
和Russ 微信聊天

热度 2 已有 273 次阅读 2015-11-26 11:45 系统分类:成长记录

Charlie:Hi,Russ,I‘m Charlie, rembember? Mummy told me you have(had) a bad cold. Are you better now? I miss you and are you gonna have class this night or this afternoon?
Russ:Hi Charlie, I am just getting back to the campus.I am just on the campus, walking to my dorm now. I did have class tonight and I have two class in the morning. I do have a bit of cold but it is getting better,thank you for checking on me,and I miss you too.
Charlie:Russ, do you have a sore throat and do you have something in your throat then …?(听出来外教声音不太对)
Russ:Hi, Charlie , I do have a sore throat but thanks for your mom took me to get medicine, so it's getting better.
Charlie:Russ, did you play tennies? (Saw the pics of Russ playing badminton,  and I reminded him that is badminton).Oh,badminton, I forgot. Russ, do(did) you play badminton. I see your pictures. Wat day did you play badminton? And did you know yesterday it was snowing? And we went out  to the snow.
Russ:You played in the snow? Oh my gosh,that is so much fun. I rember when I was your age, making snowman,making snowangle. Oh, that was so fun.
Charlie: Russ, I mean, we went out the snow, we just walk,walk (walked)and did some a little bit snow fitht. And we made some lines and footfrints. My teacher want(ed) make a heart. The snow was a little, that why we didn't make snowman or snow angle. But we did have a lot of fun at my kintergarten.
Russ: I see Charlie.But that sounds like fun. And tomorrow I have to play badminton(a compitition) .So it 's gonna be fun too, fun for me. Well Charlie pretty soon you and I can get back together, so we can play.
Charlie:Russ, I have to wash my feet and I need to brush my teeth. Then I need to say byebye.
Russ:Ok,Charlie,goodnight,and hopefully I ’ll see you soon.
Charlie: Russ, you too. 
     最近迷上了用荔枝FM的app录音,每天晚上给还没出生的“brother”读书,基本是英文书,例如“a special spider ”、“germs”、“five little monkeys sitting in the tree” 等等,My werid school <Miss Lazar is Bizarre> 的第一章。一般这样开头“little brother,I am your big brother Charlie,I m going to read you a story. Today the name of the book is ××. Are you ready, let’s gooooooo ”。貌似昨天晚上还自己点读了两本书,自己抽出来的,国家地理儿童百科提高级的两本,让他自己读,他说自己读太费劲,意思是用点读笔更容易,还有歌。
      这两天看的视频是Magic School Bus,昨天因为玩IPAD时间超时,没有看电视。昨晚中文绘本:来了一个新朋友、雪人和花儿、星期四要去哪里呢 等等。
     幼儿园有开始中文的整体认读。因为下雪,整的是一首小诗《小雪花》,读得还行,十来行的小诗,大约有7、8个字不认识。今天中午见到一个孩子上小学一年级的同事,说,认字在一年级,很沾光。难道必须有意识地让他认些字么?读图,应该比读字更重要些,貌似。昨晚的作业是自己设计一所房子,小朋友设计的房子上面有两只长长的打手,说是“handy helper” ,应该是出自米奇妙妙屋。





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  • hidden 恺宝妈妈

    2015-11-26 13:00
