zhangmeizhu 发表于 2011-8-30 16:20:35

推荐一本好书:What Dads Can't Do

本帖最后由 zhangmeizhu 于 2011-8-30 16:43 编辑

推荐理由:全文以一个小男孩的口吻自述,幽默风趣,刻画了一个淘气的小男孩(感觉有点像Little Critter),和他富有爱心的爸爸。
扉页有原书拥有者一个小朋友的签名以及很温馨一句话:“I LOVE YOU DAD”;其余内页全新。

What Dads Can't DoBy Douglas WoodPictures by Doug Cushman

(看看这张图上的车牌号:#1 DAD)

(1)There are lots of things that regular peoples can do but dads can’t.(第一句就吸引人)

(2)Dads can’t cross the street without holding hands. (图:爸爸牵着小男孩的手过马路)

(3)Dad can push, but they can’t swing.

(4)Dad can’t pitch a baseball very hard, or hit one very far.
(5)When dads play hide-and-seek they always get found, but they have a hard time finding you.
(6)They aren’t very good wrestlers. (爸爸在毯子上和小男孩绊跤)
(7)Dad lose at checks and cards and almost every other game.
(8)Dads aren’t good at sleeping late.
(9)They can’t comb their hair or shave by themselves.

(10)Dads like to go camping,but they need lots of help setting up the tent.And cooking.
(11)Dads like to go fishing, but they don’t like to go alone.And they need extra practice baiting the hook.
(12)Sometimes dads have a hard time getting organized.(小男孩老把东西翻乱了)
(13)They can’t drive very fast.(安全驾驶)
(14)Dad seem to have trouble holding on to their money. (因为小男孩又看上了一个机器人玩具)
(15)Dads can’t see you hiding your lima beans at dinnertime. Or feeding them to the cat.
(16)They can’t eat just one piece of chocolate cake or one scoop of ice cream.(因为爸爸都让给小男孩吃了)
(17)Dads like to give baths, but they can’t help getting all wet.(还能是谁把爸爸弄湿了呢?)
(18)Dads can’t read a book by themselves. (小男孩以为爸爸们要有小孩子的帮助才能进行亲子阅读)
(19)Dads really need to be kissed night at bedtime. (没有小男孩的亲亲,爸爸晚上还入睡不了了,呵呵)
(20)Sometimes they leave a night-light on because they’re a little bit scared of the dark.They also like to check under the bed for monsters.And in the closet.(其实是爸爸为了打消小男孩的恐惧)
(21)There are so many things that dad can’t do it’s a wonder they make it through life at all. (这句意味深长啊)
But dads can’t give up.No matter how tired a dad gets, or how hard life gets, a dad never guits.(这就是爸爸的责任心啊)
(22)And most of all, Whatever happens, a dad never ever stops loving you.

(封底:Dad can’t keep their ties clean.)

-----------------------------------------------查相关资料,看到这个“Can’t Do”系列的书籍除了上述这本外,还有:What Moms Can’t DoWhat Teachers Can’t DoWhat Grandmas Can’t DoWhat Santa Can’t Do几乎本本都是畅销书;其中,What Dads Can’t Do是这一系列中评价最高的。
(Douglas Wood)
在Google一下这个作者Douglas Wood,不得了,多才多艺的大人物啊(上次知道另一个多才多艺的大人物是《爱心树》的作者;而这又是一个):作家(而且是老少通吃)、音乐家、诗人,还是一位野外向导(wilderness guide)——可见其对大自然知识的了解又多渊博。 代表作:《Old Turtle》,《Grandad’s Prayers of The Earth》——看介绍,这两本在美国也都是老少通吃的大作,在美国国内知名度也算比较高的了

鸿宇妈 发表于 2011-8-30 16:34:02


wenqing 发表于 2011-8-30 16:50:25


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娃爱的墨墨 发表于 2011-8-31 18:33:27


elfhappy 发表于 2011-9-1 08:50:55

这本书 很好啊 我也喜欢的

play 发表于 2011-9-1 12:59:47


agan007 发表于 2011-9-1 17:30:19


cyci521 发表于 2011-9-19 15:10:04


lexiaoyaoyou 发表于 2015-5-13 16:14:34


lovablec 发表于 2015-5-14 12:00:13

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