快乐童声组委会 发表于 2011-7-7 22:53:28


本帖最后由 快乐童声组委会 于 2011-7-7 23:02 编辑

Hi, there, I’m Tony from the children reporter team of www. Ebama.net. It’s Thursday the 7th of July. The final exams was over, now let’s thinking about how to spend our summer holidays.
大家好,我是琦琦,我来自爸妈网小记者团,今天是7月7日,星期三. 紧张的期末考试已经过去,现在让我们想想怎样渡过一个色彩缤纷、丰富有趣的暑假吧。

Let’s join the Dier Super Duper Junior Ebama. Net English Talent Competition organized by our site.
对! 让我们一起参加爸妈网专门组织的“快乐童声”大赛吧。

I believe you’ve already been caught by the amazing adver. banner and poster on your computer screen, are you getting ready for this competion? Yup------- it’s your time to show up.
看那爸妈网上闪烁跳动的图片, 激情飞扬的文字, 让我们赶快站上这个舞台, 去创造一个奇迹。你准备好了吗?

We will weekly report the latest news stories about this competion.
从今天起, 我们小记者团会每周报导一次关于这次竞赛的最新消息.

First up, the parents have been stuck on the advertisement of the contest. But as all of us ---- kids don’t care about. We children just treat it as a game, not only are we doing loads of fun activeties but we are doing it with our friends.
这次活动受到了很多父母的关注, 爸爸妈妈们都期待孩子们能参加这次活动. 而我们会把这次活动当作是一次非常有趣的游戏, 我们不但可以扮演我们喜欢的卡通人物, 我们还可以和我们的网络朋友一起来参与这个不同寻常的活动, 来增进我们的友谊。

Clip:" I think it's very fun. I like Role Playing especially with mynet pals.I've done some before. It looks not easy, but when you are interested in that, it could be easy."

Next up, each group has already received many application forms. That’s so cool. And these kids are diving themselves into the preparing. They are busy as bees. Especially, the little kids in group A.
到今天为止, 每个组别的报名都十分勇跃, 大家都全身心的投入了准备当中, 有很多小朋友都已经递交了比赛录音了, 特别是我们幼童组的小朋友, 他们是那么的积极和投入.

Clip: "Everyday I practice for the try-out day, I am ready and can’t wait to enter the compitition."

And last up, In YY room, our mentors from the committee offered us the training classes for this competion. The younger attendee learn a lot and all are anxious for the next class as these classes really come in handy.
在YY语音教室, 大赛的组委会还为参赛选手提供了专业的指导和培训, 通过培训, 选手们都对自己表演的角色理解得更加透彻.

Clip: "The class is very interesting, it is very helpful, I get how to play the role of there little pigs…"

Before we go, we would like to announce again that the deadline for enrollment and submission of audio is 18 July 2011. Let’s have a party on the stage. We are super star.在结束之前,请记住, 我们报名活动将在7月18日截止。请永远支持爸妈网, 永远支持我们的活动. 让我们相会在这个大舞台, 我们是超级大明星!

e.灵 发表于 2011-7-7 23:12:18


韦祎宝贝 发表于 2011-7-7 23:18:12



sammiyu 发表于 2011-7-7 23:37:55


zhuer320 发表于 2011-7-8 08:19:34

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随风而飘 发表于 2011-7-8 14:49:47


ailier 发表于 2011-7-8 17:59:45


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peony 发表于 2011-7-10 13:12:03


aneyshine 发表于 2011-7-11 22:41:35


德香 发表于 2011-7-12 10:37:38


badyas 发表于 2011-7-12 20:11:49


HELEN 发表于 2011-7-16 21:04:05


yaoyao0701 发表于 2011-7-17 00:47:45


weiivy 发表于 2011-7-19 13:16:18

哈哈哈后生可畏 !!!太棒了!!!

rosemary2001 发表于 2011-8-1 06:33:16


依依妈妈 发表于 2011-8-3 19:19:49


youxia 发表于 2011-9-6 00:02:40

jim77 发表于 2012-7-26 02:11:49

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