
我爱我的家庭,演讲稿~~4-6年级 1分半

热度 2 已有 1992 次阅读 2010-12-17 21:48 系统分类:英语学习

I love my family


I love my family, a place fulfilled with happiness and harmony.


I love my dad and mom. They are the most lovable people in the world. Dad has a sense of humor, which always makes me and mom laugh. He sets me a good example of being strong. The secret is to keep smiling then you’ll never be beaten by the difficulties. Mom, she is very nice and patient. She helps me with my studies. She told me to stick to my dream and never give up.


Family leaves me so many memories. I could still recall the first time I stood on the stage, facing hundreds of people, the first time I got prize, smiling like a blooming flower. At all those countless first times, there’s one thing that never changes, that is dad and mom are always being with me. I could deeply feel that, behind those precious memories, something called family has always been on my side, supporting me.


I love my family. May love be forever in my family, and in every family in the world.





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