A cache is a hiding place for such things as goods, treasures, or food. A cache is also the hidden items that have been set aside.
eg: The dusty trunk in the attic holds a cashe of old costumes and hats.

Syonoyms: (10 points)

Writing task: (20 points)
It can be very exciting-and intriguing-to discover a cache. You can't help but wonder who put the items there, and when and why. How did the cache remain undiscovered? Write a creative story about coming upon a cache of something (your choice). Describe what you found, how you found it, and how it may have gotten there.

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  • sandydad

    2013-10-15 11:52:35 使用道具

    本帖最后由 sandydad 于 2013-10-22 00:12 编辑

    To find out the evidence of crimes is my duty, I am going to tell you one of my thrilling or disgusting actions which happened in a graveyard. According to the clues from a reliable source, some evidence of a mastermind was concealed in a cache inside a graveyard.
    It was very dark.The graveyard was covered by a veil of mist. The grass and trees rustled in the chilly wind. The crows cawed loudly above the headstones. I always worked alone as a secret agent. The front gate was locked, however, it would not stop me to get through it.  I cracked my knuckles, walked few steps backwards and ran forwards, then jumped and turned a somersault in the air, landed on the other side of the gate with a pounding sound, just like what a ninja did in the movie. I suddenly realized somethings invisible were cheering and clapping their hands inside the graveyard, the sounds of applause were more like rattling the bones. I was pretty sure nothing alive caught into my view, except some patches of flickering shadows reflected on the ground. Maybe I awoke the inhabitants there.
    I would not waste a second to think about it and scurried to the location of the cache. It looked like a tomb, a small one. I found a way to go inside, there was a coffin in the middle. This was the tiniest one I had ever seen. I pulled the lid open. Guess what I found inside. It's a BODY, I screamed. Ahhhhhh~~~~~~~~.......It's a body of cockroach. I put one of its whiskers up and kept its body dangling in my tips of fingers.It stank unpleasantly. BURP!!! It almost made me puke.
    There was a memory stick inside the coffin other than the cockroach, that was where the evidence stored.
    I should warn you to forget all you have read. This is totally disgusting!
  • 洋洋妈

    2013-10-16 15:16:52 使用道具

    本帖最后由 洋洋妈 于 2013-10-17 04:27 编辑

    Q1 synonyms: storeroom, treasure, store, conceal, hide
    Q2 One Sunday morning I was playing at the beach. It was low tide, so I decided to dig a deep sand hole at the muddy part of the beach. When I was digging the big hole, suddenly my shovel hit something with a big clang. I looked into the hole, there was an old wooden treasure chest! I was so excited that my heart was beating very fast as if it was about to jump out. I checked that nobody was looking. Then I found a big sharp rock and made a hole in the chest. Wow. In the chest, there were lots of gems - sapphires as blue as the deep ocean, emeralds greener than the grass, rubies as red as your blood and diamonds like shiny stars in the sky.

    I wondered where the treasure chest came from. Did it come from the pirates of the Caribbean or from the bandits of the wild west? Well I certainly didn’t know. But I am sure with one thing that I couldn’t keep the chest for myself because it wasn’t mine.  It would be like stealing to take something that’s not yours, right?

    I decided that I should give the treasure to the police. I started to carry the chest (which is about as big as a basketball) into my car so I could take the chest to the police station. After a few minutes of driving, I finally got the chest to the police station. After I told the story and showed the chest to the police, the police praised me for my honesty and awarded me by giving me 1/3 of the chest cache.



    参与人数 1 贝壳 +30 理由 收起
    miaowmom + 30 很给力!
  • 晶莹剔透

    2013-10-19 17:07:07 使用道具

    Q1 synonyms :cellaring ,depot ,lurk ,covert ,ensconce.
    Q2 One Monday morning when I am going to school, I saw a little hole on the ground near my home. I was very curious so I use my shovel to dig it deeper because I wanted to see what is in that hole.When I was able to see what is in the hole I got a shock .There is a bag full of golden coins !
         I was very happy and felt very confused,Why would the person, the owner of the bag has bury them here and I am worried if the owner would come back and look for me .he must think that I stole his bag and he will probably call the police .
        I suddenly think of an idea ,I carried the bag to the police station and told the police everything.The police praised me and give me a golden coin.


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +30 理由 收起
    miaowmom + 30 很给力!
  • sandydad

    2013-10-27 16:41:44 使用道具

    Q1. treasure, store
    Q2. It can be very exciting and intriguing to discover a cache .I discovered a treasure map in the bookstore, I wondered who put that treasure map in the book, and the treasure was near my home. It made me feel acting like horror movie or detective movie. I decided to find the treasure.
    After I went back home,  I went down to the garden. The map indicated “found something round and tall and you can sit on it” I looked around,  round and tall…… A chair? There were some chairs under the tree, I ran to the chair and sat down. The next step was “go forward for ten steps and turn left” I did as it said, but I didn’t find anything. After that it said “look up, go to the place you see”. First I saw a tree, I couldn’t climb a tree , so I looked up under the tree and there was nothing. I looked to the right there was another yard and I couldn’t see it when I looked up. I climbed up the stairs,  When I looked to the next step, I found that the paper has been ripped. What a pity ! At last I didn’t find the treasure, however, it was very interesting to explore an adventure.
    -- Sandy


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +30 理由 收起
    miaowmom + 30 很给力!
  • hinduismduck

    2015-4-15 09:34:10 使用道具

  • yoyofeigh

    2015-4-16 04:56:33 使用道具

  • stevenysh

    2017-2-16 07:43:54 使用道具

    What interesting stories seemingly scaring but turning out to be anusing. Thanks.
  • Giant

    2019-10-16 08:30:24 使用道具
