coolguy 发表于 2011-7-15 16:56:17


Let's go and look.
Let's go and see.
Let's go and take care of business
Let's go and ask your mamy
Let's go and find something else to wear
Let's go and get you clearned up

小妖1999 发表于 2011-7-15 16:59:10


coolguy 发表于 2011-7-16 07:48:05

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-17 07:03 编辑

No scratching.
Don't scrath itchy spots

you mustn't scratch yourself. it'll make those spots worse, sweetie. No scratching, Caillou! Were you scratching again?

onlyil 发表于 2011-7-16 08:01:32


zihan06 发表于 2011-7-16 08:28:45


coolguy 发表于 2011-7-17 06:55:05

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-21 08:51 编辑

Still feeling upset?      
I know you are very upset. You are very upset,aren't you
Is there something upsetting you today?    Why the long face?
Andrew was upsetting Caillou.Caillou is very upset with Jeffery.
Don't be upset,honey.

You are not upset with Leo anymore ,are you?

换位思考 发表于 2011-7-17 09:46:28


coolguy 发表于 2011-7-18 09:32:28

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-18 10:58 编辑

I am gonna have to go
Come on!We have to go (home).

Do we have to go?

I really have to go
I need to go now
I've got go now   --印象中应该I've got to go now ,待印证。或者应该是,I've gotta go now,文档中写错了。

(note:the situation when nature calls)

寻秦 发表于 2011-7-18 10:34:27


coolguy 发表于 2011-7-18 10:44:37

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-19 16:43 编辑

Call the elevator /Actually I'll just take the stairs.
push the call button.
The call button lights up/The call button blinks off
It's currently lit/dark
the door will stay open

I don't like escalator—I'll climb the stairs.

娃爱的墨墨 发表于 2011-7-18 10:49:16

真用心啊 学习了

doudou619 发表于 2011-7-18 14:39:11


安安妈叶子 发表于 2011-7-18 16:29:53

thanks for sharing!

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-19 08:30:55

Good for you. 这句比OK还要常用,可是不知怎的。。。。争取每天用,^_^

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-19 16:46:00

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-19 16:47 编辑

get in the car;
get in the elevator
get in rocketship

get on the bus
get on the escalator

get in one's way
get into bed

get on/in the boat

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-20 11:04:00

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-25 08:30 编辑

昨天晚上和小朋友玩,一会儿又闹别扭了,跟他说了Play nicely.


桃61 发表于 2011-7-20 14:02:51


coolguy 发表于 2011-7-21 08:49:22

It was not your fault. It was an accident.
I am sorry. I didn't mean to (step on your feet; break your bucket..).
He felt very badly. /He felt bad. Caillou 里也这么说了,呵呵。

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-21 09:23:40

roll the dice, toss the dice. it's your turn. Move ahead 5,go back to start, 3 steps backward, 5 step forward, lose a turn, win two turns.I win. You lose. You can dice one more time.

queenie_home 发表于 2011-7-21 13:24:03


语妈 发表于 2011-7-21 13:30:59


coolguy 发表于 2011-7-22 14:14:58

Dont let that bother you.
So this is what's bothering you.

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-22 14:27:20

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-24 08:26 编辑

You hurts me.
It won't hurt this time.
His ear hurts hime a lot.
My shoes hurt.
My foot hurts.
Maybe it hurted its wing or something(they were talking about bird).
The dentist is going to clean your teeth and make sure they're growing in properly. None of that is going to hurt sweety, I promise.

Leo hurt himself!Where did you hurt?My foot! Ouch!

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-24 08:00:32

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-7-24 08:26 编辑

I have to run some errands this afternoon.

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-25 08:53:13

Good. Night-night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!
Good night. Sweet dreams.

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-27 14:12:37

talk over the phone

coolguy 发表于 2011-7-27 15:26:21

本帖最后由 coolguy 于 2011-8-1 09:23 编辑

Your shirt is on backwards. 你的衬衫前后穿反了。
He likes to wear his turtleneck backwards. 他喜欢前后反穿他的长领毛衣。
Your shirt is inside-out
You're wearing your sweater inside-out.

moon_zsh 发表于 2011-7-29 16:54:46


coolguy 发表于 2011-8-1 11:06:44

supposed to
not supposed to ..
It's not supposed to be scary, it's supposed to be fun.
You are supposed to go to school soon

bobolu608 发表于 2011-8-1 16:34:18

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