mtryshy 发表于 2011-5-19 23:29:25

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-5-26 13:37 编辑



今晚there is a bird on my head, 还有fly high, fly guy甚是喜欢。感谢子川妈的精品书。尤其是fly high, fly guy,嘴里念念有词,一会high, 一会guy,一会fly。然后让我more了三次,最后自己又翻了好一会。我自己乐得在旁边偷懒打盹。

mtryshy 发表于 2011-5-23 01:27:08

mtryshy 发表于 2011-5-19 23:29 static/image/common/back.gif




这周继续看大红狗,这个系列安安看起来已经完全可以接受了.只要是这个系列的,拿出来就让读的.小猫咪追月亮也让读了,而且后来又主动拿出来让我读,算是一个小小的进步.我又拿出fly high, fly guy,Just mommy and me以及Mo williems的there is a bird on my head。都欣然接受,最喜欢fly high, fly guy,嘴里不停的念叨,high, guy,看来要想法把搜集到的这个系列的其他作品打印出来了。又重温了卡由的两本书,还是很喜欢。

视频看了Humf11, 12最近非常喜欢这个系列,你问她要看什么,她一定会说f:L 。一般放其他的也行,可是如果放sid the science kid,会把头摇得和拨浪鼓一样。franklin 605, Caillou 28, sid the science kid 102, 绘本动画Frederic,这个配合田鼠阿佛的中文绘本一起看,效果不错。听了同步音频,外加goodnight moon

mtryshy 发表于 2011-5-25 14:01:41

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-5-25 14:02 编辑


昨晚新书There was an old lady who swallowed a shell by Lucille Colandro and Jared Lee。亚马逊评级四颗半星。

Product Description"There was an old lady who swallowed a shell. I don't know why she swallowed the shell. She didn't tell." You won't believe why this old lady swallows a shell, a crab, a fish, a gull, a pail, some sand, and a wave! But watch out when she burps, with hilarious results! With rollicking, rhyming text and funny illustrations, this lively version of a classic song will appeal to young readers with every turn of the page. And, there's a surprise ending!

About the AuthorLUCILLE COLANDRO has authored several other Old Lady books with Jared Lee, including There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Shell! and There Was a Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow! She resides in New York City.

坛子里有There was an old lady who swallowed a fly。这个系列还有好几本。这本也是偶尔淘到的。第一次读,顺利读完,问again?答约no。给我拿了一本大科学的冲天小竹笋来读。不过还好让我读完了,还是很好笑的一个故事,今晚接着给安安读读。

mtryshy 发表于 2011-5-26 13:39:17

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-5-26 13:40 编辑


昨晚读的新书,苏斯的The foot book.


本来就准备一天一本新书的。可是今天早上看我装订I spy fly guy,当即下令,讲。妈妈岂敢怠慢,赶快绘声绘色的读起来。安安很喜欢,以前我就读过一本fly high, fly guy。这次又是乐得哈哈大笑。最喜欢我说,Buuuuuuuuuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzz

mtryshy 发表于 2011-5-30 08:34:37

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-5-30 08:35 编辑



mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-4 21:06:09






mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-7 11:58:25

2011年6月7日 安安2岁7天

2周没有写周总结了。生了大病,我觉得累,也懒了下来。读的书都拍了照。不过也觉得没有啥值得更新的。一周大概8-10本新书吧。分级读物大概都读2级的吧。最近读了不少大红狗。视频方面除了卡由和富兰克林,绘本动画是最近的大爱。比如母鸡罗丝去散步,owl moon, Frederic, Owen。这周又换了几个,希望安安喜欢。Owl moon实在是很美,而且,嘻嘻,是催眠圣品 。安安喜欢反复反复得听,直至睡着。

今天记两笔,是由于安安终于开始发双音节的词,前天是horse,昨天是foot,吃饭时不挺得把一只脚翘得高高的,说foot,然后再换另一只脚,阻止是无效的。 后来又是but, right, milk。rabbit以前发bbi,现在发bbit 。而且会发双音节的词后就乐此不疲,反复反复地说,看见很多东西也只给我说,拿到一本新书也先指自己熟知的单词说给我。我当然是鼓励夸奖再鼓励了

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-11 22:37:20

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-11 22:38 编辑


今晚读的书 What mommies do best, Will and Squill, What will little bear wear? 三本都是新打印的书。最后一本是别的妈妈做的little bear的自制书。现在选书已经很轻松了,基本上我觉得差不多的书都是一拿来就可以读的。

What mommies do best。很有趣的一本书,因为是两头翻的。语句挺简单的,但我觉得画比语句好。写了爸爸妈妈能为我做的事,文字是一样的,不过画面不一样的


From School Library JournalPreSchool-Grade 1?An appealing flip book that presents mirrored texts. The first half shows a mother bear, pig, mouse, elephant, and porcupine engaging in everyday activities with her children. Readers learn that Mommies can build a snowman with you, bake a birthday cake, "sew the loose button on your teddy bear," watch the sunset, read a story, or "hold you when you're feeling sad." But best, "Mommies can give you lots and lots of love." Flip the book and read that Daddies can do the same thing. Munsinger's winsome watercolor depictions of the animals are warm and humorous. A perfect cuddly bedtime or storytime read-aloud choice, this title practically begs preschool or early elementary teachers to help children write and illustrate their own versions to present to their parents for holiday or any-day gifts.?Susan Hepler, Burgundy Farm Country Day School, Alexandria, VA
Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From BooklistAges 3^-6. Although the title seems very sex-role specific, this sweet picture book is anything but. It is actually two stories in one, with the separate tales coming together in the center double spread, one side of which appears upside down. When children open What Mommies Do Best, they'll be treated to pictures of a variety of animal moms and their children reading stories, playing ball in the park, making snowmen, and watching the sunset. If they close the book and turn it upside down, they'll see What Daddies Do Best the same things Moms do. As usual, Munsinger's watercolors are bright and funny, and her animal characters are delightful. The book design may be gimmicky, but it will appeal to little ones, who will find the whole a soothing, comforting view of the ways parents can and do love their kids, somehow different yet so much the same. Stephanie Zvirin

Will and Squill



Editorial ReviewsFrom School Library JournalPreSchool-Grade 2–A sweetly told tale about the friendship between a boy named Will and a squirrel named Squill. They do just about everything together until Wills parents surprise him with a kitten, and she becomes Wills new playmate, leaving Squill to feel lonely and left out. However, the boy soon discovers that Kitty likes to sleep most of the day and doesnt appreciate his favorite games. Will and Squill reunite, and the child realizes that old friends should not be abandoned for new ones. Lively watercolor-and-colored-pencil artwork keeps the message simple and soft. The repetition in the text makes the reading predictable and pleasurable and suitable for young children.–Hope Marie Cook, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From BooklistPreS-Gr. 2. In this large-format picture book, a baby named Will and a young squirrel named Squill meet in the backyard. Despite their mothers' objections--"'Awful dirty squirrel!' said Will's mother. "Awful dirty baby!' said Squill's mother"--they become fast friends over the next few years. When Will's parents surprise him with a kitten, he pays more attention to the pet than to Squill for a little while, but soon he misses his old friend. Clark deals with the kitten complication smoothly, leaving the way open for a happy ending. Beyond the satisfying story, the many instances of wordplay and parallel sentences make this text both a challenge and a pleasure to read aloud. The imaginative pencil drawings, brightened with watercolor washes, create a simple, child-friendly world that many will find appealing. Even the impossible details of the squirrel's activities seem quite plausible in the context of Clark's sure-handed illustrations. Add this to the story hour list of picture books celebrating friendship. Carolyn Phelan

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-11 23:37:50

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-11 23:38 编辑


最近是懒了不少,每日只是抽时间读书,随手拿来就读,没有想着什么联想,拓展,或者加百科什么的。安安到也自得其乐,终于到了语言敏感期,中文英文双音节都往外冒。中文当然比英文好很多。不过英文也突然能说是几个词了吧。特别喜欢se, t, g结尾的词。这t结尾的双音节词可真是很多,boat, meat, hot, wet, eat,还有她自己发明创造的一些 。阅读的难度还是有所挺高的,反正是允许我读完,还要在其中指指点点,该数数数数,认识的动植物玩具也要指指说说,看起来比老妈认真一些。动画片看了humf 17, 18, franklin 701, caillou 30, swimmy, there was an old lady who swallowed a fly, ali's red cloak (名字记不清了 )时间都减为每次10-15分钟,还是有些担心眼睛呢。音频就听了动画片的同步音频。

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-20 10:24:07

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-20 10:24 编辑




Editorial ReviewsFrom School Library JournalPreSchool-Grade 2–A counting-book companion to Martin and Ehlert's Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom (S & S, 1989). The cut-paper art is almost identical to the earlier work, right down to the use of vibrant splashes of color. The layout will also be familiar to that title's many fans. At the center of the story this time, however, is an apple tree. Numerals race to the top with 1, 2, and 3 leading the way. Next come 4, 5, and 6 climbing right behind, but "Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3… Will there be a place for me?" asks 0. Page after page, the numbers climb ("Hot pink 12, lucky 13, picking apples, red and green") and they all forget 0 down in the lower right-hand corner. They keep going "until at last there's 99, and all the numbers are feeling fine." Except for 0, that is, who begins to cry once again, "Chicka Chicka 1, 2, 3… Will there be a place for me?" And, at precisely that moment, a swarm of bumblebees arrives shouting, "GET OUT OF OUR TREE…." Alas, the counting begins anew, this time backward. And 0, no bad apple, finally discovers his life's calling and rightful place: at the very top of the tree next to 10, who stayed there all along, becoming… 100. This story is a perfect selection for 100th day or Zero the Hero celebrations. A deliciously sweet selection, and a nifty counting book to boot.–Roxanne Burg, Orange County Public Library, CA
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

From BooklistPreS-Gr. 1. Since its first publication in 1989, Martin and Ehlert's Chicka Chicka Boom Boom has delighted preschoolers with its rhyme about an irresistibly rowdy alphabet that scales a tree. Tree-climbing numbers replace letters in this follow-up, which is as visually exciting as the earlier book. Ehlert's cut-paper collages retain the previous title's tropical hues and solid, playful shapes, but the conceptual exercise is more challenging than in the first book, which simply ran, letter by letter, up and down the alphabet. Here the numbers ascend by ones up to 20, after which they switch to intervals of tens (30, 40, 50) until they reach 90, which is followed not by 100, but by 99. Zero follows 99, accompanied by text that may confuse children: "0 lands on top / of the tree, / joins with 10. / Now 100 you see!" Adults will probably need to explain the math; the bright endpapers that count by ones to 100 will help. Despite the tricky concepts, though, the chanting rhyme and eye-popping images have a contagious energy youngsters will find irresistible. Gillian Engberg
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved

The tooth fairy.


Editorial ReviewsProduct DescriptionYoung children wil love larning to read with these storybooks. Once they can recognize and identify the words used to tell each story, the will be able to successfully read on their own. Features a word list.
Clifford's happy Easter


还有一本Baby Bear's Surprise


mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-20 10:25:49

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-20 10:26 编辑



There's a Wocket in my Pocket。有些难,安安让我读完了,不过应该不能体会到其中的乐趣,得找对应音频了

Smile a lot这本我和安安都很喜欢


mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-24 00:50:20

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-24 00:51 编辑


Just me and my babysitter


Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Mercer Mayer's very funny and popular Little Critter character is at it again. In this lively picture book, he sees himself as the baby sitter's big helper, but his help ends up turning the house upside down. By the end of the evening Little Critter and his little sister still have energy to spare, while the well-meaning sitter is utterly exhausted.

Product Details
Reading level: Baby-Preschool

Paperback: 24 pages
Publisher: Random House Books for Young Readers (February 1, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9780307119452

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-24 00:51:45

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-24 00:52 编辑




23日,准备了一大堆,最后就读了3本书,两本有关clifford的书,一本cat's cuddles。大红狗的书都让反复读,其中一本真是很长,可是安安就是喜欢,总让我读。看来接下来clliford接挡humf简直是顺理成章的事了。

Clifford Welcome to Birdwell Island

Clifford Wants a cookies

Cat's cuddles这本很简单,字大图大,是低幼读物中不错的选择

我是花园 发表于 2011-6-24 23:42:22


mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-25 03:17:24


mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-25 04:31:27

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-25 04:32 编辑



Walpole讲勇敢的Walpole寻找小海象并且击退敌人的故事。我是顺着danny and dinasour又找到这个作家Syd Hoff的这本作品,值得推荐。

Little bear的作品不用多说了,安安和我都喜欢

Fox in socks太长了,又拗口,读的我不知所云,安安听得还挺高心,说(好)玩

Dora's book of manners,很长的一本,可是安安喜欢听,反复点播,不知是否失喜欢Dora的形象

Clifford不用说了,后面图片还有几本。反正安安现在对大红狗的书都是来者不拒的。早上我做早餐,人家就是拿着这本Happy Easter自己看得。我问她在看什么,答曰(cli)ffor(d), egg,这口语实在不敢恭维,不过自己心里倒是清楚。

以上书中,推荐Chicka Chicka 123, 后来安安自己又把Chicka chicka boom boom拿出来看

Would you rather是约翰·伯明翰的作品,有中译本,叫做我喜欢

There's a wocket in my pocket,这本读起来更容易一些,妈妈和安安都喜欢

接下来是little critter的Just me and my babysitter,这一系列作品的风格就是都有话外之音,富有小幽默,字数也不多,读起来很顺

Clifford的Valentine surprise安安称为heart,也很喜欢哦


安安拿起I know a Rhino这本,竟然自己说起Rhino,发音挺标准,几个月前读的书还都记得的


Friends forever虽然不是什么景点作品,不过安安喜欢,也是要自己反复翻看得。

以上都是打印书,bear hugs属于诗歌,所以安安不太喜欢


Lauras's star昨晚才读,其实是我自己想看的,因为觉得长安安不一定接受的,可是今天被她发现后应要我读。听了个七七八八,倒最后一页没了耐性。星星的主题真是深入人心啊。

视频看了humf最后两集,准备用clifford接档,franklin 702, caillou 31, chicka chicka 1 2 3, swimmy, the dot, charlie's cloak虽然花样多,但时间都很短。近来看动画片越来越少了,不是主动要求,我晚上就不会给她放动画片了。能够接受图书了还是少看电视为妙,保护眼睛更为重要。音频基本同步吧。


mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-26 02:48:20

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-26 02:49 编辑


今天读的书Fox in socks, the color of his own, the big bug dug, sneezy bear.

Fox in socks苏斯的书,本周接着读,我自己感觉读得顺了一些,安安肯定听不懂,不过也让我读,接受了些韵律的东西

Editorial Reviews Review"This Fox is a tricky fox. He'll try to get your tongue in trouble." Dr. Seuss gives fair warning to anyone brave enough to read along with the Fox in Socks, who likes to play tongue-twisting games with his friend Mr. Knox. "Here's an easy game to play. Here's an easy thing to say.... New socks. Two socks. Whose socks? Sue's socks." But Mr. Fox Socks isn't about to let Knox off so easy. Soon Goo-Goose is choosing to chew chewy gluey blue goo, while tweetle beetles battle with paddles in a puddle (in case you were wondering, that's called a "tweetle beetle puddle paddle battle"). Mr. Knox gets exasperated: "I can't blab such blibber blubber! My tongue isn't made of rubber." But he catches on to the game before it's all through. One of Seuss's best, this must-read-aloud classic is guaranteed to get many giggles out of readers young and old. (Ages 4 to 8) --Paul Hughes --This text refers to the Library Binding edition.

ReviewDr. Seuss ignites a child's imagination with his mischievous characters and zany verses. The Express --This text refers to the Paperback edition.

Product Details
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Hardcover: 62 pages
Publisher: Random House, Inc. (January 12, 1965)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0394800389
ISBN-13: 978-0394800387

The color of his own,里欧·利奥尼经典作品。以前是不让读的,这次听得很认真,听力词汇可能有些小进步,要不就是为难情绪减少了。这本书我很喜欢,简单又富有哲理,画面干净,色彩丰富,要多给安安读读。

Editorial Reviews ReviewEvery animal has a color of its own. "Parrots are green, elephants are gray, pigs are pink." But chameleons change color wherever they go. "On lemons they are yellow. In the heather they are purple." One chameleon is not pleased with his changeable appearance. He thinks, "If I remain on a leaf, I shall be green forever, and so I too will have a color of my own." Of course, what he doesn't take into account is the changes wrought by autumn, and soon the green chameleon is yellow, then red, and then tumbled to the ground for the long black winter night. It isn't until he befriends another older, wiser chameleon that our hero begins to find inner peace, even as his outer surface is transformed again and again. Leo Lionni, children's book creator extraordinaire, author of such beloved picture books as Frederick, Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse, Swimmy, and Inch by Inch, all Caldecott Honor winners, introduces color concepts in an exquisite and touching story. This small board book edition of the classic tale of self-acceptance and friendship will be a favorite for toddlers and parents alike. (Baby to preschool) --Emilie Coulter --This text refers to the Board book edition.

Review"Lionni's signature watercolors span the rainbow in this story of a chameleon who, while searching for his identity, finds a friend with whom he can share his changeable nature." —Publishers Weekly

"As captivating now as it was when first published in 1975." —Children's Literature

Product Details
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
Hardcover: 40 pages
Publisher: Knopf Books for Young Readers (June 13, 2006)

The big bug dug,淘到的一本学乐得分级读物,很简单,有些像phonics

Editorial Reviews

Product DescriptionAs the big bug digs his way down under   ³to find a quiet place to sleep!²   readers are treated to a short lesson in nature science. We meet underground insects and animals: snakes, slugs, worms, and more. We also discover such things as roots, rocks, and fossils. The book comes with eight pairs of picture-word game cards that can be punched out and used to reinforce the story and six pages of skill-building puzzle activities. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

Product Details
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 32 pages
Publisher: Scholastic (August 1, 2003)

sneezy bear。这本安安喜欢了很长时间,重新拿出来还是喜欢。


Product Details
Paperback: 28 pages
Publisher: Red Robin Books (July 24, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 9781905434268
ISBN-13: 978-1905434268

恩永 发表于 2011-6-26 14:19:18


mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-27 00:29:53

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-6-27 00:30 编辑


今天玩得太晚了,回来就只能睡觉了.白天就读了一本phonics的书,有100多页,6个故事,故事简单,我没读完一个都问,more,每次都得到肯定的回复,所以一口气就读完了。这本书也是淘来的,没想教安安phonics的,不过顺便给她读读,而且这类书真是好读,朗朗上口 。。。

Editorial ReviewsProduct DescriptionHere comes Diego! This bind-up includes six phonics stories featuring six different sounds.

Product Details
Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Scholastic (August 1, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0439932289
ISBN-13: 978-043993228

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-28 00:10:50


今天读了Little bear and the missing pie,

caillou learns to drive

Little bear's visit

Franklin forgets


goodnight moon还是很喜欢,一口气让我读了4遍

Curious george and bunny

I want my potty by Tony Ross

Five little monkeys sitting in a tree

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-28 23:43:29


今天更新了好几个音频,最喜欢的还是sneezy bear,乐得哈哈大笑,感谢新叶!


Llama llama red pajama

llama llama misses mama

my mum

how do dinosaurs go to school?

whoever you are

wake uo, little tiger超级简单,又是翻翻书,入门推荐

but not the hippopotamus也挺简单的

mtryshy 发表于 2011-6-30 07:35:55


polar bear, polar bear, what do you hear?

brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?里面的动物自己已经都可以念出来了

touch and feel alaska's animals

no biting

dino at the park

pookins gets her way

hush, little ones

what do I see?

Josh and the kite

echocd88 发表于 2011-6-30 18:12:55


mtryshy 发表于 2011-7-1 01:11:02



Look at the tree
What can a diver see?
Hot and cold
Shopping with Dad
The baby Shark
My friend and I

There is a bird on your head

The berenstain bears on the moon

Clifford the small red puppy

Clifford and the big storm

guess how much I love you

Just mommy and me

yulidzy 发表于 2011-7-1 15:21:13


mtryshy 发表于 2011-7-3 11:06:31

本帖最后由 mtryshy 于 2011-7-12 10:46 编辑



Caillou plans a surprise

Clifford's hiccup

Happy birthday Thomas

mtryshy 发表于 2011-7-12 10:47:12


惭愧,一个多星期没有好好记日记了.而且这段时间读书情况也不好,有时读有时没读,读也就是2,3本.这段时间工作压力实在是太大了.有些力不从心,慢慢来吧,等忙过了再慢慢补.动画片安安很喜欢看Get Squiggling,超过了caillou, franklin, clifford,一放其他的直摇头。当然,看这种绘画的片子,安安的画画热情也是很高涨啦。

mtryshy 发表于 2011-7-12 10:47:30


Curious George builds a home

Caillou at a fancy restaurant

See how they grow puppy

Spider, spider

If you give a mouse a cookie

mtryshy 发表于 2011-7-12 10:48:20



mtryshy 发表于 2011-7-12 10:48:44


Little bear and the missing pie by Maurice Sendak

Caillou learns to drive

But not the hippopotamus

Wake up, little tiger

My mum

Go Diego go, phonics reading program pack 1 six stories
页: 1 2 [3] 4 5
查看完整版本: 【2011亲子日记☆初级】 2岁安安阅读记