
Day 3- 背诵4个句子 - 主题 吃早饭

已有 91 次阅读 2019-3-12 20:13 系统分类:英语学习

1, In the kitchen, the first thing I do is pour myself a cup of coffee and I add a little skim milk and sugar.

倒一杯咖啡 pour myself a cup of coffee,   脱脂牛奶  skim milk

2, My roommate usually makes a pot when she wakes up for both of us since she gets up first.

make a pot 煮一壶咖啡

3, I go to the fridge to take out the eggs. when I have time, I like to cook a hot breakfast. So I take out the frying pan, pour a little oil in it, and turn on the front burner on the stovetop.
cook a hot breakfast 做顿热乎乎的饭     pour a little oil in it  倒一些油

4,While the eggs are cooking, I put two pieces of bread into the toaster, and when the eggs are nice and brown on the edges, I use a spatula to put them on a plate.
the eggs are nice and brown on edges 鸡蛋煎好了  spatula 铲子






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