oranje 发表于 2021-7-19 21:30:35

回望Harry Potter

好久没来坛子,今儿赶上个热闹, 又是Harry Potter。Harry Potter在国内英语启蒙论坛有神一样的地位;经常看见讨论:娃儿轻松读HP,什么时候读HP,怎么读HP?什么水平读HP?
俺家娃儿还算得上英语成功启蒙吧(4年级读完HP,6年级开读莎翁,一路考过CAE,其中阅读接近满分,7年级阅读水平1630L),当娘的回头看,Harry Potter是我家脱盲工具,杀时间的工具,上学期还因为副科课上读英语版HP被老师批评了。要说HP语言价值,文学价值,思想价值都一般;JKR还挺white left,整套书里little holes everywhere。

有人出了本unofficial vocabulary of HP,收录了3000来个比较难且有用的词。有兴趣的可以找来看看。


oranje 发表于 2021-8-1 16:12:37

本帖最后由 oranje 于 2021-8-1 10:46 编辑

Sunshine82 发表于 2021-8-1 05:58
可惜,家里小孩听到第四本就 ...

shaomx 发表于 2021-7-19 21:39:07


high5 发表于 2021-7-20 03:43:00

Harry Potter 在儿童英文书籍中,真是能算上一笔呢。

我家是从二年级开始听,后来去读的。 前些日子这孩子回家,我们偶尔谈论到当初读HP,她确定的说,是三年级才真正读进去,读懂的。 我们这还是在英语环境中呢。这套书她也是来来回回读了十来遍。 其他书也有追过, 但都没有HP这么迷。

海上鱼儿 发表于 2021-7-20 09:24:12


Giant 发表于 2021-7-20 13:30:24

Harold Bloom就diss HP。不过HP方便比较各家(牛)娃。

一叶知秋47 发表于 2021-7-20 17:36:46

Jurlique 发表于 2021-7-21 16:12:33


JadenZ 发表于 2021-7-22 15:55:58


oranje 发表于 2021-7-22 20:48:39

JadenZ 发表于 2021-7-22 08:55
哈利波特的文学性还是不错的,楼主未免有点贬得过头了。虽然并不是什么必读之书,但是jk的文笔还是让它区分 ...

首先,我可没贬罗琳阿姨,我家三套各种版本HP,早的盒装本还是古董级的Bloomsbury 1-5,当时后面2本还没出呢!还有1-4本绘图版本;

JadenZ 发表于 2021-7-22 22:22:38


要说HP语言价值,文学价值,思想价值都一般;JKR还挺white left,整套书里little holes everywhere


shaomx 发表于 2021-7-23 08:26:23

JadenZ 发表于 2021-7-22 15:55
哈利波特的文学性还是不错的,楼主未免有点贬得过头了。虽然并不是什么必读之书,但是jk的文笔还是让它区分 ...


开心的爸妈 发表于 2021-7-23 08:53:39


Giant 发表于 2021-7-26 20:28:30

Is 曹文轩 so good?

永恒36 发表于 2021-8-1 01:36:10


Sunshine82 发表于 2021-8-1 12:58:01


oranje 发表于 2021-8-1 16:08:28

Sunshine82 发表于 2021-8-1 05:58
可惜,家里小孩听到第四本就 ...

耶鲁的教授评价HP:Can 35 Million Book Buyers Be Wrong? Yes.
By Harold Bloom
Wall Street Journal

Taking arms against Harry Potter, at this moment, is to emulate Hamlet taking arms against a sea of troubles. By opposing the sea, you won't end it. The Harry Potter epiphenomenon will go on, doubtless for some time, as J. R. R. Tolkien did, and then wane.

The official newspaper of our dominant counter-culture, The New York Times, has been startled by the Potter books into establishing a new policy for its not very literate book review. Rather than crowd out the Grishams, Clancys, Crichtons, Kings, and other vastly popular prose fictions on its fiction bestseller list, the Potter volumes will now lead a separate children's list. J. K. Rowling, the chronicler of Harry Potter, thus has an unusual distinction: She has changed the policy of the policy-maker.

Imaginative Vision

I read new children's literature, when I can find some of any value, but had not tried Rowling until now. I have just concluded the 300 pages of the first book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone," purportedly the best of the lot. Though the book is not well written, that is not in itself a crucial liability. It is much better to see the movie, "The Wizard of Oz," than to read the book upon which it was based, but even the book possessed an authentic imaginative vision. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" does not, so that one needs to look elsewhere for the book's (and its sequels') remarkable success. Such speculation should follow an account of how and why Harry Potter asks to be read.

The ultimate model for Harry Potter is "Tom Brown's School Days" by Thomas Hughes, published in 1857. The book depicts the Rugby School presided over by the formidable Thomas Arnold, remembered now primarily as the father of Matthew Arnold, the Victorian critic-poet. But Hughes' book, still quite readable, was realism, not fantasy. Rowling has taken "Tom Brown's School Days" and re-seen it in the magical mirror of Tolkein. The resultant blend of a schoolboy ethos with a liberation from the constraints of reality-testing may read oddly to me, but is exactly what millions of children and their parents desire and welcome at this time.

In what follows, I may at times indicate some of the inadequacies of "Harry Potter." But I will keep in mind that a host are reading it who simply will not read superior fare, such as Kenneth Grahame's "The Wind in the Willows" or the "Alice" books of Lewis Carroll. Is it better that they read Rowling than not read at all? Will they advance from Rowling to more difficult pleasures?

Rowling presents two Englands, mundane and magical, divided not by social classes, but by the distinction between the "perfectly normal" (mean and selfish) and the adherents of sorcery. The sorcerers indeed seem as middle-class as the Muggles, the name the witches and wizards give to the common sort, since those addicted to magic send their sons and daughters off to Hogwarts, a Rugby school where only witchcraft and wizardry are taught. Hogwarts is presided over by Albus Dumbeldore as Headmaster, he being Rowling's version of Tolkein's Gandalf. The young future sorcerers are just like any other budding Britons, only more so, sports and food being primary preoccupations. (Sex barely enters into Rowling's cosmos, at least in the first volume.)

Harry Potter, now the hero of so many millions of children and adults, is raised by dreadful Muggle relatives after his sorcerer parents are murdered by the wicked Voldemort, a wizard gone trollish and, finally, post-human. Precisely why poor Harry is handed over by the sorcerer elders to his priggish aunt and uncle is never clarified by Rowling, but it is a nice touch, suggesting again how conventional the alternative Britain truly is. They consign their potential hero-wizard to his nasty blood-kin, rather than let him be reared by amiable warlocks and witches, who would know him for one of their own.

The child Harry thus suffers the hateful ill treatment of the Dursleys, Muggles of the most Muggleworthy sort, and of their sadistic son, his cousin Dudley. For some early pages we might be in Ken Russell's film of "Tommy," the rock-opera by The Who, except that the prematurely wise Harry is much healthier than Tommy. A born survivor, Harry holds on until the sorcerers rescue him and send him off to Hogwarts, to enter upon the glory of his schooldays.

Hogwarts enchants many of Harry's fans, perhaps because it is much livelier than the schools they attend, but it seems to me an academy more tiresome than grotesque. When the future witches and wizards of Great Britain are not studying how to cast a spell, they preoccupy themselves with bizarre intramural sports. it is rather a relief when Harry heroically suffers the ordeal of a confrontation with Voldemort, which the youth handles admirably.

One can reasonably doubt that "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" is going to prove a classic of children's literature, but Rowling, whatever the aesthetic weaknesses of her work, is at least a millennial index to our popular culture. So huge an audience gives her importance akin to rock stars, movie idols, TV anchors, and successful politicians. Her prose style, heavy on cliche, makes no demands upon her readers. In an arbitrarily chosen single page--page 4--of the first Harry Potter book, I count seven cliches, all of the "stretch his legs" variety.

How to read"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"? Why, very quickly, to begin with, perhaps also to make an end. Why read it? Presumably, if you cannot be persuaded to read anything better, Rowling will have to do. is there any redeeming education use to Rowling? Is there any to Stephen King? Why read, if what you read will not enrich mind or spirit or personality? For all I know, the actual wizards and witches of Britain, or America, may provide an alternative culture for more people than is commonly realized.

Perhaps Rowling appeals to millions of reader non-readers because they sense her wistful sincerity, and want to join her world, imaginary or not. She feeds a vast hunger for unreality; can that be bad? At least her fans are momentarily emancipated from their screens, and so may not forget wholly the sensation of turning the pages of a book, any book.

Intelligent Children

And yet I feel a discomfort with the Harry Potter mania, and I hope that my discontent is not merely a highbrow snobbery, or a nostalgia for a more literate fantasy to beguile (shall we say) intelligent children of all ages. Can more than 35 million book buyers, and their offspring, be wrong? yes, they have been, and will continue to be for as long as they persevere with Potter.

A vast concourse of inadequate works, for adults and for children, crams the dustbins of the ages. At a time when public judgment is no better and no worse than what is proclaimed by the ideological cheerleaders who have so destroyed humanistic study, anything goes. The cultural critics will, soon enough, introduce Harry Potter into their college curriculum, and The New York Times will go on celebrating another confirmation of the dumbing-down it leads and exemplifies.

Mr. Bloom is a professor at Yale.
他在关于安徒生的文章里也狠了一把罗琳和史蒂芬金。史蒂芬金的有些作品还挺好的,哈里波特基本上就是爽文。He pointed out the cause of the Harry Potter mania: readers, young or old, are hungering for unreality.
家长没有critical thinking很危险啊。校园bully小能手就是........


纪律 发表于 2021-8-10 09:22:25


duoduofish 发表于 2021-8-10 10:23:09


牧云 发表于 2021-8-10 17:26:27


云启 发表于 2021-8-10 17:28:35


Summer爸 发表于 2021-9-3 10:49:27

本帖最后由 Summer爸 于 2021-9-3 10:55 编辑



她读哈利波特,说能看到罗尔德.达尔、纳尼亚等系列故事的影子。她会说J.K Rowling肯定看过那些书。有段时间她还常仿写哈利波特故事。

再有小朋友对J.K Rowling本人兴趣大增,她就和追星一样,一网打尽了她的所有书,还追踪她的采访纪录片,听她在哈佛大学的Keynote speaking... ...

小朋友自从对欧洲历史发生兴趣以来,她从另一个角度在破解哈利波特,比如她从头发的颜色猜测民族,说可能起源于哪,还发现哈利波特里的一些名字来源于历史人物,然后理解了J.K Rowling起名的深意....


oranje 发表于 2021-9-4 11:04:40

本帖最后由 oranje 于 2021-9-4 04:06 编辑

Summer爸 发表于 2021-9-3 03:49
对于有文学性、思想性的作品,小学生可能还欣赏不了,至少我家娃四年级了,还是毫无鉴赏能力。这个事情急也 ...

lapa 发表于 2021-9-5 08:02:30

oranje 发表于 2021-9-4 11:04
所以我说是回望。还没走到和正在山里的觉得是个大山头,尤其孩 ...


lapa 发表于 2021-9-5 08:04:28


lapa 发表于 2021-9-5 08:06:31


oranje 发表于 2021-9-5 09:36:49

lapa 发表于 2021-9-5 01:04
音频语速太快了,我自己跟不上,但娃听得好像很入迷。我都怀疑他到底有没有听懂。那有没有什么方法,让我知 ...


zhaohua801 发表于 2021-9-5 10:02:09

Sunshine82 发表于 2021-8-1 12:58
可惜,家里小孩听到第四本就 ...


kittywang1983 发表于 2021-9-5 10:05:04


Hope妈妈 发表于 2021-9-6 09:05:20

本帖最后由 liguoyu 于 2021-10-13 11:30 编辑

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