加州Treasures G2—U1—T1,school is starting教案

Teaching Aims:
1、Explain words in Englisgh.
2、Learn to analyze text.
3、Grasp story structure.

Teaching Steps:
Step One: Vocabulary
1)   tomorrow
Define: Tomorrow is the day after today.
Example: I am going to my grandma’s house tomorrow.
Ask: What are you going to do tomorrow? (PRIOR KNOWLEDGE)
2)    different
Define: Two things are different from each other if they are not the same.
Example: A dog is different from a robin because a dog has fur and a robin has feathers.
Ask: How is an apple different from an orange?
3)   Groan
Define: When you groan , you make a deep, unhappy sound.
Example: The boys groan when their mother tells them to eat all their vegetables.
Ask: Name a word that has the same meaning as groan. (SYNONYM)
4)    Excited
Define: To be excited is to be thrilled and happy about something.
Example: I was excited to go to school today.
Ask: What have you been excited about? (PRIOR KNOWLEDGE)
5)   Carefully
Define: If you do something carefully , you take your time and think about what you are doing.
Example: I carefully walked across the icy street.
Ask: Name a word that means the opposite of carefully. (ANTONYM)
6)   Whisper
Define:When I whisper , I talk very softly.
Example: When I am at the library, I have to whisper.
Ask: Tell why it is important to whisper at the library. (EXPLANATION)

Step Two: Comprehension
1)   Read the text,and Analyzing story structure
2)   Read the first paragraph of “School Is Starting!”
I see that there are three people in the story. These are the story’s characters. I notice that they are playing in the park. This tells me where the story takes place. Tom says that it is the last day of summer and tomorrow is the first day of school. This tells me when the story happens. When and where a story takes place is the story’s setting.
3)   Display the Character and Setting Chart on Graphic Organizer Transparency 1. Fill in the first row of the chart with the names of the characters and one detail about the setting. Have children reread the first paragraph to find out how Tom feels. Guide them to see that the exclamation point in Tom’s words is a clue that he is excited. Fill in this information on the chart.

Step Three: Discussion

1、What did you do on the last day of your summer vacation?
2、What grade are you in now? And is it different from the last grade ?How?
3、What does friends mean?

Step Four: Retell the story

Step Five: Grammar

Homework: Writing Trait Ideas

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  • 小蓝

    2011-9-18 11:18:16 使用道具

  • 草莓

    2011-9-18 11:37:51 使用道具

  • willowtree

    2011-9-18 14:54:12 使用道具

  • lande

    2011-9-18 23:09:41 使用道具

  • xiaojingling

    2011-9-18 23:20:40 使用道具

  • 看看妈

    2011-9-20 14:03:07 使用道具

    真好,很细致。我家外教只做了step two和Step three,其他的都没有进行。我自己教的时候,加了step1和step 4。教得还是挺困难的,关键是孩子不乐意retell,俺的口语又实在是烂。
  • zhuzhuyuli

    2011-9-20 14:34:59 使用道具

  • ROSY妈妈

    2011-9-28 09:42:31 使用道具

  • xiaomumin

    2012-11-27 09:58:06 使用道具

  • asdewrft

    2013-11-13 21:29:01 使用道具

  • 天天精彩无限

    2013-11-14 16:26:21 使用道具

  • sdwky

    2013-11-14 17:10:51 使用道具
