
Unit 1 Theme 3 –GROWING UP Day 3

热度 1 已有 352 次阅读 2010-5-21 14:26

Unit 1 Theme 3 –GROWING UP

Day 3

Part 1 – Review

  1. Let’s read the morning message

I can run.

I can play.

I was little but now I am big.

-Can you describe things that little and big kids can do?

2.? Let’s reread “I am a big kid”

-Look at the sentences on page 68. The first one tells us something and ends with a period. Those kinds of sentences are statements. The next one asks something and ends with a question mark. Those kinds of sentences are questions. Do you see any other statements on this page?

3.? Let’s review the vocabulary we learned last days.

-Let’s discuss how we change as we get older and how we learn new things.

-What kinds of things have you learned as you’ve gotten older?

-What have you learned to do by imitating adults?

-What skills have gotten better because you practice them?

Say the words together with me: change, learn, adult, imitate, and practice.

Then reply the following question

? Which word goes with“becoming different”?

? Which word goes with“discovering something new”?

? Which word goes with“grown-up”?

? Which word goes with “acting like someone else”?

? Which word goes with “doing something many times to learn it well”?

Part 2. ?Listen and read “ How you grew”

-Let’s read aloud the question under the title. You know, before reading story, we often have some question in our mind and we want to discover to check them out during we reading the books. We that is SETTING A PURPOSE FOR READING. Now, let’s read the selection to find out some ways that kids change as they get older. Use what you know from your own experiences to check that the information is true.

-Let’s read page 71. What time in a person’s life did the author tell about first? (when people are babies)

-Now let’s read pages 71–72. What time in a person’s life is the author describing now?

(when they are young children and can do more things)

-Let’s use a Retelling Chart to record the events in this selection.

-What is the girl doing in the first picture?

-Who is she talking to?

-Who is the boy playing with in the second picture?

-Is the boy in the last picture sitting or standing?

-Notice that the author gives a lot of information on these pages. What can you do if you are reading along but you’re having trouble understanding? One thing you can do is read more slowly. That way, you give your brain more time to think about each piece of information.

-Let’s read p74-75, How are the children changing? (they are getting older)

-How do the photographs help you see this? (On each page they are getting older.)

-What have the children learned to do? (eat at the table, sing songs, ride a bike)

-Let’s add this information to our chart.

-Now we will analyze the Text Structure

-Let’s look back the beginning of the text, this selection started with the sentence“Once you were little.” It took us back to when we were babies. Then it told about how we get older. It is talking about childhood in a certain order. Now what is it telling about?

(Now author is telling about older children who can do things like ride a bike fast, and I notice that

the children in the photos are getting older. Knowing that the author is telling about things in a certain order makes me guess that on the next page, I might read about even older kids.)

- P76, Now let’s complete the organizer chart and let me know How do kids change as they get older?

-P77 Comprehension Check

What things do babies learn to do? What things can big kids do?

- Comprehension Check

1. What can kids learn to do as they grow older?

Retell Events in Order: The question asks about what kids can learn to do as they get older. I need to search for the sequence of events in the selection so that I can retell it. (Little kids learn to talk, sit, dig, and sing songs. Older kids learn to run and ride and go fast.)

2. Name some things you learned before you started school.

Text-to-Self: I need to think about what I was like when I was younger. When I was born, I couldn’t do anything by myself. By the time I went to school, I could dress myself, feed myself, talk, and play. (ANALYZE)

3. Name two things babies learn that are not in the story.

Text-to-World: I need to think about babies I’ve seen or read about, then compare them with what the selection says about babies. When babies are born, they cannot do anything by themselves. They have to learn everything. The selection says that babies learn to talk, sit, and dig. They also learn to eat at the table and sing songs. I’ve also seen them learn to walk and clap. (COMPARE)

4. How are the kids in “I Am a Big Kid” different from the kids in “How You Grew”? Text-to-Text: I know that both stories are about how kids have grown up. I’ll look at how the stories are different. In How You Grew, the kids start out as babies and then grow. In “I’m a Big Kid,” we only meet the kids after they have already grown. (COMPARE)

Part 3: Science – Past, Present, and Future Drawing

Now let’s make a sheet of construction paper and fold it into three equal sections. Let’s label the sections: baby, child, grownup. Now draw a picture of themselves as a baby in the first section, how they look presently in the middle, and how they think they will look as a grownup in the last section.

Pls. add details to indicate our hobbies or interests at each stage of life.

Ok, today’s lesson is done, enjoy your spare time.





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