nevernana709 发表于 2020-4-26 16:52:10


起因是我娃作业题开始题目如图:Thursday comesbefore Wednesday她问了我好几遍before/after哪个是前/哪个是后?我没回答。我反而画了一条(星期)轴问她:Sunday is the ____day of the week??她说:Sunday isthe ONE day of the week.没得法,老母亲翻出Henrythe fourth这本书
这是一本讲ordinals的书(MATHSTART系列),开篇就是dog show today第三个出场的Daisy(Itold her it is a girl dog)最后小小主持人 Jeremy 宣布:Henry the fourth is the king of the show.
她问我是不是Henry is the fourth dog to show??so the name of book is “Henry thefourth” 好解决完 one/first区别。她理解也会输出Thursday is the fourth dayof the week 后,她突然顿悟了说:Thursdaycomes after Wednesday.然后老母亲又去翻阅sightword才发现100supersight word poems里木有before/after,悲催了,但娃突然惊叫哎呀我看到what了那我顺带看看吧

结果玩了半天动物叫声:公鸡(rooster)叫声cock-a-doodle-do/ 马叫neigh, neigh/牛叫Moo Moo,又听了半天old MacDonald’s farm.最后看了aftersight word song: after breakfast comes lunchafter lunch comes a snackafter a snack comes dinnerafter dinner comes dessert 无感??所以RAZ里B级别里有绘本after school
好,终于搞定了所有!没想到睡前又幺蛾子要吃苹果!!我突然想到aftereating an apple, we need to sleep!!她好像GET 到了,问了句那如何用before? Beforeeating an apple, Minnie cried a lot!!! THE END
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