宝贝加加油 发表于 2018-11-21 15:02:16


娃英语启蒙四年,进入自主阅读(罗尔德达尔小说)和听中章(纳尼亚、驯龙记等)的阶段。最近听娃上网课和老师聊天总会说:“Me and my sister......”。我第一反应是娃犯语法错误了,学生时代老师不是说Me只能是宾格,不做主语吗?是不是应该说“My sister and I......."。

hdxx8011 发表于 2018-11-21 15:36:22

My sister and me,自谦的说法,说My sister and I 外国朋友也可以接受。

418751692 发表于 2018-11-21 16:13:07

如果没话说的话,我觉得是MY SISTER AND ME。 比如有有人问你谁吃了这个蛋糕,回答MY SISTER AND ME,就觉得很和谐。

418751692 发表于 2018-11-21 16:21:33


cszxc098 发表于 2018-11-21 23:23:36

本帖最后由 cszxc098 于 2018-11-21 23:25 编辑

转个贴:There is a tendency in informal speech and writing to use object pronouns when conjoined with other nouns or pronouns, even if serving as the subject of a verb. You never hear this usage if the subject is not conjoined; that is, no native speaker would say “me went for some ice cream” but “me and my friends went for some ice cream” is actually quite a common usage produced by native speakers of all kinds.This happens because what linguists would call the “unmarked” or standard, basic form for pronouns turns out to be the objective form—me, him, her, them, and the like. This is the form of the pronoun used when there is no verb:
[*]– Who wants a cookie?
– Me.
[*]“Me and Mrs. Jones”
[*]“Me and Bobby McGee”
[*]“Me & Julio Down by the Schoolyard”
What happens is as pronouns in conjoined subjects get further and further from the verb, the impulse to change the default form into the subject form is weaker, and in informal contexts, is simply not followed. Now, in formal standard written English, subjects of verbs must be in subjective form, conjoined or not, leading to generations of schoolmarms correcting their students:
[*]Mrs. Jones and I
[*]Bobby McGee and I
[*]Julio and I Down by the Schoolyard
and the famous musical about an excruciatingly correct teacher of English:
[*]The King and I
The most fascinating thing of course is that generations of schoolmarms correcting students over the apparently perfectly natural use of objective pronouns in conjoined subjects has made everyone with even a little bit of formal education intensely anxious about using objective pronouns, causing them to hypercorrect and use subject pronouns even where object pronouns are correct: “just between you and I” is a commonly cited example.Edit: As for the original poster’s actual question, there is nothing in the grammar of English per se about ordering of pronouns in conjoined noun phrases. It is a kind of grammatical etiquette to put yourself last, but there is no rule of grammar governing the order.

三只小熊 发表于 2018-11-22 08:55:14


我的玥儿 发表于 2018-11-22 12:26:24

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