本帖最后由 miaowmom 于 2013-10-31 20:41 编辑

Directions: Read “Mystery Paint.” Then answer questions 1–8.
Mystery Paint
Amanda, Marcus, and the rest of their sixth-grade classmates
sat down on the shiny wood floors in the gymnasium
to wait for Mr. Parsons’ instructions. It was the
third period of the day and time for their physical
education class.
“Class, today we are going to practice
some soccer drills out on the field,” Mr.
Parsons explained. “We’ll mostly work on ball
handling and kicking shots into the goal.”
“Oh, I hate playing soccer,” Amanda
complained. “Can’t we practice basketball
“Amanda, you know we’ll start basketball
training in a few weeks. We’re going to play
soccer while the weather is still nice,” Mr. Parsons
said. “Besides, your kick has really improved. You
should go out for the team next year.”
Amanda’s face brightened at this news, and she quickly joined her
classmates who were lined up at the door to go out to the soccer fields.
Once outside, the students broke into an easy jog toward the field until, all
of a sudden, the group came to a screeching halt.
“Look!” Marcus yelled, pointing toward the track. “What happened to
the stadium? It looks . . . angry.”
The students turned to see what Marcus was pointing at and gasped
all at once.
“Someone painted angry faces all over the walls near the bleachers!”
Casey exclaimed.
“I think they look mean. Maybe they’ll scare off the visiting team!”
Akeem joked.
Mr. Parsons came to the front of the line were the students were
gathered. “Oh, dear,” he said. “We’ll have to report this to Mr. Johnson. I’ll
let him know after class is dismissed, but right now it’s time for soccer.”
During lunch, all of the students were buzzing with curiosity about
the mysterious graffiti. Possible explanations spread like wildfire around
the school.
“I think some kids from Monroe must have done it,” Michael
proposed. “They’re upset because our football team beat them last week.”

“I think it must have been some older high school kids,” Jessica
offered, “because the drawings were really good, even though they were
really scary!”
Later in the afternoon during math class, everyone was listening to
Mrs. Fields explain how to add and subtract fractions when Amanda
noticed something strange. She tapped on Marcus’s shoulder in front of
her and whispered, “Hey, look at Brian’s hands. They have paint all
over them!”
“So?” Marcus responded, uninterested. Amanda rolled her eyes
at him. “Wait, you don’t think that Brian painted the graffiti, do you?”
Marcus asked her in disbelief. “He’s so quiet! Why would he do that?
No way!”
“I think we should follow him to his locker after class. Maybe we’ll be
able to find some clues to see if it really was him,” said Amanda.
When the bell rang, Marcus and Amanda slowly gathered their
belongings, waiting for Brian to pack up his books and walk out the door.
They quietly followed him down the hall. Brian walked to his locker with
his head hung low and his shoulders hunched down the entire way.
“I don’t know, Amanda. Brian always looks kind of sad. I don’t think
he would do it,” Marcus said as they approached a group of lockers.
Brian stopped at a locker near the end of the row and began dialing
the combination to open his lock. Marcus and Amanda huddled behind a
wall and peered around the corner.
Suddenly, Marcus pointed and gasped, “He has cans of paint
in there!”
“I told you, Marcus!” Amanda said triumphantly. “What should
we do?”
“I guess we should tell Mr. Johnson,” Marcus said, shaking his head as
they walked toward the principal’s office.
The next day during math class, Brian was called to the principal’s
office. As some of the students oohed and aahed, Brian gathered his
books and trudged like a snail toward the door.
Amanda poked Marcus in the back and said, “I bet he’s in for it now,
and he looks so guilty.”
Brian walked to the principal’s office and sat down in front of Mr.
Johnson, who looked very disappointed. “Brian, can you tell me anything
about the graffiti on our stadium walls?” he asked directly.
Brian shuddered and looked down. “I don’t know,” he mumbled.
“Well, Brian, I noticed that you had paint on your hands yesterday,
and you still have some today. I checked your schedule, and you don’t
have art class until Friday. What is the paint from?”

Suddenly, tears started flowing down Brian’s cheeks. “I’m sorry,
Mr. Johnson, I like to paint, but I can’t join the art club because it’s after
school, and I have to go right home and baby-sit my little brother. I don’t
know why I painted those faces, and now I’ve ruined the stadium!”
Mr. Johnson was quite angry at first, but he began to soften as he
realized how miserable Brian was. “Brian, painting graffiti on school
property is a very serious matter. We are going to have to call your mother,
and you will likely be suspended from school for a few days. And, of
course, you are going to have to clean and repaint the walls.” Mr. Johnson
paused. “But, I must say, those paintings are quite good. Did you have any
help with them?”
Brian looked up glumly and said, “No, I did them myself. Drawing and
painting are the only things that I can do well.”
Mr. Johnson looked at Brian and thought for a moment before making
a decision. “Well,” he said, “let’s go ahead and call your mother to let her
know what happened. But first let me tell you that at the faculty meeting
the other day, we were discussing the stadium. Some of the teachers
suggested that we hire a local artist to paint our school mascot on the
stadium wall. How would you feel about participating in that?”
“Really? I mean, you would let me do that?” Brian stammered.
“Yes, but you have to know that this project will be hard work, and
you’ll be expected to complete the job on time. We can consider it part of
your punishment,” Mr. Johnson said, trying to hide a smile as he picked
up the telephone.

Questions 1–8: Choose the best answer to each question, or write
your answer on the lines provided.
1. Why does Amanda believe that Brian painted the graffiti?
A He always looks kind of sad.
B He is a good artist.
C He has pictures in his locker.
D He has paint on his hands.
2. “I think some kids from Monroe must have done it,” Michael
Which word is a synonym for proposed?
A believed
B suggested
C inquired
D repeated
3. What can you tell about Brian as Amanda and Marcus follow him
down the hall?
A He is shy and does not talk to many people.
B He is disappointed that no one likes his artwork.
C He is upset because people know he painted the graffiti.
D He is nervous because he knows that they are following him.
4. What is the main problem in this passage, and how is it resolved?
Use details from the passage in your answer. (2 points)
5. “Brian gathered his books and trudged like a snail toward
the door.”
What does the simile in this sentence suggest about Brian?
A He sat on the floor.
B He looks like a snail.
C He has a hard shell.
D He moved very slowly.
6. Why can’t Brian join the art club?
A He has to baby-sit after school.
B He does not have enough money.
C He has no talent for painting.
D He does not have many friends.
7. How does Brian probably feel at the end of the passage?
A sad
B worried
C hopeful
D confident
8. What kind of passage is this?
A informational article
B news report
C realistic fiction
D folk tale

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  • elamelam

    2013-10-31 21:34:43 使用道具

    本帖最后由 elamelam 于 2013-10-31 21:36 编辑


    4. Someone painted angry faces all over the walls near the bleachers of the stadium. Amanda and Marcus reported to the principal that it was Brian who painted those angry faces. Besides telling Brian’s mother about his misbehavior, the principal asked Brian to paint the school mascot on the stadium walls as part of the punishment.

  • fuguicat

    2013-11-1 04:25:58 使用道具

  • 晶莹剔透

    2013-11-2 19:31:14 使用道具

    1.D 2.B 3.C 4.The main problem was that Brian painted the graffiti ,because ha wanted to join the Art club.So Mr Johnson consider it part of Brian's punishment.5.D 6.A 7.D 8.C.
  • landfish

    2013-11-2 20:29:49 使用道具

  • elamelam

    2013-11-2 20:45:47 使用道具

    地板(4楼)第7题选了 D.Confident,而我选了C.Hopeful。

    其实这道题我也有点犹疑,因为问题是:How does Brian probably feel at the end of the passage?
    这个 probably 实在可圈可点,只是猜想,大概会怎么样,不是绝对,因为文章没有说。坦白说,我很不喜欢这类题目,大人都觉得两难,孩子更加无所适从。

    我选C 而不选D 的原因是因为这一句:
    “Really? I mean, you would let me do that?” Brian stammered.


  • zboy贝壳321

    2013-11-2 20:54:02 使用道具
