miaowmom 发表于 2013-9-17 14:56:00

孩子們的寫作論壇-reap 20130917

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-9-18 21:48 编辑

To reap means to cut down ripe grain or to gather crops at harvest time. To reap also means to get something back in return or as a reward.

eg:Each all we reap about 20 bushels of apples from our small orchard.

*Synonyms:    (5 points)
*Antonyms:    (5 points)

Writing task: (10 points)
At harvest time around the world, farmers reap what they have grown during the season. A good harvest can mean a healthy winter, a good profit, or a chance to relax. Actors hope to reap awards for their work in films and on stage. Imagine that you have given an outstanding performance in your school play. Write something expressing pleasure in the praise you have reaped. Have a nice day kids.

洋洋妈 发表于 2013-9-17 17:40:32

本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2013-9-17 18:13 编辑

Synonyms: harvest, gather, collect, gain
Antonyms: yield, fail, forfeit, surrender

I am so excited that I\'ve got the most outstanding performance in the school play.I feel like I could just jump 1 metre high into the air. I bet that I am so popular that everyone will want my autograph. I’m as happy as a person that just won lotto. My mum is going to be soooo proud of me. My hard working was paying off.

------Yang yang

晶莹剔透 发表于 2013-9-18 19:16:47

本帖最后由 晶莹剔透 于 2013-9-18 19:25 编辑

*Antonyms:fail、yield、surrender、bad crop.
I had once got a good grade in my English Contest. My parents were very prond of me and give me a reward.On the next day when I go to school,everybody were looking at me,I felt very prond at that time,I bet that my teacher were very prond at me,too.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-9-18 21:34:33

晶莹剔透 发表于 2013-9-18 19:16 static/image/common/back.gif
*Antonyms:fail、yield、surrender、b ...

*Synonyms:foison、earnings、acquisition、acquire、obtain. harvest
*Antonyms:fail、yield、surrender、bad crop.
I had once got a good grade in my ( I think \"an English Contest\" will be better.) English Contest. My parents were very prond of me and give (gave) me a reward.On the next day when I (went) go to school,everybody were looking at me,I felt very prond (of) at that time,I bet that my teacher were very prond at (of) me,too.

We always say proud of ...

By the way, Mary, I do think you improved a lot!! Good job sweet heart! {:soso_e179:} I am proud of you, too.

晶莹剔透 发表于 2013-9-19 13:28:44

I had once got a good grade in an English Contest. My parents were very prond of me and gave me a reward.On the next day when I went to school,everybody were looking at me,I felt very prond of that time,I bet that my teacher were very prond of me,too.

sandydad 发表于 2013-10-20 15:45:49

Q1. *Synonyms: gain
*Antonyms : sow

I am very happy that you all like my performance a lot. It is my time to reap. When I try to do something I will try my best and I want to get a prize, even a very small prize. This would encourage me to do better next time.
I’ve always been that kind of girl, like be good, be active…….. but I hid my passion for being an actor. So afraid to show off myself on the stage. But I had this dream , right inside of me, I wanted to take part in the school play . Special thanks to the teacher who let me participate in this school play. That teacher knows me a lot.The teacher taught me a lot of things like how to perform elegantly, how to speak better, how to act perfectly,really,that teacher taught me a lot.
And now. without all of your help I can’t stand here and deliver a speech on this stage. Without all of you , nothing can make this play more successful. Thank you everyone.

-- Sandy
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