suki_kwok 发表于 2016-6-30 02:18:37

T-2016 Summer Reading 记录

本帖最后由 suki_kwok 于 2016-7-1 07:53 编辑

打算参加网内的暑假阅读计划,盖个楼。虽然每天都有阅读,但从未记录过。希望能每天坚持记录,顺便看看孩子能进步多少。计划是把读过的online ebook截图存下来,如果有想了解的,私信我好了。

suki_kwok 发表于 2016-7-1 07:51:08

Jun 30th, 2016
今天正式开始记录阅读的内容。T今天读了RAZ KIDS上level Q的books.
1. Amelia Earhart: a legend in flight 记录一下我和T的生词
Perish: to die or be killed
Jutted: to extend or cause to extend above or beyond a surrounding area
Instrument: a tool or device used for a particular purpose; especially : a tool or device designed to do careful and exact work
Rely: to trust in or depend on
Bloomer: a costume for women consisting of a skirt over long loose trousers gathered closely about the ankles
Expedition: a journey especially by a group of people for a specific purpose
Active: doing things that require physical movement and energy
Luggage: the bags and suitcases that a person carries when traveling
Plummet: to fall suddenly straight down especially from a very high place
Fragile: easily broken or damaged : very delicate : not strong
Dazzled: to greatly impress or surprise (someone) by being very attractive or exciting
Loop: a shape like a curve or circle made by a line curving right round and crossing itself
Stunt: a dangerous and difficult action that somebody does to entertain people, especially as part of a film/movie
Publicist: a person whose job is to make something known to the public, for example a new product, actor, etc.
Fatigue: a feeling of being extremely tired, usually because of hard work or exercise
Withstand: to be strong enough not to be hurt or damaged by extreme conditions
Uneventful: in which nothing interesting, unusual or exciting happens
Hitch: a hidden problem that makes something more complicated or difficult to do
Patchy: having some parts that are good and some that are bad
Haunt: to keep coming back to the mind of (someone) especially in a way that makes the person sad or upset
Fierce: having or showing a lot of strong emotion : very strong or intense
Inflate: filled and made larger with air or gas
Raft:  a flat structure for support or transportation on water

2. American Football 生词有在书里解释
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