
Practical Life: Pouring

已有 177 次阅读 2012-7-5 12:19 个人分类:生活实践 系统分类:其他

Practical Life: Pouring
by  on May 18, 2010 – 2:21 pmNo Comment

Do you have a bored toddler and need ideas to occupy him? Well fret no more! Here’s a simple and practical activity that can keep your child entertained! Best of all, there’s little preparation and no special materials needed. All you need are a bunch of household stuff!

Take 2 bowls, preferably a good size for the toddler’s hands and fill one with, say cotton balls. You can use anything really, buttons, necklace beads etc- you decide! Now you are ready! First, demonstrate by holding the 2 bowls in each hand and pour the items from bowl to bowl. If necessary, show him several times. Now let him have a turn! For older toddlers, you can make it challenging by using heavier or smaller items like marbles or rice grains. Once your child has mastered this, let the child try pouring water instead.

Apart from keeping your child occupied, this activity aims to develop his practical life skills. As soon as he picks up this skill, you can start asking him to help out in the kitchen by say, pouring his own milk in his cup!

(Tips: It can get quite messy especially if you use items like rice grains and water since you can expect a lot of spillage.  In order to minimize the mess, have the child do the pouring activity over a tray. This way, any spillage will drop into the tray i.e. in a confined area. All the cleaning you need to do is to pour the items away! It saves you time from all the sweeping and mopping!)

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