lv_carly 发表于 2014-3-13 12:05:20

本帖最后由 lv_carly 于 2014-3-13 12:26 编辑


M: Anything new this morning? Anything special this morning?
L: ... (他不知道special 什么意思)
M: What activity did you have this morning? (activity也是新词) Did you sing?
L: No.
M:Did you dance?
L: no.
M: Then what did you do?
L: I painted (时态用对了)
M: Oh, you painted. What did you paint?
L: I paint my finger(时态又错了)
M: What color?
L: Pink
M: Oh you painted your fingers pink! Like a pig,hahaha
L: Yes, my want to be a pig. (又I, My不分了)
M: Very impressive....

晚上leon在看《Diggers and Trackers save the day》 时有段有趣的对话
L:They are a family means they are friends. (这是小朋友对family的理解)
M:Really? Are you sure?
L: Yes, I promised.(promise 的理解还是有偏差)
M: you don't say you "promise", say "I am sure"

Leon现在有一点时态的概念,有一次他说对了个“I just did sth”的句子,具体是什么忘了,我最近用过去时态说话的时候都加上时间的描述,yesterday, last month, just now 之类的,这样孩子不容易混淆。

我觉得跟孩子说英语的时候如果能有意识地在熟悉的词句中夹杂生词,这样效果会更好。其实就是想各种办法把真实的生活情景转化成有目的的学习情景。 发表于 2014-3-13 12:41:27


lv_carly 发表于 2014-3-17 18:49:56


终于把Mr. Men系列的英文电子版整理完成,在TB上找人打印成了一本大书,A4纸一页6张图双面铜版纸,省钱啊。

lv_carly 发表于 2014-3-19 22:31:21

2014.3.19 刚刚Leon说leon is mommy, mommy is leon...I said it for fun. 好像小朋 友的过去时概念增强了

lazylazyme 发表于 2014-3-19 22:50:29


elyza 发表于 2014-3-23 17:25:31

本文摘自: 爸妈网( 详细出处请参考:

lv_carly 发表于 2014-3-30 17:19:13

M:Do you want to poop some earthworms or little stones? L: I want to poop some cucumbers. 哈哈哈

qazxc6595 发表于 2014-4-2 11:25:45


lv_carly 发表于 2014-4-2 12:38:57

qazxc6595 发表于 2014-4-2 11:25:45 static/image/common/back.gif


lv_carly 发表于 2014-4-6 08:41:30


L: My want some milk
M: I don't have milk. I am not a cow.
L: My want a cow
M: Did you buy mildk from the super market today?
L: I want to buy a cow.
M: Seriously, i dont' know where to buy a cow. I've never seen it in a supermarket. Do you know where to buy a cow?
L: On grassland are probably right...but there is no grassland near our home.
L: This is grassland (床单上是小草碎花的)
M: Yeah...but it's not real

L: One of the fish if for Mommy, one of the fish is mine. I must cut it. Mommy,be patient. Mommy your fish is ready. I need to cut my fish...i am making decoration to the fish, to make it beautiful. Thi is my fish supper...Mommy the breakfirst is ready. ...i need to push it onto the floor. spoon was here. Mommy, the food was ready..
M: "was"ready? or "is" ready? ..Oh, it's too salty.
L: No it's not salty, because i have put enought surger. (:L)

lv_carly 发表于 2014-4-11 19:52:10


L: I am a cat.The cat jumped
M: You are a cat?
L: Yes
M: C'est une chat?
L: why need to to "C'est une chat"?
M: You told me you are a cat. So C'est une chat?
L: What is "C'est une chat"?
M: Chat is cat n French
L: Why need to say Chat?
M: It's just the way they say it.
L: Why?
M: Why 猫 is cat? why cat is "Chat"? that's just the different way people call a cat.

The other day...
M: (指着书上的猫)Chat, chaton
L: why "Chaton"?
M: coz it's a very samll cat. It's like "Cat " and "Kitten"..actually these are the only French words I Know. (旁边还有两只狗)I don't know what's dog in French. Do you know?
L: My know
M: Really? Then what is it?
L: It's of the Carly is....(@@后面说什么忘了。。)

qazxc6595 发表于 2014-5-11 15:34:10


十千双燕 发表于 2014-11-28 13:45:49


菜菜哥哥 发表于 2014-12-15 13:36:29

强大的妈妈 加油

lv_carly 发表于 2016-4-22 09:04:09


spider2015 发表于 2016-4-22 09:14:48


quxuetang 发表于 2016-4-22 09:16:02


lv_carly 发表于 2016-4-28 11:04:03

spider2015 发表于 2016-4-22 09:14


lv_carly 发表于 2016-4-28 11:13:06


hzwym9128 发表于 2016-4-28 13:46:37


tomatorenren 发表于 2019-8-28 09:46:16


Giant 发表于 2019-8-29 16:04:49

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查看完整版本: 2011年7月Leon的英语学习记录