

热度 2 已有 140 次阅读 2016-12-30 17:29 系统分类:成长记录

2016年12月23日           星期五          9岁47周


Today I need to review Chinese words of Unit1,2,3. I planned to use Chinese exercise book to do this job. But I handed it in. So I thought another way. I took out my test papers of Unit 1,2,3 and review the words from those papers.

2016年12月24日           星期六          9岁47周


Today I was suposed to get up early to have Chinese and maths lessons. But I didn't get up early, so Mum let me stay at home and do some cleaning. I did some washing, sweeping and mopping and then I did my homework. It was very boring. I rather get up early to have lessons than stay at home alone next time.

2016年12月26日          星期一          9岁47周


Today I heard Louis playing basketball outside. He called me out to play with him. I really wanted to go but I had to finish my homework now. I should have done these homework on Sunday, but I didn't. I won't delay my homework again. 

2016年12月27日           星期二          9岁47周


I usually play outside with Alice and Nancy after school. But we didn't play today. Alice Mum was cooking when She hurried off to pick up Alice from school. She forgot to turn off the fire. So she hurried went back home with Alice. It's easy to make mistakes when you are in a hurry.

2016年12月28日           星期三          9岁47周


Today it took me one hour to do a 20-munite-work. Mum said,"Do you know what you should do before spiting wood?" I said,"I must sharpen my ax." "Do you know what you should do before studing or doing things?" I didn't know. Mum said,"You should plan what to do and how long you'll spend. If you use 60 yuan to buy a 20-yuan-stuff, that's foolish. So you must learn to do things like a reasonable person."

2016年12月29日           星期四          9岁47周


Today I had to have a dictation of Model1-6 Chinese words. It took me 6 hours to finish it. Mum said,"There are three kinds of people. The first kind of people is doing hard work at a steady pace. The second kind of people isn't going so well for a long time until they realize they need to speed up to catch up with others. The last kind of people never work hard. Even if they realize to speed up they won't make it." I'm the second one but I want to be the first one next term.





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