

已有 99 次阅读 2013-4-22 10:30 系统分类:成长记录 老师

文子老师讲绘本(一):NO, DAVID!
文子老师讲绘本《No, David!》(TOM版)---- 这是我在一个群里的精讲绘本,Tom帮忙整理出来的!!十分感谢!!
向《NO DAVID!》的作者致敬!

目    录
一. 文子老师简介        3
二. 为什么讲绘本        3
三. 讲绘本之前做的功课        3
四. Why this book?(为什么选择这本书?)        4
五. 选读图书简介        4
六. 《No, David!》讲读        6
一. 文子老师简介
文子 Wendy  1975年生人
英国MA TEFL(Teaching English as a Foreign Language)
CELTA ( Certificate in English Language Teaching To Adults)
二. 为什么讲绘本
三. 讲绘本之前做的功课
先说说我在给孩子们讲绘本之前做的功课。不是每个老师家长天生就会讲绘本,毕竟我们不是按照西方的教育模式被故事喂大的!如何才能将准备工作做好呢?两个字:用心! teaching  is  work  of  heart!!
给孩子讲绘本之前,老师家长需要做的功课: l、找相关资源:PDF, 视频,音频(不是所有的都带视频,如果有视频我是最后给,吊孩子胃口的); 2、看书评,中英文的都可以参考(亚马逊网站的书评可以参考); 3、找本书作者的其他知名绘本; 4、找出书中的细节; 5、扫除疑点难点; 6、列出跟孩子互动的问题; 7、设计activities; 8、挖掘可以拓展的细节,体会书中人文关怀的东西。
四. Why this book?(为什么选择这本书?)   1、Funny 很搞笑的一本书;     2、字少,图多,孩子有成就感;
3、男孩女孩都适合,如果从欣赏图的角度考虑,年龄也无显著,大小孩都可以,我都喜欢看;     4、和孩子的生活相关,很多调皮的孩子都能从中找到自己的影子     下面以NO DAVID!为例讲一下
五. 选读图书简介
这本书是获得银奖的一本书。 (简介内容摘自:
David's mom always said no! No,no,no. No,David! is Shannon's delightfully illustrated book of all the naughty things he used to get told off for as a child. Follow David as he jumps on his bed, walks mud through the house and breaks plant pots.
     大卫的妈妈总是说:“大卫,不可以!”大卫伸着舌头,站在椅子上颤颤巍巍去够糖罐;大卫一身污泥回家, 客厅的地毯上留下了一串黑脚印;大卫在浴缸里闹翻了天,水流成河;大卫光着屁股跑到了大街上……每一幅页面里都有妈妈说的话“大卫,不可以!”但是,书的精华在后面:大卫在屋子里打棒球,把花瓶打破了。这下可闯大祸了,大卫被罚坐在墙角的小圆凳上,流眼泪了。于是,妈妈对他说:“宝贝,来这里。”妈妈给了他一个温暖的拥抱,对他说:“大卫乖,我爱你。”太经典了,一个童年恶作剧的故事就收场于这样一个爱的动作。不管孩子有多调皮,可是当他伤心的时候,母亲的怀抱永远是他温情的港湾。
David Shannon is the author and illustrator of many highly praised books for children - such as Too Many Toys, Alice the Fairy, No, David!, and David Goes to School. Born in Washington, D.C., he grew up in Spokane, Washington. He graduated from the Art centre College of Design in Pasadena, California, with a fine arts degree, and then moved to New York City. His editorial illustrations have appeared in The New York Times, Time, and Rolling Stone, and his artwork has appeared on numerous book jackets. Shannon is a passionate baseball fan and softball player. He and his wife now live in Los Angeles.
你会发现绘本的每本书,作者都会写to谁谁,我们选读这本书上的这句话自己看看是很幽默的。     这本是献给我的妈妈,那时候她一直让我好好做人不犯错。也献给我的老婆,她现在让我on  the  right  track。
六. 《No, David!》讲读
问:What‘s  happening in  this picture?
答:He's reaching for the fishbowl high up on the stool!! 细节:1、 He is standing on the stacks of books!       2、The two fish in the bowl are scared! 仔细观察鱼缸里雨的表情,很害怕,scared
问:Who do you think the woman is? 孩子们会说:A mummy,a teacher,or a grandma 问:Is she happy or angry?
答:She is angry. 问:How do you know that? 答:The gesture shows it.

问:What’s David doing? 答:He is drawing some pictures.
问:Where is he drawing the pictures?
答:On the wall 问:Where do(should) we draw the pictures?
答:We should draw pictures on the paper.
问:Is David left handed or right handed?
答:He is left handed.
问:Is he tall enough?
答:No, he is only 5 years old, so he has to stand on his toes.
问:What are David drawing? He is drawing a hand, a star,
and a tic-tac-toe game.
问:Do you know how to play this game?
    背景知识:tic-tac-toe 【n】. Tic Tac Toe 应该叫(井字游戏) 是德国人发明的一种数字益智游戏 3*3的9个方格子, 每人下一次看谁先连成一行3个。   
问:What’s David doing in this picture?  答:He's reaching for the cookies in the bear shaped jar!  问:Is it dangerous to stand on a chair?  答:Yes,it is.
问:What do you usually do when you what to reach for sth which is quite high? 答:It's a better way if you could ask your mum or your dad for help. 孩子会自己说找mum,dad,grandparents 问:Look at the cupboard,
What else can you see on the cupboard? 答:I can see two tea pots
( kids like the cat shaped teapot)  the tea cups  a toaster(面包机)  and another two jars.
展开话题:Do you know how to make tea?
or Do you know what we need to make tea? 答:Hot water,tea or tea bags. 问:Let’s come to the toaster?Do you know what it is for?     这时候可以渗透希望文化,toaster机会是西方家庭的必备品,是用来toast bread(烤面包的),再涂上butter(黄油)就可以吃了。再看两个jars(上面有英文单词)但是几个字母miss掉了。让孩子猜是什么单词?2 年级的孩子是可以猜到的     答:sugar&flour,
这时候不要吝啬您的赞美之词:Good  job! 一页书真的可以展开很多
每次,读文字,NO,DAVID 都让孩子们读,让他们学妈妈的语气,小家伙们反应很热烈! 
Oh,no. David brought in the mud in the room!  问:Guess what David has done? 孩子们联想到peppa pig
答:He has just jumped in the muddy puddle 同时可以联想到 bear hunt里面的 thick oozy mud. 孩子们都会注意到the mud all over David’s body,also they can find david头上有mushrooms, grass,脸上有worm 蚯蚓 猜猜妈妈会怎么说?问:If your David’s mother, what would you say? 孩子会说,go to take a bath  所以就联系到下一页去洗澡了~ 问: Who is David dressed as?A pirate or a captain. 孩子们答案不一,本就没有正确答案 细节: TOYS 列出在 bathtub里面,floor 上面有什么toys?
答:octopus,duck,shark~ ship,torpedo(鱼雷) 孩子们问我torpedo是干什么的?
我说是underwater bomb, a weapon~ 够了我觉得~Oh,look at the water, David forgot to turn off the tap, the water is overflowing on the floor~
看几个玩具的表情:They are shocked 很搞笑~ 有个孩子说,David is too dirty,the water is green 另一个孩子说不对,从tap流出来的水也是绿色的,呵呵~孩子的观察力!!!
我说是,是消毒过的水,呵呵~ 我就用中文说的~ 洗完澡,David 就 ran down sidewalks naked 孩子们最喜欢这一页了,呵呵~
注意这个小狗,在David goes to school中也出现了 David was dressed as a marching band musician!
孩子们就会说他装扮成警察 这也是中西方的文化差异,呵呵~ 英国的皇家乐队是这种装扮的~ 细节:David’s playing with a big spoon,a frying pan(煎锅)and there’s a sauce pan hat on his head.
文化渗透:我们中国人用 大炒勺 pot 比较多 火锅叫 hot pot,pot是锅 老外喜欢用frying pan,(煎锅)sauce pan 比较深的,这可以联想到典范有一课 pancake race
David should be quiet!It might wake up a sleeping baby,or neighbors next door!Be quiet!David!让孩子知道 不要打扰别人~
这页也是孩子的大爱  How creative David is,though it's not good to play with food.
David made a boy by using some food.  potato head  fork body  bean arms  chicken legs
孩子们都说这个小人儿像David 我仔细一看还真像~ 
  这句话的中文是够了,David~  在slpat the cat里面也出现过~ splat的同学追着小老鼠,老师出来解围,thats enough!
这两页的点,第一 是table manner的教育
Don‘t eat too much in one mouth,small bite is good.(小口吃)
Also it's not nice to talk while you are eating
第二,可以列出 David嘴里的食物
beans,broccoli,blueberry,chicken,cauliflower~ blah,blah~
问:Is David happy?
答:unhappy or upset.
问:Guess what’s happening in this picture? 答:David wants to pretend a superman, but it's bedtime and Mum asked him to go to bed Did David do as he was told?Certainly not Look,he’s jumping on the bed 绘本five little monkeys孩子们熟悉,很容易联想起来。Look he is wearing red boots and maybe they are mum's boots. He is wearing a mask and he looks like a superman.
The pillow is up and down. The teddy is upside down Look at paintings on the quilt(被子). What are they? They are planes. (That’s boys’ taste.)

It’s so disgusting恶心 David is picking his nose will he eat it?
这页也是孩子的大爱 这句话当时 confused me 什么叫stop that this instant? 做功课知道了:this instant 相当于副词instantly,immediately,立刻马上 所以这句话的意思是Stop that immediately 在国外我经常看见父母训斥naughty kids 就说 stop that
这两页也是 孩子行为习惯的教育题材
问:Do you mess around when you finished playing the toys?
What do you do then?
答:Put the toys away!
孩子们会想到peppa pig里面的 basket玩具篮子。
rugby ball,toy gun,
blah blah
What‘s happening in this picture? David is playing baseball in the living room! 愿意的话,把各种球展开说
让孩子expect预见,什么会broke the clock,the vase,the music box~ 然后到下一页checkit out He broke the vase. 
Look the pieces on the left bottom. 左下角是 music box的碎片
Where is David? He is in the time out corner!(naughty corner,反思角) He is crying, isn’t he? 有的孩子说,惩罚他为什么还让他坐着啊? 可见中国爸妈,老师教育出来的孩子都够狠心的
在国外的家庭和学校,对于犯错误的孩子,都会让孩子反思~ 就是time out~ 有的time out corner 很人性化,corner都摆着书,让孩子可以看书~ 我喜欢这一点 discipline 纪律性是要的
妈妈用了Davey的昵称,表示出妈妈对孩子 的疼爱~有的孩子看着David伸着小手,说David投降~我说是要妈妈给他hug。看着David的眼睛里,亮晶晶的tears。 从这么多的no,到最后一个yes
     love的主题来了:Even though david has done all the naughty things,Mum always forgives (原谅) him and  loves him!!!
   让孩子们也好好爱妈妈!归纳: 让孩子列出所有David naught things,再让孩子帮忙correct them让孩子认识什么是对的,什么是错的。
* 用flash cards 列出所有的玩具,食物
* 让孩子做role play
* 问孩子 Do you like David?Do you want to make friends with him?
我就趁机教育他们:我说我小学的时候有个男生特别调皮,大家都不理他,现在这个孩子很棒。还在做慈善活动呢,这既是对那些调皮的孩子的一种鼓励,又是让那些好的孩子能和所有的孩子和平相处 love不是自私的。
NO,david 是我的心血,算是原创,希望大家能从中得到灵感和帮助,带孩子们快乐阅读     The end!!!    






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