

热度 2 已有 176 次阅读 2016-8-31 12:14 系统分类:成长记录 长城

What a Trip!

Today, I'm so happy. Because I'm going to have a trip. We take the bus to the train station. When I arrived the train station, we look for my cousin, Oven.

Then I found them. I showed him my new handheld smart phone. I want to call him, but failed. Because I do not have his phone No. But Oven has my phone No. We are happy to meet each other. I'm so excited, and Oven is excited too. Everybody is excited for the trip. We look for boarding gate, then wait for boarding.

We got on the train, I want to take PeePee. But the toilet is closed.
My mum said, ""If you take Peepee, do you know where your peepee goes?"
 " No, Mummy.  Where does it goes?"
"It will go to the railway track"
The train set off. " Hurray! "
We are so excited that we can not go to sleep. We play bedtime game and watch TV. Then everybody is tired and sleepy. 
At night, everybody slept, I woke up because I was hungary. So I ask for fastfood from stewart. I ate bread, apple crisps.  

After dinner, I'm thirsty. So I drink a little bit water. "Gududu", I'm full now. Then I want to take a peepee. After PeePee, I go to bed. I can not fall asleep because I keep coughing. I take some medicine and I fall asleep.

The next morning, we get off the train, We go to Beijing. We are excited. We go to our hotel. We get out of hotel to buy some lotus seeds. I eat it but Oven and Dora didn't eat it. They said,"We want to use this to be our umbrella." Then the rain started( Suddenly a rain cloud come). Oven and Dora said,"Hurray! We have our own umbrella.". They put lotus see cover on their head. Then we go back to our hotel. "Hotel, sweet hotel." 

And then, after going home, I draw a picture. The picture said, "A little girl , her name is Elsa. My cat name is Kitty." I'm not really sure it was done. So I draw a butterfly. I finish my picture. I show to mum. "Very good!" Said mum. We go to the Great Wall. I climbed onto the top summit of the Great Wall. I'm happy. I want to buy a golden medal. I let my uncle buy a golden medal for me. So uncle buy a golden medal. It's a reward. The word on the Golden medal says, "Jun. 30,2016, Li Muxuan climbed the Great Wall successfully." 
We go down. Mum said, "It's going to rain. Let's speed up. "  We go to pisza shop to buy a Piza.  We go back to hotel. I love my hotel. Oven love his too., So we go up by lift to our bedroom. "I'm too sleepy. I can't open my eyes."We go to sleep soon.





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  • hidden William_Jean

    2017-11-8 07:19
