
(转)精读 close reading

热度 7 已有 240 次阅读 2016-7-28 11:19 系统分类:英语学习

转一段什么是精读 close reading 吧,供参考:

Close reading requires a substantial emphasis on readers figuring out a high quality text. (选材很重要,老师往往是根据教学需要选材)
This "figuring out" is accomplished primarily by reading and discussing the text (as opposed to being told about the text by a teacher or being informed about it through some textbook commentary). Because challenging texts do not give up their meanings easily, it is essential that readers re-read such texts (not all texts are worth close reading). 

A first reading is about figuring out what a text says.(第一遍读) It is purely an issue of reading comprehension. Thus, if someone is reading a story, he/should be able to retell the plot; if someone is reading a science chapter, he/she should be able to answer questions about the key ideas and details of the text.

However, close reading requires that one go further than this. A second reading would, thus, focus on figuring out how this text worked. (第二遍读)
How did the author organize it? 
What literary devices were used and how effective were they? 
What was the quality of the evidence? 
If data were presented, how was that done? 
Why did the author choose this word or that word? 
Was the meaning of a key term consistent or did it change across the text? 
This second reading might be a total re-reading or a partial and targeted re-reading of key portions, but it would not be aimed at just determining what the text said (that would have already been accomplished by this point).

Finally, with the information gleaned from the first two readings, a reader is ready to carry out a third reading—going even deeper. (第三遍读)
What does this text mean? 
What was the author’s point? 
What does it have to say to me about my life or my world? 
How do I evaluate the quality of this work—aesthetically, substantively? 
How does this text connect to other texts I know? 
By waiting until we have a deep understanding of a text – of what it says and how it works—we are then in the right position intellectually and ethically to critically evaluate (valuing) a text and for connecting its ideas and approach with other texts.

Thus, close reading is an intensive analysis of a text in order to come to terms with what it says, how it says it, and what it means. In one sense I agree with those who say that close reading is about more than comprehension or about something different than comprehension, since it takes one beyond just figuring out an author’s stated and implied message. On the other hand, many definitions of reading comprehension include more than just determining a stated and implied message; such definitions include the full range of Bloom’s taxonomy in one’s thinking about and use of a text. If one subscribes to such definitions of comprehension, then close reading is just a description of a process one uses to arrive at such comprehension. 

摘自: ... -close-reading.html

备注一点个人的小想法哈,上面说的精读三遍法, 每遍所涉及的内容和方法,也需要根据孩子的接受能力做调整,比如,小学低年级,小学高年级,初中,和高中等,精读所侧重的内容会有所不同。 各项能力是分阶段循序渐进,步步提升的。 关于这一点,可参考美国语文教学大纲和各种教材。






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