Light 发表于 2012-7-19 11:30:12


标题党? 先别着急下结论,看看这些题目再说。 也可以把题目翻译成中文的,看孩子是不是跃跃欲试(写)。


1.Write about going back to school after summer vacation. 过了一个暑假,开学见到老朋友,一定有很多东西要写写。
2.Write a thank you note to a friend who gave you onion and garlic-flavored chewing gum.洋葱味和蒜味的口香糖?
journal writing prompts
3.Draw an imaginary constellation.Write a story such as ancient people might have told about it.牛郎座,织女座,你也来编一个星座的故事。
4.Describe a real made-up dream or nightmare. 描述你的梦境
journal writing prompts
5.Write about your favorite childhood toy. 你最喜欢的儿时的玩具是什么?journal writing prompts
6.Write out the best or the worst day of your life.
7.Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!)
8.If and when I raise children, I'll never . . .
9.I have never been more frightened than when . . .
10.Persuade a friend to give up drugs.

Light 发表于 2012-7-19 11:33:10


Writing Situation
In some schools students wear uniforms. 关于校服的问题

Directions for Writing
Before you begin writing, think about what is involved when students are required to wear uniforms to school.Now write to persuade your principal to agree with your view on whether school uniforms should be required.

Writing Situation
Throughout history many important things have been made or invented. 有关历史上的发明创造

Directions for Writing
Before you begin to write, think about an invention that has been important to people.Now, write an essay to explain why this one invention has been important.

wwwchem 发表于 2012-7-19 11:34:58


gedatou2007 发表于 2012-7-19 12:01:32


lyuan009 发表于 2012-7-19 12:16:12


TAIDI 发表于 2012-7-20 13:09:48


xiaobao99 发表于 2012-7-25 08:59:30


jim77 发表于 2012-7-28 03:36:30

flurrybb 发表于 2012-8-16 16:34:13


smokingzombie 发表于 2012-8-28 10:54:50


dd123 发表于 2012-9-11 16:35:53


开心点点1917 发表于 2021-5-13 13:01:28

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查看完整版本: 让孩子看了题目就想写(好玩的英文日志题目)