miaowmom 发表于 2013-10-31 19:40:24


本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-12-13 13:02 编辑

2013 10 31

The Halloween Party

Today is dry and chilly,
And we had a Halloween Party.
I dressed myself like a barbie.
But they said I looks like the Frankseky.
Becuase I am fat and clumsy.
Of course, I wasn't happy.
And our teacher is fat and slippery,
He just gave me a handful of candy.
The candy is sweet and juicy!
I like it, I like it!
Cheer up, cheer up Lily.
Go and drive your teacher crazy!


fuguicat 发表于 2013-11-1 04:26:56


miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-1 20:58:58

2013 1101

Mom Didn't come back
Today is Friday,
After school, I can play.
I can stay up late,
And play my favorite game.

My aunt said,
Mom will be back,
I am so glad.
But, in fact,
She didn't do that,
It makes me sad.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-2 18:05:16

I caught a cold at the mid night of yesterday.
I have a runny nose. And got the temperature.
I don't wanna do my homework. And I don't want to write my English Journal.
So see you later alligator.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-3 16:07:55

2013 11 03
My aunt taught Pat and me sicence lesson today.
I learnt the earth science. I learnt some new words: weathering, erosion, they can both change land. We came back to my house and did experiment of erosion in my gardon. And we observed the plants in my garden. I found out how do tree roots break the rocks and change land.
Actually, I wanted to go to my aunt's old house because its graden is much bigger. And we can go fishing at her back yard.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-5 21:42:54

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-11-7 20:54 编辑

2013 11 05

I am very happy today, because I can eat crabs!
You know the crab is very yummy, delicious, scrumptious.
I like it very very very very much............
I like the roe of the female crab. I want to eat 'em all.
But I can't!{:soso_e109:} I have to share with my elder brother, my anut, my uncle and my younger cousin, and and and the TOW KITTENS!!!!!
Finally, we ate eight crabs in a row! Wow, I am very full and happy now!

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-7 20:26:38

2013 11 06
Midterm Examination

Maybe you know I am studying in a bilingual school. I HAVE TO learn Chinese and Math, not only English. Tomorrow is my Midterm Examination for Chinese and Math. My Chinese teacher said I need to keep all the poems in mind and I need to write something from my memory. I must keep blah, blan, blan in my mind. So, today, I wanna cry. I don't want to keep so many things in my mind. My aunt said "Don't stare at me, I am not your teacher. I can't help you! You know that my Mandarin is sucks!"(原句,你唔好望住我,我唔係你老師,我幫我唔到!我中文差過你!)Sp, I gotta do it by myself. TOT

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-8 10:08:12

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-11-8 10:11 编辑

2013 11 07
Classroom Rules
I think " Do not talk when your teacher is talking." is very important because you can not hear what your teacher said. And you may miss something important. Furthermore, that's not polite. We are students, we need to show respect for our teahcers.
I will be good in class, not only English class but also other class. I will try my best to be a good student at school.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-10 20:55:49

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-12-13 13:48 编辑

2013 1110

Science Again.

I am happy today because I learnt something about science. It is very funny and weird:
Water temperature in the ocean grows colder as depth increases. In my opinion, it should be wammer! I think the earth‘s core is hot! As the depth grows, it will be wammer, because it is closer to the earth's core!
Anyway, now, I know the truth!

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-12 22:44:48

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-11-12 23:16 编辑

Today, I learnt about the rain forest.
The plants in the rain forest have very big leaves. They are flat. There is little sun light in the rain forest, so plants need bigger leaves to absorb the sunlight. I think that's a kind of adaptation.
Some animals live in the rain forest, such as: iguanas, katydid, toucan! I like toucans! I watched their show at the Changlong Zoo! It was amazing!

晴天雨天0718 发表于 2013-11-15 11:34:03


运气 发表于 2013-11-15 15:23:03


运气 发表于 2013-11-15 15:29:53

katydid蝈蝈儿 生活在热带雨林

运气 发表于 2013-11-15 15:39:08


miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-15 22:02:03

Nov 15, 2013
My aunt told me how to write date in English. I didn't realize that I was wrong. My teacher taught me so! I argued with my anut for a second. And she took out lots of evedences (evidence). And said that's my Chinese teacher's fault! (我沒說過啊!冤枉啊!!!!!!!)Okay, okay, you are right! Month, day, and then comma, and then year! Or day, month, comma, and then year!

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-20 22:19:21

Nov. 20, 2013
My teacher taught us about the Thanksgiving. Well, you know, I am in a Christian family, so we celebrate Thanksgiving. I throught I knew everything about Thanksgiving. I knew the May Flower, I knew the Pilgrims. So I got many points today. But actually, I don't care. The points means nothing to me. But I am quite expect Thanksgiving to come, because I can have the feast! Roasted turkey, mash potatoes, gravy, pumpkin soup, HERE I come! Yum yum! I aways can't wait for my families' praying, I just want to eat them all right away.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-11-28 15:36:08

Nov.23 2013
We held a Thanksgiving Party today. Grandpa Mr.Peach brought a TURKEY! A very BIG turkey. And Aunt Apple brought a pumpkin pie. Yum yum. But I like the mashed potatoes best. It is my favorite. Pat said he is not a christian, so he didn't need to pray! I said you should say thank you to God. He said all I need to do is just say thank you to your mom. "Why not thank you mom?", I asked. He said it is my mom's responsebility(her typo:responsibility) to offer me everything.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-12-3 13:48:00

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-12-13 13:48 编辑

Nov.29th, 2013
Pat is Sick
Pat is sick today. He suddenly threw up at Math class this morning. Everybody was shocked and began to wah wah wah... No one dare to get close to him! Maybe they didn't know what happened to Pat. Maybe they thought it is too disgusting...
But he is my pal. He is my best friend. So I gave him a cup of hot water and tissue. Our teacher asked me to take him to the doctor's. Okay, okay! I will do it. I went to the doctor's office with him and then I went to the teacher's office to call his Mom.
I did think his mom will come and pick him up, but...............................................................finally, my aunt came and took him to the Clifford Hospital instead. And she took care of him. He's mom came to my aunt's apartment and picked him up at almost 9:00 in the evening.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-12-4 13:07:00

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-12-13 13:48 编辑

Nov. 30, 2013
I Hate Math
I remember that my mom always says her Math is very good, fantastic, excellent! And my aunt said she is good at math, too. EVEN my big bro Ben, he is good at Math, too, too, too! Why my Math sucks? Why my math stink?
I hate Math!!!!!!!!!! I don't like it. Even I don't hate my Math teacher, he is kind and cute. But I hate Math. It just... maybe...There is nothing to do with the others, nothing to do with my family. It is just only me. Leave me alone.

miaowmom 发表于 2013-12-6 11:06:57



Zhangchiyoudu 发表于 2013-12-9 20:56:06


miaowmom 发表于 2013-12-9 23:31:41

Dec. 8th, 2013
You know my mom will take care of my big bro and me the day after tomorrow. And she promised she would be back tomorrow. We will move back to your own house in direction B. My aunt saidshe can not take care of us any more. She gotta focus on her own business. She said you need to gain some teaching experience about ELL student, not only the native speakers. I am a native speaker, so I am not her target audience. {:soso_e150:}
Mom is coming back, I should be happy, right? Actually, I am not. I duno why.

ROSY妈妈 发表于 2013-12-16 20:33:14


用户3830766616 发表于 2014-1-3 08:41:51

很流暢 很棒

miaowmom 发表于 2014-1-3 12:40:47

Dec 24th, 2013
Silent night, holly night. Today is Christmas Eve. I like Christmas, because I can get many presents. And today is Tuesday, I can not have a day off at school. I gotta go to school and have many classes. And I have A LOT OF homework to do. Our foreign teachers can enjoy their Christmas and New Year vacation, but we can not. I will stay home have a Christmas Dinner with my mom, dad and bro, but not with my aunt and uncle. Because they have a crazy Christmas Eve. My uncle's parents gave them a big surprise, they come to China today. My aunt and uncle have to pick them up at the airport and take care of them. I heard my aunt's voice on the phone. It seems that she's going to cry!
Anyway, Merry Christmas! All.

miaowmom 发表于 2014-1-3 12:56:16

本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2014-1-3 12:57 编辑

Dec 18th, 2013
Babies Don't Lie, Teachers Lie!
You know one of our classmates got hurt in an accident and his nasal bone was broken. He need 2-3 week to recover. I knew a lot about this accident because his mom is my aunt's friend. They went to the same church in the U.S.A. and lived in the same community. They met in China a year ago. My classmate told us it was an accident. He tripped on the steps and fell, then his nose crush on the step and broke his nasal bone. But our teacher said he got hurt because he is naughty. He tried to do some bad tricks on another boy, he couldn't keep balance, so he got hurt. And told us "xxx" is very bad, he is a bad boy, naughty boy! And told us not to learn from him. And our school will not (compensate) pay for his injury.
I just wanna say, teacher, you are the bad boy, too. You are a lier(liar). I am very angry! But I can not say a word! As soon as I went home I called my aunt and told her everything.

otptusbrother 发表于 2014-1-15 09:14:25


Butterfly_sh 发表于 2014-1-16 20:56:40


Butterfly_sh 发表于 2014-1-16 20:59:02


miaowmom 发表于 2014-1-17 21:45:53

Jan 10th, 2014
Today, I am very happy, because I got my aunt's permission of staying with her if my mom's on trip till the end of the winter vacation. My bro will stay at our own house with Ah-yee, but he can come to my aunt's house by bike and play with my cousin and me. Although I am not so willing to writing the journals and do the homework she assigns, I don't need to sleep with Ah-yee or with my big bro. And I can play with the cats and the silly dog.
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