
phonics 规则总结

热度 2 已有 1046 次阅读 2012-7-16 08:09 系统分类:英语学习 phonics


1  One Vowel Not at the  End of a Word

     When there is only one vowel in a word and it is anywhere except at the end of a word, it usually has a short sound.

     cat  dog

2   One Vowel at the    End of a Word

    Where there is only one vowel and it comes at the end of the word, it usually has a long sound.

      go   he she

3  Two Vowels in a Word   Ending With the Vowel 'E'

    When there are two or more vowels and the word ends with the vowel 'E', two things happen. The ending vowel 'E' is silent, and the vowel that comes before it has a long sound.

    ride   side   hole     wade

4   Two Different Vowels Together in a Word

    When two vowel letters are together, the first vowel letter has a long sound and the second vowel letter is silent.

     rain   tied   seal   cheat

5  One Vowel Followed by   Two Same Consonants

   When a word has a vowel followed by two of the same consonants in a row (called a double consonant), a short sound is used for the vowel.

    dinner   summer       pull ?    simmer

6   Double Same Vowels

   When a word has two of the same vowels in a row (called a double vowel), pronounce them as one vowel, using the long sound. This rule does not apply when 'O' is the double vowel

       peek   greet  vacuum

7    Double 'O' Vowel

     When 'O' is a double vowel, it makes different sounds.

     pool   fool   cool    door    book   tool






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  • hidden weiweibaoma

    2012-8-18 11:19
