoa-- [ Groans ] 哇--

There's my ball! 嘿, 是我的球!

What good is a cat that can't chase a mouse? 一只猫要是不能抓老鼠还有啥用?

I don't do the chase thing. 打打杀杀的日子我早就不过了.

All right. I'll handle this. 好吧我来解决.

I knowyou don't hear me. but can'tyou just listen? 我知道你听不懂我说什么 但你就不能用点心么?

[ Panting ]

Louis. what areyou doing in the housewhen Jon's home? 路易斯, 乔恩在家的时候你还在屋子里干什么?

Sorry. Garfield. man. I couldn't help it. 对不起, 加菲尔德, 老兄, 我控制不住自己

Look. when he sees you. he expects more from me. Don'tyou get that? 听着,每次他看见你的时候 就希望我更多的做好猫的本职,你明白了么

jon's got those macadamia nut cookies. I'm trying to maintain. 都怪乔恩屋子里那些坚果做的饼干 我实在是受不了诱惑才跑出来

- You understand? - Sure. As long as you understand I have to eatyou. - 你明白了? - 当然,不过你也得明白这样的话我就得吃掉你.

Aw! 呃

[ GarfiieldSwallows ]

Mm. Mmm. 唔唔

[ Slurping ]

- Mm! Mmm! - Oh. good boy. - 唔 - 好孩子

See. I knew you could do it ifyou put your mind to it. 看我就知道如果你想做就做的到

- You are the best cat a guy could have. - Mmm. - 你是只最棒的猫 - 唔

[ chuckles ] Mm! Mm! 唔

Mmm. M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Mm. 唔...........

Haveyou tasted yourselflately? 待会儿你应该尝尝自己身上的味

Hey. it wasn't exactly the first-class lounge in there for me either. 嘿你也知道我住的对方不是头等仓

Getyourselflost. Take a powder for a couple days. get a haircut and grow a beard. 你最好出去避避风头,改个发型整个容再回来

cool. I oweyou one. "G." 好,我欠你一次老兄

I got a question foryou. Doyou loveyour cat? 假如我问你,你爱你的猫咪么? 你怎么回答

Finally. back on my regular schedule. 总算又能过正常的生活了

You're gonna make sure he has nothing but Kibbly Kat food. 你要确信,他只会爱凯比猫粮

Isn't that right. Persnikitty? 对不对,柏斯妮?

That cat's puss is everywhere-- TV. newspapers. T-shirts. 电视里,报纸上,T-恤衫上 到处都是那只蠢猫

Who would want that kind of exposure? 谁会那么喜欢出风头?

[DoorOpens ]

- Hey. buddy. - Yeah, cut the small talk. What's in the bag? - 嘿老兄. - 嗯,闲话少说,包里面是什么东西?

Remember, be happy. 记住,快乐最重要.

I 'm happy when I'm with you. you delicate melange... 我跟你在一起的时候很高兴 这些是

of tomato paste. ricotta cheese. ground meat and pasta! 西红柿酱,乳酪,肉糜味的通心粉

Garfield. don't even think about it. 加菲尔德, 想也别想动那些东西

That's my food. 那是我的

I mayjust nibble. 我只尝一点点.

Thanks. Happy. And thankyou forjoining us. 谢谢,谢谢您的参与

I'm christopher Mello. Remember-- 我是克里斯多佛 梅隆.记住--

Be happy. 快乐最重要

- [Bell Rings ] - Okay. cut. Good. 好的,停.

- [ Sneezing ] - [Man ] We're clear. 结束了

Give me the Benadryl. Give me the Benadryl. 给我我的药 给我我的药

Yeah! Yeah. 好的好的.

Yeah! Yeah. 好的好的

Damned cat allergies. 该死的过敏症

[ Sneezes ]

Anyword from the networkyet? 网上有什么消息过来?

Uh. no. but they're looking for a dog act on Good Day, New York. 呃,还没有, 不过他们正在筹备一个关于狗的节目,在纽约

Dog act! Story of my life. 狗! 看来我的人生要转运了!

Looking for a dog. and I'm stuckwith a cat. 去找只狗来, 我受够了猫了

I thought the segment went quite well. 我想这个部分非常好

[ Whiny Voice ] "I thought the segment went quite well." "我想这个部分非常好"

Of course it went well. you toad! 当然很好,你这个癞蛤蟆!

The 50 housewives who saw it. Ioved it. 50个家庭主妇谁看见了它都爱上它了

This is WalterJ. chapman reporting live from The Hague. 这是沃尔特 J. 查普曼报道的 在海牙现场报道

Oh. please. what a know-it-all! 哦,拜托,你还真是个万事通!

...were met with angry crowds-- ...遇见一队愤怒的人群--

And everybody always said I was the handsome one. 所有人以前都总是说我是个大帅哥

I was the smart one. And I was born first. 是最聪明的 是生来就要做第一的人

But thereyou are "live from The Hague".. 而你在那报道什么海牙

and here I am working with this sack of dander on a dead-end regional morning show. 而却得和这帮废物一起工作 做这个毫无前途的烂节目

Back to you. Dan. 该你了,丹.

Back to you. Dan. 该你了,丹.

Garfield! 加菲尔德!

- [ Moaning ] - Did you eat all four boxes oflasagna? 你把所有通心粉都吃了?

[ Hiccups ] It's not my fault. They started it. 不赖我,是它们太好吃了

What am I gonna do with you? 我该怎么处置你呢?

Love me. Feed me. Never leave me. 爱我,养我,永远不抛弃我

come on. Let's go for a ride to someplaceyou love... 走,咱们出去走走,去个你喜欢的地方

that always leaves you feeling pampered and refreshed. 你吃太多了应该去那看看

Huh? Oh. I know-- chuck E. cheese. 呃?我知道了,过来吧

[ Garfield ] Thankyou. 谢谢

No? Wendy's? Taco Kitty? No? 去温迪那? 还是塔可凯逖?

Well. I'm stumped. Maybe Olive Garden foryou? 好吧,我不知道,可能是奥利弗公园?

Hmm. The only time I ever leave my cul-de-sac is when Jon takes me to the vet... 唔,当我离开死胡同的时候 肯定是乔恩带着我出去

which he's been doing a lot recently. and it appears to have nothing to do with me. 最近他老爱这么干 不过去什么地方好像跟我无关

jon must want to go for his own reason. 乔恩要去什么地方他自己都有主意

Well. there's nothing wrong with Garfield. 好了,加菲尔德没什么毛病

He's just a happy. fat. Iazy cat. 他只是只快乐,不运动的胖猫.

No need for a second opinion. 不用再做检查了.

- Well. I worry about him. - I knowyou do. - 好吧我刚才有点担心. - 我知道.

Ooh! [ Giggles ] 噢

You know. you care about him more than any owner I've ever known. 你对他的关心比我看到的 其他主人对他们宠物的关心要多的多

"Him" has a name. Is this an H.M.O.? “他”有名字 这是卫生维护组织嘛

Let's get Garfield in for his dip. I wanna talk toyou in private. 让加菲尔德自己在这玩会儿, 我想跟你单独聊聊

- Mm. Oh! - She's so beautiful. - 噢! - 她真漂亮.

Uh. Mr. Pathetic. you've had a crush on her since high school. 呃,多愁善感先生,高中的时候你就被她迷住了

Wouldyouplease ask her outso she can rejectyou, and we can get on with mylife? 你应该邀她出来,然后她甩了你 咱们就能继续现在的生活了

- I have to ask her out. - [ Groans ] 我想约她

- Wish me luck. - Okay. go get 'em. big tiger. - 祝我好运 - 好吧去吧

You the man. You the fella. You the boss. 你说了算

You preach to her. Show her how the cow eats the cabbage... 你对她唠唠叨叨,给她讲讲牛是什么吃草的吧

you hopeless loser. 你这个无可救药的家伙

Betty, today, why don'tyou start me off with a Swedish massage... 贝蒂,今天我想先做个瑞典式的按摩...

a manicure and a pedicure. okay? 然后修指甲再做个足疗好么?

Seaweed wrap. Ioofah... 呃我要海藻浴

belly rub. uh... 腹部按摩, 呃...

tail waxing and then crack my toes to finish. 尾巴上蜡 最后脚趾按摩

jon. there's something important I need to askyou. 乔恩, 有件重要的事我要问你

Something that I wouldn't ask most guys who come in here. 是件我不会问别人的事情.

Wait. no. I think I know where this is going. 等一下,我想我知道你要说什么了

- You do? - I do. - 你知道? - 是啊.

Liz. I've wanted to askyou the same thing for a very long time. 莉斯, 我很久以来也一直 想问你同样的事情.

- Areyou sure that we're talking about the same thing? - Absolutely. - 你真的确认我们说的是同一件事? - 当然.

Yeah. uh. I've never been more sure ofanything in my entire life. 好吧,之前我从来没有对别的事如此肯定过.

Liz. I am ready to take a chance. 莉斯, 我决定接受这个机会

- I am ready for-- - [Yips ] 我准备好--

[ Laughs ] Thankyou. 谢谢.

- A dog! - [ Laughs ] 一只狗!

A dog. I'm readyfora dog. 我已经准备好再养一只狗

- [ Laughs ] - Hi. 嗨

- Hey. I think he likes you. - Hi. Yeah. - 我想他喜欢你 - 当然

- [ Whines ] - Hi. 嗨.

[ chuckles ] He's a frisky-- frisky little fella. isn't he? 他是只活泼的小狗是不是?

His name's Odie. and he's not gonna make it... 他的名字是欧迪, 如果让他成天呆在笼子里

ifhe has to live his life in a cage. 他肯定活不下去.

He needs to be loved. 他需要爱.

[ Hair Dryer Blowing ]

Well. thankyou. Thankyou very much. Iadies and gentlemen. 谢谢,非常感谢,女士们先生们.

- No. maybe not in my neighborhood. - [Whining] 这个发型在我们那可能不太合适.

Hey, Boomer, I reallygotta run. 嘿,各位,我要走了.

Gotta fly. everybody. Really. please. stay behind the security fences. 我的飞机要到了,真的, 请保持在安全线后面

So great ofyou to come out to see me... 非常感谢你们能来看我...

but I've got somebody waiting for me. very devoted. almost crippled. 但是还有人在等着我 深爱我的人

- [ Meowing ] - No, please, don't cry. 不,请不要哭泣

I know what it's like to be unloved. Well,you do. 我知道你们可能感觉我不爱你们了

I'll try to come back and visit. and if I don't. I'll try to write. 我会尽快回来看你们的, 如果赶不回来,我会写信给你们

- Bye-bye. - Does anybody know this guy? - 再见 - 有人认识这家伙么?

Bye-bye. everybody. Garfield is leaving the building. 再见,各位,加菲尔德要离开这里了.

jon. you know you don't have to do this ifyou don't want to. 乔恩, 如果你不想养狗的话你大可不必这样做

No. No. it's okay. 不,不,没关系.

Some part of me always wanted to know what it'd be like... 有时候我也常想...

to have a pet that actually wants to playwith you. 有个宠物能陪我玩.

[ Laughs ] You're a good friend. 你是位好朋友.

One question-- Am I still gorgeous? [ Gasps ] 有个问题,我看起来还帅么?

jon. I thinkwe got a little problem here. 乔恩,我想我们有麻烦了.

- [ Whining ] - Uh,Jon-- 呃,乔恩

I can help the transition go smoothly. 我可以帮你度过一开始的困难.

[Garfiield] Jon, it's in myseat.Jon! 乔恩, 它在我的座位上!

- We could all go out together. Park. dog shows. - Jon! Uh,Jon? - 我们可以一起出去,公园、狗展 - 乔恩! 呃,乔恩?

- stuff like that. - Uh,Jonnyboy? - 诸如此类. - 呃,乔恩?

W-Wait a minute. Are-- Are you... asking me out? 等,等一下,你是在约我么?

Oh,Jonnyboy, the time has come to get a caralarm. 噢乔恩现在是时候装个汽车报警系统了

You're not gonna believe it. A mongrel mutt has broken into your car! 你自己肯定都不相信, 有个狗杂种闯进你的车里了

Garfield. this is Odie. He's coming home with us. 加菲尔德, 这是欧迪. 他以后跟我们一起了

Whoa! You went in there to get a date and came out with a dog? 哇!你跑来这里约了个会,然后就带条狗回家了?

Oh. that's bad even foryou. Oh. you're so sad! 噢,真不幸,你太倒霉了

Oh. no. no. no. We're not bringing a dog home with us. 不不不不,我们不能带条狗回家.

Hey. I ride shotgun! 我该坐前面的!

What areyou looking at. tick boy? 你看什么呢,小子?

[ Garfiield] Jon, it's not too late. 乔恩, 现在还不晚

Quickly, turn around-- before he finds out where we live! 赶快转弯,别让他知道我们住在哪儿!

[ crying]

Please take this trouser sniffer back! 把这个气味探测器送回去!

- Please. - come on. Odie. Let's go. - 求你了. - 来吧, 欧迪. 我们走.

This is your new home. 这是你的新家

[ crying]

come on. buddy. 来吧

j on. you had me, a chick magnet... 乔恩, 你已经有我在了

and now you've got a tick magnet. 现在又养条狗,我们是磁铁的正负极

[ Sniffling ]

Garfield. jon brought a dog home. 加菲尔德, 乔恩带了条狗回家.

- I am aware. Nermal. - Whywould he do a thing like that? - 我知道, 奴奴. - 他为什么这么做?

Gee. I don't know. Nermal. 我也不知道, 奴奴.

It just seems like a weird thing to do... 这样做看起来真的很奇怪...

bringing a dog into a house that already has a cat. 家里已经养了猫了又带条狗回来.

can we drop it? I mean. it's no big... deal. 我们能不说这个了么? 我的意思是,没啥大...不了的

It's...just asplatteredbug on the windshieldofmylife. 这就像...一只飞虫停在 我的挡风玻璃上一样

A bug? 飞虫?

A dim-witted. smelly. goofy-- [ Sighs ] 一个愚蠢的臭烘烘的白痴--

splattered bug that I will deal with appropriately and enthusiastically. 对那蠢货我会做的得体而且热情的.

- come on. - As you can see. I'm still Jon's favorite. - 进来. - 你马上就发现我依旧是乔恩的最爱.

Seeya later. Garfield. Good luckwith the bug thing! 再见加菲尔德. 希望你这两天能过的愉快!

come on. 进来.

[ Laughs ] This is payback for the liver thing. isn't it? 这是对上次鹅肝事件的报复,是么?

Payback. [ Laughs ] He's a nut. 报复,他这个呆子

This isyournewhome, Odie. That's myoffice overthere. 这是你的新家,欧迪. 那是我的办公室.

And. uh. the TV over there. 电视在那边

- And, uh, the kitchen. - Hm. - 那儿是厨房. - 唔.

You wanna go see it? Okay. go see the house. Go see it. 你想去看看么,好吧,自己过去看.

Why don'tyou draw him a map? 你怎么不给他画幅地图?

Okay. I've gotta... remain calm. that's all. 好吧,我还是能享受平时的安静,那就够了.

jon's a cat guy. not a dog guy. 乔恩是不是个养狗的人.

This'll last a week, maybe 10 days. Tops. 一个星期,顶多10天.

Boy. this puppy is stupid gone wild! 这小狗肯定就不在这了!

Nah. this is just a bad dream. I'm gonna close my eyes and when I open them... 不,这可能只是个噩梦,我要闭上眼睛 然后当我睁开的时候...

everything will be back to normal. 所有事情都会恢复原状.

- [ Panting ] - Ah! That's not normal. 啊! 这可不是平常.

Not close. Oh. great. 别再靠近了 噢,好吧

Dog cooties. Somebody inoculate me. please. 狗虱 谁来给我打疫苗

- [Thuds ] - [ Shudders ]

This is a nightmare. I-- 真是个噩梦

I just need a little quality time with man's real best friend-- 我只是想要一些时间和人最好的朋友--

television. 电视待一会儿.

[ chuckles ]

[ Sputters ] No. no. no. No. no. No. 不不不不不不

Hey. new guy. Iet me hipyou to the rules. okay? 嘿,新来的,让我告诉你规矩好么?

Number one-- that's my chair. all right? 第一 这是我的椅子

I even seeyou raise a leg. and it's on. it's go time. pal. 你一只爪子也不能碰它知道么, 现在你可以走了

Verywell. 很好.

- [Smack] - [ Whines ]

Yeah, I think Ijust mayhave a mentaladvantage on this guy. 嗯,我想我的脑子还是比这家伙好使.

Leave me alone. I'm not kidding. Yodel Odie. 别缠着我 我不是开玩笑,欧迪.

Pop a worm pill and hit the road. I'm busy. 自己挖条虫子上街上玩去,我很忙.

You wanna play? Fine. You can be my new astronaut. 你想玩?好吧,你可以当我的新太空人.

Go jump in the pail. and we'll shoot you into outer space. 跳进桶里去 然后我就送你去太空.

come on. It's real simple. Here. I'll even throwyour ball in there. 来吧,真的很简单 来,我还给你个球在里面可以玩.

Followthe ball, andjump in the pail. 去找那球 跳到桶里去.

come on. Odie. just like this. 来吧欧迪. 就像这样.

come on over here and just jump right into the pail. and help me. 过来跳进去就行,帮帮我.

come on. No. Just in here like this. 过来,到这里就行.

Uh-oh! Don't touch that! 噢!别碰那个!

Aaah! 啊!

Oh, no! 不!

Whoa! 哇!

Aaah! 啊!

Oh. no! 不!

Houston, we have a problem. 休斯顿,我们有麻烦了.

Odie, get offthe pail. 欧迪, 把桶拿开

Wouldyou get off the pail, please? 能把桶拿开么?

Okay, time for a new game. 好吧现在来玩新游戏.

It's called "my claw in your butt"game. 名字叫“猫爪打屁屁”

come here! Get back here! 别跑!回来!

come on! I 'l I just use my left claw. 回来! 我只用左爪

Ifmy legs were longer, I'd have caughtyou by now. come here. 如果我的腿再长一点点,我肯定已经捉住你了 别跑

Just wait for one second. 等一下

Slow... down. 慢点.

- [ Laughs ] - Ahhh--- 啊

Well. well. well. I've got you now. fat cat. 很好,我现在能抓住你了,肥猫.

Hey. Luca. is that a new chain you're wearin'. fella? 嗨 卢克, 那是你的新链子?

Looks good on ya. You look great. You been working out? 啧啧,看起来真不错,你现在可以出来了?

Oh. I've been waiting years for this. 我等了很多年这个机会了.

- Would that be regularyears or dog years? - [ Growls ] 呃,你说的年是狗的算法还是正常的一年?

- [ cowering ] - [ Barks ]

What the-- Get away from me. pip-squeak. 怎么--离开我,你这小家伙.

Uh. Luca. this is Odie. Odie. Luca. 呃,卢克这是欧迪. 欧迪, 这是卢克.

Luca. do me a favor and eat him for me. would you. please? 卢克帮我个忙,把他吃了吧?

- [ Girl cat ] Garfield. areyou all right? - I think so. - 加菲尔德, 你没事? - 应该没有

Luca's about to have Odie for lunch. 卢克正要把欧迪当午餐.

Ifit wasn't for Odie. you'd be Luca's chew toy. 如果不是欧迪 你现在就成了卢克的磨牙玩具了.

[Nermal] Yeah, he savedyourlife. 没错,他救了你的命

- Odie's a hero! - Why? Because I wasn't ripped to shreds? - 欧迪是个英雄! - 为什么,因为我没被撕成碎片?

No. Odie's an imbecile until further notice. 不,因为欧迪是个白痴, 以后你们就知道了

[Jon Gurgling]

Hey, moondust... 嘿...

if I were you. I'd grab a nice piece of carpet. 如果我是你我就去找块好点的地毯睡觉

jon doesn't let me sleep up top. Ever. 乔恩甚至甚至都不让我睡在床上

[ Sighs ]

Odie-- You wanna sleep in the bed? 欧迪--你想睡在床上?

Okay. 好吧

Wha-- 哇--

Hey. buddy. Good boy. Who's a good boy. huh? 嘿,好孩子 谁是好孩子?

You want to sleep on the bed tonight? 你想在床上上睡觉?

[Jon In High Voice ] Yes, I do. Yes, I do. 是的我想,是的我想

I think I 'm going to blow cat-chow chunks. 我想我要输掉一堆猫粮了.

Good night. Odie. Good night. Garfield. 晚安, 欧迪. 晚安, 加菲尔德.

Great. Wish me luck with the nightmares. 好吧,祝我噩梦愉快.

Another day ruined. 又是倒霉的一天.

Oh. you little suck-up. Oh! 噢,你这个小马屁精!

∮∮ [ Singing ]

Whoa! Whoa. baby. 哇噢!

No. Down. Down. dumb dog. 不,下去笨狗.

What part of"no" don'tyou understand? 你不明白“不”的意思么

The push offthe chair? Off!. I don't want to play. 也不明白被推下去的意思? 下去,我不想玩

Oh! Look. What am I supposed to say? 噢!我该说什么?

"Thanks for saving my hide with Luca?" “感谢你从卢克那救了我?”

Okay. thanks for saving my hide with Luca. Get off!. 好吧,感谢你从卢克那救了我 下去!

Where was I? Right here. I was right here. 我在哪儿?我在这,我原来就在这

Oh! [ Groans ] 噢!

That was a cheap shot. 这一记可打的不怎么的.

Hit a guy when he's not looking? Okay. 从别人背后偷袭?好吧.

Oh. excuse me. I -I thinkyou may have forgotten something. 对不起,我,我想你忘了点什么东西.

I saw this and I thought. pretty sure it was your-- 我看见这个,我肯定这个是你的--

Oh, I love to dish it out. [Laughs ] 噢,我真喜欢痛扁他地感觉

- ∮∮ [ continues ] - Watch out. You see. you can't touch this. 小心点,你不能碰这个

come on. Uh-huh. 来啊

That's right. Don't sneak up on me. baby. 对,别想再从我背后偷袭.

Oh. come on with that. 噢,对就这样.

Get that weak stuff outta here. 你跳的太烂了.

Is that butt broken? 你的屁股是扭了还是怎么了?

No. it's something like this here. 不,应该这样.

can you do this? 这个动作你能做么?

Uh. shouldn't those hips be in the shop? Walk this way. please. 呃,臀部要放松 这样跳

I'm-a walking the dog. 我在溜狗么.

Well. step it up a little bit. Something like this. 好吧,步伐再快一点 像这样.

Ho. Iookat this. Watch out forthis thing. 噢,看着,注意看这个.

It could go. Uh-huh. 应该这样.

You probably should've practiced in the garage... 在你和我这样水平的跳之前

beforeyou stepped up to someone of my level. 你应该在车库多练练

Back up. come on. 后退.

Flywith me. Maybe something a little bit more challenging. 跟我一起飞起来,这样更有挑战.

Hey! How 'bout this? Out the front door. 嘿!这个主意怎么样 去门口跳.

Take it outside! 在外面跳!

Lookwho's here on the porch. 看看是谁在门廊.

I'm walking the porch. I'm holding a torch. I'm ready to scorch. 是我 我拿着一把火炬,我要烧焦这里.

Uh-huh. That's fancy footwork. 噢,这步法真是充满创意.

Hey! Look. Garfield's dancing with Odie. 看!加菲尔德在和欧迪跳舞.

They're like buddies now! 他们现在象是好朋友了!

What's the matter? Oh. my God! Odie. what are you doing here? 怎么回事?噢,老天 欧迪, 你在这干嘛呢?

I was doing a solo dance, anda creepy dog comes up next to me? 我正在独舞, 这笨狗竟然在后面学我?

Didyou guys see that? Thankyou, fellas. Thankyou. 你们看见了? 谢谢谢谢

Didyou guys see that? Thankyou, fellas. Thankyou. 你们看见了? 谢谢谢谢

Uh-oh. Here's more trouble. 呃,麻烦连连

Look at the goony look on his face. 看他脸上那高兴劲儿.

- come on. buddy. come here. come on. - T aking him back to the vet? - 过来宝贝. - 要把他带回兽医诊所那了?

- Time for our date with Liz. - Takin'him back to the kennel, right? - 我们现在去跟莉斯约会. - 把他带回狗窝是么?

Yeah? Areyou putting him up foradoption? 或者,你要找人领养他?

Hey, Garfiield, Jon's taking Odie on his date with Liz... 嘿,加菲尔德, 乔恩带着欧迪跟莉斯约会去了...

- and he's leavi ng you behi nd. - I know. Nermal. - 却把你留在这. - 我知道, 奴奴.

[ Nermal] They're off on an adventure andyou're still here. 他们出去乐了,你却还在这

And your point is? 你是什么意思?

Well. that's gotta feel bad... 好吧,我觉得你现在的感觉一定不好...

being left byJon while he takes Odie out. 当乔恩带着欧迪出去玩却把你留在这里的时候.

It's like you're not his favorite anymore. 这好像是说你不再是他的最爱了.

Hey. what do you say we play brain surgeon? 嘿,我们来玩大脑外科手术的 游戏你们说怎么样?

Would you go get my power tools? [ Groans ] 你去取我的手术工具?

This is so sad. 说起来真让人伤心.

jon has completely lost his mind. 乔恩最近完全失去理智了.

Doesn't realize how important I am to him. 根本忘记了我对他有多重要.

I need to be so very understanding ofhim... 在这个困难时期

at this difficult time. 我必须理解他.

Hey. wait up! Wait up for me! You forgot me! 嘿。等等!等等我! 你把我忘了!

Slow down! Please slow down! I'm right back here! 慢点!求求你慢点! 我就在后面!

Waa-- oh! I think I pulled a hamstring. 哇--噢!我想我抓住保护杠了

All right. It's okay. I'm on. I'm on. Relax. 好吧,我上来了,放松.

Oh. my poor nose. 噢,我可怜的鼻子.

[Man On P.A.]So, ifyou own Marie, please come andclaim her. 如果你是玛丽的主人,请马上过来认领

[Man On P.A. ] So, ifyou own Marie, please come and claim her. 如果你是玛丽的主人,请马上过来认领

Thankyou very much. 非常感谢

Now, before the show starts, go over to the snack section on the south lawn... 表演开始前,各位可以去南面的草坪上 享用各种小吃

and get those goodies. 还有小商品可以购买

We have things there that we 're sure-- 我们确保那些商品...

[ Groans ] Yeah. go on ahead. U h-- 好吧继续走--

I 'l I catch up with ya. I t's probably just a mild concussion... 我会赶上你们的 只是有点轻度脑震荡...

or-- or a skull fracture. 或者是头骨骨折.

Maybe I'll get a cA T scan. 也许我应该先去做个猫科检查.

A cAT scan! 呃猫科检查!

[Man On P.A. ] I'd like to ask thejudges now... 我想请评委...

ifthey wouldplease take theirpositions for the viewings. 在他们的座位上就座.

Oh, watch your step there. [ Laughs ] 噢走路注意.

[Applause ]

Ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the dog show. 女士们先生们,欢迎到我们的狗展.

Well. what if I compromise a little? 好吧,也许我也应该采取一些折中手段

How 'bout I do the rolling around with theyarn ball thing? 跟你在院子里玩玩球什么的

And I'll purr. I'll purr like a Ferrari. Or make that a Jaguar. 我可以学法拉里或者美洲豹战斗机的声音

I won't climb drapes though. That's more than you get from some dumb dog. 我不会再抓窗帘 我可比那笨狗能做的事多多了

Oops. Dogs. Uh-oh. 噢!全是狗

- Oh. what? You're all gonna take it personally? - Down. boy. Sit. - 噢!你们都要来么 - 别动,坐下

- Stay! - [ Garfiield] Now, I'm gonna die. - 站住! - 完蛋了,我要死了

Oh, now I really am gonna die! 噢!我真的要死了!

Excuse me. can I get through here? 对不起,我能从这过么?

- [ clamoring ] - No one under this tarp. Ah! That's my ear! 没人在这下面,啊!我的耳朵

[ Man On P.A. ] Owners, maintain control ofyour dogs. 主人们,管好你们自己的狗

People, control those animals now! 大家控制住那些狗

Music! Music. you idiot! 音乐音乐!你这个白痴!

∮∮ [ Dance ]

- Yeah, play the music. - [ Sighs ] 对,放些音乐

[ Garfiield] That's my bad knee. Stop it. All right! 别咬我的膝盖,好吧

- Feets, don't fail me now! - [ Barking ] 撒丫子快跑啊

[ Man On P.A. ] I apologize for this. Please excuse this outburst. 我对这次突发事件感到抱歉

- This is highly irregular. - Odie! Odie! [ Whistles ] - 这太不正常了 - 欧迪! 欧迪!

Odie! Odie, come on. come on, buddy. come on back. 欧迪! 欧迪,过来. 过来,回我这儿来

Odie! Odie, you want a treat? Huh? Buddy? 欧迪! 欧迪, 你想被罚么?

∮∮ [ continues ]

Okay. Al I right. I need a ride. 好吧,我还没事,我需要辆车.

I 'm a cat in trouble. I 'm hitching a ride in your muumuu. 我是只猫我现在有麻烦 借你的袍子一用

- Ooh! - come on! Let's move! - 噢! - 走,咱们走!

- [ Barking ] - Go! Let's move! Dig! Dig! Hyah! Hyah! 快跑!快跑!快跑!

come on, Pinkie. Move it out! Oh!Sorry. Sorry. 加油,快跑! 不好意思

Move! Move! Move, Pinkie! Move, Pinkie! Move! 加油,快跑!

[ Man On P.A. ] We certainly have a new star in the arena. 我们这又发现了一位新明星

Ladies and gentlemen, this is amazing! 女士们先生们 这真令人惊奇

[ Happy ] T alented I ittle fel la. huh? 天才小狗啊

Hyah. Pinkie! Hyah! They're gaining on us. Pinkie! 加油!他们要追上了

A cat's life is at stake. Whoa! 猫的一生就是做赌注

Thanks for the ride. 多谢让我搭车

Excuse me. ma'am. Please call 91 1. 对不起 请打911

[ crying] Please! 求求你们

This is exactly what I deserve anyway. 也许我命该如此

I promise if I survive. I'll never compete with a dog again. 我发誓如果我没死 我再也不招惹狗了

Okay! You got me! 好吧,你们赢了

But before I say good-bye-- Oh. isn't this the final irony? 在我说永别之前 哦,这句话是不是很有讽刺意味?

Lookwho's here to witness this. The mailman! 看,谁是这儿的目击人 是邮差!

You're so stupid. 你们真够笨的

∮∮ [ continues ]

Whoo! Yeah! 哇!好啊!

Whoo. Whoo-hoo. 噢噢!!

∮∮ [ Ends ]

[ Laughs ] Yes! 好的!

Odie, come here. That's a goodboy. Oh, hi. 欧迪, 过来,真是个好孩子

[Man On P.A. ] Ladies and gentlemen, Happy chapman. 女士们先生们, 我是快乐 查普曼.

[ Laughs ] That is one talented dog! 这是天才小狗!

[ cheering ]

You know. this is exactly the kind of dog... 这就是我要找的狗...

that could have a future in television. 在电视上一定能大红大紫.

Oh. thankyou. Mr. chapman. but Odie's just my pet. 谢谢查普曼先生, 欧迪只是我的宠物

And that's-- that's all I reallywant him to be. 而且,我也不想让他当什么明星.

- You're kidding. - No. - 你在说笑. - 不.

Okay. Well. this is foryou. 好吧,这是给你的

And. uh... 并且,呃...

this is foryou ifyou happen to changeyour mind. 这个也给你,如果你改变主意.

You just ring me up. You give-- "Hello? Hello? 你可以给我电话 就说:“喂喂?

I changed my mind. I wanna be a star." 我改主意了我想变成明星”

- Okay. - Okay! - 好的 - 好!

- Okay. - Let's hear it for Odie! - 好. - 给欧迪点掌声!

[Man On P.A.] What a sensational ending to a ratherunconventionalshow! 在这个不寻常的展出上多么感人的结尾啊!

- Smile. - Our winner today... - 笑. - 我们今天的冠军...

a fabulous dancing puppy called Odie! 一只令人难以致信的会跳舞的小狗欧迪!

... the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac. ... 死胡同. 永远别离开死胡同. 永远别离开死胡同.

N-Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-sac. 永远别离开死胡同. 永远别离开死胡同.

Never leave the cul-de-sac. Never leave the cul-de-- 永远别离开死胡同. 永远别离开死胡同.

[ Groans ] I'm h-home. 终于到家了.

- [Jon ] I hadfun today. Thankyou. - [Liz] Yeah, me too. - 今天过的真高兴,谢谢你约我们去. - 我也是.

Would you like to come in? 要进来坐坐么?

- Uh. not today. - I knew that. - 呃,今天不行. - 好吧我知道.

- I'm sorry. -Jon. I wanna come over. just not today. - 对不起. -乔恩, 我想去,只是今天不行.

I have to cover for anothervet. 我还得去兽医诊所

Oh! Really? 哦,是么?

How's Sunday? 礼拜天怎么样?

Sunday is-- Sunday's great. S-Sunday's good. Sunday. 礼拜天?礼拜天很好,那就礼拜天吧

[ Laughs ] Okay. 好的.

So. I'll-- 那么--

- I'll see you Sunday. - Sunday. - 礼拜天见. - 礼拜天.

- Sunday. - [ Laughs ] 礼拜天.

Why? Why has this happened? 为什么会发生这样的事?

I was the one. It was all about me. 我本来是家里的宝贝儿 所有事都围绕着我

Not about some stupid. sniveling. smelly... 现在变成所有事都围绕着那个 愚蠢,溜着鼻涕难闻的..

high-maintenance disco dog. 又难伺候的迪斯科狗.

Ahh! 啊!

Oh. no.

[ Gasps ]

[ creaking ]

Huh? Oh-- 呃,噢

∮∮[Jon Singing]

Youjust can't do this,Jon. He's trying to tearus apart. Don'tyou see that? 你不能这么做,乔恩,他想把我们 分开,你没看出来么?

You know me. I'm too lazy to try to destroyyour house. 你了解我,我太懒了才不会在家里搞破坏

I was provoked. pushed. prodded. driven mad. 别激怒我,或者伤害, 那样会让我发疯.

You can't kick me out of my own house like I'm some kind of animal! 你不能像对待 其他动物一样把我踢出家

Oh. come on.Jon.Jon! 别这样,乔恩.乔恩!

Oh. come on.Jon.Jon! 别这样,乔恩.乔恩!

You know I'm scared ofthe dark. 你知道我怕黑

Yeah. that's a good boy. Who's a good boy? 你是个好孩子,知道谁是好孩子么?

∮ Used to haveJon to myself ∮

∮ Day or night There was no one else ∮

∮ From dawn to dusk my meals would come ∮

∮ I'dlounge about in myhome∮

∮ But now I'm out in the cold ofnight∮

∮ All alone till the dawn's first light ∮

∮ I'm in a new dog state of mind ∮

∮ Used to think I had a home ∮

∮ A special place to call my own ∮

∮ But now the dog's in and I'm out ∮

∮ I've got noJon I've got no clout∮

∮∮ [ Wailing ]

∮ I'm in a new dog state of mind ∮∮

[ crying ]

Leave me alone. You've won. 别理我,你赢了.

You're inside with him. and I'm out here all by myself. 你和他在里面, 我一个人被赶出来.

Odie? You came out here to be with me? 欧迪? 你要出来和我在一起?

I'm touched. 我感动了.

- And you must be touched in the head. - [ clicks ] 你也必须给自己的脑子开开壳了


- Seeyou in the morning, little fella. - [ Barks ] 明儿见

You know. a puppy needs a little tough love every now and then. 对小狗来说有时候需要厉害一点 迟早都要有.

I think it builds character. 我想这对他以后的性格会有好处.

Hello. Pooky. Miss me? 嗨,卜姬. 想我了么?

You know what? I'm gonna make it up to Odie tomorrow. 明天我要改善一下跟欧迪的关系

I'm going to teach him how to drink out ofthe toilet. 我要教教他如何在洗手间外喝水

- [ Whining ] - [Girl cat] PoorOdie. 可怜的欧迪.

- That cat is such a pig. - Garfield's a pig? - 那家伙真是个混蛋. - 加菲尔德是个混蛋?

You never put the dog out at night. 晚上千万不能把狗丢在外面

Why not? 为什么?

Because dogs... run away. 因为他们会跑掉.


[ Barking ]

[ Barking ]

[ Barking ]

[Siren Wailing]

[ Whines ]


Sure.Jon. I'll eat all your lasagna foryou. 好吧,乔恩,我要吃掉你所有的通心粉.

[Woman ] Oh, look. What do we have here? 看看,这是什么?

You're a lost dog. 你是只走失的小狗.

[ Strains ]

Well. we can fix that. 好吧我们能解决.

[ chuckles ]

Oh. do I feel good this morning. 今天早上的感觉真好.

I slept like a fat cat. 我睡的像只肥猫.

Hey. tall. dark and human. what's for breakfast? 嘿,大个,早上吃什么

Odie! Where areyou. boy? 欧迪! 你在哪儿?

Well. relax. Uh. I think he was going to camp out. 放松点,我想他出去露营了.

- Odie? - Well. he probably had a sleepover at Luca's. I think. - 欧迪? - 或者在卢克那睡过头了.

Odie! Odie? 欧迪! 欧迪?

Hm. Well. maybe he's fetching the paper for the neighbors. 呃,或者他在替附近的邻居拣报纸.

Where is that silly dog? 那笨狗哪儿去了?

I can't go on like this anymore. Wendell. 温德尔,我不能再这样下去了.

I've got to get a dog. 我要找到一条狗.

I think that's a lovely idea. [ chuckles ] 我想那是个不错的主意

I knowyou've been sad and lonely since the divorce. and I've tried to be a friend-- 我知道你离婚以后很失意 我也尽力做好你的朋友

Not for me. you imbecile. For the act. 找狗不是为我,你这个笨蛋 是为节目

Ifl could get my hands on a really talented dog... 如果我能有一条天才小狗...

wouldn't WalterJ. just choke on his Emmy? 沃尔特J非得把艾美奖给我不可

- Like Odie? - Yeah. - 像欧迪? - 没错.

Yeah. now he was good. 没错,就他那样

Oh. yeah. You know. he was kinda dopey-looking and spry. 他就是那种既令人陶醉又充满生气

- And-- - Lost! - 并且-- - 走失了!

[Happy] Hmm? 唔?

Hi, it'sJon. I wasjust calling to see ifOdie's been overthere. 你好,我是乔恩,我打电话来 问问是否看见欧迪了

Myname isJon Arbuckle, and, um, I can't find my dog. 我的名字是乔恩 阿布克利,我找不到我的狗

I've looked all around the neighborhood, and I can't find him. 附近我都找遍了,还是没有

I saw him last night, but I haven't seen him this morning. 昨晚我还看见他了, 今天早上就不见了

And, uh, ifyou see him, give me a call, please. 呃,如果你看见他,给我电话

Uh, I was calling to see ifyou'd seen Odie? Um, I think he 's run away. 我想问问你是否看见欧迪? 他跑掉了

I was giving him a bath, and I forgot to put his collar back on. 我刚给他洗完澡 忘记把他的项圈戴回去了

You know, 'cause Garfiield hates his collar. 加菲尔德不喜欢他的项圈

He's about 1 5 pounds. He's brownish yel low with brown floppy ears. 大约15磅,褐色,耷拉耳朵.

- [ Doorbell Rings ] - Would you mind getting that? 如果您不介意的话请帮帮我?

Um. I'm offering a reward. 我会给您酬劳.

Yeah. that's right. Okay. and he answers to the name of-- 对,没错. 他名叫--

- Hi. - Hi. [ chuckles ] -嗨. -嗨.

I'd say the refrigerator is unguarded. 我敢说冷气机还没准备好.

Wh-- What areyou doing here? 你来干什么?

We're having dinner. remember? 我们约好一起吃晚饭的,还记得吗?

Right! R-- Dinner. 是的! 吃晚饭.

Th-The two of us. Tonight. Of course. 我们两个人. 今天晚上.当然记得.

- Shall I come in? - Yeah! -我能进来吗? -当然!

Yeah. come on in. 请进.

Uh. you know. uh. Liz. I have a confession. 嗯,莉斯,我得向你认错.

Uh. uh. it's not really a confession. More ofan admission. 嗯,嗯,也不是真的认错. 可以说是供认.

It's a-- You know what it is? It's like a. uh-- 你知道是什么事吗? 就像--

It's like a declaration. I have a-- a-- d-- 就像声明一样. 我--

I love it when you do that. 我喜欢你这样.

- Do what? - You know. trip overyourself. -怎样? -支支吾吾的.

It's cute. 太可爱了.

It's one ofthe reasons I had a crush on you in high school. 高中时我喜欢你 就是因为这点.

You had a crush on me? 你喜欢过我?

Yeah. I thoughtyou were really cute. decent. 是的.你又可爱又大方.

Not like all those otherjerks. 不像别的家伙.

I don't believe it. I-- I had a crush on you too. 真不敢相信.我-- 我也喜欢你.

- Isn't that funny? - Yeah. -太有意思了. -可不是吗.

Hilarious. 真有趣.

So. um. what's your confession/ admission/declaration? 那么,你说的认错/供认/声明是什么?

Actually. um-- 实际上,嗯--

I forgot about our dinner. [ chuckles ] Yeah. 我忘记我们约好一起吃晚餐的事了. 就是这样.

[ Laughs ] Oh. that's okay. You know. I can-- I can go. 没关系. 我--我得走了.

No. No. I'm-- I'm glad you're here. 不.不,我-- 很高兴你能来.

Let me just. uh. get myjacket. and then we'll go. 我穿上夹克, 等我一下,我们就走.

Okay. what am I gonna do? What am I gonna do? 我该怎么做? 我该怎么做?

What-- What am I gonna do? I've waited for this night my entire life. 我该怎么做? 我一直都在等待今晚的到来.

Ifyou tell her the truth. you'll feel much better. 告诉她真相, 你会觉得好些.

Andyou won't have to see heranymore. 你不必再见她.

It's kinda creepyhaving a vet around the house anyway. 不管怎么样,附近有个兽医感觉真恐怖.

I can't just go out and pretend like nothing's happened. can I? 我不能假装什么都没发生,是吗?

Well. I sure could. The one thing you can't do is tell her the dog's gone. 当然能.你唯一不能做的事是 告诉她狗失踪了.

- I gotta tell her. - No. -我必须告诉她. -不要.

- I've gotta tell her. - No. That's not what Isaid. -必须告诉她. -不.我不是那个意思.

Schmuck. 笨蛋.

Liz. uh. we can't go out tonight. 莉斯,嗯, 今晚我不能跟你出去.

- Why not? - Odie's run away. -为什么? -欧迪跑掉了.

- What? - He got out last night. I feel terrible. -什么? -昨晚上失踪了.太糟糕了.

I called the pound. I put up posters. 我给待领场打过电话. 还张贴了海报.

I looked everywhere. but I can't find him. 我到处都找遍了, 就是找不到他.

- Why didn'tyou just tell me? - I guess I figured... -为什么不早点告诉我? -我以为...

he was the only reason you were spending time with me. 你是因为他才跟我在一起的.

- come on. - No. I'm serious. I mean. I thought-- -你在开玩笑吧. -不,我是认真的.我的意思是,我想--

No. I mean. come on. Let's go find him. 别说了,走吧. 我们一起去找他.

O-Oh. 哦-哦.

Ayayayayay. 啊呀呀呀呀.

How can this dog be such a problem when he's not even here anymore? 这只狗不在这儿后怎么成了关键问题了?

Well. I'm not gonna worry about him. 我可不担心他.

I believeyou've found my dog. 我相信你见过我的狗.

- He answers to "Odie." - "Odie"? -他名叫"欧迪." -"欧迪"?

Family name. 对,是他的姓.

Oh! Odie! Oh. come on. 哦! 欧迪! 过来.

There you are. Oh! 终于找到你了.哦!

[ Laughs ] Yes. Yes. 太好了.太好了.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I can live again now. 太好了.太好了. 我又能活下去了.

How could I ever repayyou? 我得怎么报答你?

An autograph would be splendid. 签个名就行.

Then splendid it shall be. 那就签名.

- ∮∮ [ TVTheme ] - [Garfiield] Hm. -哼.

- Uh. no. - [ Man ] come on. boy. -哦,不. -去吧,宝贝.

[ Groans ]

- [ Doorbell Rings ] - [ Barks ]

[ Sighs ] Hmm-- 嗯嗯--

Ooh. 汪汪.

This is ridiculous. 真可笑.

- Hey. what areyou lookin' at? - Nothin'.Just lookin' for some company. -嘿,你在看什么? -没什么.找几个伙伴.

[ Nermal ] Keep walking. creepo. 走开.

- What's going on? - We know how much you hated Odie. -出了什么事? -我们知道你多么恨欧迪.

- We know how much you wanted him gone. - Wait a minute. -我们知道你多么希望他消失. -等一下.

All I wanted was to sleep in my own bed. 我只想在我自己的床上睡觉.

And to do it. you cast Odie out into the cold. cruel world? 睡去吧,但为什么把欧迪赶到冷漠,残酷的世界中?

We saw howyou locked Odie outside last night. 昨天晚上我们看见你把欧迪锁在外面.

Oh. I don't believeyou guys. I didn't know he was gonna run away. 我不相信你们说的话. 我不知道他会跑掉.

He's a dumb dog. No offense. Luca. 他真是只笨狗. 我无意冒犯,卢克.

- Uh. what? - You can't blame me for that. -什么事? -这事你不能怪我.

- Any one of us could be next. - Yeah. -我们都可能成为下一个目标. -没错.

There's no room for anybody else in Garfield's world. 加菲尔德 容不下别人.

Huh? Oh. that's a little dramatic. 啊?真有点戏剧性.

Well. I may have been a little tough about protecting my turf... 也许我的态度有点粗暴, 不过那是为了保护我的领地...

but. uh. I don't hate the guy. 不过,嗯, 我不讨厌这个家伙.

I understand Happy has a big surprise for us. 我知道快乐先生会给们带来惊喜.

A special treat. What haveyou got for us. Hap? 特别的款待. 你给我们带来了什么?

Ah. guten Morgen, chris. 您好, 克里斯.

Yeah,yeah,yeah, I have been working with a veryspecial new friend... 对,对,对,我一直与一位 很特别的新朋友共事...

and I would like to introduce him to all ofyou. 我想让你们都认识一下他.

Odieschnitzel! 欧迪 史尼迪!

Lookee here! I t's Odie! 看! 是欧迪!

And he's safe and sound. 他很安全.

Although. he seems to have found an alternative lifestyle. 不过他好像找到了另一种生活方式.

He still can't dance. 他还是不会跳舞.

Well. this gets me offthe hook with Jon and the gang. 现在我就能摆脱乔恩一伙人的纠缠了.

- Now I'm gonna be the hero. - [ Mello ] That's one talented dog. -我要成为英雄了. -这是只天才狗.

Oh. I'm glad you think so. chris. because I have a little announcement to make. 你这么想我很高兴,克里斯, 我要发表一个小声明.

Old Happy chapman and Odieschnitzel... 老快乐查普曼和欧迪史尼迪...

are going to be climbing aboard that New Amsterdam Limited at 3:00 p.m.... 下午3点要乘坐新阿姆斯特丹特快...

bound to NewYork city. wherewe have the opportunity... 开往纽约, 在那儿我们有机会...

to be regular contributors on Good Day, New York. 成为你好纽约的正式演员.

Huh? That's his last name-- Schnitzel? 嗯?他的姓是-- 史尼迪?

Thankyou for all your helpyesterday. You were-- You were great. 谢谢大家昨天的帮助. 你们--你们太棒了.

jon. Odie's on TV. and he's wearing lederhosen. 乔恩,欧迪在电视上, 他穿着皮短裤.

I-I'm sorry. Garfield. not now. 对不起. 加菲尔德,别打扰我.

Um. I upped the reward to. um. $200. 我把奖金提高到,嗯,200美元.

And. uh. I'm going to put up some more posters tomorrow. 明天我会张贴更多海报.

He's clog dancing. I think. wearing lederhosen. 他在跳木屐舞,穿着皮短裤.

I'm sorry. Garfiield, not now. 对不起. 加菲尔德,别烦我.

- Oh. you're gonna miss it. - I'm sorry. Liz. I'll call you later. -你会错过的. -对不起,莉斯.过会儿我再打给你.

Garfield's being... Garfield. 加菲尔德正在... 加菲尔德.

Do I have to bark like Lassie? 我只有像莱西一样咆哮你才听吗?

come on. Humor me. would ya? 快过来. 跟我来,快点.

Arf!. Arf!. Arf!. Quickly! 汪汪汪! 快点!

While we'reyoung. Today! Let's go! 我们还年轻. 快点!

[ Both ] Be happy. 祝你们愉快.

Oh. you're gonna miss this. He's the small one. The small one in the guy's hand. 噢,你要错过机会了. 快看那个家伙手里面的小狗.

[ Garfiield Groans ]

Garfield. I'm not in the mood. 加菲尔德,我现在没心情.

You know. it's never good when you turn off myTV. 你关掉我的电视时从没有好事.

And this may be the worst ever. 这次最糟糕.

[Wendell] Odie's not ready. 现在不行.

H-He's months ofpositive reinforcement awayfrom consistentlyperfiorming. 欧迪很长时间没有表演了.

Happy, you promised you'd never use that. 快乐先生,你答应不会动用它的.

I mean, that collar is inhumane. 我的意思是,那个项圈太残忍了.

This col lar... 这个项圈...

is the dog's future. 就是这只狗的未来.

Do you have a problem with that? 有什么问题吗?

- No. - No. -没有. -没有.

Now we'll see how smart you really are. 让我们看看你有多么聪明.

Happy chapman. Happy chapman. Happy chapman. 快乐 查普曼. 快乐 查普曼. 快乐 查普曼.

Not now. Garfield. 现在没空跟你玩,加菲尔德.

jon. you're denser than ever. 乔恩,你比以往任何时候都要笨.

- [Door Opens ] - I gotta think outside the box here. -我得想想我的百宝箱.

- [Door closes ] - Hey. the box! -对,百宝箱!

Wait a second. 等一下.

My box-- My box had something on it. 我的箱子--箱子里面也许有线索.

Let's see. Apple Jacks. Frosted Flakes. cocoa Puffs. 查一下.苹果杰克. 速冻薯片.可可粉.

Kibbly Kat. Yes. there it is. 凯比 凯特. 对,就是它.

Telegraph Tower. That's where they make The Happy chapman Show. 电报大楼.他们就在那儿制作的幸福查普曼秀.

Yeah. But how faraway can that be? 不过离那儿多远呢?

Maybe-- Hmm. a paw? 也许-- 嗯,一只爪子这么长?

A paw anda halfmaybe. This is a done deal. I can do this. 也许是一只半爪子. 好了.我能做到.

[ Panting ] No! 不!

can't do this. Reached physical limits. 我不行了. 我的体力达到极限了.

Shouldn't have tried it without snacks. 不应该没吃饭就干活.

Must go back and reload. 必须回去从头再来.

- [ Applause ] -Jenny. how areyou? Welcome to the show. -詹妮,你好.欢迎来到我们的表演秀.

Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! 嗯!嗯!好吃!

- [ Applause] - Mmm. Mmm. -嗯.嗯.

Mmm. [ Burps ] 嗯.

Ah. and that's the sign that the tank is full. 啊,这说明我的肚子已经填满了.

I can do this. Beyond this intersection is just another intersection. 我能到那儿. 过了这个十字路口只有一个.

Andanotherandanother. 还有一个,还有一个.

On the otherhand, I wonderifthere's anymeat loafleft in the fridge. 此外,我想知道 冰箱里是不是还有肉馅糕.

No. Now's not the time for a plate of meat loaf. 不.现在不是吃肉馅糕的时候.

Now's the time for a plate of courage. 现在是打起精神的时候.

Ladies and gentlemen. Garfield has left the cul-de-sac. 女士们,先生们, 加菲尔德已经离开死胡同.

∮ He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes ofwrath are stored∮ ∮ He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes ofwrath are stored∮

- ∮ He has-- ∮∮ - [Honking] - ∮ He has-- ∮∮

[ Garfiield] Now that's more mystyle. 这才像我的风格.

Oh. taxi. 出租车.

[ Garfiield] Step on it, willyou, driver? 加把劲吧,司机先生.

No. Odie's not a hound dog. Yes. I 'm sure. 不,欧迪不是猎狗. 对,我确定.

No. I don't want another dog. 不,我不想要别的狗.

- Thanks anyway. - [ Phone Beeps ] -还是要谢谢你.

Garfield. Iunchtime. 加菲尔德,该吃午饭了.

I made your favorite-- lasagna. 我给你做了最喜欢吃的-- 番茄汁面条.

Garfield! 加菲尔德!

Garfield! 加菲尔德!

Garfield. where areyou? 加菲尔德,你在哪儿?

can anyone direct me to the pink building... 有人知道去红色大楼的路吗--

that's shown on the back of the Kibbly Kat box? 在凯比 凯特箱子后面的?

Uh. it's the one right by the blue-and-orange tree. 在蓝桔相间的树旁边.

Well. this doesn't feel pink building-ish. 这看上去不像是红色大楼.

[ clattering]

- Hello? - Now whereyou going? Oh. what is that? -喂? -你要去哪儿? 噢,那是什么?

- [Garfiield] Uh-oh, rats. - [ Rat ] come on! come on! -噢,老鼠. -快!快点!

- Rats the size of rats. - come on, kids. -大大小小的老鼠. -快点,孩子们.

Is that big orange blob a cat? 那个桔色的大家伙是只猫吗?

Hey. now. why am I being surrounded here? 我怎么会被围在这儿?

- Some ofmybest friends are vermin. - [ Rats chattering ] -我有一些好朋友也是害虫.

- Finally. some meat. - [ cheering ] -我们有肉吃了.

Meat? No. it's not meat. I'm-- They measured. 肉?不,不是肉. 我是--他们检测过了.

It's 1 00% body fat. No nutritional value whatsoever. 这是百分之百的身体脂肪. 没什么营养价值.

Hey. body fat's good with us. 嘿,脂肪对我们来说也不错.

- [Rats ] Mmm. Yea! Yippee! - Uh-- Uh-- Louis. -嗯嗯.对!太好了! -噢--噢--路易斯.

- Garfiield! coming through. Hey, what's going on here? - Oh. it's my friend. -加菲尔德! 快出来. 嘿,这儿发生了什么事? -他是我的朋友.

come on. Louis. I got 3.000 teeny mouths to feed. 拜托,路易斯. 我有3000张饥饿的小嘴要喂.

Hey. back off. Garfield? What are you doing here? 嘿,后退.加菲尔德? 你来这儿干什么?

Besides defending my life? jon got a dog... 除了要自救外吗? 乔恩有只狗...

dog got kidnapped by a TV star. I'm trying to rescue him. 被电视明显拐走了, 我要去救他.

Seems likeyou gotyourself in a jam. huh? 你自己好像陷入困境了,是吗?

I wish there was something I could do to helpyou out. 希望我能帮你.

Louis. I thinkyou and I have an account still. remember? 路易斯,我们还有笔帐要算,记得吗?

- The macadamia nut cookies? - I do love the macadamia. -澳大利亚坚果饼干? -我真的很喜欢.

- Sorry. rat pack. this cat's with me. - Aw, come on. -对不起,伙计们,这只猫是跟我一起的. -啊,不会吧.

Y'all got to roll. Go ahead. Roll out. 都走吧. 走吧.

Who wants to go to the Red Lobster alley? 谁想去红龙虾路?

[ Laughs ] Hey. maybe next time. Iittle critters. 嘿,下次吧,小家伙们.

Good luckwith the plague and rabies and everything. 小心瘟疫,狂犬病,等等.

Don't push your luck. fat cat. 不要得寸进尺,肥猫.

Garfield. you can't just be wandering around the city. 加菲尔德,你不能在城市中乱逛.

There are dangers everywhere. 到处都有危险.

Potholes, subways, animal control. 壶穴,地道,动物控制.

You thinkyou can get me to Telegraph Tower? 你能带我到电报大楼去吗?

Two more cookies and you got a deal. But we gotta keep it on the down-low. 再给我两个饼干我们就成交. 不过我们得偷着来.

[ Garfield ] How down low do we have to go? 怎样偷着来?

[Louis ] Yo, Garfiield,you with me? 加菲尔德,你和我?

Louis, this is a little bit lower than I expected. 路易斯,这比我想的还要低调.

Ifl didn't have a box over my head, I'd be humiliated. 如果我没有头上的盒子,我会感到羞辱.

Okay, hold up. All right. We're almost there. 好了.我们差不多到了.

Now, when I give you the signal, we gotta cross the street. 看我的信号,我们一起穿过马路.

- [ Garfiield] Way over there by the horizon? - come on, Garfiield. Let's go! -直着走过去? -快点,加菲尔德.我们走!

Wait up! Wait up! 等等我!等等我!

[ Gasps. Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

- Am I dead? - Garfield. don't move! -我死了吗? -加菲尔德,别动!

Don't move? Not a problem. 别动? 没问题.

[Louis ] Just wait forthe walk signal. 等步行信号.

Oh, no, it's a stampede! Stampede! 不,这是逃窜! 逃窜!

- Ifl canjust get awayfrom this herd. - Garfield! -不知道能不能离开这群人. -加菲尔德!

Garfield! 加菲尔德!

Garfield. where are you? 加菲尔德,你在哪儿?

Garfiield, get down from there, man. 加菲尔德,下来.

No. I 'm not coming down. 不.我不下去.

I'm happy to live the rest of my life up here. Thankyou. 住在这儿很不错.谢谢你.

Liz! Liz! 莉斯! 莉斯!

- What's wrong? - Garfield's gone. I think he's run away too. -怎么了? -加菲尔德不见了.我想他也逃走了.

First Odie. and now Garfield. Liz. I am the worst pet owner on the planet. 首先是欧迪,现在又是加菲尔德. 莉斯,我是世界上最糟糕的养宠物者.

- Wait. What happened? - I can't find him. You gotta help me. -别着急.出了什么事? -我找不到他了.你得帮帮我.

I can't live without Garfield. 没有加菲尔德我没法活下去.

Let's start at the park. 我们从公园开始找.

Let's start at the park. 我们从公园开始找.

Are we thereyet? Are we thereyet? Are we thereyet? 我们到了吗?我们到了吗? 我们到了吗?

Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? 我们到了吗?我们到了吗? 我们到了吗?

Garfield. relax. Look. We're here. 加菲尔德,别着急. 看.我们到了.

- We're here now. - curb service. -到了. -路边餐饮服务.

The Telegraph Tower in all its splendor. 壮观的电报大楼.

[ Garfiield] It looks much smaller on the box. 盒子上看起来小得多.

You gotta go all the way up there? Good luck, playa. 你必须一路上去. 祝你好运,伙计.

I 'l I catch you later. I don't do the vertical thi ng. 以后再找你. 我不陪你了.

- Thanks a lot. partner. - Oh. yeah. Hold up. "G." -多谢. -你继续吧,"G."

- What? - Watch out for the po-po. -什么? -小心便壶.

- You know. five-oh? control-oh. - Huh? -知道吗,五人一组?控制器. -啊?

- Animal control. man. - Oh. that po-po. -动物控制. -噢,那种便壶.

- Keep it squeal. - Hey. thanks. partner. -不要屈服. -谢谢你.

[Louis ] Oink, oink. 呼噜,呼噜.

I can't trythe door. I couldn't handle anotherstampede. 不能从门进去. 我可不想碰上另一次逃窜.

Hey-- 有了--

[ Panting ]

First thing Monday morning-- [ Breathing Heavily ] 周一早上的第一件事--

I'm gonna get to work on losing those last 20 pounds. 我要减去20磅.

Okay. everything looks good out there. 那儿一切顺利.

Looks like we got ourselves a blockage. 我们好像把自己堵塞了.

[ Beeping ]

Hmm. 嗯.

Guess we'll just... purge the system. 也许... 应该把系统净化一下.

[ Straining ]

- [ Vent clatters ] - Oh. pardon me. -噢,对不起.

That wasn't my stomach. was it? 不是我的肚子吧?

- [ Air Blowing ] - Ah. there's a cooling breeze. -啊,有一股冷风.

Ooh. Woah! 喔啊!

Woah! 啊!

- Whee! - Aaah! -哟! -哈!

Aaah! 哈!

Oh, mypoornose. 哦,我可怜的鼻子.

[ Liz ] jon. stop the car. 乔恩,停车.

- What? - It's Odie. -什么事? -是欧迪.

Somebody found him. 52903 Euclid Street. 有人看见他了. 欧几里得大街52903号.

Let's go. 我们走.

[ Garfiield] Odie! 欧迪!

[ Garfiield] Odie! 欧迪!

Ode! 欧迪!

Ode-ster! 欧迪!

Ode-man. 欧迪.

This rescue thing is exhausting. 拯救活动太疲惫了.

When do heroes get to eat? 英雄什么时候吃饭?

- [ Barks ] - Oh. my! -噢,我的天!

- It's Odie! - [ Barks ] -是欧迪!

O-O-O-O-- 啊-啊-啊-啊--

Odie. I foundyou. 欧迪. 我找到你了.

I'm so sorry I got you into this mess. 对不起,把你弄得这么糟糕.

Look. We kind of got off on the wrong paw. 我们也许误会了.

But. come on. You can be really annoying sometimes. 不过你有时候真讨人厌.

And you don't give me enough space. 你不给我足够的空间.

And you're a major-league suck-up. 你还有一个联盟.

But we have a common purpose. We shareJon. 但是我们有一个共同的目的. 我们共有乔恩.

jon needs us even more. 乔恩需要我们.

And I kinda wantyou back home too. 我也想让你回家.

So. stand back. [ Grunting ] 退后.

I almost got it. 我快弄开了.

Hurryup, Wendell. Fortune waits forno man. 快点,温德尔. 机会不等人.

Do you think he's ready for the audition? 你觉得他能试演吗?

[Happy] Well, why don'tyou see foryourself. 为什么不自己看看.

come on. Odie. Showtime. 来吧,欧迪. 表演时间到了.

Now. 就是现在.

Ah. Good morning. New York. 早上好,纽约.

I know you're gonna flip for Odie because he sure is flipping foryou. 你会为欧迪而欢腾 因为他会为你跳跃.

- [ Whirring ] - [ Odie Yelps ]

[HappyLaughing] Ride 'em, cowboy. 来吧,牛仔.

- A shock collar? That's-- That's inhumane. - Tomorrow's science today. -电击项圈?这--这太残忍了. -未来的科技.

Oh. gosh. hot doggy. 天哪,火热的小狗.

So. when does our train leave? 火车什么时候出发?

Oh. Two hours. 两小时后.

Tickets? chop-chop. 给你车票. 好-好.

Poor Odie. He faces a future of torture... 可怜的欧迪. 他面对的是折磨...

neglect and degradation. 忽视和退化.

Hey. nobody gets to mistreat my dog like that except me. 除了我之外别人不能那样虐待我的狗.

Psst! I'll be right behindyou, little buddy. 嘘!我会跟在你后面,小伙伴.

[ Whimpers ]

Surf's up! 冲浪开始了!

Gravity. do your thang! 万有引力,发挥你的作用吧!

Ah-ooh! 啊-喔!

Ah-ooh! 啊-喔!

Woah! Housekeeping at 1 2:00! 啊! 12点钟,打扫房间时间!

Woah! You know... 啊! 知道吗...

I think I hada nightmare like this once. 我记得做过这样的噩梦.

Woah! 啊!

Once again. my life has been saved by the miracle oflasagna. 我的生命又一次被奇迹般地拯救了.

Isaidlimo, not taxi. Doyou know the difference? 我说的是轿车,不是出租车. 你不知道区别吗?

Odie. here I come! Don't worry. fella. 欧迪,我来了! 别担心.

- I'll rescueyou! - [Man ] Halt! -我会救你的! -停住!

- Gotcha! - Woah. Huh? -逮住你了! -啊.嗯?

Well. what have we got here? 看看是什么?

Looks like we got us a cat with no tags. 好像是只没有标记的猫.

[ Garfiield] Hey, McGillicuddy, there's an animal felony... 嘿,长官,有人虐待动物...

happening right there behindyou. 就在你后面.

I'm trying to do some rescue work here, pal. 我是为了救他,朋友.

- [ Dogs Barking ] - [ Garfiield In carrier] Hey! -嘿!

- Welcome to my world. Red. - [ Garfiield] I'm gonna call somebody about this. -欢迎来到我的世界,雷德. -我要把这一切捅出去.

- Newbie on the block. - This is police brutality. -有新货出售. -这是警察的野蛮行为.

- Here we go. - I have tags. Ijust left them in my other fur. -到了. -我有标签.只是放在另一件皮衣中了.

[ Garfiield] This is abusive now. This is abusive. 这是虐待.这是虐待.

- I n you go. big fel la. - [ Garfiield] Huh? -进去吧,大家伙. -嗯?

- What is with the cage? - Okay. Iock 'er down. -这个笼子是干什么的? -好了,锁上吧.

Oh, now, this is insulting. You know I'm house-trained. 不,简直是侮辱我. 我是在住房中长大的.

- Gimme newspaper? - Settle down. people. -能给我份报纸吗? -安静下来,伙计们.

- I oughta give you a bunch offives. - Back about your busi ness. -我应该给你点吃的. -做你自己的事吧.

- Rosa. I 'm watching you. - This is all a terrible mistake. -罗莎,我注意到你了. -这完全是个误会.

I was trying to save a friend... 我在拯救一个朋友...

that's not very smart. needed my help. 他太笨,需要我的帮助.

I don't belong in here. I have an owner. 我不属于这儿. 我有主人.

I-I'm not a stray. 我-我不是流浪猫.

- Hi. I'm Jon Arbuckle. - Hi. -嗨.我是乔恩 阿布克利. -嗨.

Um. I thinkyou have my dog Odie. 嗯,我想我的小狗欧迪在你这儿.

- I thinkyou're mistaken. - No. I saw the flier. Odie's my dog. -你可能弄错了. -不,我看见传单了.欧迪是我的狗.

No. he's Happy chapman's dog. 不,他是 快乐 查普曼的狗.

Happy chapman? 快乐 查普曼?

The gentleman with the cat on channel 37. 37频道做猫节目的先生.

He came and took Odie home. 他把欧迪带回家了.

Odie's the familyname, you know? 欧迪是姓, 知道吗?

- Well, uh, good day. - Wait. Wait. -好了,祝你愉快. -等等.等一下.

Happy chapman took Odie? You think he's got Garfield too? 快乐 查普曼把欧迪带走了? 你认为加菲尔德也是他带走的?

I-I don't know. But we're gonna find out. 我-我不知道. 我们要搞清楚.

[ Garfield: Hymn ]

[ Garfield: Hymn ]

Ah, shut up! 闭嘴!

Hey, save it fortalent night. 嘿,留到晚上表演吧.

∮∮ [ Ends ]

could you please be quiet? Guard! Guards! 你能安静一下吗? 警卫!警卫!

Oh. this really is too much. 真是太过分了.

Hey. Persnikitty. Happy chapman's cat. What are you doing in here? 嘿,柏斯妮.快乐 查普曼的猫. 你在这儿干什么?

I was his cat until I outlived my purpose. 我以前是他的猫.

Oh, then he replacedme with a dog and dumped me in this wretchedplace. 后来他找了只狗代替我 把我扔进这个肮脏的地方.

- All humans are the same. - Oh. not Jon. my owner. -人类都这样. -乔恩,我的主人,可不这样.

[ chuckles ] No way. He only does what's best for me. 他只做对我好的事.

He puts up with me, and he feeds me. 他容忍我的过错, 喂我吃饭.

And he lets you vacation in this charming animal pound. Hello? 他还让你在这个迷人的动物拘留所度假.是吗?

Yeah. not for long. Persnikitty. 不会很久的, 柏斯妮.

Would you please just stop calling me that? 不要那样叫我好吗?

My name isn't really Persnikitty. 我的真名不是柏斯妮.

- It's Sir Roland. - Sir Roland? -我是罗兰爵士. -罗兰爵士?

Yes. Anotherone of Happychapman's acts ofcruelty. 对.快乐 查普曼的另一个演员.

I was trained in the classical theater. you know. Uh-huh. 我是在古典剧院训练的.嗯-哼.

But now, I'm a celebrity cable castoffcat... 可是现在,我成为名人了, 但不是因为是一只猫...

with a name I can never live down. 大家都记住了我的名字

Well. this may hurt a little then. 我有点为你伤心.

I'm trying to rescue the dog that replaced you. Persnikitty. 我想营救取代你的狗,柏斯妮.

I mean, Roland. Uh, Happyand Odie are getting on a train in less than two hours... 快乐先生和欧迪两小时内就要上火车了...

to go to New York to become regulars on Good Day. New York. 他们要去纽约作正式演出.

Wait a m i nute. Did I just hear that right? 什么? 我没听错吧?

You're a cat that's trying to rescue a dog? 一只猫要营救一只狗?

I t's true. I know. It's a crime against nature. 没错.我知道这有点违背常理.

At first I thought he was a pain, but he's grown on me... 最初我觉得他很讨厌, 可是他一直跟我一起成长...

Iike a wartyou wanna have removed untilyou realize... 就像你想去掉的瘤子,直到你认识到...

it defines you in some funny way. 某种有趣的东西改变了你.

Do you know. that is absolutely charming. 知道吗,这真的很有趣.

Let me askyou a question. chubby. 问你个问题.

What are you talking about? 你到底在说什么?

How could you understand? He's my friend. 你怎样才能明白? 他是我的朋友.

Oh. my gosh. How low have I sunk? 哦,我的天. 我陷得有多深.

Guard. may I have some shoelaces. please? 警卫,能给我些鞋带吗?

[ Guard ] Well. hello there. Right on time. 就在那儿.

All right. I need a five-count lineup right now. Let's go. 我需要一个五人组.

- Move. move. move. - Hey. what's going on? -快,快,快. -嘿,什么事?

Adoption. Looks like one of us is getting out ofhere. 收养.有人要离开这儿了.

So,you're here to look at a cat. 你在这儿看一只猫.

All right. Well, let's see ifwe can't take care ofyou. 好了.看看我们能否照顾你.

- [ Persnikitty ] careful. - Let's go, boys. Let's hurry it up. -小心. -我们走,孩子们.快点.

can I just say your hands are freezing? 你的手太冷了.

How areyou, newbie? This might beyourlucky day. 你好,新来的? 今天可能是你的幸运日.

come here. There you go. 过来. 去吧.

Oh. you are a heavy one. 哦,你可真重.

- Excuse me. Muscle weighs more than fat. - come on. That's right. -肌肉比脂肪要重. -来吧.

- come over here. - check this. -过来. -检查一下.

Hey, what about me? 嘿,我呢?

All right. Let's line it up. 好了. 排成一队.

Paws on the white line. Tails in the air. 爪子放在白线上. 尾巴翘起来.

I don't need to be adopted. guys. My guyJon is coming to get me. I'm sure. 我不需要被收养. 我的主人乔恩会把我领回去的.

- That one. - Really. -那只. -好的.

She picked me! She picked me! She did! 她选了我! 她选了我!

- [ Singsong ] She picked me. She picked me. - Not that one. -她选了我.她选了我. -不是那只.

That one. The one that looks like the cat on TV. 那只.跟电视上的很像的那只.

Back it up. Red. She went with Trigger. 登记一下,雷德. 乔治领养了她.

- [Persnikitty]Sorry, love. - come here. -对不起,宝贝. -过来.

Better luck next time. Now you be careful. 祝你下次好运. 小心点.

- There you go. - That's not-- That's sore. Ow! -去吧. -不是--很疼.啊!

jon's gonna be here in five minutes anyway. 乔恩马上就会来的.

When I give the signal. run like a mad cow. 当我给你信号时, 马上逃跑.

- What? - Don'tyou want to saveyour friend? -什么? -你不想去救你的朋友了吗?

- Do I really have to run? - Now! -我真的要跑吗? -快跑!

Eat hair ball. Happy chapman! 吃毛团吧,快乐 查普曼!

- [Guard] Not the redbutton! - [ Alarm Ringing ] -不要动红色按钮!

[Persnikitty] Once more into the breach, dearfriends. Once more! 快从缺口出去,朋友们.快点!

∮∮ [Sings ]

[ Barking ]

- Go. go. go. go. go! - I 'm going. I'm going. -快,快,快,快,快! -我要走了.我要走了.

Run! Run! Let's go! Get the door! 快跑!快跑!我们走! 从大门出去!

[ Dog ] Hey. there's a fire hydrant! 嘿,这儿有消防栓!

Don't stop! Don't stop! 不要停! 不要停!

code blue! code blue! We got runners. We got runners. 呼叫蓝号!呼叫蓝号! 有人逃跑.有人逃跑.

Halt! Stop! You have not been cleared for release. 站住!你们还没获释!

[ chattering ]

- [Jon ] Garfiield's been here. - Uh, excuse me. -加菲尔德来过. -对不起.

- can I help you with something? - We're looking for Happy chapman. -有什么事吗? -我们要找快乐 查普曼.

Uh. yeah. He's on his way to the train station. He's going to New York. 他在去火车站的路上. 他要去纽约.

D-Doyou guys have a pass orsomething? 你们有通行证吗?

- I'm gonna have to askyou guys to leave. - Thankyou. -我得问你们几个问题. -谢谢.

Okay. thanks. 好的,谢谢.

- [ Gasps ] - Oh. excuse me. -对不起.

[Man On P.A. ] Yourattention please. The New Amsterdam Limited... 乘客们请注意. 新阿姆斯特丹特快...

is now departing from Platform 12. 从12站台出发.

All aboard! 大家请上车!

All aboard! 大家请上车!

Good afternoon. gentlemen. What will you be having today-- salmon. steak or lasagna? 下午好,先生.今天吃点什么-- 鱼肉,鱼片还是番茄汁面条?

Steak. I hate lasagna. 鱼片. 我不喜欢吃面条.

Beep. beep. cat coming through. Beep. beep. Going through the tunnel. 嘟嘟,嘟嘟.小猫要过去. 嘟嘟,嘟嘟.通过地道.

- Nyow! I just had to do that. - It's a cat! 唷!我没办法. -是只猫!

[Man On P.A.] Final call forthe NewAmsterdam Limited. 新阿姆斯特丹特快的最后通知.

The New Amsterdam Limited is now departing from Platform 12. 新阿姆斯特丹特快将从12站台发车.

No. Wait. Please. Stop. 不.等一下.等等我.

Wait. Don't. No. Oh. 等等.不要走.

You monster, chapman! 你这个妖怪,查普曼!

[ Sobbing ] I can't outrun a train. 我追不上火车.

Whoa. Watch the train. pal. 噢. 小心火车,伙计.

- Let's wait here now. honey. - Hey. -我们在这儿等吧,宝贝. -噢.

I got it. It'sjust a train set, onlybigger. 我明白了.是火车调整.

- Oh. no. we're too late. - No. -我们来晚了. -不.

We're gonna stop that train. come on. 我们要阻止火车.跟我来.

Somewhere around here... 应该在这附近...

there's gotta be a big table... 有张大桌子...

with all the trains on it. 控制着所有火车.

[ Man On Radio ] Yeah. now's a good time to take a 1 0-minute break. Ted. 现在可以休息一下,特德.

Overandout. 歇一会儿吧.

He looks like the type. 他看上去很有型.

And this must be where he's got his little table. 这一定是他的办公室.

[Woman ] I'm verysorry, sir. There's simplyno wayto stop that train. 对不起,先生. 火车不能停.

Ma'am. you don't understand. You have to stop that train. 小姐,你不明白. 必须把火车停下来.

My dog and my cat are on that train. 我的狗和猫都在火车上.

I suppose ifJon can do this. I can. 不知道乔恩能不能做到,不过我能.

Okay. we gotta find our train. Let's see what happens when I do this. 必须找到他们乘坐的火车. 先试试看.

- [ Beeps ] - [ clatters ]

[ Female computerVoice ] Boston Express switching to Track 1 8. 波士顿特快切换到18车道.

Well. I'm sorry. Folks in Boston are gonna be a little late today. 对不起.波士顿的人们今天要迟到了.

- Ha! - [ clatters ] 哈!

Let's see what happens when I do this. 再试试这个.

- Warning: Seattle Wind-- - No. I don't care about Seattle. -警告:西雅图-- -我不关心西雅图.

Warning: collision. 警告:撞车

Ma'am. I'm looking for one train in particular. 我要找到我的火车.

Just onesecond. I'm trying to findmyfriend. 等一下. 我在寻找我的朋友.

- The New Amsterdam Limited-- - There's the Amsterdam. -新阿姆斯特丹特快-- -找到了.

- [ Horn Sounds ] - Warning: collision. 20 seconds. -警告:撞车,还有20秒.

- Gosh. you sound like my mother. - [ clacking ] 听起来像是我妈妈.

- [Alarm Blaring] - All right, hold up. Everybodystop. 大家都别动.

- Warning. - [ Metal Scraping ] 警告.

- Five. four-- - [ Garfiield] Stop whatyou're doing! -5,4-- -快停下!

- Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. - All stop. -停.停.停.停.停. -都停下.

[ Horns Blaring ]

- [ Beeping ] - Yeah! 好了!

Okay. everybody. Let's take it from the top. 没事了. 我们从头开始.

- Okay? - [ Whimpering ] 什么事?

- You have to stop that train. - Hold on. -你必须让火车停下. -等等.

[ Beeping ]

I'll be down to meet you at the station. Odie. 我到车站上去接你,欧迪.

Actually. that train has stopped. It's returning to the station. 实际上,火车已经停了,正在返回车站.

Are we on the right train? 我们没坐错车吧?

[ Beeps ]

- Where areya? - [ Odie Whining] -你在哪儿?

I think I recognize that whine. 我能听出你的哭声.

[ continues Whining]

Hey. come on. 找到了.

- [ Scratching ] - See. these are the kinds of seats you get... -这是你的座位...

whenyou book at the last minute. 最后预定的.

Good to see you. partner. 见到你真好.

Let's get outta here. 我们离开这儿吧.

Yourattention please. The New Amsterdam Limited... 乘客们请注意. 新阿姆斯特丹特快列车...

Your attention please. The New Amsterdam Limited... 乘客们请注意. 新阿姆斯特丹特快列车...

is making an unscheduled stop on Platform 1 2. 现在意外地停在12站台.

No. si r. please take your seat. 先生,请坐好.

- No. no. my future is running away from me. - What's the trouble here? -不,不,我的未来正离开我. -有什么事吗?

[ No Audible Dialogue ]

[ conductor] Please, stay calm and go back toyourseat. 请保持镇静,回到各自的座位.

- [Man ] Hey! - How rude! -嘿! -太无礼了!

Buddy! 伙计!

[ Panting ]

Ah. 啊.

Hey. could you slow down? I've been doing this running thing all day. 嘿,慢点行吗? 我跑了一整天了.

And I am over it. Hey. we-re-- we're safe now. 我快不行了. 嘿,我们--我们现在安全了.

We're free. Oh. 我们自由了.

- If it isn't Unhappy chappy. - Going somewhere? -如果这不是不高兴先生的话. -到别的地方去吗?

Nice accessory, but I don't think I want to play "dress up" withyou, pal. 这东西不错,但我不想跟你玩"穿衣"游戏.

Let's get outta here. Let's beat it! 我们快离开这儿. 快逃!

Oh. right in the nose again! 又碰到我的鼻子了!

- [ Odie Whimpering ] - So. it's gonna get physical. is it? 敬酒不吃吃罚酒,是吧?

Did you really thinkyou could just run away from Happy chapman? 你以为能从快乐 查普曼手中逃走吗?

[ Garfield ] Oh. is this a cry for help. 噢,这是求助.

No dumb dirty animal is ever gonna get the better of me. 从没什么笨家伙能打败我.

And let's see howyou feel with 200 volts coursing... 看看200伏的高压下你的感觉怎么样...

- through that thick canine skull ofyours. - chapman... -穿过你厚厚的头骨. -查普曼...

- come here. - getyourhands offofmyfriend! -来吧. -别碰我的朋友!

[ Garfield Yelling ]

[ Grunts. Groaning ]

- Hey. Boomer. What round is it? - Good to see you. chubby. -嘿,这是第几轮? -很高兴见到你.

- We're here to help. - Sir Roland? -我们来帮你. -罗兰爵士?

In the fur! 漂亮的毛皮!

- come on. come on. come on. - [Dog Howling] 来吧.来吧.来吧.

[ Both Growling ]

[ Whistling ]

[Dogs continue Barking]

[ Dog Growling ]

- [ Barks ] - [ Gulps ] - [ Growls ]

- Okay. Okay. - [ Rats chattering ] 别发火.别发火.

Rats! Aah! [ Whimpering ] 老鼠!啊!

All right, here's the drill. cats, scratch likeyou've neverscratched before. 好了,这就是训练场.猫弟弟们, 尽情抓吧.

Dogs. bite but don't chew. And. rats... 狗哥哥们,咬他不过不要咀嚼. 还有老鼠们...

- [ Gulps ] - see ifyou can get that pretty necklace around his neck. -看看你们能不能拿到他脖子上漂亮的项链.

[ Garfiield] canines, felines and "vermines".. 犬类,猫类还有"害虫类"..

it's showtime. 表演时间到了.

All right, boys. Dog pile! 好了,孩子们. 狗堆!

[ clamoring]

Thanks. boys. The home team will take it from here. 谢谢,朋友们. 主队会收拾这儿.

Better split before animal control gets here. 最好在动物控制人员赶来前散开.

- Hey. Garfield. shake it easy. - See you later. Garfield. - Yeah. good luck. -嘿,加菲尔德,慢慢来. -再见,加菲尔德. -祝你好运.

Odie, wouldyou mind sharing the remote, please? 欧迪,你愿意跟我一起分享遥控器吗?

Every dog has his day. Happy. 三十年河东三十年河西,快乐先生.

- Nice kitty. - Let's see what's on the news. -好孩子. -我们看看新闻会怎样报道.

[ Electrical Surge ]

Let me tell you something. Happy. 我告诉你,快乐先生.

To you. Odie might be just a dumb. stupid. smelly dog. 对你来说,欧迪也许只是一只 又笨又臭的狗.

- But to me, he's all that andmuch more. - [ Barks ] 但他对我很重要.

He's my friend. 他是我的朋友.

Odie. try something else. Maybe there's a game on. 欧迪,试试别的. 也许有好戏看.

[ Electrical Surge ]

Strong finish. Iittle buddy. 没事了, 小伙伴.

Odie? Garfiield? 欧迪? 加菲尔德?

- Odie? - Odie? Odie? - 欧迪? - 欧迪? 欧迪?

- Be happy. - This is for stealing my dog and my cat. -祝你愉快. -这是偷走我的狗和猫的代价.

He didn't steal me. I was doing the rescue work. 他没有偷我. 我是为了救欧迪.

Garfield! Odie! 加菲尔德! 欧迪!

- come here. Hi. - Oh. come here. -过来. -过来.

Oh. I missed you guys so much. I was so worried aboutyou. 我想死你们了. 担心死我了.

I'm never gonna letyou out of my sight again. 以后再也不让你们离开我了.

Never. You guys are my best friends. 你们是我最好的朋友.

- You had me at hello. - Oh. -只要你一开口,我就是你的了 -噢.

- Get outta here. - This is WalterJ. chapman... -我们走吧. -我是沃尔特 J.查普曼...

with breaking news from the Midwest. 现在给你们报告中西部的消息.

Abby Shields reporting. Whatcha got for me. Abby? 艾比 方达报道. 艾比?

Details are sketchy. but it appears that a deranged man... 具体细节还不清楚, 有个疯狂的家伙...

may be the cause of all the trouble here. 造成了这儿的所有问题.

A deranged man? What is this? 一个疯狂的人? 这是什么?

In fact. the police are bringing the suspect out as we speak. 事实上,警方已经把疑犯带出来.

Aah! Good grief. It's my idiot brother. 啊!真不幸. 这是我的笨蛋弟弟.

[Nermal] Hey, that's Happy chapman. 嘿,是快乐查普曼先生.

He's going fora ride in the police car. 他要乘坐警车旅行了.

But sources tell me that this incident... 资料显示这次事件...

somehow involved a dog and a very heroic cat. 跟一只狗以及一只勇敢的猫有关.

- [ Girl cat ] Garfiield! - [ Nermal] Hey, he saved Odie! -加菲尔德! -他拯救了欧迪!

- Now he's a hero. - Oh. I didn't realize. -他成为英雄了. -真没想到.

Garfield's on TV. He's a hero. 加菲尔德上电视了. 他是英雄.

[Nermal] Garfiield! That's Garfiield. 加菲尔德!是加菲尔德.

- Garfiield's a hero now! - [ Garfiield] Thanks, everybody. -加菲尔德成为英雄了! -谢谢大家.

- [ Nermal] Hero! - Well, thanks for saying so. It's nice to hear. -英雄! -谢谢你们.感觉不错.

- [ Nermal ] We're a whole street ful I of heroes. - I t sounds sincere. Thank you. -我们这条街上到处都是英雄. -谢谢.

- [ Nermal] Yeah. Heroes! - [ Luca ] Okay. -英雄们! -谢谢.

[ Luca ] I've been waitingyears for this. 我一直在等待这一天的到来.

- [Nermal] Whoa! - come on. pal. -哇! -下来吧,小家伙.

- [ Nermal] Hey, Arlene. - Wow. I t's nice to be recognized by your peers. -嘿,阿琳. -很高兴能被你的伙伴接受.

I couldn't have done this without you. I-- 没有你我做不到这些.我--

We-- 我们--

You're a really great friend. 你真是我的好朋友.

jon. I wanna be more than your friend. 乔恩,我想比朋友更进一步.

- You do? - Yeah. -是吗? -是的.

[ Garfiield] Where do theyfind the energy? 他们哪有这么多精力

Yeah. just one big happy family. 一个快乐的大家庭.

Yeah. right! Hit the floor. 没错! 到地板上去.

[ chuckles ] No. seriously. you can come up. buddy. 不,说真的, 你可以上来,伙计.

come on. come on. No. seriously. come on up. 来,来.上来.

Down you go. We just hit it off so great... 下去吧.我们很合得来...

because we both love the same thing. and that is-- 因为我们喜欢同样的事情,那就是--

- [ Whimpers ] - me. -我.

Uh. oops. 啊喔.

Hey, Odie, help me. I can't get up. 嘿,欧迪,帮帮我. 我起不来了.

Odie, myfriend, bring me some ice. 欧迪,我的朋友,给我拿点冰块.

Willyou hurry up,you dumb dog? I'm in pain. 快点,你这只笨狗. 我很疼.

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