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Grade 9 Reading List



Jane Austen                 Pride and Prejudice, Emma, or Sense and Sensibility

Harper Lee                    To Kill a Mockingbird

Alan Paton                    Cry the Beloved Country

Richard Rive                 Buckingham Palace, District Six

John Steinbeck             Of Mice and Men

Frank McCourt              Angela’s Ashes 

Isabel Allende              City of the Beasts

Sandra Cisneros                   The House on Mango Street



Philip Pullman               Northern Lights (or next in trilogy if you have read this)

Fannie Flagg                 Fried Green Tomatoes

Paulo Coehlo                The Alchemist

Karen Hesse                 Out of the Dust

Sue Townsend             The Dairy of Adrian Mole

Linzi Glass                    The Year the Gypsies Came/Ruby Red

Douglas Adams           The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy

Sue Monk Kidd            The Secret Life of Bees

Jostein Gaarder           Through a Glass, Darkly

Vikas Swarup               Q & A



PhilipPullman                The Butterfly Tattoo/Sally Lockhart mysteries

Malorie Blackman        Noughts and Crosses (or one of the others in trilogy)

Celia Rees                    Witch Child

Willa Marsh                  Sisters under the Skin

Morton Rhue                The Wave

John Boyne                  The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

S E Hinton                    The Outsiders

Laura Hilman               I Will Plant you a Lilac Tree

Dai Sijie                        Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

Peter Abrahams          Down the Rabbit Hole

Lois Duncan                  Any of the Laurel-Leaf thrillers

Richard Lewis              The Killing Sea

Valerie Mendes           The Drowning, Coming of Age, Girl in the Attic

Jean Holkner                Aunt Becky’s Wedding and Other Traumas

Sue Mayfield                Damage, Blue

Grade 10 Reading List

June 2008


ADAMS, Douglas                 Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy…and sequels


ADICHIE, Chimamanda       Purple Hibiscus


ALLENDE, Isabel                 The City of Beasts

                                                Kingdom of the Golden Dragn

                                                Forest of the Pygmies


ARCHER, Jeffrey                  Kane and Abel

                                                Shall We Tell the President?

                                                First Among Equals…and others


ASHWORTH, Sherry            Binded by the Light



ATTWOOD, Margaret          The Handmaid’s Tale


AUEL, Jean                           The Clan of the Cave Bear


AUSTEN, Jane                      Persuasion

                                                Pride and Prejudice…and others


BANKS, Lynne Reid             The L-shaped Room…and sequels


BARICCO, Alessandro        Silk


BINCHY, Maeve                    Light a Penny Candle

                                                Circle of Friends

                                                Firefly Summer

                                                The Glass Lake


BLACKMAN, Malorie           Noughts and Crosses

                                                Knife Edge



BRONTE, Charlotte              Jane Eyre


BRONTE, Emily                    Wuthering Heights


BROOKFIELD, Amanda      Relative Love


BROWN, Dan                        Da Vinci Code

                                                Angels and Demons


BUCHAN, Elizabeth             Daughters of the Storm


CHEVALIER, Tracy              Virgin Blue

                                                The Lady and the Unicorn

                                                Girl with a Pearl Earring

                                                Falling Angels


CHRISTIE, Agatha                All titles


CISNEROS, Sandra             The House on Mango Street


CRAVEN, Margaret              I Heard an Owl Call My Name


DANGAREMBGA, Tsitsi     Nervous Conditions

                                                The Book of Not


DEAVER, Jeffrey                  Blue Nowhere


DESAI, Anita                         Fasting, feasting


DIVAKARUNI, Banerjee       Sister of my Heart

                                                Vine of Desire


DOHERTY, Berlie                 Granny was a Buffer Girl


DU MAURIER, Daphne        Rebecca

                                                Jamaica Inn

                                                The House on the Strand


EMECHETA, Buchi              The Joys of Motherhood

                                                The Bride Price


EVANS, Nicholas                 The Horse Whisperer

                                                The Loop


FITZGERALD, F Scott         The Great Gatsby


FORSTER, E M                    Room with a View

                                                Passage to India


FORSYTH, Frederick           The Day of the Jackal…and others


FRANKLIN, Miles                  My Brilliant Career


FUQUA, Jonathan                 Reappearance of Sam Webber


GARDAM, Jane                    Crusoe’s Daughter

                                                Bilgewater…and others


GEE, Sue                               Keeping Secrets

                                                Letters from Prague


GODDARD, Robert              In Pale Battalions

                                                Into the Blue

                                                Past Caring

                                                Out of the Sun


GODDEN, Rumer                 The River

                                                In this House of Brede

                                                Black Narcissus


GOLDING, William                Lord of the Flies


GRACE, Patricia                  Mutuwhenua – the Moon Sleeps


GRANT, Pamela                   When a Girl is Born


GRISHAM, John                    The Client

                                                The Firm….and others


GUTERSON, David              Snow Falling on Cedars

                                                East of the Mountains


HADDON, Mark                    Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time


HARDY, Thomas                   Far from the Madding Crowd

                                                Tess of the d’Urbervilles…and others


HARRIS, Joanne                   Gentleman and Players…and others


HEARN, Lian                         Across the Nightingale Floor

                                                Grass for his Pillow

                                                Brilliance of the Moon


HO, Minfong                           Rice without Rain


HOBBS, Jenny                      Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary


HOFFMAN, Alice                  Local Girls


HYDE, Catherine                  Pay it Forward


JAMES, P D                          The Lighthouse

                                                All titles…murder mysteries


JOHNSTON, Jennifer           Shadows on our Skin

                                                Fool’s Sanctuary

                                                How Many Miles to Babylon?


JOOSTE, Pamela                 Frieda and Min

                                                Dance with a Poor Man’s Daughter

                                                Star of the Morning

JORDAN, Robert                  The Wheel of Time series


JORDAN, Sherryl                  Raging Quiet

                                                Secret Sacrament


KATA, Elizabeth                    Patch of Blue


KIDD, Sue                              Secret Life of Bees


KINGSOLVER, Barbara      The Bean Trees

                                                Pigs in Heaven

                                                Poisonwood Bible (All titles)


LEE, Harper                          To Kill a Mockingbird


LETTS, Billie                         Where the Hear Is

                                                The Honk and Holler Opening Soon


MACLAVERTY, Bernard     Cal


MALLADI, Amulya                The Mango Season


MANKELL, Henning             Chronicler of the Wind


MARSH, Ngaio                     All titles…murder mysteries


MARSH, Willa                       Sisters under the Skin


MARCHETTA, Melina          Looking for Alibrandi

                                                Saving Francesca


MARTEL, Yann                      Life of Pi


MATTHEE, Dalene               Circles in a Forest

                                                Fiela’s Child


MCLAUGHLIN, Emma         Nanny diaries


MITCHELL, Mary                  Gone with the Wind


MOODLEY, Praba                The Heart knows no Colour

                                                Scent so Sweet


MOSCO, Maisie                   Almonds and Raisns..and sequels


ORFORD, Margie                 Like Clockwork


ORWELL, George                Animal Farm


OTTO, Whitney                      How to Make an American Quilt


PASTERNAK, B                   Dr Zhivago

PATON, Alan                         Cry the Beloved Country


PEARSE, Lesley                  Till We Meet Again

                                                Father Unknown


PEARSON, Diane                The Marigold Field


PICCOULT, Jodi                   My Sister’s Keeper

                                                Plain Truth

                                                Salem Falls


POLAND, Margeurite           Shades

                                                Iron Love


REICHS, Kathy                      Fatal Voyage

                                                Deja Dead

                                                Deadly Decisions


RENDALL, Ruth                    The Veiled One…and other titles


REMARQUE, Erich              All Quiet on the Western Front


RHUE, Morton                       The Wave


RHYS, Jean                           The Wide Sargasso Sea


RICE, Anne                            Christ the Lord


RICHTER, Hans                    I was There

                                                The Young Soldier (sequel to Friedrich)


RIVE, Richard                        Buckingham Palace, District Six


RIVERS, Francine                Redeeming Love


ROCK, Phillip                        The Passing Bells…and other titles


SAGAN, Francoise               Bonjour JTristesse


SALINGER, J D                    Catcher in the Rye


SHAW, Irwin                          The Young Lions


SHUTE, Nevil                        A Town Like Alice

                                                Pied Piper

                                                On the Beach


SMITH, Betty                          A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


SMITH, Alex McCall              No 1 Ladies Detective Agency and sequels        


SMITH, Rukshana                 Rainbows of the Gutter

                                                Salt on the Snow

                                                Sumitra’s Story


SPARKS, Nicholas               The Notebook

                                                A Walk to Remember…other titles


STEINBECK, John               Of Mice and Men


STOUT, Mira                         One Thousand Chestnut Trees


TOLKIEN, J R R                    The Hobbit

                                                Lord of the Rings


TWAIN, Mark                         Huckleberry Finn


TYLER, Anne                         A Slipping-down Life

                                                Digging to America


TURNBULL, Ann                   No Shame, No Fear


URIS, Leon                            Exodus

                                                Armageddon…and other titles


WEST, Morris                        Daughter of Silence

                                                Devil’s Advocate

                                                Shoes of the Fisherman…and other titles


WYNDHAM, John                 Midwich Cuckoos

                                                The Day of the Triffids


WHITE, Ellen Emerson         The Road Home

Grade 11 & 12 Reading List

Grades 11 & 12 Reading Lists


ADICHIE, Chimamanda     Purple Hibscus

                                                Half of a Yellow Sun


ALLENDE, Isabel                 Of Love and Shadows

                                                The House of Spirits


ATKINSON, Kate                 Behind the Scenes at the Museum

                                                Human Croquet

                                                Emotionally Weird


ATTWOOD, Margaret          Lady Oracle

                                                Oryx and Crake


                                                Alias Grace

                                                The Handmaid’s Tale


AUSTEN, Jane                     Northanger Abbey

                                                Pride and Prejudice

                                                Sense and Sensibility




BALDWIN, Sara                   What the Body Remembers


BARKER, Pat                       Regeneration

                                                The Eye in the Door

                                                The Ghost Road

                                                Border Crossing


BEHR, Mark                          Smell of Apples


BRINK, Andre                       A Dry White Season

                                                Imaginings of Sand…and others


BROOKFIELD, Amanda     Relative Love


BRONTE, Charlotte             Jane Eyre


BRONTE, Emily                   Wuthering Heights


BROOKNER, Anita             Lewis Percy

                                                A Private View (all titles)


BROWN, Dan                       Da Vinci Code

                                                Angels and Demons


BURGESS, Anthony           The Clockwork Orange


Burgess, Melvin                   Junk


CHAMBERS, Clare             Learning to Swim

                                                A Dry Spell


CHEVALIER, Tracy             The Girl with a Pearl Earring

                                                Falling Angles

                                                Virgin Blue

                                                The Lady and the Unicorn


CHILD, Lee                           One Shot


CORNWELL, Patricia          Last Precinct (all titles)


COOVADIA, Imraan            The Wedding


CROMBIE, Deborah            Dreaming of the Bones

                                                Kissed a Sad Goodbye


DANGAREMBGA, Tsitsi     Nervous Conditions

                                                Book of Not


DAVIDAR, David                 House of Blue Mangoes


DEAVER, Jeffrey                 Blue Nowhere


DESAI, Anita                        Fasting, Feasting


DE BERNIERES                  Captain Corelli’s Mandolin


DEXTER, C                           The Remorseful Day….others in series


DICKENS, Charles              A Tale of Two Cities

                                                Great Expectations

                                                Oliver Twist

                                                Hard Times

                                                Bleak House

                                                Little Dorrit

                                                David Copperfield


DIVAKARUNI, Banerjee     Sisters of My Heart

                                                The Vine of Desire


DOWD, Siobhan                  Swift Pure Cry


ELIOT, George                      Mill on the Floss

                                                Silas Marner



EMECHETA,  Buchi            The Slave Girl

                                                Joys of Motherhood

                                                The Bride Price


EVANS, Nicholas                The Horse Whisperer

                                                The Loop


EWING, Barbara                  A Dangerous Vine


FAULKS, Sebastian            Birdsong

                                                A Fool’s Alphabet

                                                The Girl at the Lion D’or

                                                Charlotte Gray


FIELDING, Helen                 Bridget Jones’s Diary


FITCH, Janet                        White Oleander


FITZBERALD, F Scott         The Great Gatsby

                                                Tender is the Night


FLAGG, Fannie                    Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Café


FOSTER, E M                       Passage to India

                                                Room with a View

                                                Howards End


FORSTER, Margaret           The Battle for Christabel

                                                The Memory Box

                                                Mothers’ Boys


FOWLES, John                    The Collector

                                                The French Lieutenant’s Woman


FRANKLIN, Miles                My Brilliant Career


FRAZIER, Charles              Cold Mountain


GAARDER, Jostein             Sophie’s World


GARDAM, Jane                   Crusoe’s Daughter


                                                Black Faces White Faces

                                                God on the Rocks

                                                Faith Fox


GIEN, Pamela                       The Syringa Tree


GODDEN, Rumer                Coromandel Sea Change

                                                In this House of Brede

                                                Black Narcissus

GODLEN, Arthur                  Memoirs of a Geisha


GREENE, Graham              The Third Man

                                                The Heart of the Matter


GREGORY, Philippa           Virgin’s Lover

                                                The Other Boleyn Girl


GUTERSON, David             Snow Falling on Cedars


HARDY, Thomas                 The Woodlanders

                                                Far from the Madding Crowd

                                                Return of the Native

                                                Tess of the D’Urbevilles

                                                Under the Greenwood Tree


HARRIES, Ann                    No Place for a Lady


HARRIS, Joanne                 Chocolat

                                                Five Quarters of the Orange

                                                Gentleman and Players


HARRISON, Sarah              Both your Houses


HARTLEY, L P                     The Go-between

                                                The Hireling


HELLER, Joseph                 Catch 22


HOBBS, Jenny                     Thoughts in a Makeshift Mortuary


HOSSEINI, Khaled              Kite Runner

                                                A Thousand Splendid Suns


HOWARD, Elizabeth Jane The Light Years

                                                Marking Time



HULME, Kevi                        The Bone People


IRVING, John                       Hotel New Hampshire

                                                The World According to Garp

                                                Prayer for Owen Meany


ISHIGURO, Kazuo               Remains of the Day

                                                When we Were Orphans


ISHERWOOD, Christopher  Goodbye to Berlin (Cabaret)

                                                Mr Norris Changes Trains


JACOBS, Rayda                  Confessions of a Gambler


JAMES, Henry                      Portrait of a Lady

                                                The Bostonians

                                                The Europeans

                                                Washington Square


JAMES P D                           The Lighthouse… all titles (murder mysteries)


JIN, Ha                                   Waiting


JOHNSON, Shaun              The Native Commissioner


JOHNSTON, Jennifer         How Many Miles to Babylon?

                                                Fool’s Sanctuary

                                                Shadows of our Skin…all titles


JOOSTE, Pamela                 Dance with a Poor Man’s Daughter

                                                Frieda and Min

                                                Star of the Morning


JORDAN, Robert                 The Wheel of Time series


KARODIA, Farida                Other Secrets


KENEALLY, Thomas          Schindler’s List (Schindler’s Ark)


KESLEY, Ken                       One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest


KEYES, Marian                    Sushi for Beginners


KINGSOLVER, Barbara      Pigs in Heaven       

                                                Poisonwood Bible

                                                Prodigal Summer


KIRKWOOD, James            Good Times Bad Times


LAHIRI, Jhumpa                  The Namesake


LAWRENCE, D H                Sons and Lovers

                                                The Rainbow

                                                Women in Love

                                                Short Stories…all titles


LE CARRE, John                The Spy who came in from the Cold

                                                The Constant Gardener


LETTS, Billie                         Where the Heart Is

                                                The Honk and Holler Opening Soon


LEVY, Andrea                      Small Island


LEVINE, Ira                           Stepford Wives

                                                The Boys from Brazil


LEWYCKA, Marina              A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian

                                                Two Caravans


LIVELY, Penelope               Treasures of Time

                                                Moon Tiger

                                                The Road to Lichfield

                                                Cleopatra’s Sister

                                                Heat Wave


MACKAY, Shena                 A Bowl of Cherries

                                                The Orchard on Fire

                                                The Artist’s Window


MACLAVERTY, Bernard    Cal     

                                                Grace Notes


MALLADI, Amulya               Mango Season

                                                Serving Crazy with Curry


MANKELL, Henning                       Dogs of Riga

                                                Chronicler of the Winds….other titles


MANN, Susan                      Quarter Tones


MARSH, Ngaio                     Vintage Murder

                                                Scales of Justice


MARSH, Willa                      Sisters Under the Skin


MARTEL, Yann                    Life of Pi


MCCULLERS, Carson        Member of the Wedding…all titles


MCEWAN, Ian                      Atonement




MCLAUGHLIN, Emma        Nanny Diaries


MCYLYNN, Pauline                        The Woman on the Bus


MDA, Zakes                          Madonna of Excelsior


MITCHELL, Margaret           Gone with the Wind


MOGGACH, Deborah         Stolen

                                                Final Demand

                                                You Must be Sisters


MOODLEY, Praba               The Heart Knows No Colour

                                                Scent So Sweet


NARAYAN, R K                   The Bachelor of Arts

                                                The English Teacher


NESBO, JO                           Devil’s Star


OKRI, Ben                             Infinite Riches


ONDAATJE, Michael          The English Patient


ORWELL, George                Animal Farm

                                                1984…all titles


OTTO, Whitney                     How to Make an American Quilt


OZEKI, Ruth                         My Year of Meat

                                                All Over Creation


PARSONS, Tony                 Man and Boy


PEARS, Tim                          In the Place of Fallen Leaves


PEARSON, Allison              I Don’t Know How She Does It


PENMAN, Sharon               The Sunne in Splendour


PICOULT, Jodi                     Plain Truth   

                                                My Sister’s Keeper

                                                Salem Falls


PLATH, Sylvia                      The Bell Jar


POTOK, Chaim                    The Chosen

                                                My Name is Asher Lev


POWERS, Charles              In the Memory of the Forest


PRATCHETT, Terry             Equal Rites


QUINDLEN, Anna               Object Lessons

                                                One True Thing



RABAN, Jonathan               Waxwings


RAND, Ayn                           Atlas Shrugged

                                                We the Living


REICHS, Kathy                    Fatal Voyage

                                                Deja Dead

                                                Deadly Decisions

                                                Death du Jour


REMARQUE, Erich             All Quiet on the Western Front


RENDELL, Ruth                  The Veiled One

                                                A Sight for Sore Eyes

                                                End in Tears…all titles


RICHARDS, Jo-Anne         The Innocence of Roast Chicken


RHYS, Jean                          The Wide Sargossa Sea


ROBERTS, Karen                July

                                                The Flower Boy


RUBENS, Bernice               Brothers

                                                Mother Russia


SH, Shan                              The Girl who Played Go


SALINGER, J D                    Catcher in the Rye


SETH, Vikram                       A Suitable Boy

                                                Equal Music


SHEILDS, Carol                   Unless


SHREVE, Anita                    Light on Snow

                                                Fortune’s Rock

                                                Pilot’s Wife


SHUTE, Neville                    A Town Like Alice

                                                The Pied Piper

                                                Requiem for a Wren


SMITH, Alex McCall                        No 1 Ladies Detective Agency…all titles


SMITH, Betty                         A Tree Grows in Brooklyn


SMITH, Carol                        Kensington Court…other titles


SMITH, Pauline                    The Beadle


SOLZHENITZYN, A             A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch…all titles


STOUT, Mira                         One Thousand Chestnut Trees


SWARUP, Vikas                  Q & A


SWIFT, Graham                   Waterland

                                                Last Orders


TAN, Amy                              The Joy Luck Club


TART, Donna                       The Secret History


THEROUX, Paul                  Mosquito Coast


TOLKIEN, J R R                   Lord of the Rings


TOLSTOY, Leo                     Anna Karenina

                                                War and Peace


TRAPIDO, Barbara              Brother of the More Famous Jack

                                                Temples of Delight


                                                Frankie and Stankie


TROLLOPE, Joanna           The Rector’s Wife

                                                Other People’s Children

                                                Marrying the Mistress


TYLER, Anne                       Slipping-down Life

                                                Digging to America


VAITE, Celestine                 Frangipani


VAN HEERDEN, E              Ancestral Voices


VINE, Barbara                      The House of Stairs

                                                The Dark Adapted Eye

                                                King Solomon’s Carpet


WALKER, Alice                    The Colour Purple

                                                Temple of my Familiar


WAUGH, Evelyn                  Brideshead Revisited

                                                A Handful of Dust


WELDON, Fay                      The Cloning of Joanna May


WESLEY, Mary                    An Imaginative Experience           

                                                The Camomile Lawn

                                                A Sensible Life

                                                A Dubious Legacy


WEST, Morris                        Devil’s Advocate

                                                Shoe of the Fishermen…other titles


WHITE, Ellen Emerson       The Road Home


WILDE, Oscar                       The Portrait of Dorian Gray


WILDER, Thornton              Bridge of San Luis Rey

                                                The Ides of March


WINDSOR, Joyce                A Mislaid Magic









362.4 LAUCK                       Blackbird:  A Childhood Lost and Found

                                                Still Waters:  A Memoir


920 ANGELOU                     I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings


920 ASHWORTH                 Once in a House on Fire


920 BRYSON                       Notes from a Big Country


920 CHANG                          Wild Swans


920 CHEN                             Colours of the Mountain


920 EMECHETA                  Head Above Water


920 KAPLAN                                    The Dressing Station

                                                Contact Wounds


920 MAH                               Falling Leaves:  True Story of an Unwanted Chinese Daughter


920 MCBRIDE                      The Colour of Water


920 MCCOURT                    Angela’s Ashes


920 NAIPAUL                       Among the Believers


920 VAN WYK                      Shirley, Goodness and Mercy


920 WALKER                       A Piece of my Heart


920 YE                                   Leaf in a Bitter Wind


947.08 MASSIE                    Nicholas and Alexandra


959.7 DENENBERG           Voices from Vietnam















Grades 11 & 12 Reading:  Short Story Collection


South African Stories


BOSMAN, H C                      Selected Stories

                                                Mafeking Road …and others


ESSOP, A                             Noorjehan and other stories


GOVENDER, R                    At the Edgne and other Cato Manor Stories


MALAN, R (Compiler)         Being There – Modern Short Stories from Southern Africa


MARQUARD, J (editor)       A Century of South African Short Stories


MEDALIE, David                  Encounters!  An Anthology of South African Short Stories


RIVE, R                                  Advance, Retreat – Selected Short Stories


SMITH, P                               The Little Karoo


Modern Collections


BOWLES, S                          Stench of Kerosene and Other Short Stories


BYATT, A S                           The Matisse Stories



CHRISTOPHER, J               War Stories


DAHL, R                                The Best of Roald Dahl…other titles


DIVAKARUNI, C                  Arranged Marriage


GARDAM, J                          Sidmouth Letters


GERAS, A                             Snapshots of Paradise and Other Stories


LAWRENCE, DH                 Short Stories


MANSFIELD, K                    The Garden Party and Other Stories


SAGAN, F                             Incidental Music


WADE, B (compiler)                        Into the Wind – Contemporary Stories in English


WELDON, F                          Moon over Minneapolis or Why She Couldn’t Stay






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