171460283 发表于 2015-8-16 18:33:26

Treasure Hunt (Fifth Day in England)(寻宝游戏【在英国的第五天】)

In the morning we had classes about English cities and main places. First, we had a questionnaire about how much do you know about the UK, and we looked at some pictures and answered that where it is.
We studied about Stonehenge, it's on grass. But many mysteries aren't solved about Stonehenge. How did the stone come here, why was it built, how did they put the stones onto the others?
In the afternoon, we are going to have a treasure hunt. We are going to be running around looking for answers to get points. There are prizes.
First, we have to walk towards the university library and looked at the books that will turn around and we found a Latin word "exlibris", it stands for "library".
The next one is to find the DNA model. But we found that place was surrounded with nets so we asked somebody who is inside to take a photo for us and we found two names.
The whole trip was done running here and there, and it was so tiring, we watched as the two "rockets" of our group ran towards Trinity Hall College. Since we are already exhausted, we walked behind. When they ran back to ask the way to the next place, the teacher points us to that direction.
Soon, we found ourselves in every place that the teachers had once let us looked carefully two days ago. Including the "Time-Eater" Clock! As seconds pass away, the time-eater on top of the clock starts moving left and right to eat the time.
After a long run, it was time for the last stop, Darwin College. We ran to it as fast as we could, and we were second! But looking at the paper that we tried hard to finish, we shook our heads, it isn't a very good grade, but we think that we did well.
"There's only one possibility! " I laughed as I said. "We are in first place! " We were happy, but after talking with the other groups, we don't look as happy then, some had gone in there to find the DNA model and they found four names instead of two.
In the evening, we went to study about the story of The Phantom of the Opera. The story is mainly about the Phantom and Raoul, both men want to marry Christine, a young singer. But in the end, the Phantom went away and left Christine with Raoul. It was a sad ending.
After the studies, we got our grades! We are-fourth. But we are happy about it, at least we tried our best. Everyone got a beautiful bookmark with pictures of Cambridge on it. My bookmark has three pictures of the River Cam.
Back in the dormitory, I turned on the light, looked at my messy room and started packing up. Tomorrow we'll leave Cambridge and go to London. I was happy about it until I realized that one part of our trip is already finished. Oh well, I thought, when one adventure ends, another will always come.

yellowsnow 发表于 2015-8-19 10:17:58

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