shimshim 发表于 2018-10-3 14:11:36

学习phonics的 29个拼写规则介绍 (转载)

Rule:Q is always follow ed by U. U is not a vowel here.(queen)..

Rule: The letter C usually says (cat, cot,cut), but C says before e, i, or y(cent, city, cycle).
规则:C通常发音 (比如:cat, cot, cut),但是C 在e, i,y前发音。(比如:cent, city, cycle)

Rule: The letter g usually says (gate, go,gust), but g may say before e, i, or y (page, giant, gym). The letters eand i following g do not always make the g say (get, girl, give)
规则:G通常发音,但是G 在e, i,y前可能发音。e和i 不一定总是让前面的g发音 (比如:get, girl, give)

Rule: A, E, O, U usually say letter name at theend of a syllable.
规则:A, E,O, U在音节尾通常发音字母音。

5、I & Y
Rule: I and Y may say at the end of a syllable(si lent, cy cle), but usually say (in ci dent, cy cli cal). The unaccentedsuffix-y may say at the end of a word(ba by, dad dy). The i at the end ofa syllable before another vowel that begins the next syllable may say (radi o, me di a)
规则:I 和 Y 在音节尾可能发音,但通常发音。
   非重读音节词尾的后缀y,可能读(实际发音处在长音和短音之间)。I 在音节尾、下一音节首是另一元音时,i 可能会读(ra di o, me di a, period, curious)

6、Y not I
Rule: English words do not end in i, j, u or v.the letter y, not i, is used at the end of an English word(my)
规则:英语单词不以i, j, u o或者 v 结尾。用y替代i用在英语单词词尾。

7、silent final Es
Rule 7-1: silent final e is to let the vowel sayits second sound(letter name)

Rule 7-2: silent final e is to prevent us fromending an English word with u or v, because English words do not end in i,j, uor v
规则7-2:避免u和v出现在英语单词词尾。因为英语单词不以i, j, u 或者 v结尾。

Rule 7-3: silent final e is to soften a cor g(tomake c says, g says )
规则7-3: 使c和g读轻音(使c读,g读)

Rule 7-4: silent final e is to prevent us fromhaving a syllable with no vowel. Every syllable must have a written vowel.
规则7-4: 避免一个音节中没有元音。因为每一个音节都必须要有一个元音字母。

Rule 7-5: ther jobs or unknown reasons
(1)    The E keeps a word that is not pluralfrom ending in an ‘s’ Ex: dense(not dens),purse(not purs),false(not fals).跟其他单词的复数形式做区别。
(2)    The E adds length to a short main-ideaword. Ex.: are, ewe, rye.避免单词过短。
(3)    The E gives a distinction in meaningbetween homonyms. Ex: or/ore, for/fore.与同音字相区别。
(4)    The E is left over from Middle Englishor a foreign language where the final E was once pronounced. Ex: treatise,giraffe.在中古英语或外来语中曾经发音的e得以保留下来。

Rule: The phonogram or may say [ə:] after thew(works)
规则:or通常读[ɔr:],但是or跟在w后,通常读[ə:](例外,仍读[ɔr:] worn sworn sword)

9、IE or EI
Rule: We use the ie most often. We use the ie tosay (piece), as a suffix(mov ie), to say(pie). We use the ei after c(receive),if we say ,and in some exceptions.(Either weird foreign sovereignforfeited leisure. Neither heifer seized counterfeit protein.)
Either weird foreign sovereign forfeitedleisure.)
Neither heifer seized counterfeit protein.

Rule: SH is used at the beginning of aword (she),atthe end of a syllable/word(fish/fish es),but not at the beginning of anysyllable after the first one(na tion), except for the ending-ship(friendship)

11、TI, SI, CI
Rule11-1: The ti, si, ci say [ʃ] at the beginningof any syllable after the first one.
(na tion, man sion, spe cial)
规则11-1:ti, si, ci 用在非第一音节的其他首位,读[ʃ]。

Rule11-2: The si say [ʃ] when the preceding syllableends with s (ses sion) and when the root word has an s(manse/mansion).Only sican say [ʒ]except for ti in “equation”(vision)
规则11-2:前面的音节以S结尾或者当根词以s结尾,si读[ʃ],TI, SI, CI中只有si 可以读[ʒ](除了equation中的ti)

Use a few letters to represent a larger word(Mr.=Mister, m=meter, CA=California).

Replace a letter (or letters) with an apostropheto contract (or shorten)a phrase(I am=I’m)

14、Rule 1-1-1 suffix
Rule: With a one-syllable word ending in one vowelthen one consonant, double the last consonant before adding a vowel suffix(get,getting).

15、Rule 2-1-1 Accent
Rule: With a two-syllable word ending in one vowelthe one consonant, double the last consonant before adding a vowel suffix IFthe accent is on the last syllable.(for get, for getting)

16、E’s Dropping Rule
Rule: Silent final Es commonly lose the need forthe E when adding a vowel suffix(hope/hoping/hopeless). In words like noticeableor changeable rules 2 and 3 override rule 16.

17、F F, L L, S S
Rule: We often double F, L, S after a single vowelat the end of a base word (off, all, confess).
Occasionally other letters are doubled in this way(ebb, odd, egg, inn, err, watt, jazz).
规则:单元音后面,词尾的f, l, s通常要双写。(有时还有其他一些字母也双写ebb, odd, egg, inn, err, watt, jazz)

Rule: AY usually says at the end of a baseword (may, pay). When a word ends with a it says (ma).

Rule: I and O may say and [əu] when followedby two consonants (find, cold).
规则:I 和O后面跟着两个辅音,可能发音和[əu]。

20、S, X &Suffix-es
Rule20-1: to make most nouns plural, just add-s.When the word hisses (ch, tch, sh, x, s, z), changes, or just stops with O,add-es. Occasional words have no change, an internal change, or an irregular spelling.
规则20-1:一般加s。尾音类似“嘶嘶”音的(ch, tch, sh, x, s, z)、需要y变i、f变v(wife/wives; fly/flies)、或者以o结尾的(tomato/tomatoes),加es。少量单词的复数形式保持原形不变(sheep/sheep),或只变中间(man/men),或是无变化规则的拼写形式(alumnus/alumni; piano/pianos)。

Rule20-2:X is never directly before S. (boxes, excel). There is a sound inX.

21、Dismiss L rule
Rule: the words ALL, FULL and till are writtenwith one L when they are added to another syllable. (almost, fulfill, careful,until).) v! L: c9 D" Y7 k0 H" c
规则:all,full, till, 当它们加到词根上形成另一个音节时,只写一个L。

Rule: DGE is used only after a single vowel whichsays [æ]---[ɔ]-[ʌ] (badge, edge, ridge, lodge, fudge).

Rule: TCH may be used after a single vowel whichdoes not say ---[əu]-(match, watch, sketch, blotch, crutch,butcher)0 \8 J/ i; L& V1 a3 F
规则:TCH ,可用在不读---[əu]-的单元音后面。

24、Y’s Suffixes
Rule: The single vowel Y (not phonogram say, ey oroy) changes to i when adding a suffix(try/tried, pup py/pup pies)unless thesuffix starts with an i (-ing/try ing, -ish/ba by ish).

Rule: CK used only after a single vowel whichsays[æ]---[ɔ]-[ʌ](back, peck, pick, pock et, truck)

Rule: Individual names or titles ofpersons(Jesus), place(Ohio) or things(Bible).

27、Z, NEVER S6 X; Z
Rule: The z, never s, is used to say at thebeginning of a root word (zebra, zoo).

Rule: The ed saysandas the past tense endingof any root word that does not end in the sound (killed)or(liked).Whenthe ed saysafter words ending with d(land/ land ed) or t(act/act ed)theyform another syllable.6 e( F, e) E' G9 V
规则:根词词尾读或时,过去式后缀ed读,形成另一个音节。根词词尾不读或时,过去式后缀ed读或。根词词尾是voiced sound(浊音),读(voiced);根词词尾是unvoiced sound(清音),读(unvoiced)。

29、Double Consonants!
Rule: Double consonants within words of more thanone syllable should both be sounded for spelling (lit tle, but ton)

qz123 发表于 2018-10-3 16:18:21


kkl920 发表于 2019-8-26 11:19:13


byegood 发表于 2020-8-17 10:43:17


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AIANDY 发表于 2020-10-13 21:51:35

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我心狂野 发表于 2021-3-30 16:53:04

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